Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Michelle Obama DNC Speech: An Instant Classic

Yes, Sarah Silverman may have delivered the single line that stood out the most on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention.

But Michelle Obama delivered the speech that will stand the test of time.

Framing the argument for this election not around party lines, but around “who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives,” Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton in the most passionate way possible.

Speaking candidly about Sasha and Malia, Obama brought up the topic of bullying, a clear reference to Republican nominee Donald Trump.

"We don"t stoop to their level. Our motto is: "When they go low, we go high,"" she said.

Words matter, she said. Actions matter.

When she and her husband moved into the White House years ago and and their 10-year old and their 7-year old went off to school with armed Secret Service agents, Obama recalled:

"I saw their little faces pressed up against the window and all I could think was, "What have we done?"" 

Ever since then, she had focused primarily on making this experience into an important one for her kids.

"We urge them to ignore those who question their father"s citizenship or faith," she said.

"We insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country."

Obama used this angle as a way to segue into why Clinton needs to be elected President.

"What I admire most about Hillary is she never buckled under pressure," the First Lady said. "Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life.

"When I think of the kind of president I want for my girls and all our children, that"s what I want – the proven strength to persevere."

Later on, Obama talked emotionally about how the White House was built by slaves.

About how her two African-American daughters now play on its lawn with their dog.

And about how the Republicans spent their Convention trying to tell viewers about all the awful things now going on in the country.

"Don"t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn"t great," she said in a pointed reference to Trump"s campaign slogan.

"This, right now, is the greatest country on earth."

The speech was lauded as one of the all-time best on social media.

And a certain Commander-in-Chief clearly liked it:

It made you understand why someone might want to plagiarize Michelle Obama.

Prepare for some waterworks, and don"t be ashamed if you stand and cheer at one point, as you watch the full Michelle Obama speech from the DNC below:

Michelle obama dnc speech an instant classic