Showing posts with label Banging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banging. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Ric Flair Says He Masturbated Twice a Day on Top of Banging 10,000 Women

Turns out, Ric Flair’s hand has taken thousands of rides on “Space Mountain” too — ‘cause The Nature Boy says he masturbated twice a day in the prime of his pro wrestling career. That’s IN ADDITION TO the roughly 10,000 WOMEN he claims to…


Ric Flair Says He Masturbated Twice a Day on Top of Banging 10,000 Women

Turns out, Ric Flair’s hand has taken thousands of rides on “Space Mountain” too — ‘cause The Nature Boy says he masturbated twice a day in the prime of his pro wrestling career. That’s IN ADDITION TO the roughly 10,000 WOMEN he claims to…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Woman Learns Co-Worker is Banging Her Bae, Exacts Revenge

It"s time to meet @AyanaTheDIVA.

This Twitter user has gone viral due to the story of her co-worker, the friendship the two developed while employed by the same restaurant… and the man they apparently both were banging.

Take it away, AyanaTheDIVA! Tell us exactly what happened…

1. We Have Something in Common

We have something in common

So this Tweet sets the general stage: a new co-worker was bragging about her hot man… only for our heroine to discover this hot man was her boyfriend!

2. #SameBae Problems…

Number samebae problems

Here is how the whole thing started.

3. We Have the Same Taste in Men!

We have the same taste in men

Little did Ayana know.

4. You Think THAT Guy is Hot?!?

You think that guy is hot

Let me show you THIS guy!

5. Setting the Stage

Setting the stage

We’re getting to the good stuff, don’t worry.

6. Remember That Fine Stud of Mine?

Remember that fine stud of mine

Oh yes. Now it’s getting good…

View Slideshow

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pope Francis" Black Eye After Banging into Popemobile

Pope Francis needs prayer, and a bag of ice. The Pontiff could have used a little divine intervention before banging his head on his Popemobile. One minute he was Popin’ it up with the masses, and the next he took one to the eye. The good news ……


Friday, September 1, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott: Accuser Wasn"t My Girlfriend, One of Many Chicks I Was Banging

Ezekiel Elliott told NFL investigators he was NEVER in a serious, exclusive relationship with the woman accusing him of domestic violence … she was just one of many chicks he was nailing. Problem is … the NFL says his text messages tell a…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Amir Khan: I"m Divorcing My Wife, She"s Banging Anthony Joshua

Amir Khan just went nuclear on his wife, accusing her of banging Heavyweight champ Anthony Joshua … after telling the world he’s divorcing her.  Khan has been married to model Faryal Makhdoom since 2013, but took to Twitter minutes ago…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Scott Disick: I"m Not Dating Bella Thorne, Just Banging Her!

Sometimes when you see someone make a truly horrendous decision, you convince yourself that eventually they’ll see the error of their ways and reverse course.

But then you remember that Donald Trump’s Mika Brzezinski tweets haven’t been deleted yet, which is proof that often, people do dumb things and stubbornly stick to their guns.

When Bella Thorne traveled to Cannes with Scott Disick, we told ourselves that she would eventually realize hooking up with a drunk, depressive, 34-year-old father of three is no way to spend the last year of her teens.

When Bella abruptly returned home without Scott, we were satisfied that she had seen the light.

And when Scott’s friends told the world that Bella smells bad, we chose to look on the bright side and take it as insurance that Bella would never wander down that dangerous path again.

Oh, how wrong we were.

To the surprise of everyone who overestimated her decision-making skills, Bella is still hooking up with Scott.

Fortunately, sources close to the trainwreck pairing say Scott and Bella are not dating.

But they are hooking up.

As far as we can tell, that distinction means Scott is able to continue spreading his sadness and hooking up with random women all over the globe.

It’s a win-win for Disick … and just an incredibly super sad super situation for Bella.

“He’s still hanging out with Bella, but hooking up with other girls as well,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

The insider goes on to clarify that Bella is aware that Scott’s hooking up with other women, and she’s cool with it.

“Like before, he and Bella have an understanding,” says the tipster.

“They’re just hanging out, hooking up and having fun,” the source adds.

“Bella loves to party and is soaking it up. She left a party over the weekend in a rush to go and hang out with him.”

She loves partying?

