Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Rachel Bush: LeBron James" Instagram Sidepiece?

In any conversation about mega-star athletes who aren’t also human pieces of crap, LeBron James’ name is bound to get mentioned.

He’s been the biggest name in basketball since he was in his teens, but he’s never been caught up in a scandal, and he’s never been accused of cheating – on the court or in his marriage – until today:

The woman on the right is an Instagram model named Rachel Bush (no relation to George, Jeb or Reggie).

She created a stir last night when she posted a screenshot that appeared to show a brief conversation between herself and King James that went down in the DM, as the kids say.

“Hey what’s up!” James supposedly messaged Bush from his @kingjames Instagram account.

Bush replied simply, “Haha Wut.”

That was it. But that was all it took.

By posting the screenshot (however briefly) Bush clearly insinuated that she felt James was coming on to her.

Interestingly, Bush – who is currently dating Cleveland Browns safety Jordan Boyer – was in attendance at Monday night’s Cavs game and posted a photo of James that she snapped from her courtside seat.

James has been married to Savannah Brinson since 2013. The two met in high school, and he’s never been publicly accused of infidelity.

Sure, we all saw LeBron’s penis that one time, but it was an accident!

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available!