Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ariel Winter Goes OFF on Instagram: I Don"t Show My Ass on Purpose!

By now, you’re probably aware that Ariel Winter’s Instagram is more popular within the key demographic than her lumbering dinosaur of a sitcom.

The actress’ racy selfies have made her a favorite on social media and in the tabloids, but there are downsides to being popular in those crowds.

Ever post something, feel a little too exposed, and immediately regret it?

Imagine that times several million and you start to get an idea of Ariel’s plight.

While we’re sure she’d be the first to admit that she courts and enjoys the attention, Ariel understandably gets frustrated when the comments and media coverage go too far. 

And now, she’s clapping back with a lengthy rant against the press, the toxic environment on social media, and the perception that she’s using risque clothing to boost her career.

“Something I wish people would realize…I am not TRYING to be featured on Snapchat,” Winter’s rant begins.

“I am not trying to be pap’d everywhere I do, I am literally just LIVING and unfortunately, I can’t do that without paparazzi following me around everyday,” she adds.

“I’m not trying to show you my ass in shorts when I go to the grocery store. I’m trying to live my life. People wear shorts. People have wardrobe malfunctions. No one is perfect.”

Winter went on to address the criticism she’s faced for dressing “inappropriately” for certain events, such as when she attended the premiere of a children’s movie in a see-through dress.

“I’m not a stylist! I don’t know what to wear everyday so I look ‘appropriate’ or ‘fashionable.’ Also, screw having to always look appropriate or fashionable,” she wrote.

“For what? Society? Who gets to decide what is appropriate or fashionable???? I wear what I like and no one should fault me for that. I don’t want people to constantly see me in the news for going to dinner, or grocery shopping, or anything,” she continued.

“I want to be in the news when I ASK for it by going to a publicized event, or EVEN BETTER when I have work out/coming out! So trust me, I don’t want to see me in shorts putting water in my car every single d—n day as much as you don’t.”

The common rebuttal there will likely be that Ariel could easily afford a stylist, and if she’s so bothered by criticisms of her attire, it might be a worthwhile investment.

That said, we see her point, and she certainly shouldn’t feel obligated to hire a personal shopper.

From there, Ariel delves into an even more serious topic: her troubled childhood, and the ways in she feels she was sexualized as an adolescent.

“I’d also like to address the tweets I get saying ‘you accused your mother of sexualizing you yet you’re a whore.’ I was a CHILD being dressed like I was 24. I was 8-13 years old,” the actress writes.

“I wasn’t an ADULT as I am now. As you mature at 16, 17, 18 you further develop your own identity and can make decisions for yourself. As a child, you do as you’re told regardless of what is good for you.”

“I’m an ADULT now, who can make my own choices and have my own identity. And just because I DECIDE to show my body occasionally doesn’t mean I’m unintelligent or that I’m talentless or that I have no self respect,” she adds.

The entire piece is worth reading, and Ariel addresses a number of important topics.

It’s impossible to tell at this point where her career might be headed, but it’s good to know that Ariel is aware of the various pitfalls of fame, even if–like just about every other celebrity–she’s not entirely sure how to avoid them.

We feel confident that she’ll eventually find a way to navigate this tricky industry.

She seems well on her way.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Ariel Winter to Levi Meaden: Happy Birthday! Here"s a Butt!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you may feel that you know the actress pretty well.

After all, whether it’s bikini pics, or outrage over tabloid rumors, Ariel isn’t shy about sharing.

But something that doesn’t always come across in her posts is her irreverent sense of humor – a quality she clearly shares in common with her boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

Meaden celebrated his thirtieth birthday over the weekend, which kicked off a new round of fretting and pearl-clutching over Ariel and Levi’s age difference.

But the couple didn’t seem bothered by the deluge of concern-trolling.

In fact, they seemed more in love than ever over the course of a weekend that included a birthday blowout and a stop by the 2017 Emmy Awards.

(It’s easy to forget, since she’s more famous for her social media presence than her acting these days, but Ariel is still on Modern Family, soon to begin 479th season on ABC.)

