Monday, March 14, 2016

Paris Jackson on Instagram: I DO Look Like My Dad!

In the years since Michael Jackson’s passing, the paternity of his children has frequently been called into question, and it’s not hard to see why.

Frankly, they don’t look like any version of the King of Pop. Prince Jackson has even gone on record as saying Michael’s probably not his father. But don’t go expecting any similar admissions from 17-year-old Paris Jackson:

Paris posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, and while she’s not striking the exact same pose as her father, it seems she’s comparing herself to him physically.

It’s worth noting that she also changed her IG name to Paris-Michael Jackson.

Obviously at this point a DNA test is out of the question, and no one else is claiming paternity (Dr. Arnold Klein was rumored to be the kids’ real dad, but he passed away last year.), so we encourage Paris to believe whatever makes her happy.

Besides, it’s not like Michael’s around to deliver the paternity drama hits like “Billie Jean” anymore.

Come to think of it, that might be the only paternity drama hit in history.

Anyway, if Paris really wants to convince us Michael’s her father, she should post a video of herself busting out a sick moonwalk.

It’s not like she needs to convince us; we just like seeing people do the moonwalk.