Monday, April 11, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Drunk at MTV Movie Awards After-Party?

Jenelle Evans still has her share of problems, but one thing the Carolina Hurricane has prided herself on in recent years is the fact that after a near-fatal battle with addiction that included multiple stints in rehab and an arrest for heroin possession, she was able to get sober.

Now, it looks as though Jenelle may have fallen off the wagon over the weekend while partying after the 2016 MTV Movie Awards.

Several sources are reporting today that Jenelle was visibly intoxicated at a star-studded after-party that she attended with boyfriend David Eason on Saturday night.

Evans reportedly stumbled while walking to her chauffeured car at the end of the evening and was saved from hitting the ground by Eason.

Jenelle last checked into rehab in 2014, and was believed to be sober ever since.

Now fans are wondering if Saturday night saw a momentary lapse in judgment from Jenelle, or if she’s been lying about her sobriety for the past two years.

Many are blaming Eason for Jenelle’s apparent relapse, but it’s not known if he was drinking at the awards or if he has any history of substance abuse.

Whatever the case, we hope that if the reports of her fall from the wagon are true, Jenelle will be able to find the help she needs.