Monday, July 25, 2016

Dad Surprises Son on Birthday, Brings Entire Internet to Tears

Hey, we’re not crying, okay?!?

YOU’RE CRYING as a result of the following video.

happy child

Okay, fine. We’re crying.

But we’re not exactly alone in doing so.

A Pennsylvania father named Bra Fowler has gone viral after pulling off a birthday surprise for his 12-year old son.

In the following piece of emotional footage we see Fowler walking to his car alongside his son, telling the young man that there’s a “big game” ahead that day.

But the child can’t match his father’s enthusiasm.

“You still mad at me?” the dad asks. “For what? You alright?”

We later figure out just why the boy is silently so angry: it’s his birthday and his dad has not said a word to him about it yet.

He certainly hasn’t given him a present for the occasion yet.

But then dad asks son to open the trunk of the vehicle and get out a box.

And before the child even opens the box up, the tears start to flow.

crying kid

“Don’t cry! You’re about to make me cry!” the dad says, although it’s clearly too late.

The birthday boy then opens the gift and pulls out a brand new baseball bat.

“Happy birthday. I didn’t forget about you,” the father says. “I want to see some home runs.”

kid with bat

He also wants to see his son “post up,” or get into his batting stance, with the new item.

And the son happily obliges.

batting stance

Fowler shared the video on his Facebook page, where it has been viewed over 5 million times. It has also been re-Tweeted over 9,000 times.

“Just gave my son his present before we went to the game.. it got emotional like I thought.. love this kid..” Fowler wrote as a caption to the footage on Facebook.

Pretty awesome, right? 

Sort of makes you want to go call your dad or call your son, doesn’t it?

Looks like the guy below has now been bumped down to Second Greatest Dad Ever. Sorry, man. But we’re guessing you understand.