Ariel didn’t leave the ceremony with any new hardware for her mantel, but the girl definitelty deserves Hostess of the Year honors for throwing a birthday party that made the Emmys look like a snooze-fest in comparison.

And how did she accomplish that?

With a whole lot of latex and one seriously suggestuve cake.

(Not trotting out Sean Spicer for a gag about all those times he tried to swindle the American people and undermine the foundations of our democracy probably helped, too. Take note, Emmy producers.)

First the dress.

Latex is apparently Ariel’s favorite fabric these days, and we’re certainly not complaining.

If she’s happy to sweat out late summer in LA in a dress made from recycled Trojans, we’re happy to enjoy the view.

As for the cake …

Remember what we said about Ariel’s irreverent sense of humor.

Yes, in the fashion of so many Millennials these days, Ariel invited her boyfriend to eat some ass.

She posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption reading:

“He likes the cake ;)”

Actually, he looks a little unsure about the cake.

But hey, he was probably the only person at the Emmys who could say he’d eaten an ass-shaped cake in the past 48 hours.

Don’t try to steal his thunder, Spicer! We’ll know you’re lying!


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ariel Winter: I"m Not a Whore, I Just Like My Butt!

Don’t you just absolutely love Ariel Winter?

Of course you do — what’s not to love?

That’s a serious question, by the way.

Because from where we’re sitting, we honestly can’t see one single major flaw with this amazing lady.

Ariel is so beautiful, and she’s so, so talented — we’ve been seeing proof of that in all the years that she’s been on Modern Family.

We also know that she’s ridiculously strong, because let’s be real, it must have taken so much for her to be able to get through her family issues.

Just think: she survived her mother’s insane rules and restrictions from the time she was a toddler.

She wasn’t allowed to have friends that were girls because they were “competition,” she was fed a very restrictive diet while she was a growing child so that she wouldn’t gain weight.

According to court documents in the case against her mother, she was physically and emotionally abused, so much that she was placed in her older sister’s custody when she was 14 years old.

And then, when she was just 15, she was emancipated.

Imagine working a full-time job and being responsible for your entire wellbeing at just 15 years old. Really just think about it.

Are you getting a healthy sense of appreciation for this girl yet?!

Besides all the character she’s shown in dealing with all those problems with so much grace, she’s also a total champion when it comes to her haters.

Because, in case you hadn’t heard about it, Ariel sometimes wears tight and/or revealing clothing.

And there are plenty of people who just love to criticize her for that.

She’s been called a whore, a slut, and some people have theorized that she’s literally a prostitute because she wears short shorts and low-cut tops.

It’s a little insane, to say the least.

But because of all that strength and character we mentioned earlier, Ariel is pretty good at dealing with that level of body-shaming and slut-shaming.

And she proved that in her new interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

At one point, she discussed her Modern Family character, Alex, who is known for her intelligence and who doesn’t share Ariel’s fashion sense.

“I do wish,” she said, “we could get out of the stigma that girls who are smart have to dress down and not care about appearance.”

“If you want to wear a short skirt and show your body like I do,” she explained, “it doesn’t mean you’re a whore. And it doesn’t mean you’re not one.”

“People call me stupid because I post photos of my butt when the real thing is, I love my butt. I love butts!”

Finally, a voice we can get behind.

“Why stifle yourself because other people can’t handle it?” she asked.

This isn’t the first time she’s spoken out about this topic, but it’s always such a treat to hear, isn’t it?


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ariel Winter: New Details of Tragic Childhood Abuse Revealed

Ariel Winter is honestly just a treasure, isn’t she?

Lately it’s been mostly because of all the body positivity stuff — girl is the best in the game at rocking some scandalous clothing and being completely unapologetic for it.

Because really, why should she have to apologize for wearing short shorts or revealing tops?

But while Ariel’s amazing crusade against body-shaming is something to be proud of for sure, and while it’s definitely one of our favorite topics to discuss, that’s not exactly why we’re here today.

Nope, the topic today is Ariel’s sad childhood and the amazing strength she’s shown in overcoming it.

You probably know at least a little about the story — it was big news a few years ago.