Is that why she came home from Cannes ahead of schedule and publicly complained about Scott’s boozing and all-night ragers?

We’re guessing she loves something about Scott, but it’s not his hard-partying lifestyle.

That sounds like we’re talking about his penis, but really, we’re referring to the fact that he’s more famous than she is, and banging him is good for her career.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Scott Disick: Banging Bella Thorne to Get Back at Kourtney Kardashian?!

Sometimes it seems like the saga of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick will never, ever end.

That’s probably because this mess has been going on for like a decade now, with no end in sight.

Though the two of them obviously have some sort of love for each other — they share three children, after all — they’ve been having issues for years.

Kourtney gets upset with Scott because of his many addiction issues, Scott gets upset with Kourtney because she won’t sleep with him or show affection.

They break up, get back together, break up again, and go through that cycle a few billion times.

This time, though, they seem to be broken up for good. And Scott isn’t taking it well.

While Kourtney has been casually dating 24-year-old model Younes Bendjima since last fall, Scott has been hooking up with a series of ladies — most recently with Bella Thorne and old fling Chloe Bartoli.

In a disturbing turn of events, Kourtney and Scott both turned up to Cannes this week, and they’ve both been putting their much younger lovers on display.

And, if you can even believe it, they may be doing it to lash out at each other.

As a source explains to People, “Scott is partially using Bella and a few other girls as a crutch to make Kourtney upset and feel jealous.”

“They are both playing this ‘game’ with each other and at the moment neither one of them are backing down.”

Scott, as a human being with working eyes, “definitely has a thing for Bella and thinks she’s super hot,” but “he also hooks up with other people and has an ulterior motive to get back at Kourtney.”

But what’s his specific issue with her?

Apparently he’s “trying to stick it to Kourtney because of her liaison with Younes. It’s him acting out. He’s spinning out of control because of all the Kourtney sh-t.”

“It just sets him off because she’s rubbing her new relationship in his face and posting all those bikini photos.”

But is she really rubbing her new relationship in his face, or is she just living her life?

It’s hard to say.

In recent episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Scott has claimed that Kourtney has been leading him on, telling him that if he makes certain changes in his life then they’d have a chance of getting back together.

But from where we’re sitting, they broke up in 2015 and haven’t officially been back together since.

Really, these two just need to either work it out or let each other go for good. It’s fun drama and all, but it can’t be healthy.

You’re better than this, Skourtney. We hope.


Scott Disick Banging Chloe Bartoli; Bella Thorne Peaces Out of Cannes!

Looks like Scott Disick is back to his old ways again.

His old ways being Chloe Bartoli, the very same woman he was linked to two summers ago when Kourtney Kardashian dumped him.

As for Bella Thorne … looks like she’s seen enough.

Yesterday in Cannes, France, the 33-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians train wreck was seen in his villa with a mystery brunette.

Suffice it to say, she is a very attractive woman.

Mind you, this is just days after making a show out of taking Bella Throne to Cannes in an obvious play to make Kourt jealous.

Hard to believe he could parade around town with a teenage actress only to ditch her just hours later, but that’s Scott for you.

Brazen is one word for him. Reckless, another.

It turns out the Lord’s mystery plaything wasn’t that much of a mystery at all; Chloe Bartoli has once again linked up with him.

The two, as we said above, have a history.

As for Bella Thorne, she has now met Scott Disick up close and personal, and on the receiving end of a million “I told you sos” online.

Sources close to their Cannes crew say that after seeing just how out of control this guy is, the 19-year-old backed away from Scott.

And the whole Cannes scene, altogether.

Despite the fact that she’s an entertainment industry veteran, Scott’s heavy drinking was truly shocking, TMZ reports, to Bella.

To her credit, when Scott invited Bella to Cannes, she insisted they bring her older sister Dani along as a chaperone of sorts.

Even then, and with several friends around to look out for her, Bella’s long fuse ran out after being exposed to this s–tshow.

Insiders connected to Thorne’s family say that her parents were worried about this trip from the start, for the obvious reasons.

Her young age, the Cannes Film Festival’s reputation as a playground for rich a–holes partying … and Scott Disick, in general.

Still, they believe she’s an adult and can handle her own decisions, so they stayed out of it, and in the end? She proved them right.

Sure, she probably should’ve taken a hard pass in the first place, but at least she put the brakes on before getting in too deep.

