Showing posts with label Affleck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affleck. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ben Affleck Returns to Rehab Following Visit With Playboy Model Girlfriend

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck checked into rehab last month following an intervention from his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

What you may not have heard, however, is that the Oscar winner lasted just two weeks in treatment before retreating to the comfort of his Batfleck Cave and his 22-year-old girlfriend.

Yes, Affleck left rehab yesterday and was spotted being driven to his Pacific Palisades home looking disheveled and out of sorts.

Shortly after his arrival, Ben’s rumored girlfriend Shauna Sexton paid him a visit.

At first, there was an outpouring of concern on social media, as it was widely assumed that Ben had decided to bail on his treatment program several weeks ahead of schedule.

Fortunately, several media outlets have reported today that Ben has returned to rehab after spending just a few hours at home.

Reps for the actor claim he made the trip simply so that he could utilize his home gym.

Of course, since Shauna stopped by during Ben’s brief furlough, we’re guessing his workout session wasn’t limited to free weights.

So the good news is, Ben returned to treatment after stopping by the crib to keep his bat-body in fighting form.

The bad news is, those who know him best are deeply concerned about his casual attitude toward recovery and his continued association with Shauna.

“He had stayed in touch with Shauna the entire time he was in rehab and the people at the facility and friends had huge concerns about it because she isn’t sober,” a source tells E! News.

“She is a huge, red flag to everyone that is trying to support Ben with his process. Shauna is giving him false confidence and that is their biggest concern.” 

During Ben’s brief visit home, the insider claimed that Jen was so angry that she considered paying her ex another unannounced visit.

“Jen knows he is back at the house with Shauna and she is so painfully frustrated,” the source stated at the time.

She held off, however, ultimately realizing that Ben must be the author of his own recovery:

“She knows he has to do this for himself,” the informant claims.

While Jen may be taking a more hands-off approach at this point, she’s well aware of just how high the stakes are:

“It has been an intensive challenge but he had no choice,” the source says.

“For Ben this was a life-and-death situation. It was very dire and that is the main reason Jen had no choice but to get involved.” 

Unfortunately, despite realizing the severity of the situation, Affleck has been choosy about what sort of advice he’ll accept from the professionals assisting with his treatment: 

“He believes he is strong enough to venture outside the facility with sober coaches,” says the source.

Here’s hoping Ben is able to accept the help he needs before it’s too late.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Shauna Sexton: You Think I Sent Ben Affleck to Rehab?!?

Yes, Shauna Sexton makes a living by taking off her clothes.

But the Playboy model is not about to take it from misguided and very mean critics.

No way and no how, people.

Shauna Sexton split

Sexton rose to mainstream fame a few weeks ago after it came out that she was spending time with Affleck.

Almost immediately after the actor split from long-time girlfriend Lindsay Shookus, paparazzi snapped pictures of him out and about with Sexton.

And then almost immediately after that, Affleck checked into a rehab facility for the third time.

Putting two and two together and jumping to a really dumb conclusion, some folks out there blamed Sextion for Affleck’s troubles.

They figured Affleck would have remained clean and sober if not for Sexton’s bad influence, which is obviously absurd.

But plenty of people out there are absurd, especially when given the chance to write things to strangers on the Internet.

Which brings us to the photo above.

In response to a follower on Instagram who accused her of getting Affleck “thrown in rehab,” Sexton clapped right on back.

And she did so with force.

“I love to drink and party! Absolutely dude. Most 22 year olds do. Yes you’re correct,” she wrote to a hater, acknowleding a couple run-ins with the law and adding:

“I got put in the drunk tank when I was 17 for having a fake ID and drinking underage at a bar in Virginia Beach, and despite the fact most people have used a fake ID as well as drank underage, it was a dumb mistake on my behalf and an embarrassing one at that.

“Then the weekend of my 21st birthday I got obliterated and wound up getting left at a bar at the ocean front in Virginia Beach.. where I was again taken to the drunk tank for being intoxicated publicly ..while attempting to find a ride home.”

She continued:

“Do these mistakes define me? No, stupid minuscule shit I learned from. Do these mistakes mean that I am human? Yes. Do these mistakes mean i would disrespect someone’s hard earned sobriety by drinking with them or in front of them? Hell no.

“I have limitless respect people who have the humility and maturity to admit when they need to fix something in their life. I have even more respect for those who take action and actually do something about it.”