Essentially, after being investigated by child protective services, Ariel was removed from her mother’s care when she was 14 and temporary custody was given to her older sister.

Then, when she was 15, she was emancipated.

Those are the basics, but the full story, which Ariel is sharing in a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter, is quite a bit more disturbing.

As she tells it, she began acting when she was just four years old — not necessarily because she really wanted to, but because it was what her mother, Crystal Workman, wanted.

Throughout the beginnings of her acting career, her mother informed her that she wasn’t allowed to associate with other girls at all, “because females are competition.”

She says that her mom put an insane amount of pressure on her — “You don’t get to mess up when you have somebody around you who is constantly watching.”

Her mother also made sure that Ariel’s access to food was “very, very restricted,” so that she wouldn’t gain too much weight.

That part is especially concerning, seeing as how she began her career when she was just four years old and her mother was in charge for years after, throughout her most formative years.

She also wasn’t able to go to school very often, because acting trumped education.

As for her father, she says that “He just opted out a little bit,” and he was never really around.

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any sadder, she adds that from the time she was about seven years old, she was dressed in “the smallest miniskirts, sailor suits, low-cut things, the shortest dresses you’ve ever seen.”

“People thought I was 24 when I was 12.”

Even more disturbing is the fact that she says “If there was going to be a nude scene when I was that age, my mother would have a thousand percent said yes.”

The adults on the Modern Family set (she began working on the show when she was 11 years old) also noticed that things weren’t quite right.

The on-set tutor reveals to the magazine that “I would order a couple lunches in my name so Ariel could eat one of them. I could tell she was hungry.”

“Boiled chicken and cucumbers isn’t going to do it for a growing kid.”

The tutor also claims that “Her mother kept her out late at night at these ridiculous parties. She was 12 and 13 years old and had to be on set at 6:30, 7:00.”

When she was around 14, Ariel says that she “went through a really rough period, a really bad chapter.”

Her old teacher says that although she’d been concerned for her wellbeing for years, she wanted to wait until she asked her specifically to get help, and in 2012 she did.

“Ariel told me she was ready,” the woman says. “She was very scared … She knew the consequences.”

At first Ariel thought she’d have to go into foster care, and she was prepared to do so, but then her older sister was able to step in and take custody.

And you know the rest.

Thankfully, she’s doing much, much better these days — she’s going to therapy and doing some catch-up work with her education.

This month she’s even beginning college classes at UCLA!

“The reason I’m going to college,” she explains, “is because I do want knowledge in another field. College isn’t the college experience for me.”

“I’m not going to be in a sorority, I’m not going to network, I’m not even really going to make my lifelong friends. I’ve had the career experience. I’ve had the experience of taking care of myself.”

“I’m going to college because I genuinely want to learn,” she says.

She’s not sure what exactly she wants to study, but she does say that she wants to be able to start a charity and to help people who’ve been through similar experiences.

“Even though I wish I had a better childhood,” she says, “I wouldn’t trade it, because it made me who I am today.”

“I still respect the people that hurt me.”

Yeah, we feel like despite all she’s been through, Ariel is going to be just fine.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ariel Winter Pens Open Letter to Levi Meaden On His 30th Birthday

Ariel Winter is 19.

Her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, turns 30 today.

That may not sound like such a big deal, but the age difference between Ariel and Levi has been a source of controversy pretty much from the time their relationship started.

There are two ways for a public figure to handle such a controversy.

Ariel could do like Kylie Jenner and Tyga and avoid commenting on her relationship whenever possible.

Or she could get right in front of it and declare her love for her older boyfriend boldly and proudly.

Based on her latest Instagram post, we’re guessing Ms. Winter prefers the latter strategy.

Ariel posted the photo below to her Instagram p[age today to mark the occasion of Levi’s birthday.

She captioned it with a lengthy tribute to the actor:

“Happy 30th my love,” Ariel writes.

“Every single second I spend with you I fall more in love. I couldn’t be more grateful to be your partner in crime. You are the most incredible man, and I love you more than absolutely anything.”

