Monday, March 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice to Divorce Joe Giudice Before Prison Sentence?

In just over one week, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud. 

Teresa Giudice already did her time on similar charges, and the judge in their case the couple to serve their sentences successively, so that their children wouldn’t have to be placed in foster care.

Unfortunately, rumors of Joe cheating on Teresa while she was locked up were all over the Internet last year, and while it initially looked like Tre planned to ignore them, she might be waiting until Juicy Joe is at his lowest point the him where it really hurts – his wallet. 

Sources tell Star magazine that Teresa has been encouraged to file for divorce before Joe starts his sentence in order to protect her assets and ensure that he won’t be able to come for her money once he’s released.

One insider believes Teresa may take that advice, as she’s said to be seriously pissed at Joe for embarrassing her while she was behind bars, and Joe won’t be able to provide her with the attention she craves when he’s 90 miles away at the Fort Dix Correctional Institution.

Sadly, we doubt that Teresa will actually pull the plug on her marriage.

If anyone deserves to be kicked while he’s down, it’s Joe Giudice, but Teresa has been doing her best to convince the world that their relationship is healthy.

She’s not about to give up on that now that she finally has him under lock and key.