Apparently, the final straw was Bartoli, whom Scott was not just “hanging out” with … hanging out on top of would be more apt.

Anyway, Ms. Thorne’s tweets on the subject:


Yes, this fancy life is not for her, Thorne says.

No, nothing happened with Scott, she says. 

A little bit of revisionist history, perhaps – that life could’ve been awesome with a guy who’s not a total f–king mess – but we’ll allow it.

Despite rumors that Scott and Bella stalked Ella Ross, hoping for a threesome with his most recent ex, it doesn’t look like that happened.

We think. And hope, against all hope.

Disick is reportedly determined to have three-way sex in an attempt to stick it to Kourtney … which may be his lowest point ever.

Seriously, this goes beyond his typical propensity for partying and “dating” young models and ventures into dangerous territory.

How many lives can this guy ruin?


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Not Just Banging, But Real Deal Couple

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott aren’t just enjoying each other’s company or having a casual relationship — they’re the real deal now, as in … exclusivo. Sources close to the couple tell us they’ve been inseparable since Coachella and have decided…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Demi Rose Mawby: Is She Banging Tyga Again?!?

It’s all over for Tyga and Kylie Jenner.

This much we know. For the most part.

But the break-up of this power couple took fans by surprise last month, considering their relative stability for several weeks prior and the talk that wedding bells could even be in the air for Kylie and Tyga.

What changed?

How did they go from Sure Thing to No Thing so quickly?

Based on the Instagram account of Demi Rose Mawby, some Internet users now believe they have an answer.

And it’s a pretty simple one that goes something like this:

Tyga cheated on Jenner with Demi Rose Mawby.

Mawby is a 22-year old model from Great Britain who struck up a brief romance with the rapper in May of last year, during one of Tyga and Kylie’s many breaks in 2016.

They met at a party in Cannes and “we really liked each other,” Mawby admitted to the Sun. “But logistically it didn’t work out in the end… you know, everything happens for a reason.”

Demi, who has appeared in music videos with DJ Khaled and Chris Brown, has been uploading more photos than usual to her social media page of late, however.

And these aren’t just your basic, run-of-the-mill selfies, either.

They show off Mawby’s cleavage and some even include hearts drawn over various parts of the model’s body.

Is this influx of sexy photos a mere coincidence? Or is Mawby basically seducing Tyga online?

Is she confirming that she and the annoying artist have rekindled their romance?

Neither Tyga nor Jenner has said much about this pause in their relationship, but an insider tells People Magazine that it may very well be nothing to get concerned over.

It’s sort of just how the stars roll.

“They tend to take little breaks all the time and then get back together. It’s definitely possible they’ll work things out again,” said this source last week.

A second recent report, meanwhile, lands somewhere in between.

It claims that Tyga and Kylie aren’t doing great, but aren’t totally broken up, either.

“Kylie is sad as she and Tyga are living separate lives,” an insider tells Hollywood Life, adding:

“Lately she has been spending more time with friends and less time with Tyga, as things really are cooling off between them.”

If this rumor about Tyga banging Demi Rose Mawby is accurate, we have a feeling things will go from cool to ICE COLD.

Then again, we could be making too much out of Mawby’s new round of Instagram photos.

She does have over four million followers. And it’s not because she writes messages of hope or sings online or does anything except flaunt her nearly-naked body on a frequent basis.

Yes, these pictures have been even more frequent of late.

And we’re a celebrity gossip website; of course we’re going to ask questions and speculate.

But we’ll keep fans apprised on whether or not Mawby is back in Tyga’s bed once again once we do some more research.

On a related note: How did Tyga ever land this beauty even one time?!?

Seriously. How did that happen?!?


Monday, March 13, 2017

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: Yup, We"re Banging!

For many years, Alex Rodriguez was suspected of taking steroids in order to enhance his performance on the baseball field.

But now the controversial superstar is suspected of something far less sinister and far more sexy:

The banging of Jennifer Lopez!

Last week, multiple sources confirmed that Lopez and Rodriguez are a romantic item, with websites claiming the singer and former slugger had spent recent time in Las Vegas.

“They’ve been quietly dating for a couple months,” read an entry on, which explained that Lopez and Drake split up in January.

The anonymous source who broke this news to the site said it was “absolutely true” that J. Lo and A. Rod had come together (literally!) to form J. Rod.

