Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kris Jenner: The REAL Reason She Planned Family Ski Holiday

Now we get it.

Last night, Rob Kardashian proposed to his girlfriend of two months, Blac Chyna.  After placing a 7-carat rock on his beloved’s ring finger, the two celebrated at Ace of Diamods strip club.

Meanwhile, the usually-public Kardashian/Jenner clan remained radio silent, prompting many (present company included) to wonder how Kris Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner reacted to the news.

According to Radar Online, Jenner knew about her son’s plans to propose.

“The real reason that Kris took all the girls on this ‘surprise’ getaway is because she needed to break the news to them that Rob was going to propose to Blac Chyna,” a source told the publication.

“Kris is actually very happy for her son but she knew that his sisters were going to lose their sh*t when they found out.”

As expected, some of the girls took the news in stride, while a few others freaked TF out.

“Kim, Khloe and Kylie are without words,” the source add.

“Honestly the only ones that are happy for him are Kourtney and Kendall because they have always stood behind their brother.”

Like any mother who’s threatened her children in the past, Jenner has issued forth a declaration to her tribe.

“Kris is demanding that they ALL be supportive of this because they have to be,” said the source.

“Whether they like it or not, Blac Chyna is going to be a Kardashian.”

I smell a televised wedding!