Friday, May 27, 2016

Amy Duggar: Selling Family Secrets? Cashing In on Famous Name?!

Amy Duggar has long been known as the “rebellious” member of reality TV’s strictest family, but now it looks as though her subversive activities may go beyond hand-holding before marriage.

You may have noticed that Duggar family secrets seem to find their way to media outlets on a fairly regular basis.

It’s rare that a day goes by without some update about Josh Duggar’s attempts to land his own reality show, or news that Jill Duggar is pregnant with her second child.

Sure, some of it is likely concocted by the tabloid writers themselves, but it often seems that the press is able to predict the next major announcement (or scandal) from the 19 Kids and Counting clan with surprising accuracy.

That fact has led many to the conclusion that there’s a mole in the Duggar’s inner circle who’s making a killing selling family secrets to the highest bidder.

And many fingers are pointed squarely a rebellious cousin Amy.

Amy has been accused of leaking family secrets in the past, and she’s denied it each time, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that she’s one of few people who would have both the means and the motivation to do so.

No one within the immediate family would have reason to sell out their siblings, as the preservation of the family reputation is worth far more than any tabloid could afford to pay for a scandalous scoop.

Shortly after they got married, there was reason to believe that Amy and Dillon King were struggling financially.

In April, King was sued over a massive debt stemming from more than $ 50,000 in unpaid medical bills.

Amy and Dillon appear to have settled that case out of court, and judging from the vacations and shopping sprees depicted on her Instagram page, it certainly looks as though the couple’s money troubles are over.

Amy’s even secured some social media endorsement deals, proving that she has no qualms about cashing in on her family name.

Obviously, none of that amounts to iron clad evidence, but if the Duggars are wondering how their personal information keeps winding up in the tabloids, they may want to begin the search with one of their own…