The day after this story ran, E! News confirmed that the stars were “dating,” although it made a point of saying things were “light-hearted” at the moment; neither side is seeking a serious relationship.

That may be true, but Lopez just announced her relatively new romance on social media.

Possibly. Maybe. Most likely.

Late on Sunday, the artist shared a grainy photo on her Instagram account in which she sat next to someone (in bed!) who looked a lot like the former New York Yankees MVP.

Although Lopez’s hair obscures her presumed lover’s face, it certainly appears to A. Rod settled in behind J. Lo.

His hand is placed gently on the singer’s long hair and he is nuzzling her ear.

Lopez deleted this photo not long after it went live, which just proves she’s a true professional.

She knows how to stoke the rumor mill without fully acknowledging any romance, keeping fans guessing and websites buzzing and her name firmly in the news.

Lopez and Rodriguez, meanwhile, are enjoying a romantic getaway at Bakers Bay Golf & Ocean Club in the Bahamas, according to The New York Post.

Insiders have told Page Six that they flew via private jet from Miami to Marsh Harbour on Friday night, arriving at the Harbour View Marina… where they were caught looking awfully cozy on a power boat en route to their sequestered destination.

“It’s early days, but Jennifer and Alex are really into each other,” a mole tells the newspaper.

Lopez and Rodriguez both share kids with their former spouses.

J. Lo and Marc Anthony, who are on great terms, co-parent nine-year-old twins, Emme and Max.

Rodriguez has two daughters – Natasha, 12, and Ella, 8 – with ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis.

He recently broke up with Anne Wojcicki, a relationship that followed past dalliances with with Cameron Diaz, Torrie Wilson and Kate Hudson.

For a guy who always came across like a total tool during his baseball-playing days, he’s been using his tool (read: penis) in impressive fashion throughout his booty-playing days.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kim Zolciak"s Daughter Did NOT Snapchat About Banging (PHOTOS)

Kim Zolciak wants everyone to get their mind outta the gutter — because her daughter did NOT Snapchat a plea for someone to bang her. Kim tells us the Snap image of 20-year-old Brielle Biermann that’s getting around is full-on FAKE NEWS…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Amber Rose Says She"s Not Banging Kevin Durant (VIDEO+ PHOTOS)

Bad news for Kevin Durant … he’s NOT banging Amber Rose, that’s according to Amber … who says the hookup the whole internet is talking about never happened. There were reports Amber and Kevin had hit up The Nice Guy together on Tuesday night,…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Nicole Murphy: I"m Not Banging Odell Beckham ... "I Have Kids Older Than Him"

Nicole Murphy is adamant rumors she played bump and run with Odell Beckham during Super Bowl weekend are 100% FALSE … saying she’s “never even met” the Giants superstar. There are reports the two were spotted this week at a Migos party in Houston…


Nicole Murphy: I"m Not Banging Odell Beckham ... "I Have Kids Older Than Him"

Nicole Murphy is adamant rumors she played bump and run with Odell Beckham during Super Bowl weekend are 100% FALSE … saying she’s “never even met” the Giants superstar. There are reports the two were spotted this week at a Migos party in Houston…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Younes Bendjima: Allegedly Banging Kourtney Kardashian!

When it comes to rumors of Kourtney Kardashian having gotten back together with Scott Disick, we have one thing to say:

Hold on, folks! Slow your roll and scroll down!

Because there’s a new, very attractive twist to this story… and he goes by the name of Younes Bendjima.

According to Us Weekly sources, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star and the six-pack laden model have been hooking up for some time, with the pair most recently spotted on December 16 outside the SLS hotel in Beverly Hills.

“Kourtney contacted him on Friday afternoon and asked him if he wanted to meet up,” an insider tells this tabloid of their rendezvous.

But the magazine makes it very clear that the relationship is more than just a one-day fling.

The two aren’t exactly talking marriage, but they’ve been getting it on for a little while now.

As for why Kourtney might have chosen Bendjima over Disick, despite the latter reportedly anxious to reconcilie with the mother of his kids?

Well… does the following photo of Younes Bendjima answer your question?


Okay. What about this one?

Bendjima is a boxer-turned-model who has many friends in common with Kourtney, including Jaden Smith.