And when it comes to Affleck in particular?

“With that being said, Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions. Blaming a 22 year old for someone’s 3rd time in rehab is just ridiculous.

“He is human. I am human. You are human. We all are going to fuck up it’s just a matter of learning from it. Don’t be so quick to throw shade on people. Take a step back, accept that we are all on our own journey, and be a little less critical.”


What a perfect response.

Affleck admitted himself to a treatment facility back on August 22.

In the days that followed, multiple reports gave credit to ex-wife Jennifer Garner for swooping in, staging a mini intervention and convincing Affleck that he needed professional assistance.

For someone who has a disease, this clearly would have been the case at some point whether or not he ever met Sexton.

Insiders have said Affleck tumbled off the wagon awhile back and recognized fairly quickly that he was in trouble.

It’s unclear at the moment just when Affleck will emerge from rehab, but we hope he’s a healthier man when he does so.

Best of luck, Ben.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ben Affleck: Sad Details of His Final Days Before Rehab Revealed

It’s been almost a full week since Ben Affleck checked into rehab following an intervention by his estranged wife Jennifer Garner, but new details are still emerging about the state of affairs that led the Oscar winner to seek help.

Sources close to Affleck revealed today that he had reached a new rock bottom in the days before he decided to accept treatment.

“Ben had been drinking alone for days,” a source tells People magazine.

“He was in bad shape. He had barely been eating and had not showered. It didn’t take much convincing. He wanted to go, and he cooperated.”

The insider claims that despite reports of Ben Affleck drinking heavily with Lindsay Shookus during their relationship, the SNL producer was actually a good influence and a stabilizing force in Ben’s life.

Apparently, it was only after Affleck and Shookus broke up that a distraught Ben went back to the bottle.

“He’s battled addiction for a long time now,” says the source, noting that Ben had been “constantly working on himself” but suffered a debilitating relapse after he and Lindsay parted ways.

The insider claims that after the breakup last month, Ben “went into a darker and darker place until he had to reach out for help.”

“When it was good it was really really good. When they were in the same time zone and not focused on other things it was good,” the source says of the tumultuous relationship.

“It became incredibly complicated with their families, with their jobs.”

“He really liked her. He loved that she was smart, funny, opinionated,” the tipster adds.

“When they were together it brought him a bit outside of his comfort zone. She brought a bit of fresh air into his life that he needed.”

After the breakup, Affleck became involved with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model with a well-known penchant for partying.

It seems it was then that Garner decided to take action and intervened.

With the help of a professional sobriety coach, Garner arrived at her ex’s house unannounced.

While sources claim Affleck was drunk and belligerent throughout the intervention, he eventually agreed to seek treatment.

Jen was so intent on ensuring that he stayed true to his word that she drove him to the facility herself.

There’s no way of knowing how Ben has fared in the week since he first checked in, but those closest to the situation say he checked in with every intention of getting sober for the sake of his children.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Ben Affleck and Matt Damon: Is the Bromance Over?!?

It is about to be officially all over for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

Following many years of going back and forth over various details, the actor and the actress will finalize their divorce once Affleck leaves rehab in the near future.

But now a new question has arisen in regard to Affleck’s other long-term and serious relationship.

And that question is this:

Might is also all be over for Affleck and Matt Damon?!?

The stars have been close friends forever, having grown up in Boston many decades ago and risen to superstardom by writing Good Will Hunting and then starring side-by-side in the surprise hit.

They may have the best-known bromance in Hollywood.

But an insider now tells gossip columnist Rob Shuter that Damon has been distancing himself from Affleck of late, and it sounds like the latter’s struggles with alcoholism may be the reason why.

“Matt will always love Ben and thinks of him like a brother,” says this source, who explained “sometimes you have to step away to let people save themselves.”

It’s true.

It’s called tough love.

And we suppose one may be able to argue at this point that Affleck could use it, considering past alternatives have not really worked out.

On August 22, it was announced that Affleck has checked into rehab for the third time, having fallen hard off the wagon a few months ago.

Things had taken an especially dark turn for him in the days before this decision was made, however. Per a People Magazine source:

“Ben had been drinking alone for days.

“He was in bad shape. He had barely been eating and had not showered. It didn’t take much convincing. He wanted to go, and he cooperated.”