In case there’s any lingering doubt that Ariel is in this relationship for the long haul, she concluded:

“I can’t wait to celebrate you Here’s to many, many more birthdays together.”

Meaden also took to social media to thank Winter for spending the day with him:

“Amazing birthday thanks to this one!!! Just old movies, us and the dogs. A perfect day!!!” he wrote.

Look, from the time Ariel and Levi started dating, fans have been throwing shade about the creepiness of a 30-year-old dude dating a teenager.

But we’d like to address the truly important issue here:

Why the hell are these two wearing Seahawks jerseys.

This is the reason officials have to clear the tumbleweed off the field at Rams and Chargers games!

You guys are like three years late for the Seahawks bandwagon!

You might be thinking, Well maybe one of them is from Seattle originally.

Well, we did our research, Argumentative Hypothetical Reader!

Ariel was born in LA, and she’s lived there her whole life.

Levi is from freakin’ Canada, which means he should be cheering the Saskatchewan Roughriders on to their fifth Grey Cup, or some sh-t.

Ya know, we were initially okay with this relationship, but if Levi is gonna be this much of a bad influence on Ariel, we simply can’t sign off on it.

Also, Levi – you’re 30, bro. No jerseys unless you’re going to the game.

We hope you wanted an unhinged rant for your birthday.


Ariel Winter Poses With Gun, Sparks Major Outrage!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, then you’re probably very familiar with the sort of content she usually posts.

Typically, it’s a lot of photos of Ariel in bikinis or various stages of undress.

But occasionally, Ms. Winter wades into political waters.

Winter supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, and she generally leans to the left on social issues.

But when it comes to the contentious issue of gun control, it seems Ariel has adopted more of a libertatian view.

Winter posted a photo of herself at a gun range earlier this week, and because it’s 2017 and politics are tangentially involved, the internet lost it’s ever-loving mind.

Ariel’s black-and-white firearm photo has racked up nearly 1,000 comments, representing the full range of the gun control debate spectrum.

In addition to the usual concern trolling, there were many who applauded Ariel’s implicit endorsement of the right to bear arms.

But critics of Ariel popped out of the woodwork from both the far-left and the far-right, because we’re living in the most confusing timeline.

“Prepping for the zombie apocalypse, obviously,” Ariel captioned the above pic.

On Twitter, she was more to the point, tweeting:

“When you pass your firearm safety test and get your certificate.”

So Ariel did the right thing and obtained her safety certificate (which didn’t stop the self-proclaimed gun safety experts of Instagram for slamming her for posing in an unsafe fashion).

We guess it’s a good thing, because her IG page is now officially a war zone.

“A woman not afraid to defend herself is a beautiful thing. Glad you see the importance in our 2nd amendment right,” wrote one follower.

“Congratulations, Ariel! Good work…you’re taking a big risk with this in anti-freedom Hollywood; hoping you’ll inspire others!” commented another.

For the most part pro-gun conservatives applauded Ariel, but some were angry with Ariel for her alleged hypocrisy, even though, as far as we know, she’s never explicitly expressed any anti-gun views.

“She was big Hillary supporter. Funny she shoots guns.” commented one critic.

“Look it’s a liberal snowflake flexing her 2nd amendment rights! Funny how it’s ok for her though! Hypocrites,” wrote another.

The debate is sure to rage on, but hey … for once Instagram commenters aren’t obsessing over Ariel’s boobs.

If that was her strategy, she’s a full-blown social media genius.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ariel Winter: I Don"t MEAN to Show My Butt All the Time!

Ariel Winter is known for her acting skills, her outspoken feminism, and also for being gorgeous.

She shares a lot of photos and she’s in the public eye a lot, so her looks get noticed. It helps that she wears a lot of stuff that shows off her curves.

But now Ariel Winter says that she doesn’t actually mean to be showing her butt as much as she does. Which is a bit of a surprise.

It might seem like Ariel Winter has been on television forever, but the Modern Family star is 19 years old.

She just happens to have been a child actor before she was an adult actor.

Almost ten months ago, Ariel Winter stirred up controversy by dating Levi Meaden, who turns 30 one week from today.

