Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Reveal Heartbreaking Mental Health Problems

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been through so much in their lives.

Just way, way too much.

Catelynn has April for a mother, and we’ve seen April be mentally and verbally abusive to her on several occasions in the early seasons of Teen Mom.

Tyler has Butch for a father, and we know it wasn’t easy on him to watch his dad go in and out of jail for literally his entire life.

But because they had such intense issues with their own parents, they were able to make the remarkably responsible, admirable decision to place their daughter Carly for adoption when Catelynn became pregnant at 16.

Unfortunately, even though it was the right thing to do, it was still obviously incredibly painful for them, and it’s clear that they still struggle with their decision somewhat, even today.

When they had their second daughter, Nova, Catelynn developed some serious postpartum depression, so much that she had to check into a treatment center.

And then when she and Tyler decided to try for another baby, she ended up having a miscarriage, which was very hard for both of them.

It was a big trigger for Cate’s depression, and she actually began considering suicide because of it, and so back to rehab she went.

Meanwhile, Tyler struggled at home, dealing with his own grief while caring for Nova and running their household.

Like we’ve said, these two have been through a lot.

But Catelynn’s been home from rehab for a few weeks now, and it looks like she and Tyler are dedicating themselves to raising awareness and bringing attention to the kinds of mental health issues they’ve been dealing with.

They’ve been talking about it on the show, of course, and on social media, and now they’re taking the time to do interviews on the subject.

Earlier this week, they made an appearance on a podcast called Voices for Change 2.0, and they really shared a lot.

And here we were, thinking their story couldn’t get any more heartbreaking …

During the podcast, they both revealed the mental illnesses they’ve been diagnosed with, with Catelynn explaining that she’s dealing with a few different things.

“It’s panic disorder, PTSD — I like to call myself a trauma survivor — and it’s depression, but it’s co-occurring depression or something like that,” she said.

“It will go away and it will come back with the panic disorder.”

She also said that it “kind of surprised” her to be diagnosed with PTSD, but that “it makes a lot of sense too.”

Honestly, if you’ve watched those first few seasons of Teen Mom, a diagnosis of PTSD makes perfect sense.

From the way she was raised to that super painful adoption, it’s actually pretty surprising she didn’t get that diagnosis sooner.

As for Tyler, he revealed that he first felt depressed when he was just 11 years old.

A big issue for him was his father “going in and out of prison all the time,” but he said that “at 11, though, that’s when I attempted suicide and failed.”

If you blocked that horrible story out of your head, he’s been very open about his suicide attempt in the past — he tried to hang himself but it didn’t work, and he had to walk around school with rope burns around his neck.

“After that my mom started to take me to therapy,” he recounted. “I was on anti-depressants a bit.”

But in the past few months he’s been going back to therapy, and he said that people there told him that he could be bipolar.

“That was pretty shocking to figure out,” he admitted, “but also it made a lot of sense back to when I was younger … But that was a lot to obviously digest that day.”

During the podcast, Catelynn also discussed why she felt comfortable airing so much of what she’s been through in the past few months on Teen Mom OG.

“I talked a lot about it with my therapist when I was in treatment,” she said, “my whole thing about me being vulnerable and sharing it. I could have said no to the producers and the people who work on the show and they would have totally understood.”

“If I was like, ‘Listen, I’m going through a rough time and I’m not filming it and I don’t want it to be aired,"” she said that MTV would have respected her wishes.

“But my whole thing is, if I can save somebody’s life and show them that it’s OK to not be OK sometimes and there’s things that you can do to get help, that’s the only reason I did it,” she continued.

“I wanted to bring awareness to the mental health issues and show that it’s real.”

She said that “Some people think, ‘Oh, you’re depressed, get the hell out of bed,’ but no, that’s not how it works. I just wanted to shine a light on that.”

It seems like she’s doing a great job so far, and we couldn’t be prouder of them both for taking care of themselves so well!