He’s only 23 years old, making him 14 years younger than his new sexual intercourse partner.

According to the Internet, he has posed for such major brands as Calvin Klein, Burberry, and Ralph Lauren; while he was previously in a relationship with Victoria’s Secret model Jourdan Dunn.

Bendjima was born in Algeria.

Kardashian and Disick, of course, are the parents of three children: Mason, 7, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 2.

They broke up after about nine years together in July 2015 after Scott was caught getting too close and too cozy with ex-girlfriend Chloe Bartoli while partying on vacation in the South of France.

To their credit, however, Kardashian and Disick have remained pretty close, for the sake of their kids.

Every time they are see together, however, chatter starts up once again about how they are destined to get back together.

This chatter has heated up of late, as various sources have claimed Disick is clean, sober and intent on winning Kourtney back over.

“He hopes one day she will see the light and come back to him,” Us Weekly recently wrote. “That’s why he went to rehab. He has tried everything, but it’s Kourtney who won’t go there.”

Not yet at least, apparently.

Perhaps Kourtney just wants to have a bit of fun before she settles down once again.

And we’ve posted yet another image of Younes Bendjima with his shirt off above in order to really hammer this point home:

Can you blame Kardashian for wanting to be hammered by this well-sculpted stud?


Friday, October 7, 2016

Rugby Superstar Aaron Smith -- Apologizes for Banging Chick In Airport Bathroom (VIDEO)

New Zealand All Blacks superstar Aaron Smith — considered one of the best rugby players in the world — has apologized after he was caught nailing a chick in an airport bathroom.  Multiple witnesses say they saw Smith (who has a…


Rugby Superstar Aaron Smith -- Apologizes for Banging Chick In Airport Bathroom (VIDEO)

New Zealand All Blacks superstar Aaron Smith — considered one of the best rugby players in the world — has apologized after he was caught nailing a chick in an airport bathroom.  Multiple witnesses say they saw Smith (who has a…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sofia Richie is Now of Legal Banging Age

It is now legal for Justin Bieber to have sexual intercourse with Sofia Richie.

The singer started to date the model earlier this month, going public with his relationship via a series of photos posted to Instagram after the couple traveled together to Tokyo.

Social media immediately blew up upon seeing these pictures because, for starters, social media always blows up any time Justin Bieber has a new girlfriend.

But there was a second reason why this romance has made an endless number of headlines:

Because Richie was only 17 years old at the time she started dating Bieber.

Justin is 22 and that difference just seems a bit icky to some critics.

It also seems a bit illegal in some states, depending on whether or not Bieber and Richie have had sex.

Richie, however, turns 18 years old today. And we think we know how she and Justin have been celebrating!

(They probably had a lot of sex.)

Bieber telling the world about Richie has created quite the $ hitstorm, of course.

Not long after sharing multiple snapshots of himself and Richie getting cozy in the backseat of a car, Bieber took to Instagram and issued a threat to his followers.

Too many of them had said really cruel things to Richie online, forcing Justin to tell everyone to stop talking smack… or else he’d make his account private.

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand,” Bieber captioned a photo of himself with Richie, adding:

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

This actually seemed like a pretty noble move in our eyes, as Bieber was standing up for his gal pal.

But Selena Gomez took issue with it. She called out her ex-boyfriend for making his relationship public in the first place.

She told him to keep his private life private, or accept the consequences.

Either way, she argued, Bieber should never blame his fans for their passion.

Following some back and forth between himself and Gomez, along with many comments left by fans of both singers, Bieber went one step further than making his Instagram account private.

He actually deleted it entirely!

For once, it doesn’t seem like Bieber did much wrong.

It’s totally inappropriate for anyone to say anything negative about Sofia Richie simply because she’s dating Justin Bieber. That’s absurd.

And it’s a solid move by Bieber to call folks out for their ridiculous statements.

Should he share certain photos on social media? Come on, everyone does that in this day and age.

And there’s no way Selena would have anything bad to say about pictures Bieber shared of her if the two of them were dating.

Gomez has since apologized for stirring up this mess, but sources say Bieber doesn’t want to hear it.

If we had to place a wager, we’d still say he and Gomez will get back together someday. It just seems like fate.

For now, however, Bieber is doing his own thing with Richie and, as of today, he can also actually DO Richie. Without concern of legal consequences.