Monday, April 4, 2016

Gwen Stefani Criticized For Pregnancy Prank

Last week, Gwen Stefani observed April Fools’ Day by posting a fake pregnancy announcement on Instagram.

It seemed like a harmless enough (if somewhat lame) prank, but now the singer is facing some serious blowback from irate fans.

The comments section on the post are filled with outraged followers venting their frustration at what they feel was an insensitive move by Stefani:

  • “Not funny. Insensitive and immature, nicely done.”

  • You should never joke about a life. This is disrespectful to those of us with infertility issues or have lost a child. Find something else that would actually be funny.

  • This makes all women that have had miscarriages feel wonderful.

  • If this is a April fools joke then it is sooooo wrong because there are so many women that can’t get pregnant or if they get pregnant they have miscarriages, so saying that you are pregnant and not really be pregnant is just plain cruel and wrong.

  • Being pregnant isn’t a joke. So immature and insensitive.

Gwen responded by retweeting a tabloid article that claimed she was pregnant with Blake Shelton’s baby.

It seemed to be her way of saying that her joke was meant to satirize false media reports, but it appeared to leave most fans confused.

For his part, when asked by a fan how he feels about the angry comments, Shelton tweeted:

“I ignore self appointed do gooders who bitch and moan on social media. Try it. The world gets WAY better. “