Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Recap: Brandi"s Revenge!

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 23, Brandi Glanville appeared via video with harsh words for some of the ladies …

Picking up where last week left off, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 23 wasted little time ratcheting up the drama.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know this season has been kind of a slow-build toward massive in-fighting.

Well, part three of the reunion offered a twist in the form of Brandi Glanville and a special video address in which she shaded everyone.

Brandi told Kyle that she’s a “completely different person” when Lisa Vanderpump isn’t around, but her biggest dig was reserved for …

Another person named Lisa: “Rinna, the truth is, you’re not bipolar. You’re just like seriously nuttier than squirrel s–t. Like bats–t crazy.”


As for the M-word saga that just won’t quit, Lisa Rinna once again accused Lisa Vanderpump of manipulating her into taking the fall.

Did she throw Kyle under the bus in Munchausen-gate? “She came running after me and said, ‘Why didn’t you bring Kyle into it,"” Rinna said.

Vanderpump, as Vanderpump does, adamantly defended herself and denied any kind of wrongdoing, which only got Rinna more fired up.

“Now you’re gonna make everybody crazy,” the latter Lisa yelled as Eileen Davidson nodded her head wisely. “It’s called gas-lighting!”

(Side note: Ken Todd, Lisa Vanderpump’s husband, called Rinna a “stupid bitch” and a “wanker” this season, and LVP is NOT sorry. 

Rinna said she would be “appalled” if her man said that about anyone, but “he felt that way,” LVP said. “He was upset. Ken was pissed.”)

So, who exactly does Yolanda Foster, the woman afflicted with the actual health problems at the center of this ongoing saga, believe?

Eileen and Lisa Rinna, apparently. “It’s all confusing to me,” she said. “I’m gonna go with Eileen, and I’m gonna go with her instinct.”


Well … it mostly boils down to her “experience” and weighing the fact that Davidson “was never the one to bring up this conversation.”

Vanderpump and Kyle Richards also addressed the fact that they laughed at Yolanda’s Instagram account; Kyle called the pics “outrageous.”

Yo was not pleased, yo.

“You laughed about what pictures, me on the IV?” Foster, who has been accused of faking Lyme Disease, said with a dose of incredulity.

“Well, I’m glad you thought that was funny.” 

And that, folks, is all she wrote for Season 6. What did you think of the reunion? And will you be there when the show comes back in 2017?