Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Jodie Sweetin Dancing With The Stars Injury: I Didn"t Want To Be Done!

Stephanie Tanner will dance another day.

Jodie Sweetin and partner Keo Motsepe were rehearsing for week six, and then things went south.

The Fuller House star rolled her ankle mid-dance, but that’s not the worst part.  Motsepe then fell on on his partner.

“I was in SO much pain,” Sweetin, 34, told Us Weekly.

“I thought for sure, with the way I rolled my foot and [Keo Motsepe] fell on the outside bone, that that was it. 

“I was in so much pain I thought there was no way that the bone couldn’t be broken.”

After taking X-rays, the technician told Sweetin that things weren’t nearly as bad as she had imagined.

“She said, ‘I don’t see anything broken!’ Sweetin recapped.

“I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ Just the amount of relief I felt when she said that.

“I was so scared. I didn’t want to be done!”

Sweetin and Motsepe performed Pink’s “Try,” a big challenge for the star.

And even though doctors instructed Sweetin to rest, she found herself back at the studio that very same day.

“I went back to the studio, not to dance on it, but to finish up a couple of things, and the executive producers were like, ‘Why are you here!?"” 

Though she did go back home to rest, Sweetin was back at it the very next day.

“You push yourself this much, and especially with a dance like we did this week, there’s no way you’re not going to hurt yourself somehow,” Sweetin said.

“This is as athletic as playing a sport and if you push yourself to that extreme, you hurt things.”

Before last night’s competition, Sweetin sent an Instagram to fans.

“@keo_motsepe and I are so happy to be back dancing with each other, even though our dance looked so intense!! Haha!” she wrote.

“We really channeled some strength! I also want to thank ALL of you for so much incredible love and support this week!

“I couldn’t have kept dancing without your well wishes!!”