(Ariel and Levi just head their 9 month anniversary last month)

Even though they’re both adults, neither of them are old enough to be each other’s parent or whatever, their relationship got and still gets a lot of criticism.

Especially after Levi moved in with Ariel.

In part, maybe it’s because of their age gap, though less than 11 years isn’t the hugest age gap in the world, especially considering that they’re both hot.

(You know that it makes a difference in everyone’s minds if they’re both hot)

We suspect that the biggest “outrage” behind Ariel dating Levi isn’t their age difference or their disparate levels of fame.

It’s that a bunch of people thirst after Ariel and are mad that she’s dating somebody else.

Ariel Winter hasn’t been shy about showing off her butt.

It’s not unusual for her to just let her peach hang out in a bikini.

(Social media is a true gift)

But while we’ve also seen her badonkadonk whens he’s sporting daisy dukes and not much else, apparently she doesn’t just wear daisy dukes as an excuse to flaunt her butt.

In fact, the glimpses of her butt cheeks that people get when she’s wearing those cutoffs aren’t intentional at all.

Recently, Ariel Winter was spotted in daisy dukes while out and about.

They did basically nothing to conceal her butt, of course. That posterior cannot be tamed, clearly.

But yesterday, Ariel tweeted out that this isn’t deliberate.

“I literally do not try and show my ass when I wear shorts…my ass just eats them up and then I don’t notice…awkward af.”

(Note that “af” means “as f–k,” basically just meaning “very” in youthful parlance shared by Millennials and those members of Generation Z who are of tweeting age, though Ariel is definitely a Millennial)

In the past, Ariel has made some stellar points about body positivity, slut-shaming, and very specifically about how showing her butt isn’t a big deal.

And she’s right, it isn’t.

Barring some really rare birth defects or truly tragic accidents, everybody has a butt.

Yes, even the folks who lament that they “have no ass.” They have a butt, it’s just not particularly large or shapely.

Though Ariel Winter’s twerking shows that she knows the effect that her butt can have, she’s defended herself and her shorts-wearing before, saying that she’s not a whore for wearing short-shorts, basically.

That’s true. The clothing that you wear doesn’t make you promiscuous or a sex worker. And neither being promiscuous or sex workers are a bad thing.

We would point out that we’d advise everyone, not just Ariel Winter, to be conscious of how much of their bodies their clothing might reveal.

Show as much as you like, sure, but if you don’t want the parking lot to see your derriere when you put away your groceries, keep that in mind when you pick out your outfit for that day.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Ariel Winter Twerks In a Storage Unit, Leaves Us Confused

By now, you"re probably aware that Ariel Winter"s Instagram is a treasure trove of bikini pics and risque selfies.

Winter does an admirable job of keeping things fresh, forever finding new and inventive ways to bare her famous flesh.

But even the most inventive artists can find themselves bereft of inspiration at times.

At these moments, the true innovators dig deep and produce something that surprises even themselves.

Perhaps this was the process that led to Ariel"s latest video, which combines the dying art of twerking with the cinematic weirdness of a David Lynch fever dream.

Allow us to break this thing down for you:

For starters, Ariel is twerking, which is a practice that started falling off in popularity long before Miley Cyrus reinvented herself as Lurleen Lumpkin.

We guess it"s part of a marketing campaign to take the attention of Ariel"s boobs and put on her … other assets.

Anyway, the location and the spontaneity of the twerking is what"s really strange, as it appears that Ariel was walking through a storage facility and randomly decided to break it down.

Not surprisingly, Ariel"s followers were a bit confused by the post, but she assured them there"s really nothing to "get."

“People have a little humor…it’s supposed to be FUNNY," Ariel wrote.

Is it, Ariel?

Or did you just singlehandedly reinvent American cinema?

Ariel winter twerks in a storage unit leaves us confused

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ariel Winter: Watch Me Work Out My Butt!

Ariel Winter"s glorious peach is a paragon of butts, but Ariel"s caboose didn"t just fall out of the sky.

She works for that. She earns that excellence through hard work.

Don"t believe us? Watch this video of Ariel Winter working out her butt and see for yourself.

