Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Jessica Simpson: PREGNANT With Third Child?!

We know that Jessica Simpson has lots of sex with her husband because she makes a point of telling us every time she logs into Instagram.

But now it looks like all that time on Eric’s Johnson may have led to a surprise visit from the stork.

Jessica, in case you’re reading this, a large bird isn’t literally going to visit your home. 

It’s just a figure of speech that means you’re pregnant.

Okay, okay – Jess might be pregnant based on speculation prompted by a few a photos of her leaving a restaurant with the slightest of abdominal protrusions last night. 

In all likelihood, Jess was simply rocking a food baby, but speculating that she had a carb-heavy meal isn’t as fun as speculating that she’s knocked up, now is it?

As The Superficial pointed out, Jessica is usually hammered when she leaves a restaurant, so the fact that she passed on her usual after-dinner fifth might be a surer sign that she’s expecting than her barely perceptible hint of a belly.

Just in case you forgot, here’s Jess during a typical night on the town:

And here she is on the red carpet:

Hell, here she is hawking her own clothing line on the Home Shopping Network:

The girl enjoys the occasional adult beverage, is what we’re saying.

So does the fact that she was sporting a bit of a belly while walking out a restaurant stone sober mean she’s pregnant?

Not necessarily, but if the wobbly three-inch heel fits…