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Confirm Miscarriage, Break Everyone"s Hearts

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, then you know that it contained some pretty heavy scenes.

And if you didn’t … well, just prepare yourself for these heartbreaking spoilers, OK?

During the episode, we saw Farrah lose her mind, just like always, we saw Gary deal with some paternity stuff, and we saw Maci consider a new treatment to deal with her PCOS.

But when it came to Catelynn and Tyler’s story, the story we’re going to be talking about right now, things got just a little more tragic.

For much of this season so far, we saw Catelynn and Tyler discuss having another baby. We saw her doctor’s visit when she had her IUD removed, and then her positive pregnancy test.

We saw her tell Tyler the good news, then we saw them tell their families.

But in this week’s episode, we learn that she suffered a miscarriage.

“It’s very traumatic,” Tyler explained to a producer after it happened. “When you see her shaking and she’s got blood everywhere … you don’t really know what to do.”

“She kind of cleaned herself up, and we kind of figured out what was going on. Spotting is normal, but all the clotting is not.”

After that, he said that they “just sat in the bed and cried and just held each other.”

Tyler then somehow managed to make the story even more tragic by saying “I mean, here’s nothing you can really do, so it felt very similar to Carly.”

Carly, of course, being the daughter they placed for adoption when they were teenagers.

“I mean, Carly’s a little different,” he admitted, “because we have to … we get to see her every year, but it’s a loss, and you feel it.”

“Like, I feel like you process it as a loss. So I guess it’s something I didn’t really understand before.”

Catelynn tried to deal with the loss a few different ways — she practiced breathing exercises, she used a mantra, that kind of thing.

But then a producer told Tyler that Cate had called her and told her that “she wanted to kill herself.”

We already know what happened from there — she checked into a treatment center in Arizona to deal with everything, spent six weeks there, and after a few weeks of being at home she went back for another round.

We never had any doubt that she truly needed the help, and honestly anyone who’s ever watched Teen Mom would likely agree, but after seeing this episode, we’re extra glad she took those steps to take care of herself.

It’s a good thing that Tyler’s been getting some therapy of his own, too, because it’s obvious the miscarriage affected him greatly as well.

As he explained on Twitter after the episode aired, “That baby may have not been fully grown in the womb… but it was fully grown in our hearts.”

“For every parent out there who has lost a baby…it is not your fault & it is more than acceptable & understandable to mourn the loss of that baby & take your time to grieve.”

It was a touching message, and it’s clear that it resonated strongly with many of his followers.

“Last night’s episode was hard,” one person replied to his tweet, “and you two are so damn strong! I wish I had someone who would have done for me what you did for Cate.”

“I’m sorry you guys had to go through that,” another person wrote. “I have had 2 miscarriages.. to most people it was just a lost pregnancy but for me I lost my 2 babies. I love you guys stay strong you will get through this in your own time and your own way.”

One women even commented that she’d had nine miscarriages, and that “it is the hardest thing in my life I had to go through.”

“I wish more people were vocal about it, as it stands it feels so taboo to talk about and makes you feel so alone when you have a miscarriage.”

As difficult as it must have been for Catelynn and Tyler to film throughout all of this, it’s obviously an important topic for many, many people.

As always, we wish them nothing but the best.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Catelynn Lowell"s Mental Illness is Not My Fault!

Hasn’t Tyler Baltierra been through enough lately?

In case you haven’t been keeping score, he really, really has.

Things have been ridiculously rough for the past couple of months, as we’ve been seeing on Teen Mom OG and as he and Catelynn Lowell have been revealing on social media.

Last fall, he and Cate began trying for another baby, and she quickly became pregnant, but as we’ll see in next week’s episode, she had a miscarriage not long after they began announcing the good news to family.

We don’t know the exact timeline yet — we assume it’ll all become more clear as the season goes on — but it’s easy to imagine that the miscarriage led to her worsening depression.

In November, she made a statement about how she’d been thinking of various ways to kill herself, and afterwards she checked into a treatment center.