Ariel winter in a bikini on instagram

Ariel Winter and her boyfriend, actor Levi Meaden, headed over to the gym for some exercise.

We"ll assume that they did other things, but the video that Ariel chose to share with her fans and followers was of her butt.

(And you can probably go out on a limb and guess that it was Levi who filmed her butt instead of what we can only imagine would be a very awkward gym employee)

Ariel Winter posted the video of her workout and added the caption:

"Working the [peach emoji] with @mackfit [devil emoji]"

Ariel winter shows off her peach

The peach emoji has become as symbolic of butts as the eggplant emoji is representative of penises.

In fact, the peach emoji is so universally understood to represent butts that people sometimes just say "peach" when talking about someone"s butt.

When you see a butt like Ariel Winter"s, it"s pretty clear why people see parallels between a shapely badonadonk and the shape of a peach.

(Especially since the peach emoji, in its various forms, tends to resemble a butt — remember the outcry when one version of the peach emoji was temporarily altered to be flat? People wanted it looking more like a butt)

In the video, Ariel Winter supports herself with her arms and keeps her legs extended, using her butt muscles (mostly) to move her legs around while also using her abs to hold herself aloft.

Her feet are locked into these little sliding pads that run along the floor smoothly, making her muscles work harder thanks to a relative lack of friction.

She"s also wearing some special, shiny workout pants that look like they"re from a "90s scifi series that could have had a better wardrobe budget.

Color us intrigued.

Ariel winter on lake tahoe

It"s good that Ariel and Levi have activities like this that they can do together that are only public activities if they want them to be.

The couple"s come under fire for their age gap, even though their both adults.

Ariel is 19 and Levi Meaden will turn 30 in … two weeks.

Again, though, they"re both adults and they make each other happy. What more exactly do people need?

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden moved in together back in May, after they"d been dating for, what? Half a year?

Some felt that Levi was taking advantage of Ariel.

In part because of her youth.

In part because she"s much more famous and successful, though they are both actors.

Honestly, we"ve seen no evidence of that.

Ariel winters pizza butt

Really, critics of their relationship are people — like, regular Instagram followers or whatever — who like to imagine that they have a shot with Ariel.

Therefore, they love her but they hate Levi Meaden.

We guess that jealousy of celebrity relationships is kind of normal … but we"re glad that Ariel"s found some happiness after facing such a rough childhood.

And now she has the ideal workout buddy who, obviously, is more than happy to film her glorious derriere for her fans.

Anyway, here you go:

Ariel winter watch me work out my butt

Monday, August 28, 2017

Ariel Winter Flaunts Tan Cleavage, Weekend Fun!

Just a couple of weeks ago, Ariel Winter celebrated going back to work on the set of Modern Family by flashing some major underboob.

But she’s clearly still taking her weekends to herself, because Ariel and her boyfriend Levi Meaden were enjoying themselves on and by a lake this weekend.

And there are pictures. Ariel clearly got a tan . . . and so did her cleavage.

Over the weekend, Ariel Winter enjoyed herself on Lake Tahoe.

(Yes, please, go ahead and get all of the “Tahoe” jokes out of your system, please … we’ll wait)

(Done yet?)


So, Lake Tahoe is in California and while we’re sure that Ariel enjoyed her time there, it doesn’t look like she actually got into the water.

But in addition to having a good time and chilling out on the shore, Ariel spent some time on a boat.

As you can see in this photo:

She’s pretty clearly on a boat in this pic.

Though perhaps you were more focused on, um, the foreground.

Ariel Winter spends plenty of time poolside at home, but she usually looks a little fairer than this.

When you’re at home, of course, you’re more likely to apply sunscreen pretty constantly and less likely to stay out for as long.

(There are so many appealing things about being indoors, after all)

When you’re out on a lake, though, it’s pretty common to put on suncreen once or twice but maybe let a little too much time pass and get some sun.

Thus why Ariel’s cleavage is showing so much than, there.

She and Levi both spent some time lounging in the sun.

