Monday, April 11, 2016

Nicolas Cage and Vince Neil: Our Drunk Bro Fight Was Real!

Alrighty, I’m glad we confirmed that.

On April 8th, we here at The Hollywood Gossip watched what could only be described as the strangest altercation of April 2016.

TMZ showed footage of Nicolas Cage and Motley Crue’s Vince Neil arguing outside the Aria Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.  At first, I thought they were shooting scenes for a movie, because Cage was wearing a royal blue suit and orange-tinted sunglasses, and Neil looked like a sloppy tourist in shorts and a tee.

According to sources, a woman had approached Cage for an autograph, at which point Neil pulled her by her hair and dragged her to the ground.

Cage intervened and took Neil outside, insisting that Neil “stop this sh** now.”  Cage then put his friend in a head lock to soothe him (I guess?), and then they said “I love” to one another.

A man who appeared to be part of the hotel’s security detail tried to calm the two down, but as far as Neil and Cage were concerned, he was trying to break up a moment between friends.

It was weird.

Now, TMZ reports that Neil did not drag the woman by the hair, but he did act aggressively enough to get in trouble with the law (both police and surveillance video confirm this).

Sources close to Neil said that the woman acted aggressively when she asked for the stars’ autographs while they were having a boozy lunch with Carrot Top (who left when things got weird, according to TMZ).

Neil got annoyed and “pushed past her,” but did not pull her down by her hair.

What got Neil fired up was being held by security for an hour inside the hotel, after receiving a ticket from police for battery.