Tyler was extremely supportive of her decision, but just before all this happened, he sent his father, Butch, off to rehab for his lifelong struggles with addiction.

So all during that time, he was concerned about his father and his wife, he was dealing with all the emotions from the miscarriage, and he was also taking care of his and Cate’s daughter, Nova, by himself.

It can’t be easy for him right now.

And unfortunately it looks like some people are going out of their way to make things even harder.

OK, so Jenelle did an interview on a podcast last weekend with some people named Vince and Noel — this is the interview in which she admitted to doing drugs during her last pregnancy.

We’re not sure if they talked about Catelynn and Tyler during the podcast, but it looks like Noel made this post on Facebook last month:

As you can see, she’s making light of Cate’s depression, which simply is not cool, especially not now that Cate is having such a hard time with it.

Earlier this week, Tyler saw the screenshots of the post and tweeted them, writing that “This is the most ignorant, vile & insensitive thing I have ever seen. To mock my wife’s suicidal ideation & depression is just sickening to the core!”

He tagged Noel and the other people involved in the podcast and told them that “you’re part of the reason Mental Health has the stigma that it does.”

She defended herself by saying that she has depression herself, and that she uses that kind of humor to deal with it, which kind of makes sense.

But still, she doesn’t know Catelynn, and she was joking about her on social media. It’s understandable why Tyler was so upset.

After Tyler’s tweet, he and Noel had an exchange, and it seems like she deleted some of her tweets. Here’s a screenshot of part of one:

So that part where she wrote “Do you want to take responsibility for Cait’s mental health?”, that’s the part we’re going to talk about now.

She attached a shot of Tyler’s infamous comments about not wanting a “heifer for a wife,” which, yes, was obviously not his greatest moment.

And he responded with a lengthy statement of his own.

“I take full responsibility for what I say,” he began. “This conversation was constructively edited to appear more insensitive than it actually was. We have addressed this many times before, but I will explain it once again.”

Tyler said that during that conversation, Catelynn told him that “she doesn’t desire a ‘muscle headed tool’ because that’s not attractive to her & I responded.”

“We started a diet together,” he continued, “and asked to hold each other accountable to our commitments. We have been together for 12 years, so there isn’t too much we won’t say to each other.”

“Yes, I can be abrasive with my delivery. Yes, I can be ignorant with how my delivery impacts other people. Yes, I make mistakes. But I own up to them.”

But still, Tyler said, “to state that I am the cause of her mental health struggles is yet again, another very ignorant opinion.”

“Her mental health struggles derive from the chaotic and unstable upbringing we both endured. We are both actively working on those struggles.”

He finished by telling Noel that he understands she’s getting a lot of hate for her comments, “but attempting to play ‘tit for tat’ & scorekeeper with me is quite a pathetic approach to justify your insensitivity.”

It’s a pretty great statement, right?

And he’s definitely right — for anyone to try to say it’s his fault that Catelynn has depression is just completely ignorant and hurtful.

Good on him for standing up for himself, and for explaining that perhaps we don’t know the ins and outs of his marriage or Catelynn’s complex mental health problems.

It’s just sad that some people need that explanation.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: On the Verge of a Breakdown Himself?!

If you keep up with all the latest Teen Mom gossip, then you know that things have been rough for our favorite middle school sweethearts.

And they’ve been tough for a good while now, too.

In November, Catelynn Lowell revealed that she’d been suffering from suicidal thoughts, and that she’d be checking into a treatment center in Arizona to get help.

She checked herself out early before Christmas because she reportedly felt guilty for being away from her family for the holidays, but it didn’t last — she returned pretty much immediately after leaving.

In late December, she finished her treatment and returned home, but just a few weeks later, she returned for another six weeks of therapy.

She’s been there about four weeks so far, and there’s been no definite word on when she’ll come home this time.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to know that Catelynn is going through such a hard time, but as the weeks go on, it’s becoming clear that Tyler doesn’t exactly have it easy himself.

