Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kesha: Lawsuit Against Dr. Luke THROWN OUT By Judge

Kesha just suffered her worst blow yet in her case against music producer Dr. Luke.

The singer’s ongoing legal battle with Sony and Luke came to an unpleasant end today when a judge rejected an emergency order to be released from her recording contract, according to TMZ.

This means she is forced to remain under contract with Sony and is not allowed to release any music created outside the label.

Kesha made the request on the grounds that Dr. Luke raped her when she was 18 and continued to abuse her for 10 years.

While her injunction was denied in February, in this appeal, she compared Sony’s refusal to release her as tantamount to “slavery” and asserted that she was the victim of a hate crime perpetrated by Luke.

The judge denied all claims and issued this statement:

“Although [Luke’s] alleged actions were directed to Kesha, who is female, [her claims] do no allege that [Luke] harbored animus toward women or was motivated by gender animus when he allegedly behaved violently toward Kesha.”

And then, the judge delivered a line that is sure to inflame the wrath of the internet:

“Every rape is not a gender-motivated hate crime.” 

The judge also said that since Sony gave Kesha the opportunity to work with producers other than Luke, the singer’s “slavery” comparison was invalid.

Earlier this week, Kesha revealed that she was offered her freedom if she recanted the rape claims against Dr. Luke and publicly apologized for lodging the accusations.

“I will not take back the TRUTH,” she wrote. “I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again.”

After her loss against Dr. Luke in February, dozens of celebrities rallied behind Kesha in a show of support, but sadly, their efforts had no effect on the judge presiding over the case.