Friday, May 13, 2016

Meghan Trainor Takes a Tumble After "Me Too" Performance On Tonight Show

Meghan go BOOM.

Everything was going great for Grammy winner Meghan Trainor, 22, at The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on May 12th.

The Nantucket native performed her new single, "Me Too," a catchy little number that featured dancers, sequins and silver platforms.

Those effing platforms.

As the song ended, Trainor tripped over said platforms and went ass-over-tea-kettle, landing on the floor of studio 6b"s stage.

It was fine, though, because host Jimmy Fallon approached the stage, hovered over Trainor to make sure she was still conscious, then – ever the gentleman – he got down on the floor with her.

"Might have fell down," Trainor tweeted after, "but I KILLLED that sh-t hahaha.

"#keepinitreal thank you @fallontonight."

Fans asked Trainor if she was alright on Twitter, and she assured them she A-OK.

"Haha I didn"t feel it till hours later," she wrote.

"I"m all good tho. Barely a scratch."

Earlier this week, Trainor had her music video pulled from the web because she felt she looked too Photoshopped.

"Hey guys, I took down the ‘Me Too" music video because they Photoshopped the crap out of me and I"m so sick of it and I"m over it," Trainor explained on May 10th.

"So I took it down until they fix it."

She explained to fans her anger over the video"s publication without her say-so.

"My waist is not that teeny," Trainor told fans Via Snapchat.

"I had a bomb waist that night, I don"t know why they didn"t like my waist. I didn"t approve that video and it went out to the world so I"m embarrassed."  

So, who was to blame for the makeover?

"Not my team. My team is the best. I don"t hate my team," Trainor said.

"I hate people who edit and Photoshop. I have an anthem about it. Check it out. It"s called "All About That Bass" off that first album."

Watch the video below to see Trainor"s performance on The Tonight Show.

Meghan trainor performs me too on tonight show trips and falls