Monday, May 23, 2016

Josh Duggar: Trying to Land His Own Reality Show?!

Following a pair of sex scandals that destroyed his wholesome family’s reputation and a full six months in rehab for sex addiction, Josh Duggar is slowly weaseling his way back into the public eye. 

After a year in hiding, Josh has been spotted on family outings several times in the past two weeks (much to the chagrin of families who probably weren’t planning to play mini-golf alongside a known sex offender).

Duggar is back to work on his family’s used car lot, and insiders say he happily interacts with customers on a regular basis. 

But Josh went from reality star to high-powered Washington lobbyist while still in his early 20s, and tuning up 2007 Honda Civics is probably not what he saw himself doing at this stage in his life.

So it’s not surprising that Josh is reportedly planning to rebuild his image.

However, something tells us that getting back in the public’s good graces won’t be nearly as easy as he thinks. 

“Josh is determined to fix his image so he can make a comeback,” a source close to the family tells Us Weekly.

“He’ll stop at nothing to get back in front of the cameras again, especially because he’s broke and has no prospect of work.

“Getting another reality show is the only way he can think of to make real money.”

Josh has been a public figure for long enough to know that any post-scandal comeback starts with an apology tour, and he’s already making plans to sob his way through a contrite interview or two:

“Josh is having Anna reach out to people like Dr. Phil and Megyn Kelly so he can have his mea culpa moment,” the source claims.

“If that goes well and people are sympathetic towards him, he is sure he can convince TLC to give him and Anna a spin-off – something to do with healing their marriage within the Christian faith.”

Like we said, we think the road from pariah-perv to beloved reality star will be much rockier than Josh thinks, but we’re sure looking forward to watching him try!