He’s been staying in Michigan with their daughter, Nova, and running their clothing business on his own while Catelynn gets the help she needs, and it really seems like he’s running himself ragged.

Last month, he tweeted “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore,” and the next day he revealed that he was getting therapy, too.

“I’m doing a little self care today, you know what I mean?” he explained. “Sometimes you gotta put yourself ahead of other people sometimes in life.”

Since then, he’s posted a few videos that show how much he’s struggling, including one in which he openly cried about his situation.

And sadly, it looks like things still aren’t getting better for him.

In a series of videos he shared on Snapchat over the weekend, Tyler gave a little rundown of his plans for the day, and it was obvious that he was struggling.

“So I literally got to get all these Tierra Reign orders in the poly mailers and then I got to take them to the post office before they close,” he said.

“And then I have to finish this laundry and then I have to pack our bags for a week — my bag and Nova’s bag.”

He has to pack the bags, he says, because “I’m off to Arizona for Cate’s family week program at her facility.”

“It’s going to be a super, super long emotional week and a pretty long day,” he explained. “Yippee.”

He added that “I literally have all those things to do and I just don’t have the energy for it but I have to do it because if I don’t do it, it won’t get done, like usual. What’s new?”

It sounds like Tyler is really and truly exhausted from dealing with all of this, right?

He’s had this certain tone lately that makes it seem like he’s a little bit resentful of Catelynn for being away for so long, which is understandable, but also pretty upsetting.

Unfortunately for Tyler, things may be upsetting for the foreseeable future.

According to a report from Us Weekly, Catelynn is set to leave rehab at the end of this month, but the reunion special for this season of Teen Mom OG is filming in the first weekend of March.

“The reunions are always extremely emotional and grueling,” the source says, and for that reason, Catelynn might skip it altogether.

“Catelynn’s appearance is still very much up in the air and will be determined much closer to the date, even as late as the day before,” the source explains.

“Her treatment team will decide if she should go.”

If she didn’t end up going, that’s definitely fair, and it makes total sense — she’s obviously going through a lot right now, and she doesn’t need to risk her wellbeing for some reality show nonsense.

But if she doesn’t, we’d have to imagine that Tyler will have to show up in her place so that the Baltierras are represented.

And really, he has enough on his plate already.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Cheating Allegations Resurface Following Tearful Confession

Last night, Tyler Baltierra posted an Instagram video that it’s earned him a good deal of praise from Teen Mom OG fans.

In the clip, Tyler comes clean about struggling with mental illness and admits that he’s going through a challenging time.

Baltierra doesn’t go into much detail with regard to the nature of his difficulties, and now, some Teen Mom OG fans believe there’s good reason for that.

Ever since Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for her own mental health issues, rumors that Tyler is cheating on his wife have been spreading like wildfire on social media.

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, many TMOG obsessives believe that last night’s tearful message is a prelude to a cheating confession.

A source tells Radar Online that Tyler is well aware of the infidelity rumors and he’s “really upset” and “pissed” that fans are making a hard time for his family that much more difficult.

“He said ever since Cate has been in rehab, the rumors have started because he’s out doing things on his own, and people don’t seem to like that,” she source tells Radar.

“He said, ‘It’s like everyone wants me to sit on my ass depressed until she comes home. I have to work on myelf too. I have things to get done, for us."”

According to the insider, a frustrated Baltierra added:

“It’s okay for me to have a life. I can’t even go to a damn concert and say hi to people without cheating accusations. It’s stupid.”

The source continues:

“It’s been hard on him. He misses her. He’s just not used to this scrutiny.”

Catelynn checked into rehab back in November after revealing to her Twitter followers that she’d been struggling with suicidal impulses.

On January 17, she checked back into treatment and has remained there in the weeks since.

Those who know Baltierra best say that while the separation has been hard on him, he would never cheat on Catelynn.

Now if only he could convince his fans of that.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive the difficult path the Baltierras have traveled together.


