Thursday, March 3, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Explains Why She"d Never Cheat

We’re not sure what they were serving this week on Kocktails with Khloe.

But the talk show’s lead star appears to have downed some truth serum.

First, Khloe confirmed that James Harden cheated on her at some point in their relationship, saying she has the “receipts to prove” this unethical act.

Next, Khloe explained why she would never be unfaithful to her boyfriend or husband.

And her reasoning went back multiple decades, as she referenced an affair mother Kris Jenner admitted to having had when married to Khloe’s dad, Robert Kardashian.

“I saw how it destroyed my dad,” Kardashian told her guests. “I saw what it it did to my dad so I don’t want to do that. I also saw the regret from my mom.”

Jenner revealed in her 2011 memoir Kris Jenner…And All Things Kardashian that she had an affair with a producer when she was 30 and married to Robert.

The two divorced in 1990 and Robert died from cancer in 2003.

On this episode of Kocktails with Khloe, meanwhile, Kardashian also opened up about her marriage to estranged husband Lamar Odom, who has admitted himself to cheating on Khloe back when he was battling a substance abuse problem.

“People can say whatever they want about Lamar, but our relationship was so unbelievable,” Kardashian said.

“The good outweighed the bad … I still have only great things to say about him. But he also set the bar [high for future relationships].”

Despite all he did to her, and despite the fact that he fell unconscious last October while frequenting a brothel in Nevada, Khloe remains committed to Odom.

“I want Lamar to be happy with his life,” Kardashian said. “I feel like that is my role.”

It’s really pretty admirable, if you think about it.

You can make fun of Khloe Kardashian for many legitimate reasons, but this really does seem to be a prime example of true love.