Multiple outlets have written that it was actually Garner who swooped in and convinced the father of her three kids that he needed professional assistance.

She staged a mini intervention for Affleck that may or may not have gone smoothly, depending on who you ask.

But while Garner has some self-interest in seeing Affleck get better, in the form of two daughters and a son they share, Damon sort of has his own thing going on at this juncture of his life.

The actor is “focused on his wife and his family” and “his partying days are long, long behind him,” says the aforemntioned source, explaining how he and his pal are just on different paths at the moment:

“Ben is still living in the fast lane.”

This is all personal news about Affleck.

On the professional front, questions are being raised over whether the star will remain the role of Batman once he gets out of rehab.

(And, to be clear, just when this will happen is unknown right now.)

According to a film industry expert who spoke to The Wrap, the issue of insurance may actually cause Warner Bros. to give Affleck the heave-ho.

“More than likely the studio will replace him because the insurance costs are going to go through the roof,” says this insider, while an attorney in this field adds:

“He would be bondable, but the deductible would be really high, probably the budget of the film.”

This, of course, isn’t really relevant right now.

Affleck has far bigger things to worry about than playing Batman again, and not just because that Warner Bros. franchise sucks.

But because he has his health to be concerned about first.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Ben Affleck Finalizes Divorce From Jennifer Garner ... From Rehab

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is back in rehab to receive further treatment for the alcohol addiction that’s plagued him throughout his adult life.

Interestingly, the decision to seek further help was prompted by Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who staged an intervention with the help of a professional sobriety coach.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Though Ben is set to remain in treatment for at least the next 30 days, major developments have taken place in his life in the meantime.

E! News is reporting today that Affleck and Garner have finally finalized their divorce more than two years after they separated.

The timing, of course, is no coincidence.

Jen has been hoping to work out a mutually amicable custody agreement for years.

She held off on taking Ben to court until she felt he could be trusted to properly care for his kids.

Yes, Jen put her kids’ relationship with their dad above whatever selfish impulses she may have felt.

Despite allegations that Affleck cheated on her and was generally not the greatest partner, Jen knew that if she went nuclear, it would mean essentially taking her kids away from their father.

And so, even when Ben wasn’t willing to put work into his sobriety, Jen was.

It’s official folks — no one is allowed to make a joke at Jennifer Garner’s expense ever again, no matter how many cheesy crossover Capital One ads she stars in alongside Captain Obvious from

As for Ben’s treatment, there’s no way of knowing how he’s progressed during the notoriously difficult first week, but those who know the actor best say that he checked in with every intention of getting sober.

“Ben was doing well for the last few months and very committed to his sobriety,” said one source when discussing Affleck’s latest relapse.

“But recently he started to slip up and began drinking again.”

The source revealed that Ben’s fall from the wagon was the result of many things, including an influx of downtime and his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus.

But the biggest factor was Ben’s relationship with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model with a penchant for hard partying.

“He wrapped his movie and had some downtime,” the source claimed.

“This week, he was heavily drinking alone at home and with the Playboy model.”

We wish Ben all the best with his treatment — and we applaud Jen for her commitment to her kids’ happiness.


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Have Settled Their Divorce Case

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have settled their divorce case and the final settlement will be filed with the court after Ben gets out of rehab … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the couple tell TMZ, Ben and Jen have reached a property…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

31 Stars Who Have Been to Rehab: From A(ffleck) to Z(eta-Jones)...

All of the stars listed below have battled various demons over the years.

But they"ve acknowledged their problems and entered rehab facilities to deal with them.

Please join us in sending them well wishes for a bright, healthy and happy future…

1. Ben Affleck

Ben affleck live by night

Affleck has now entered rehab THREE times, the latest being in August 2018. He has a serious problem with alcohol.

2. Catelynn Lowell

Catelynn lowell with nova

Catelynn Lowell battled suicidal thoughts and bouts of depression, checking into rehab on two different occasions over the past few years.

3. Luann de Lesseps

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Does it count when someone attends rehab for two weeks? Yes, of course. But we feel like Luann de Lesseps may have needed more than that after her 2017 arrest.

4. Demi Lovato

A kiss from demi lovato

Our heart breaks for Demi Lovato. For her latest stint, the singer suffered a drug overdose in late July 2018 and then entered a facility for treatment.

5. Josh Duggar

Josh duggar pic

It’s not entirely clear just why Duggar went to rehab. For sex addiction, we guess. But he entered a facility after admitting to cheating on his poor wife… multiple times.

6. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez gorgeous and serene

Selena Gomez has been in and out a couple times, but never for substance abuse. Always for emotional issues and health problems related to Lupus.

View Slideshow

Ben Affleck: Drunk and Belligerent During Intervention

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck checked into rehab today to receive treatment for ongoing substance abuse issues.

This is Affleck’s third time in rehab, but he’s checking in under circumstances that are markedly different from the previous occasions.

As far as we know, this is the first time that one of Ben’s loved ones felt the need to hold an intervention.

But interestingly, it wasn’t his friends, mother, brother, or even his most recent ex who implored the Oscar winner to seek treatment.

Instead, it was Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who showed up unannounced at his home and later drove him to the rehab facility.

We may never know exactly what Jen said to Ben in order to convince him he needed help, but we do know that it wasn’t an easy process.

In fact, at one point, Garner left Affleck’s home and returned with a bodyguard, presumably because she feared violent behavior from the actor.

One insider tells Radar Online that Affleck was severely intoxicated during the intervention, to the point that it was difficult to communicate with him.

“Ben was a mess,” says the source.

“He was talking, but you couldn’t tell what he was saying.”

The source adds that Garner and the sobriety coach who assisted her both became concerned, as Ben has a history of behaving violently while drunk.

“When Ben drinks, he gets nasty and it’s hard to be around him,” a source previously told Radar. 

“He’s unmotivated and becomes very sloppy in his decision-making and his appearance.”

The insider also attributes Ben’s recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus to his rampant drinking.

“His behavior was a big turn off to Lindsay, who prides herself on her work and her motivation for life,” says the tipster.

Though the relationship is over, sources say Shookus remains deeply concerned for Affleck and wishes him all the best as he proceeds with treatment.

But it may be a while before she’s able to communicate any words of support:

“Ben won’t be allowed his phone, computer or visits from loved ones for the first few weeks of rehab,” the source claims.

The insider adds that Affleck plans to “channel his creative energy positively through painting.”

We wish him all the best in his battle with addiction.


Ben Affleck Sought Addiction Help Before Jennifer Garner"s Intervention

Ben Affleck wanted to get back on the sober train — badly — days before his estranged wife staged an intervention and drove him to a rehab facility … TMZ has learned.  Turns out, Ben had been attending wellness classes at a Los Angeles…


TMZ Live Ben Affleck Heads Back To Rehab

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TMZ Live Ben Affleck Heads Back To Rehab

ON TODAY’S SHOW Drake: Witnesses Celebrity Bar Attack  Melania Trump: Celeb’s Spot On Impersonation  Justin Bieber: Drops $ 5 Mil On Canada Lake House  Paris Hilton: Too Busy To Get Married? 


Ben Affleck Intervention: Why Did Jennifer Garner Need a Bodyguard?

As you may have heard, Ben Affleck has checked into rehab to seek help for his ongoing issues with alcohol.

It’s the third time that the actor has sought treatment at an in-patient facility, and this time, he reportedly did so at the behest of his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Insiders close to the situation say Garner was eventually able to usher Ben to the realization that he needs to get sober for the sake of his three children.

But apparently, it was not easy getting him to that point.

In the days leading up to Wednesday’s intervention, Affleck was spending time with Shauna Sexton, a Playboy model who has made no secret of her love of booze.

In interviews, Sexton has been effusive in her praise for whiskey, which would be perfectly fine — she’s young, and we have no reason to believe she has an issue with addiction — were it not for the fact that she’s dating an alcoholic.

Shortly after news of Affleck and Sexton’s relationship went public, Ben was spotted paying for a delivery from a liquor store near his home,

Sources close to the Oscar winner assured the press that the alcohol was for Shauna and friend, and Ben would not be partaking.

Still, the sight of a recovering drunk shouldering a box full of booze understandably raised some red flags for those who were already concerned for Ben.

The mother of Ben’s children was so upset by the reports of his relapse that she decided to stage an emergency intervention

“Garner was very emotional but decided to take the situation into her own hands,” an insider tells Entertainment Tonight.

The source adds that Garner “looked distraught” as she arrived at Ben’s home on Wednesday afternoon.

At one point, Garner left the residence and returned with a bodyguard, leading many to the conclusion that Ben became irate, possibly while intoxicated.