In most relationships with an age gap like these two have …

(Remember that Levi is, like, 30, and Ariel Winter is still 19)

… it’s the older partner who has to stand up for the younger one.

In this case, though, it’s Ariel — more famous, though they’re both actors — who stands up for Levi.

Just recently, she clapped back at a tabloid story about Levi.

She’s also hit back whenever Levi’s accused of deliberately living in her shadow, clarifying that he’s her boyfriend and not her kept man when people accused her of giving him an allowance.

(People love to trade rumors, folks)

Honestly, and at the risk of courting controversy, we think that it’s kind of precious how aggressively she defends him.

The couple’s only been together for 9 months, but they’ve faced more than their share of detractors.

It’s good that they get to relax together.

Ariel Winter also loves pool floats, which we already knew.

Remember when Ariel posed in a bikini on a giant pizza slice pool float?

Good times, right?

We have no idea if this huge swan float actually made it into those crystal blue waters of Lake Tahoe, but we can’t imagine that Ariel was content to just try it out on the beach.

Also … exactly how many changes of clothes did Ariel Winter bring with her on this trip?

She posted these pics in her Instagram story and she’s wearing a different outfit in every single snap.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Claps Back at Tabloid Over Sexist Headline

Despite the fact that Ariel Winter is arguably most famous for posting racy selfies on Instagram, she’s become something of a divisive cultural figure in recent months.

(Yes, we’re aware that Ariel is also one of the main cast members on Modern Family, but you don’t see Ed O’Neil in the tabloid because the former Al Bundy doesn’t look good in a bikini, ya know?)

Ariel is frequently slut-shamed for her social media posts, and she often calls out sexist remarks from her followers or from media outlets.

It’s admirable, but it’s also led to a sort of feedback loop, wherein Ariel posts a pic, someone says something idiotic about it, she fires back, they both get to go viral, and the whole thing repeats itself the following week.

As a result of this scenario, many who once praised Ariel for her empowered responses have become skeptical of her motives and started openly questioning if she’s less concerned with feminist ideals than with raising her public profile.

Of course, not all of Ariel’s sassy counter-arguments have to do with her risque photos.

Winter recently celebrated her nine month anniversary with boyfriend Levi Meaden.

The relationship has been a source of controversy for a number of reasons.

For one thing, Ariel is 19, and Levi will turn 30 in a few weeks.

On top of that, they seem to be progressing very rapidly, having moved in together after just a couple months of dating.

Because Ariel is beginning to rival Kylie Jenner as the tabloid media’s favorite teen to obsess over, hot takes about the nature of her relationship are depressingly common.

The latest culprit is Star magazine, who posted the following dumbass headline over the weekend:

“Is Ariel Winter Desperate For Boyfriend Levi Meaden To Propose?” 

Ariel could’ve easily replied by invoking Betteridge’s law and pointing out that any headline that asks a question can be answered with the word “no.”

Instead, she took things a step further and had a little fun with the folks at Star:

“Yes and I’m already pregnant to seal the deal. I WILL HAVE HIM!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!” she tweeted.

A well-deserved diss, considering the Star piece begins with a foolish headline and gets more ridiculous from there:

“Ariel has already convinced Levi to get matching tattoos,” a source tells the tabloid.

“Levi was totally against the idea at first, but he can’t say no to her.”

Star goes on to claim that friends worry the relationship has become “codependent,” and Ariel is so anxious for Levi to propose that she’s taped photos of engagement rigns she likes on her refrigerator.

Having perused Ariel’s Instagram page, we know she’s not huge on subtley, but that’s heavy-handed even for her.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Flashes Major Underboob, So Enjoy That

Ariel Winter has stunned in crop tops and she’s rocked some daisy dukes and not much else.

And she’s never been a stranger to bikini pics, of course. That doesn’t mean that it gets old.

This time, she’s celebrating her first day back filming Modern Family by showing some serious skin. We have to imagine that she’s not wearing that outfit on the show. …

A crop top can be wonderful, because it flashes your midsection.

Whether that means hard abs or a soft tummy, it’s usually a good look.

