Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

Jill Duggar Pays Birthday Tribute to Derick Dillard ... Who Promptly Gets Roasted By Fans

It’s been a rough few months for Derick Dillard.

The troubles started when Derick got fired by TLC after launching an unprovoked social media attack on fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

In the months since, things have only gotten worse for poor Der.

It’s almost like costing his family their only source of income in order to settle some petty social media score wasn’t the smartest move.

This week has been a particularly hard one on Derick, as he was torn to shreds for complaining that TLC refused to pay his son’s medical bills.

(As many followers pointed out, employers give you money in exchange for labor, so that you can pay for unexpected expenses yourself.)

But it’s Friday, and it’s Derick’s 29th birthday, so right about now he probably just wants to kick back with a spicy Virgin Mary and forget about the online world for a bit.

Unfortunately for Big D, the internet doesn’t take days off.

Earlier today, Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, posted the above photo along with a heartfelt birthday message:

“Happy birthday My Love! You’re the best hubby and father! I’m so in love with you! I hope this last birthday in your 20s is a good one,” Jill captioned the pic.

Unfortunately, the last year of Der’s twenties isn’t off to the greatest start, as Jill’s followers took the opportunity to roast the controversial house husband within an inch of his life:

“Derick, happy birthday. As you blow out your candles, you should wish forgiveness from God for the things that come out of you mouth,” wrote one follower. 

“May Derick learn the true meaning of being a Christian for his 29th year,” another commented.

“Wow! 29 and still doesn’t have a real paying job! How very sad,” another roast-master remarked.

“I don’t think this year will be a good birthday. After all, he posted on Twitter yesterday he seems really emotional and upset. I have a feeling Derick will be on Twitter again all day complaining how life isn’t fair.”

Needless to say, there’s not a lot of birthday love out there for Der today.

Maybe he should flip the script and give Twitter a present by deleting his account.

Watch Counting On online to relive the days before Derick got himself and his wife canned from the world’s cushiest gig.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

NFL"s Letroy Guion: Arrest Warrant Issued Over Hawaiian Birthday Debacle

File Under: “Trouble In Paradise” Ex-Green Bay Packers lineman Letroy Guion is a wanted man in Hawaii — after a judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest stemming from a very boozy birthday party.  As we previously reported, the 30-year-old…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Josh Duggar Resurfaces on Instagram For 30th Birthday, Gets SLAMMED By Fans

For obvious reasons, Josh Duggar doesn’t make many appearances on social media these days.

It’s been three years since the world learned that Josh molested five young girls and was aided by his parents in his efforts to cover up his crimes.

Somehow, Jim Bob and Michelle have managed to rebuild their reputations, but needless to say, Josh hasn’t been quite as lucky.

The former lobbyist remains in virtual exile, and it’s rare for Josh’s parents and siblings to even acknowledge his existence in public settings.

Unfortunately for his long-suffering wife, Anna Duggar, not everyone is so able to so easily distance themselves from Josh.

Josh celebrated his 30th birthday over the weekend, and while most of the Duggars didn’t acknowledge the occasion, Anna paid tribute to her disgraced husband on Instagram.

And not surprisingly, her post wasn’t terribly well-received by fans:

Anna posted the video above in which an assemblage of Duggars serenades Josh in celebration of his milestone birthday.

Even Josiah Duggar’s new courting partner Lauren Swanson was on hand for the occasion and can be seen in Anna’s video.

But not everyone has proven quite so forgiving of Josh’s many indiscretions.

“Once a cheater always a cheater,” wrote one fan.

“She’s gonna get heartbroken again. Just caring for the woman’s well being.”

Others took issue with the manner in which Josh is holding his and Anna’s youngest child:

“This is disgusting, nobody wants to see your cheating child molester husband who’s holding his baby’s toes only cm from that flame. You should probably delete this post, the fat lump is disgusting me. Hope he burns in hell.”

Many pointed out that Jessa Duggar – who was revealed to be one of Josh’s victims – can be seen in the clip.

Others commented that Anna’s willingness to post such footage in a public forum points to a disturbing trend.

For two years after news of his sex scandals broke, Josh was nowhere to be seen on social media.

That changed in 2017 when his wife and parents once again began posting photos and videos in which he was featured.

Fans of the Duggars now fear that Josh is being slowly reintroduced to the public in an effort to normalize the father of five.

Some have even gone so far as to suggest that Josh might appear on Counting On, the Duggar’s popular TLC reality series.

