Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kanye West: Down with Money, Up with God!

Kanye West once again has a lot to say.

This time, however, those words are far more positive than negative.

“This is the people the culture the dreams the future. I promise I will never let the people down. I want a better life for all!!! Pablo Pablo Pablo Pablo!” West Tweeted on Tuesday night, perhaps practicing his stump speech for a 2020 Presidential run.

Instead of slamming Taylor Swift or railing against critics of his music, however, Kanye’s latest rant served a mostly inspiration purpose.

It still didn’t really make any sense of course.

But whatever. Isn’t that one of the reasons why we love Mr. Kim Kardashian?

“I stand with the utmost humility. We are so blessed!!!” West wrote.

“All praises and blessings to the families of people who never gave up on dreams. Let’s fight for our future. We can change everything.”

Among other messages Kanye passed along in this one-sided conversation:

  • In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. Now there is only one important color… Green. We will change that. We will rise. We will have a voice.

  • We will not get bullied by perception any longer. We will give our opinions. We will breathe clean air and exercise the first amendment. We no longer have to be scared of the truth. We will find freedom in truth as opposed to ridicule.

  • Thank God for paps thank God for social media. In the past the press/old guard and powers that be would have silenced me a long time ago but I have a form of social immunity. I represent the dreamers. I speak truth to power!!

  • I have a dream. That dreams will actualize. Dreams will manifest!

  • Everyone has made mistakes. I just make them in public. I love you guys. I have so much love in my heart and we just need the shot to create live breathe. I love you.

  • On another note, I strongly dislike suit jackets. I used the word dislike because I hate the word hate. And I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! I used an exclamation just to be an a**hole and also to make a point! LOL.

LOL, indeed.

Along that acronym’s lines… is Kanye West really smiling in the photo above?!?!?!?!?!?