Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Scott Disick Would Have No Career Without Kim Kardashian"s Sex Tape, Manager Says

It’s hard to define Scott Disick’s career.

The world’s most successful professional baby-daddy is mega-famous in some circles, yet he doesn’t even have his own Wikipedia page.

But despite his inconsistent popularity, the demand to pose for a selfie with Scott is so high that clubs in New York, LA and Las Vegas will pay him more than most Americans get paid in a year for a single night of partying in the VIP.

According to a new GQ piece about the burgeoning business of appearance gigs, Disick pulls in up to $ 80,000 for a single club job – and it’s considered money well-spent by the proprietors as he’s still a major attraction for partiers looking to rub elbows with a celeb.

Unfortunately for Scott, his career may have already peaked.

Sources say his asking price has fallen precipitously in the months since he got dumped by Kourtney Kardashian.

Adding insult to injury, David Weintraub – a former friend who’s described as Scott’s “on-again, off-again manager” by GQ, had some not-so-nice things to say about Disick’s career and reputation:

“My attitude with Scott right now is: I’ll make money with you and bring you deals. But just know where you came from.” Weintraub says at one point.

“Without [Weintraub’s former business partner] Sean Stewart and David Weintraub, you would never know these motherf–king people! I grew up with them. NOT. YOU.

“I’m being really real,” he adds. “Without Ray J’s dick, there’s no Scott Disick. Without O. J. Simpson, there is no business for this family.”

It’s not the first time that someone has attributed Scott’s success to Kim Kardashian’s sex tape, and it certainly won’t be the last. but it’s gotta sting coming from his former manager.

We’re guessing that business relationship may have just been severed for good.