Friday, May 6, 2016

Donald Trump Eats Taco Bowl, Declares: I Love Hispanics!

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Just something to keep in mind as you scroll down and read about what his latest actions…

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Trump shared the above photo on Facebook last night, giving followers a look at his office in Trump Tower…

… along with a certain food item on the menu there.

“Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!” Trump wrote as a caption.

The Donald, of course, first made crazy headlines at the start of his campaign in July when he said some controversial things about Mexicans, such as how most of them are rapists and drug dealers.

But Trump likes to eat taco bowls apparently. 

So that makes everything okay!

(If you look closely at Trump’s desk, by the way, you can see a vintage photo of ex-wife Marla Maples in a bikini peeking out from a recent People Magazine story.)

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, was quick to respond to Trump’s Facebook post.

She took to Twitter and referenced an interview the billionaire real estate mogul gave to NBC News’ Lester Holt on Wednesday when the topic of undocumented immigrants came up.

HRC Response

Samantha Bee shared her own taco bowl picture and wrote in reply:

“The best taco bowls are made by immigrants who resent a rich prick calling them rapists. Love inauthentic Mexican!”

Then there was Josh Gad, who was among those who helped #Hispanics become the top trending item on Twitter Thursday afternoon.

“Now that Trump’s shown he loves #Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, I can’t wait for the inevitable Halal Cart “I love Muslims” Twitter post,” the actor and comedian Tweeted.

Also, on Instagram, George Lopez minced his feelings even less, writing to Trumo:

“After lunch you can take that thumb and shove it deep in your a– @realdonaldtrump #pelosforpresident I pray for IBS-D #ftp #mmlv #NoChillOnEarth.”

However, MSNBC host Ronan Farrow wins with his response to Trump’s taco bowl post:

Adviser: We have to talk about latinos.

Trump: Or do u mean

*holds up taco bowl*

TACO bout them?

Adviser: I need a photographer in here NOW