Thursday, March 24, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Moves in With Boyfriend, Offers Relationship Advice

As you may have heard, Lindsay Lohan is dating a random Russian dude named Egor Tarabasov.

Even though we now know that Egor is not a billionaire (as was previously rumored), Linds is apparently in this thing for the long haul, as evidenced by her latest Instagram upload:

That’s Egor unpacking Lindsay’s crap and untangling hangers, which seems like the kind of stuff that he could pay someone to do for him if was were worth even a tenth as much as he says he is.

“Moving in and ‘How To Get Your Man To Help’ #HTGYMTH 1. Organising Hangers : A happy closet is a happy mind,” Linds captioned the pic.

Note that these days she uses the British spelling on words like “organising.” You just know she speaks with a British accent when no one’s around.

Lindsay has been trying to make the #HTGYMTH hashtag happen, not unlike Gretchen Wieners with the word “fetch.”

Not surprisingly, it’s not catching on, because who in the hell wants to take relationship advice from Lindsay Lohan?

Sure her family claims this is the guy who’s gonna save Lindsay’s career, but we’ll believe that when we see it.

All we know right now is that he’s a 22-year-old Russian dude, who may or may not have hit Lindsay during a disagreement in January.

That’s not something we would casually accuse someone of, but Lindsay accused her boyfriend at the time of drawing blood, and since, she and Egor started dating in December…

Look, we’re all for Lindsay turning her life around and getting her career back on track, but something tells us this might not be the guy to help her do it.

And here’s some relationship advice you can take to the bank:

No matter what your age, never move in with a 22-year-old whom you’ve known for less than a year.