Tyler Baltierra Reveals Mental Health Struggles In Heartfelt Message

It’s been a difficult year for Teen Mom OG stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Back in November, Catelynn checked into rehab to receive treatment for trauma and other emotional issues.

She revealed to fans that she had been coping with thoughts of suicide, and she went public with her struggle in hopes of removing the stigma surrounding mental illness and encouraging others to seek help.

Now, Catelynn’s husband, Tyler Baltierra, is following her lead by opening up about his own struggles with depression and anxiety.

In a heartfelt Instagram video posted last night, Baltierra revealed that he was experiencing a “bad day” and hoped 

“Sometimes, you just don’t even really know what to say to your children. I don’t ever cry in front of [my daughter] Nova or anything. I don’t want her to feel any of that,” he explained in the video message.

“You have good days, and then you have bad days. And today is just a bad day.”

Tyler explained that he had doubts about sharing the video with his 2.2 million followers, but decided that he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to offer help and support to his fans.

“But, I know I’m not the only one feeling like this. So if you’re in that same boat as me, just hang in there and you’re not alone and talk to somebody,” he said at one point.

He further explained that he was posting about his own issues not to seek help, but to assure others that they’re not alone in struggling:

“I’m posting this because I think it’s important for people to not feel alone in their struggles. We’re humans, we’re allowed to have bad days, hard times & weak moments,” Tyler shared.

“Don’t be ashamed of what makes us humans special. You’re loved. You’re worthy.”  

Tyler went on to say that he doesn’t expect all of his fans to understand his illness, but feels that if even one person is helped his efforts have been worthwhile:

“If I can at least connect with one person through this & let them know that they aren’t alone in their struggles. It will make being vulnerable worth it #KeepFighting #KeepTalkingMH,” he wrote on IG.

The hashtag refers to the social media effort to get young people talking about mental health in a therapeutic fashion.

As reality stars, Tyler and Catelynn will always face questions about whether they’ve truly earned their level of influence.

But no one can deny that they’re using their platform to try and make the world a better place.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more from the fan favorite couple.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Catelynn Lowell Is Ruining My Diet!

Back in December, Catelynn Lowell left rehab after six weeks of intensive treatment for trauma and other emotional issues

Shortly thereafter, Lowell checked back in, after apparently deciding she wasn’t ready to return to her often hectic life.

It’s been reported that Catelynn recently suffered a miscarriage and has been struggling to cope with the crushing loss. 

That still hasn’t been confirmed by the Baltierras, but whatever the case, we know that Lowell is prioritizing her mental and physical health these days after going through a very difficult time.

The recovery process has reportedly required Catelynn to make some major changes to her diet.

Sources say she’s excited about the prospect of turning a corner with regard to her health.

And one person who’s reportedly very happy about Catelynn’s new commitment to nutrition and weight loss is her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

As you may remember, Tyler was accused of fat-shaming Catelynn after he made some brutal comments about her weight on an episode of Teen Mom OG.

“That’s a big assquesadilla, it has a lot of chicken,” Baltierra said while Lowell was eating.

“It’s your body, you could do what you want. Obviously I don’t want no heifer for a wife!”

He later added:

“Would you want to be married to some big heifer?”

Sadly, it seems these days, he’s not being much more supportive.

Balterra has lost some weight in recent weeks, and he recently revealed that he did so despite – not because of – Catelynn.

Recently a Twitter follower asked Tyler if he’s concerned that losing weight so rapidly might cause Cateltynn to feel insecure and exacerbate her depression.

He basically responded that he couldn’t care less:

“The only one responsible for managing Cate’s emotions… is Cate. I have goals too that I refuse to put on the back burner,” Tyler tweeted.

Shortly thereafter, he accused her of sabotaging his diet:

“When I started my health kick Cate didn’t want to join me and kept ordering pizza and I had to eat my salad while staring at the beauty of that perfect looking, cheesy pepperoni greatness!” Baltierra tweeted.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more classy behavior from Tyler.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Refutes Catelynn Lowell Cheating Rumor. HARD.

