Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Woman Takes Hilarious Revenge on Cheating Ex By Spoiling Game of Thrones

Hey, did you watch Game of Thrones this week?

That’s the proper, polite way to begin any conversation about the most twist-happy popular entertainment since the world decided to stop caring about M. Night Shyamalan’s career.

Unfortunately, one Reddit user has an angry ex who might be a descendant of Ramsay Bolton because she’s downright diabolical when it comes to cutting her victims where it hurts:

The unfortunate fella, who goes by the all-too-appropriate moniker KhaleesiIsScorned, says that his ex introduced him to GoT and now he’s hooked.

He cheated, they broke up, and unfortunately for him, he usually doesn’t get to watch the show live, which means he’s vulnerable to some impeccably-timed spoilers from the woman he refers to only as Dany”

“Dany introduced me to Game of Thrones, and I got addicted to it,” the guy wrote in a since-deleted post.

“On the Monday after season 6 premiered she unblocked me and I saw I had messages from her. I was excited because I thought maybe she forgave me and we could move on, but it was literally just every spoiler from the first episode.

“Since then she spoils the show for me every week. I tried to ask her to stop but she blocks me immediately after she sends the message. I blocked her on whatsapp, but she did it via Facebook.

“Then the next week it was text. She even borrowed one of our mutual friends phones to do it, and I fell for that.

“I know I didn’t treat her very well but I just want to watch my [favorite] show again. Is there anyway I can get Dany to stop or make peace so she won’t ruin the show anymore?”

Dude, that’s like the Lannisters asking forgiveness for the Red Wedding. Like it or not, the ex remembers.

While we’re on the topic, a quick, semi-related word about spoilers:

Sure, it’s dickish to go out of your way to ruin a twist for someone who you know hasn’t seen a movie or an episode of a TV show, but to all the people who stamped their little feet in frustration because they found out about the death of Hodor from a Facebook post – maybe take a tip from the gentle giant himself and save your words for something that matters.

Do you really expect the whole of society to not discuss something on social media just because you didn’t watch it live and can’t be bothered to stay off social media for a few hours until you do?

If that’s not some precious snowflake nonsense, we don’t know what is.

Believe it or not, kids, there was a time when if you didn’t watch something live you were just completely S.O.L!

Fortunately, nowadays you can watch Game of Thrones online whenever you please!

Good really outweighs the bad with this here Internet thing, doesn’t it?