Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick"s Day Tribute: These Stars Have Green Hair!

Check out these 13 photos of stars with green hair. Who pulls off the look best?

1. Kylie Jenner with Green Hair

Kylie jenner with green hair

Kylie likes this look so much, she has commission a mural of herself with green hair to go up in her house.

2. Nicki Minaj with Green Hair

Nicki minaj with green hair

Nicki Minaj goes green in this music video still. She simply loves the environment! And changing up her hair color on a frequent basis.

3. Avril Lavigne with Green Hair

Avril lavigne with green hair

Blondes don’t have more fun, according to Avril Lavigne during this hair color phase. Greens do!

4. Azealia Banks with Green Hair

Azealia banks with green hair

Azealia Banks rocks some blueish-greenish hair in this selfie. What do you make of her look?

5. Lena Dunham with Green Hair

Lena dunham with green hair

Yup, she’s done it again. What do you think of Lena Dunham’s new hair color? It’s green!!!

6. Chris Brown: Green Hair Photo

Chris brown green hair photo

Chris has certainly been making some interesting choices with regard to his hair color recently. But so many people already think of him as a villain that he probably shouldn’t take his fashion cues from the Joker.

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