Tyler Baltierra would like your attention.

Does he have it?

Because the Teen Mom OG star has something he would like to say.

And that something is this:

He is not, in any way, shape or form, a cheater.

The steady boyfriend of Catelynn Lowell was forced to come to his own defense on Saturday after being alerted to a blind istem on some website called Crazy Days And Nights.

The item was shared a day earlier and read as follows:

This Teen Mom star has been cheating on his significant other for almost a year.

Eventually, when she starts having a clear head she is going to catch on and that could finally push her over the edge to suicide.

Because Lowell has been checking herself in and out of rehab over the past couple months due to a bit of mental instability, it was rather easy for readers to connect these dots.

This post is clearly implying that Tyler has been disloyal to Catelynn.

blind item

“Is this a joke or?!??! It’s kinda hard to tell these days,” Tyler initially Tweeted in response.

However, after other fans told Baltierra that the same website lobbed the same allegation his way last August, Tyler shot back far more forcefully.

“Okay, so yes, I should just ignore this & yes, since I know it’s not true I shouldn’t be paying attention to it,” he Tweeted, adding:

“BUT I’m a very stubborn individual & have always got a thrill from seeking out justice & facts. SO, Mr. @entylawyer here I am calling you out!

“Let’s see evidence.”

tb tweet

“Enty Lawyer” actually replied pretty quickly to this challenge, writing online:

“I haven’t revealed anything about you in quite some time. You seem defensive though. Anything you care to share?”

This account also looped in Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran, Baltierra and Lowell’s Teen Mom costars.

Shot back Tyler, quoting the website’s earlier blind item from last summer:

“So what is this then? A “blind item” revealed? Are you saying your sources are Farrah & Simon? Good lord help us all! It’s sounding more & more crazy, the more you talk.

“So please keep going…indulge me.”

blind item 2

The 26-year old added that he had nothing to fear…

… and wasn’t going to let his good name be sullied.

“A panicked person would keep their mouth shut & hope this all slides under the radar.

“Not me, I’m marching in & calling it all out! Because I have NOTHING to hide nor worry about.”

Baltierra has been trying to keep busy while his wife remains in treatment, posting footage on Snapchat this morning that featured him renovating the couple’s home, including putting in a luxurious master suite.

Despite rumors to the contrary, he insists he is not leaving Catelynn.

And it looks like Simon Saran is intent on helping Tyler keep busy, considering the trash he’s talking on social media.

“Are you for real with all that!? Coming from the dude that sleeps with Farrah & actually allowed that info to be filmed & aired for the world to see!?” Tyler wrote to his nemesis today, adding:

“God you really have lost your touch with your insults. I’m gonna need a little more from you Simon. Try again.”

Simon’s reply?

“Much rather sleep with her than what you have to sleep with. Trust me.”

Simon Saran tweets

Why do we have a feeling we have not heard the last from these two?

And why does that make us giddy and gleeful to see what’s next?


Monday, January 22, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Leaving Catelynn Lowell While She"s in Rehab?!

Don’t look now, but Catelynn Lowell may be in for even more hard times.

When it rains, it sure does pour, huh?

Catelynn has been struggling for months now — years, depending on how you look at it.

She gave birth to her second daughter, Nova, three years ago, and after that, she developed what seemed to be a pretty severe case of postpartum depression.

She went to rehab to deal with the depression in March of 2016, but obviously it wasn’t a quick fix. After she returned home, she was still very, very depressed.

At some point last year, it looked to us like Catelynn had finally turned a corner — she seemed much happier, and she and Tyler looked to be more in love than ever.

Things were going so well that they even began planning for their next child.

But before she could get pregnant, things fell apart again.

In November, she announced that she’d be heading back to rehab because she’d been having some suicidal thoughts. She even said that she’d been thinking of multiple ways to kill herself.

She had Tyler’s full support then, and he cared for their daughter and ran their darling little clothing business while she spent about six weeks in Arizona, working on herself.