(Some people won’t be into it — they might be into legs or have a foot fetish or whatever, but it’s still a good move)

Ariel’s looked great in crop tops before, but usually they don’t expose skin that’s up quite this high.

Because not only does her top reveal that she’s for sure not wearing a bra …

(We’ve seen her go braless before, though, like in that video where she’s twerking on her dog)

… It comes up high enough that you get the feeling that an inch less of fabric would have gotten this banned from Instagram.

And heavens forbid that Ariel Winter might stretch or yawn or give someone a high five.

(To say nothing of jumping jacks, which are out of the question)

We can’t imagine wearing an outfit so skimpy, not because there’s anything wrong with it — which there isn’t.

But because you’d be constantly worrying about a nip slip, right?

Like, even the act of opening a door or walking too quickly might make you nervous.

She looks great, though.

Ariel Winter just celebrated nine months of dating with her boyfriend, Levi Meaden.

They got to meet a giraffe named Stanley on their celebratory date, which sounds like a potential third wheel but, you know, whatever.

Ariel was wearing a crop top then, too, though one that let her stretch her arms up into the air without freeing her nip-nops from their textile prisons.

(Thus the giraffe-petting, as giraffes are not short animals)

Every photo of Ariel Winter serves to remind the world of just how lucky Levi Meaden is, you know?

Ariel Winter’s lucky to have him, too.

But … he doesn’t take nearly so many risque pics.

(A lot of people would say that he should, though — you know, for equality and all that)

Crop tops can be a great way to beat the heat.

Summer weather can be brutal.

As the burning hate orb in the sky wages its war against comfort and power bills, how you dress can have a huge impact on whether or not the heat makes you want to die.

Bras, thick clothes, dark clothes, and anything that covers more rather than less of your flesh prison are going to trap your body’s heat and help the sunlight and warm air exacerbate the situation.

Thin clothes, crop tops, short shorts — or, better yet, thin and flowy skirts, sleeveles tops, and open-toed sandals can give you some much needed relief if you have to venture outside.

(And if you’re not up for wearing skirts because of gender roles, you can always wear a kilt!)

Ariel Winter clearly knows how to stay comfortable and sexy at the same time.

Though it seems clear that her favorite way to stay cool outside is to take a dip in the water wearing one of her many, many bikinis.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden Celebrate 9 Months Together!

There was a time when birthdays and anniversaries were once-a-year events (hence the “anni-” part of the word), but we’re an increasingly impatient society, which means your social media feeds are probably clogged with photos of kids turning 6.25 years old and couples celebrating a full half-year together.

Modern Family star Ariel Winter loves her some social media, so it should come as no surprise that she’s fully on board with the micro-celebrating trend.

Ariel has been dating Levi Meaden for nine months, and she marked the occasion on Instagram this week, posting a photo of herself with Meaden and a giraffe named Stanley.

“[Nine] months starting off on a night shoot with Stanley,” Winter captioned the above photo.

Despite the fact that they’re still well short of the one-year mark, Ariel and Levi are speeding past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

In fact, some fans are concerned that they’re moving a little too fast.

Back in May, Ariel revealed that she lives with Levi, a fact that stunned many fans, as she and Meaden had been together a scant five months at the time.

That’s a whole lot of commitment for a 19-year-old.

Adding to fans’ concerns is the fact that Levi is considerably older than Ariel.

Meaden will turn 30 next month, and while an 11-year age difference isn’t too shocking in most cases, there’s something a bit unsettling about a teenage girl coupling up with what is very much a grown man.

There are some who are concerned that Ariel is incapable of being single, as she got involved with Meaden just weeks after breaking up with Laurent Claude Gaudette.

Of course, she’s at an age where she should be bouncing back from breakups with ease.

(Did we mention Ariel is only 19?)

In all likelihood, fans concerns are unfounded.

Ariel is young, it’s true, but working in Hollywood and becoming emancipated from her mother at a young age have both no doubt caused her to grow up fast.

Those close to the couple say Levi has best interests at heart and is in no way seeking to piggy-back on Ariel’s popularity.

So happy nine month anniversary, you too.

We’re sure you’ll let us know when you hit the one-year mark.