She later appeared frustrated and exhausted while making a stop at a nearby Jack In the Box drive-thru before driving Ben to the rehab facility.

“Jen is proud of the strides he’s made, but some of his friends were worried he might be taking some steps backward and could be on a slippery slope,” the source says.

“Ben wants nothing more than to get sober for his kids, for Jen and also for his career.”

For his part, Ben reportedly “realizes the dangers of what he could lose in life if he doesn’t stick to the program, and dedicate himself to these big changes.”

“Sadly, he also seemed to be putting himself in some unhealthy situations for someone who has plans to sustain a sober life,” the insider continues.

“Ben was back to staying out late and hanging with his old crowd.”

The tipster claims Jen had real reason to be concerned:

“Just the other night he was out late with a group of old friends and lots of women, all who were partying up a storm,” the source says.

“It’s truly worrisome for those who have seen him fall off the wagon in the past. The bottom line is he was going out again and hanging with drinkers, and it seems to have all happened too quickly.”

The insider says those closest to Ben became particularly concerned after his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus, due to the fact that the SNL producer had been a stabilizing influence in his life.

“Lindsay was a huge support to Ben and he was doing really well. She truly helped him with his sobriety and Jen loved that he had a steady situation,” the source claims.

“Lindsay thought they had a future together, and she was a positive influence on him, but he felt tied down.”

Garner reportedly feels that this may be Ben’s last chance to kick his habit if he wants to continue to have a relationship with his children.

She’s reportedly held off on finalizing her divorce from Ben in hopes that he’ll get and stay sober so that an amicable custody deal can be arranged.

Another incentive may be the fact that Garner’s career is on the upswing, and she can no longer afford that negative press attention that her ex’s hard-partying lifestyle attracts.

We’ll have further updates on Ben’s latest struggle with sobriety as more information becomes available.


Ben Affleck Checks Into Rehab for Third Time

A week that started with Ben Affleck seemingly on top of the world, or at least on top of a Playboy model named Shauna Sexton, is sending with the actor possibly hitting rock bottom.

He has once again checked into rehab.

The actor will be seeking professional assistance for his addiction to alcohol, a source has confirmed to People Magazine.

“He is seeking treatment. He knew he needed help and was vocal about it,” says this insider.

Multiple outlets say basically the same thing: Affleck was open to treatment and well aware he was in trouble.

This decision came just two days after paparazzi snapped photos of what appeared to be a box of alcohol being delivered to Affleck’s home…

… and it was also strongly influenced by Affleck’s famous ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.

The actress was seen leaving Affleck’s home on Wednesday, visibly upset and shaking.

She then returned to this residence later in the day; at which time, Garner, Affleck and an unidentified woman who arrived at the actor’s house with her were photographed in a car Garner was driving.

TMZ reports that Garner was dead set on convincing her ex that he needed this trip to rehab, but that Affleck was open to it nearly as soon as their discussion started.

As previously stated, Affleck knew he had fallen off the wagon weeks ago and could not continue down this path.

He has reportedly drove straight to a “live-in rehab facility” with Garner “and will check in for an extended period of time,” per TMZ.

Garner filed for divorce in April of 2017, two years after the stars announced their split.

However, the former couple has remained extremely close, even prompting various rumors of a reconciliation, mostly for the sake of raising their three kids.

The divorce is not yet final.

Garner is pretty much the most mature, reasonable and saintly woman in Hollywood, by everything we can tell.

On Monday, Affleck was seen outside of his Palisades home wearing a gray T-shirt and sweatpants as he picked up a Pacifico beer-branded box filled with Johnnie Walker Blue Label scotch whisky in a blue case, along with some other unidentifiable bottles.

Sexton, perhaps by coincidence, is on record as saying her favorite drink is whisky.

Affleck started seeing this model very recently, not long after he ended a year-long romance with Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus.

He has never really talked publicly about her and hasn’t said much about his split from Garner, either.

Just prior to his 46th birthday on August 15, a friend of the actor told People that “Ben is doing well,” adding of his personal struggles:

“He continues to focus on himself and the health of his relationships.

“He attends meetings, many meetings, and he also does meditation and yoga.

“While he still has his moments – and let’s be honest, everyone struggles – he continues to work hard on himself.”

Affleck previously checked into rehab in 2001 and also just this past December.

We wish him the best.


