Wednesday, April 27, 2016

15 Things You May Have Missed From Prince Will and Kate Middleton"s Royal Wedding

Happy 5th royal wedding anniversary!

Looking back on the events of April 29th, 2011, we vividly remember Catherine"s Alexander McQueen wedding gown (all that lace!), the Cartier Halo tiara she borrowed from the Queen (so much sparkle), and the two balcony kisses (bless you, Wills).

As with many whirlwind events, some things happen so quickly that they pass us by.

Check out the slideshow below to check out some of the royal wedding"s most memorable moments you may have missed.

1. You’ve Got Some Lint On Your Veil, Darling

Michael middleton fixes kate middletons veil at her wedding

“Let me just grab it quickly.”


Prince harry leaves westminster abbey after the royal wedding

We were too buy oogling over Will and Kate getting into their fairytale carriage, to notice this smoldering photo of Prince Harry. He’s still single, ladies.

3. There Goes The Top Hat

Michael middletons top hat falls out of rolls royce

The man can be forgiven for allowing his jaunty hat to fall out of Her Majesty’s Rolls-Royce. He was likely more concerned with not getting sick in front of 2 billion people.

4. Stolen Moments

Prince william and kate middleton steal a moment at the royal we

Doesn’t it feel like you’re invading the most private moment of all time? It’s just me? Nevermind…

5. Gentlemen Always Bow To Their Granny

Prince william and prince harry bow to the queen inside westmins

Were this a less formal event, William and Harry would have first kissed Queen Elizabeth II on both cheeks, then bowed briefly from the neck. This occasion, however, called for a more ceremonial greeting.

6. Into The Abbey They Go

Prince william prince harry and the very reverend dr john hall i

William and Harry arrive ahead of the bride to await her arrival.

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