Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna: Still Together ... But For How Long?!

As you may have heard Rob Kardashian deleted all pics of Blac Chyna from his Instagram page earlier this week.

The move – a common mid-tantrum power play for Rob –  was seen by many as an indication that the couple had called it quits

Yesterday, however, several sources indicated that the couple was far from over – and that Rob was simply feeling neglected by Blac.

So it seems that even though she’s soon to give birth to her second child, Blac will basically be raising three kids.

Despite the fact that Rob deals with his negative emotions in the fashion of an overgrown toddler, Blac is reportedly sticking by his side.

But even insiders close to the couple admit that their recent fight was a doozy:

“Yes, it was a fight, but they will be over it and basically are,” the source tells Us Weekly

“They’ve been spending a ton of time together and filming a show together. Add to that the stress of a new relationship and it’s inevitable that there will be some tension and fighting.”

The insider concludes:

“It was an explosive fight.”

As for what the fight was about, a different source says the couple simply spends too much time together – yet Rob weirdly gets pissed when Blac wants to do something on her own: 

“They were filming this weekend, and one of the people in her crew asked her to do something without him, and he snapped. … They started talking again [on Sunday] though and made up [on Monday].

“Everything with Chyna is moving so fast. … She’s a single parent and filming the show and all of her other work commitments, so Rob has been feeling neglected by her.

“She has also been doing things on her own a lot with her girlfriends.”

Yeesh. We used to think Blac was taking advantage of Rob.

Now we’re urging her to run from this unstable man-boy before it’s too late.