Monday, July 18, 2016

Taylor Swift to press CRIMINAL Charges Against Kanye West?!

As you’ve probably heard by now, the proverbial sh-t hit the fan in the ongoing feud between Taylor Swift and Kanye West last night.

It all started months ago when Kanye rapped about having sex with Taylor and took credit for launching her career in his now-infamous track “Famous.”

Shortly thereafter, Taylor publicly went off on what she described as Kanye’s “misogynistic” lyrics.

West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, shot back, claiming that Taylor knew about the song and approved the lyrics in advance.

The topic was broached on last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and perhaps anticipating the social media fan war that would follow the episode, Kim dropped the ultimate truth bomb.

In an unprecedented move, the world’s most famous reality star publicly called out the world’s most famous singer by posting video that allegedly showed a phone conversation between Kanye and Taylor, in which they discussed the lyrics to “Famous.”

Taylor shot back, claiming that while she was vaguely aware of the song’s lyrical content, she was not informed that she would be referred to as “that bitch” in the single.

Now, Swift may be firing another salvo, this one in the form of legal action.

According to TMZ, Taylor is considering filing charges against Kim and Kanye for recording the phone conversation without her knowledge. 

The site claims that Swift’s lawyers have already fired off a letter informing the Wests that they can expect to be served with papers unless they comply with certain demands:

“Demand is hereby made that you immediately destroy all such recordings, provide us of assurance that this has been done, and also assurance that these recordings have not been previously disseminated,” the letter reads.

Her lawyers say Swift also reserves the right to sue no matter what happens from here on out.

We get the feeling this whole situation is gonna get worse before it gets better!