Monday, April 18, 2016

Dude Masturbates For Three Hours in Front of Fellow Bus Rider, Gets Arrested

You get what you pay for with these low-cost bus operations.

A man on a Megabus masturbated in front of a “terrified” female passenger, and was later arrested, according to The Smoking Gun.

He pleasured himself for approximately three hours.

Telly Shadell Corey, 41, of Tennessee, was arrested at a bus station in Coralville, Iowa, after he admitted the masturbatory marathon.

According to local officials, he just kept going at it under the assumption that “since the victim didn’t say anything … she was enjoying it.”

Not sure that will hold up in court as a legal defense.

A criminal complaint alleges that Corey began playing with himself in his sweatpants before exposing himself in front of a “terrified” woman.

After that, he kept “masturbating up to three hours.” 

The complaint against Corey was phoned in en route so law enforcement met Corey’s bus at the station, TV outlet KCRG reported.

He was arrested without incident and charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor, according to the Johnson County (Iowa) Jail roster.

As of this report, Corey remains in custody, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office told The Huffington Post. He is due in court this week.