Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Jill & Jessa "Counting On" Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: All About JANA!

Like last Tuesday’s premiere, Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 2 offered insight into the lives of some lesser-known Duggars.

Most notably and awesomely, “Cinderella” herself, Jana …

You don’t have to watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online to know that Jill and Jessa are but two of 19 Duggars, with kids of their own now.

That makes for a lot of kids – and littler kids – in the fold.

Jana Duggar, despite being the oldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle (she and twin John David are 26), often gets lost in the shuffle.

Still unattached, Jana’s love life has been the subject of massive speculation for years among card-carrying members of Duggar Nation.

Her love life, in a manner of speaking. Or lack thereof.

As anticipated, Jana opened up about being single on Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 2 Tuesday night. What did she say?

“Maybe, you know, I’ll meet the one and get married and have kids and stuff,” she mused when asked where she sees herself in five years. 

She’s in no hurry, however, for one simple reason.

No, not because she’s controlled by her sisters: Jana has high standards and none of her potential courtship candidates have met them!

“There have been different guys who’ve come along and asked … but they haven’t been the right one, and so it’s just one of those things.”

“I’m not just out to get married to the first one that comes along,” she revealed. “I mean, sometimes it can be tempting, in those moments.”

Jana noted that it can be tough when “your siblings that are married and have little ones are going out on dates and doing their things.”

Still, the beautiful reality star insisted that instead of obsessing over getting married, she’s “being busy where God has me right now.”

Where God has her – or Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh, Jessa and Jill order her – has been the topic of much debate among her fans.

Asked by producers what she thought of the fact that people think all she does is cook and take care of babies, Jana laughed.

“I don’t always like to be on the forefront,” she admits.

“But I enjoy the behind-the-scenes and working on different projects,” she mused. “I don’t only cook and take care of babies. Surprise!” 

Her immediate goal? “Just go on with life.” Solid.

What that meant in terms of last night’s episode was to install canned lighting throughout a house and manage a construction crew.

Jana Duggar. A Renaissance Woman of many talents.

The ring-leader of the Duggar Construction Co. LLC (not an official company, but they might as well be) set her sights on Jessa’s home.

“I think all projects end up being a little bit more complicated than what you expect if you’re trying out something new,” she explained.

The lights she installed looked great, we gotta say.

While she was running that show, many Duggars traveled to Central America for missionary work and to visit Jill and Derick Dillard.

Though cameras didn’t follow them on their journey – Jim Bob and Michelle were criticized for going – it seemed to go well, to Jana’s relief.

Jessa and Ben Seewald, meanwhile, decided it was high time they went on a date – their first since the birth of baby Spurgeon in November.

The destination? Tacos 4 Life.

According to Jessa, it was “a romantic date location” despite its shabby appearance. Hey, date night is all about the company, right?!

As they often do, the happily married Seewalds discussed their plans to adopt children – early and often – once Spurge gets a little older.