Just after the holidays, she completed her treatment and returned home, and that was great and all …

But last week, she headed back to the same treatment center for another six-week stay.

This time around, Cate said that she’d be focusing on dealing with her childhood trauma and getting her medications sorted out.

She got a lot of criticism for her back-to-back rehab stays from people who thought that she should get help closer to home, that it was wrong of her to leave her family for such long amounts of time.

Before she checked back into treatment, she hit back at those naysayers, telling them to “quit acting like you know what I should be doing or shouldnt!!” and that she is “NOT running away from my family!”

It’s all very dramatic and upsetting, right?

Well, buckle up, because things are about to get even worse.

While Catelynn spends six more weeks in Arizona at her treatment center — a swanky rehab paid for in full by MTV — Tyler will spend six more weeks taking care of everything back home.

And it sounds like this time around, it’s really getting to him.

Yesterday, he tweeted “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore,” and while he didn’t specify what he was talking about here, most of us assumed it had to do with Catelynn.

Several fans suggested that regardless of what he was referring to, he’s obviously going through a lot himself right now, and that even though his wife is going through a hard time, it was OK to get help for himself, too.

Today, he announced that he’s doing just that!

In a video he posted to his Instagram and Twitter accounts, he revealed that he was about to head into a therapy appointment.

“I’m doing a little self care today, you know what I mean?” he said. “Sometimes you gotta put yourself ahead of other people sometimes in life.”

“It doesn’t mean you don’t love them or care about them, it just means you love them enough to put yourself first, so you can be the best you you can be.”

He finished his video by thanking his fans for being so supportive and kind towards his family, and he expressed the same idea in his caption for the video.

“I always believe that we, as a society, need to learn how to love each other better,” he wrote. “You guys have really showed that lately with our family crisis that’s going on.”

“If anyone is reading this & needs help or someone to talk to, PLEASE reach out to someone, anyone. You are loved, you are worthy, & you are extraordinarily special!”

If you watch the video, which we definitely recommend, you can see that while his message is positive, it sort of seems like there’s a little bit of interesting subtext here.

And that subtext kind of makes it sound like he is just exhausted with taking care of Catelynn.

Well, Catelynn, his father, various other family members … for years and years, Tyler has had to be the strong one while nearly everyone else in his life goes through one major crisis after another.

Meanwhile, he’s been through so much trauma himself that he tried to commit suicide when he was just 12 years old.

With the video and the “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore” tweet … we’re a little worried about the state of the Baltierra household, we’ll say that much.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I"m Getting Rid of My Dad Bod!

It’s been a rough few months for the Baltierra family, huh?

Or a rough few years, depending on how you look at it.

You could even say the family has had a rough few decades, thanks to Butch’s lifelong battle with addiction, but let’s not get too deep into the sadness, all right?

No, instead let’s focus on these past few months — basically from November until now.

Because it was in November that Catelynn Lowell shocked us all by revealing that she was suffering from suicidal thoughts.

In some heartbreaking tweets, as well as a statement she released to a few media outlets, Catelynn said that she’d been considering multiple ways to kill herself, but that she was able to reach out for help before following through with her plans.

The same night she made those statements, she and Tyler hopped on a plane to Arizona, and the next morning they got her checked into rehab — the same rehab she used during her first mental health crisis in March of 2016.

She stayed in treatment for several weeks, and there was even a point where she checked out early, only to realize that she needed more help.

She went back to Arizona, and she went back home just after Christmas, when she’d completed her program.

Unfortunately, she still seems to be struggling, and earlier this week she announced that she’d be heading back to rehab one more time.

“Well they say third time’s a charm,” she tweeted.

“I’m going back to treatment people for 6 weeks to work on my trauma and getting on different meds.”

Sadly, she got some criticism this time around from people who accused her of flying to a luxury treatment center in Arizona to get away from things instead of to work on herself.

