Monday, July 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner on Taylor Swift: She"s a LIAR!

Kim Kardashian was not the only member of her family to throw shade in Taylor Swift’s direction over the weekend.

As previously reported, Kardashian sang along to Kanye West’s “Famous” on Friday night, sharing the noteworthy incident on her official Snapchat account.

What made the incident noteworthy?

The fact that Kim rapped along to lines that included her husband saying he might still have sex with Taylor Swift and that Kanye West made “that bitch famous.”

A few days earlier, of course, Kim had released footage of Kanye clearing these lyrics with Swift, proving that Taylor may have manipulated the truth when she claimed several weeks ago that she had no idea West would slam her in the song.

The stunning phone conversation leak has turned the celebrity gossip world upside, with folks celebrating on Twitter that Taylor Swift is finally over.

Now, for the first time since this mess got underway, a fellow member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has spoken out.

Sort of.

What Kylie has actually done is throw some impressive, passive aggressive shade.

Over the weekend, Jenner shared a Snapchat video that featured her standing in front of a magazine rack and admiring her cover of Allure’s August issue.

She tells her follows as narration: “I’m fan-girling! This makes me so happy, I never get to see these in person.”

Check out the video above.

Did you catch the screen shot that opens it?

Just in case you did:

Oh, yes, that’s a close-up of Us Weekly screaming over how Swift has been exposed as a LIAR.

Kylie did go ahead and eventually add another Snapchat video (below) of just her Allure cover, prompting us to wonder:

Why didn’t she just post this to begin with?!?

Oh, right. Because of the whole family hatred of Taylor Swift thing.

We can’t exactly claim originality here.

We aren’t the only ones who noticed Kylie’s clear dissing of Swift. Take a look at some of the comments on her Snapchat account:

What do you think of Jenner’s not-so-subtle shade throwing here?

Should the family stop picking on Taylor Swift?

Or does Swift have it coming?

Also: How does Kylie have time to do anything everyday except put on makeup?!? Just consider the following…