Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Eva Longoria to Donald Trump: My Dad is Not a Rapist!

Eva Longoria sent a very pointed message to Donald Trump on Monday night.

The actress was one of several prominent speakers to take the stage in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention, using the platform to address the first controversial comment Trump made back when he started his Presidential campaign.

It’s almost easy to forget at this point, but remember?

Remember how Trump said most Mexicans who come into this country are rapists?

Eva Longoria remembers.

“I’m from a small town in South Texas, and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico,” Longoria said, prior to introducing Cory Booker.

“I’m ninth generation American. My family never crossed a border; the border crossed us.

“When Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he’s insulting American families. My father is not a criminal or a rapist. In fact, he’s a United States veteran.”

Point, Eva Longoria, wouldn’t you say?

Longoria also brought up Trump’s views on women.

Back in 1994, the real estate mogul told NBC that “putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing,” while pregnancies are an “inconvenience” to businesses.

Yes, he really said these things.

“When he said that a wife who works is a very dangerous thing, he not only insulted me, he insulted my mother who worked as a special-education teacher for 40 years and raised four children while being a wife,” Longoria said.

Oh, and another thing, the actress added:

“When Trump cruelly mocked a disabled reporter, he was also mocking my special-needs sister Lisa and many like her.”

Longoria, who also took to the stage at 2012 Democratic National Convention in support of Barack Obama, was one of many famous speakers in Philadelphia last night.

Early in the evening, Demi Lovato sang “Confident” and also touched on the importance of mental illness assistance and awareness:

Then there was Michelle Obama, who most people now want to see run for President.

How can you not after watching her emotional 14-minute speech?

Sarah Silverman, meanwhile, didn’t give a long or sentimental speech.

But she did utter one sentence that caused a social media uproar.

What was it? Click below to find out!