Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kylie Jenner Flaunts INSANE Abs in Latest Bikini Selfie

In case you somehow didn’t know, Kylie Jenner enjoys taking selfies.

A particular favorite of hers is the bikini selfie – truly one of the great art forms of the 21st century.

You would think that Kylie would be getting sick of posting pics like the one above considering they probably number in the thousands at this point, but it’s important to remember that she’s one of the medium’s most skilled practitioners.

Kylizzle is to the bikini selfie what Rembrandt was to painting, what Raphael was to sculpting, and what Amber Rose is to tweeting about putting fingers in Kanye West’s butt.

Did she invent the bikini selfie? No.

That honor probably goes to some silent movie star who flashed an ankle and lit a pile of gun powder next to a camera that weighed more than a dozen Kylies.

But like Shakespeare perfected what the Ancient Greeks started, Kylie has elevated the art of showing the world what you look like in swimwear to a new level.

For all the talk of Kylie’s boobs and butt over the past year, lately it’s her abs that have received the most attention, and it’s not hard to see why.

Kylie understands that true artists need to be able to reinvent themselves, or they risk becoming obsolete.

Sure, she could have spent the rest of her life posting pics of her cleavage and her gargantuan lips, but where’s the challenge in that.

What you’re seeing here is the equivalent of Dylan going electric.

You may want to write down where are you are right now, because your children will ask in 20 years.

Either that, or they’ll have no idea who Kylie is because she was just some teenager who wore bikinis a lot.

Tough to say. Great abs though, eh?