Monday, March 14, 2016

Kylie Jenner Shares Anti-Vaccine Views, Flaunts Swimsuit Body

As with the rest of her family, when it comes to Kylie Jenner, you just have to take the good with the bad.

The good, in this case, is a welcome reminder that Kylie looks good in a swimsuit. The bad is that she’s apparently one of those nut jobs who doesn’t think you should vaccinate your kids. 

Take a moment to enjoy the sight of Kylie’s truck mud flap-worthy profile, before we dive into the crazy stuff.

Ironically, that tiny tattoo on her thigh says “Sanity.”

Anyway, take a deep breath because we’re about to dive deep into some serious ignorance.

Kylie Vaccine Meme

Yes, Kylie tweeted and quickly deleted the above meme last night. 

We assume the reason it wasn’t live for very long is that someone informed Kylie it’s really dumb.

Sure, we should try to assist Third World countries with food, shelter and clean water, but preventing the spread of deadly diseases is right up there on the list of important stuff, too.

We’re not saying Kylie’s bikini selfies are the only reason to go to her social media pages, but if you’re following her for medical advice or information about global humanitarian crises, you might want to rethink some things.