Ben Affleck Seeks Help and Will Go to Rehab After Intervention by Jen Garner

Jennifer Garner has staged an intervention to help Ben Affleck, and we’ve learned Ben wanted the help and agreed to go to rehab. … TMZ has learned. Jennifer went to Ben’s Pacific Palisades home Wednesday afternoon to sit down with her estranged…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jennifer Garner: PISSED Ben Affleck Is Dating a Playboy Model!

Earlier this week, the world learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up after just over a year of dating.

Given the fact that the couple went to great pains to keep their relationship as private as possible, perhaps it should come as no surprise that there was no official statement confirming the split.

Ben and Shookus

What is surprising, however, is the fact that Ben moved on within days of the breakup.

Yes, these days, Affleck is dating Playboy model Shauna Sexton.

Aside from drunkenly posting all-caps rage comments on an article suggesting that it’s time for Tom Brady to retire, dumping a successful career woman who’s at least close to his age in favor of a 22-year-old centerfold is the most Ben Affleck thing Ben Affleck has ever done.

Those who know him best probably aren’t shocked by the decision — but that doesn’t mean they like it.

According to Us Weekly, Jennifer Garner has been quite vocal about her distaste for Ben’s new relationship.

A source close to the situation tells the tabloid that it’s not a matter of jealousy — rather it’s the fact that Jen desperately wants her three children to have a relationship with their father, but she feels she can’t trust Affleck when he’s spending his time with hard-partying college-aged women.

“Jen realized a long time ago that she cannot fix Ben and that his problems are not hers to solve,” says the insider.

“She’s not his babysitter. She just wants to protect the kids. But she does wish Ben would keep his life more private.”

The source goes on to claim that while Ben’s reckless rebound behavior was not unexpected, Jen had hoped for a shred of maturity from her ex.

“Of course she’s not pleased he’s dating a 22-year-old Playboy model,” the insider adds.

“But she’s also not surprised. Jen has come to expect this from Ben. She’s not going to get involved. She can’t make decisions for him.”

And this isn’t a case of Jen being skeptical of Shauna simply because of her age or profession.

You see, Affleck is still newly sober, and Shauna is, well … not.

Her Playboy bio she reveals that she loves whiskey, and Ben was recently spotted carrying a case of the hard stuff into his home.

Sources close to the actor swear the booze was for Shauna, but members of his inner circle are still concerned.

Even if Ben is still off the sauce, taking up with a hard-drinking girlfriend half his age doesn’t exactly improve his chances of staying sober.

Here’s hoping Ben will slow things down a bit before he spirals out of control once again.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ben Affleck Confirms Breakup With Lindsay Shookus

Well, folks, it looks like everyone’s favorite SNL power couple has called it quits.

No, not Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande. No, not Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson. Okay, maybe “everyone’s favorite” was a bit of an exaggeration …

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus

There, that’s the one.

Yes, after just over a year of dating, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up.

Rumblings of a split began over the weekend, when Affleck was spotted on a date with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model.

And today, reps for the actor confirmed that he and Shookus have decided to go their separate ways.

Ben and Shookus

“They are still very amicable and have stayed friends,” a source tells E! News.

“They both tried to make it work, but the distance just proved to be too much for them right now,” the insider adds.

“Family comes first for them both.”

Yes, it’s the usual boilerplate nonsense, and as expected, it isn’t fooling anyone.

We all know what really happened here. 

And it’s exactly what we all predicted from the very start of this relationship:

Lindsay is a smart, successful career woman in her late thirties.

She has a child, and those who know her best hold her in high esteem, both as a mom and a TV producer.

She makes sense as a partner for a rich, divorced dad in his mid-forties.

Which is exactly why Ben had to kick her to the curb.

Look, on a long enough timeline, Affleck is eventually gonna Affleck.

He probably woke up one day and remembered that he’s Batman and could easily be banging Playboy models in their early twenties.

Then he went out and did exactly that — possibly getting hammered first in celebration of his newfound freedom.

We all know a guy like Ben:

He recognizes that he needs to change, and he makes occasional half-hearted attempts at progress, but those are quickly abandoned in favor of the behaviors that keep dragging him down.

We suppose it’s to his credit that he keeps trying, but maybe he should sort some things out by himself before he enters another serious relationship.

Poor Lindsay probably never knew that she was more attractive to Ben as an idea than as a person.
