Thursday, March 17, 2016

Teresa & Joe Giudice Enjoy Final Pre-Prison Date Night

Next week, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence on bankruptcy fraud charges.

Joe’s struggles with alcoholism have been well-documented over the years, so it’s not surprising that Giudice has been drinking heavily in his final days of freedom. 

Fortunately (we suppose), Joe is at least including his long-suffering wife Teresa in his boozy misadventures.

According to Radar Online, the Giudices hit the town on Tuesday for what might be their final date night before Joe begins his lengthy stay at Fort Dix Correctional Institution.

The troubled couple reportedly went out to dinner in Saddle Brook, NJ before hitting an autism research fundraiser hosted by their friends (and new Real Housewives of New Jersey cast members) Robyn Levy and Christina Flores.

“Teresa and Joe showed up together,” said one witness. “But Teresa seemed more into the event than Joe.

“Joe, who is usually lively and gregarious, seemed totally unlike his regular, jovial self. He was out of sorts, quiet and didn’t seem to be mentally present.

“While he was sitting there, it seemed like he was alone with his thoughts,” the source added. “It looked like he was worried and appeared very somber, even though every one else was having a fabulous time.”

Yeah, we guess spending the next few years of life behind bars will weigh on your mind a bit.

Shockingly, Joe didn’t rely on his usual coping mechanism, as witnesses say he barely drank!

“Maybe Joe is cutting down on his drinking?” one onlooker wondered.

We get the feeling that’ll soon be very easy for him.