To those people, Catelynn tweeted “YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING IVE BEEN THROUGH! Quit acting like you know what I should be doing or shouldnt!!”

“I’m NOT running away from my family! Those are the people I love the most!! You ppl are ignorant.”

It’s a lot, right?

But while there’s a whole lot of unpleasant things going on right now, there’s at least one upside to it all.

And that’s that Tyler has been taking the time to take care of himself!

To recap real quick, Tyler’s been putting on some weight for the past several months.

Which is fine, obviously, it’s his body and he can do what he wants with it, but he’s acknowledged his weight gain himself.

In October, he posted this selfie on Instagram, along with the caption “Don’t let this face fool you, I have a major dadbod now!”

“I just haven’t decided if I care yet hahaha!”

At some point recently, he decided that he did care — he and Catelynn agreed that when she got out of rehab this last time, that they’d work on their health together.

That included eating healthier foods, exercising more, and cutting out alcohol and marijuana.

Cate definitely seems to be dealing with some heavier stuff right now, so she probably hasn’t had a chance to really get heavy into the fitness stuff yet.

But Tyler has!

He posted this shocking before and after photo last night, and in the caption, he explained that he’d lost 26 pounds in the past five weeks.

“26lbs DOWN!!!” he wrote. “To be honest, I didn’t even want to take a before picture, because I was already thinking of me not sticking with it & then having the evidence of failure to look back on.”

“But DAYYUMM dude! This got me feeling some type of way right now!”

“Dayyumm dude” is right, Tyler!

He’s obviously feeling himself, but he has every right!

“Left picture was almost 5 weeks ago & Right picture was today,” he explained. “Eating healthier just feels better & obviously looks better hahaha lol BOOM!”

We’re so glad he’s feeling good about himself, and here’s hoping Catelynn is able to get to a place where she can do the same!


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Talk Addiction: Are They OK?!

If you"re familiar with Catelynn and Tyler from Teen Mom OG, then you probably know that they"ve had plenty of experience with addiction.

They"ve never gone through it themselves — though Catelynn has hinted at being dependent on marijuana in the past, and they were arrested in their teen years for possessing weed.

But unfortunately, they spent much of their childhoods watching their parents go down that dark, scary road.

Catelynn"s mother, April, has struggled with alcoholism, and Tyler"s father, Butch, once admitted on camera that he loved cocaine more than he loved his own son.

Thankfully, April is sober these days, and she"s been able to play a much more positive role in Catelynn"s life.

But Butch just hasn"t been able to maintain his own sobriety for any real length of time.

As we saw in earlier seasons of the show, he was released from prison just before Catelynn and Tyler got married, and he was out for just over a year.

Then, in late 2016, he relapsed, violated his probation, and was sent back.

He was released after a few months, but, as always, it"s hard for him to stay out of trouble.

Tyler really delves deep into that struggle in this heart-wrenching sneak peek for next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG.

As the clip begins, the couple explains to a producer that they"re still working on fixing up their new house, and that Butch is building a fence for them.

"Apparently he destroyed my childhood," Tyler jokes. "I need a fence. That"s all I ask of you now."

He"s joking, at least a little bit, but there"s some sad truth behind it — we"ll never forget his story of how he was so overwhelmed with everything that he attempted to hang himself when he was just 12 years old.

"Speaking of which," he adds now, "I need to talk to him about going to rehab."

Catelynn points out that he"d said before that he wanted to wait to have the rehab talk with Butch until he was less angry with him, and he says that he"s realized that he"s actually always going to be angry with him.

She agrees with him — she says that with her own mother, she feels angry a lot too, and she feels that it"s that way with many children of addicts.

She even says that children of addicts have a right to feel angry with their parents, which is fair.

They they have this whole sweet talk about how they created a safe space together, so on and so forth, and that"s adorable and precious, it really is.

But does Butch ever go to rehab?!

Watch the video below to hear Cate and Tyler"s real talk on addiction:

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierrra talk addiction are they ok