Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Refusing to Help Kanye West Pay Off His Debt?!

Among the most interesting tidbits to emerge from Kanye West’s recent series of social media meltdowns is the fact that the rapper is somehow $ 53 million in debt.

It seems that Kanye spent most of the money investing in his Yeezy fashion line, and if you think that sounds like a lot of cash to blow on fugly sneakers and sweatpants with torn knees – well, you’re right.

Like his clothing, ‘Ye’s investment strategy is full of holes. Perhaps that’s why no one is willing to bail the man out – including his own wife.

For years, we’ve been hearing that Kim and Kanye keep their money separate, but now it seems like Kim is even more serious about not getting sucked into Kanye’s financial nightmare than we thought.

“Kim refuses to help Kanye get out of debt because she does not want to be involved in his money situation,” says one insider.

“Kanye spends money like it grows on trees.”

As anyone who’s heard the Kim and Kanye divorce rumors knows, the money crisis is beginning to take a toll on the Wests’ marriage:

“The tables have turned this past year financially between the two of them, and it is making Kanye very angry and resentful,” says the source.

“He’s also asked Kris for money but no one is willing to hand over $ 50 million to him, especially in his current state of mind.”

Yes, it seems that unlike the major banks of his wife’s ass – Kanye is not too big to fail.