That seems like quite a leap, but we’re sure the Duggars have often envisioned a future in which their eldest son’s misconduct is forgotten and forgiven.

Fortunately, there are many who seen intent on preventing that from happening.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Selena Gomez Gives Justin Bieber a Birthday Shout-Out

Though the newly single Justin Theroux broke his Instagram silence to message Selena, Selena’s giving a shout-out to a very different Justin.

Justin Bieber, of course. Thursday was his birthday. 

Selena is using her legendary Instagram clout to wish her on-again boyfriend a happy birthday … somewhat cryptically.

Yes, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are really back together, despite the hopes of many fans and, apparently, all of Selena’s family that she not repeat past mistakes.

But the world is meant to believe that Justin Bieber has totally transformed. That he no longer suffers from alleged substance abuse and addiction that his own management worried would claim his life.

That he’ll no longer partake in the terrible, juvenile, and often illegal behavior for which he was so infamous just a few years ago.

Apparently, Justin Bieber is way more into his religion these days. Which reportedly has led Selena to feel that God has blessed their reunion.

And now, Selena has posted this.

That polaroid which is affixed to Selena’s beautiful forehead in this photo is a picture of the Biebs.

In case fans somehow missed it, though, Selena Gomez posted this caption.

“March 1, 1994 someone I know that happens to be super cool was born. Boom.”

Justin Bieber was, of course, born on that date.

He is now 24 years old and getting yet another chance at happiness with one of the most talented and exceptional human beings on the planet.

We hope that he counted his blessings.

And we can’t imagine what he wished for when he blew out his candles — what more could he ask for?

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber recently celebrated Justin’s once-deadbeat father’s wedding with him in Jamaica.

Not only were the two practically joined at the hip for this happy occasion, they also spent time joined at the lips.

“They were kissing and hugging throughout the morning,” E! reports about Jelena’s tropical makeout.

The details make it all sound very romantic.

“He rubbed sunscreen all over her back, and they enjoyed the pool and being outside…”

What matters isn’t what fans think of Justin or their reunion, but how Selena feels about all of this.

“They looked extremely happy.”

Awww, good for them!

As for those who accuse Selena of repeating past mistakes, well, E!‘s insider claims that this is something else.

“Everything is so different this time around.”

Well, they’ve both lived their lives and grown as individuals since they last broke up.

“This time around, Justin is behaving like a gentlemen and showing how much he cares about her.”

That’s certainly very nice to hear. We hope that it lasts.

“He’s is a lot more open about his feelings towards Selena, which has been a big sign of him maturing.”

Awwww! Very different from the guy who couldn’t express his affections unless he was drunk whom Selena describes in her song, “Sober.”

Obviously, the renewed closeness of this couple has led to rumors.

Some have claimed that Selena Gomez is pregnant with Justin Bieber’s baby — she is not.

In the light of Selena’s ongoing struggle with Lupus, a devastating autoimmune disorder that caused her to get a kidney transplant last June and which continues to threaten her life, those rumors are almost cruel.

But, bittersweetness aside, this was a wholesome post by Selena.

We hope that she and the Biebs enjoyed his 24th birthday.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Kim Zolciak Gifts Brielle Biermann a Gun for Her 21st Birthday

Recently, Brielle Biermann dismissed plastic surgery rumors — she says that her body’s transformation is just the result of puberty.

It’s a reminder that she’s grown up before viewers’ eyes. In fact, over the weekend, she turned 21 and partied to celebrate.

Kim Zolciak presented her daughter with a present that’s causing quite a stir — a gun.

Brielle Biermann celebrated turning 21 — and it’s good that she did.

After 21, birthdays aren’t really the same. At 18 you can vote and become a sex worker. At 21, you can drink.

The milestones of being able to rent a car at 25 or run for President at 35 aren’t usually quite so exciting. And they’re accompanied by the dreadful sense of one’s own mortality as your flesh prison begins to slowly fail.

At 21, though, there’s still plenty of reason to party.

And that’s just what Brielle did — partying away in Miami.

When Brielle returned home, however — you know, to her also-famous family — she was presented with gifts. Birthday presents.

She received some art that appeared to be framed and sculptured molds of topless women.

TMZ reports that these pieces of art would have set Kim Zolciak back $ 5,550 each.

(Leaving some fans to speculate that Kim or Brielle may have posed for the molds, but that’s pure speculation, folks)

The controversial gift was much cheaper at not much over $ 1,000.

It was a gun.

Brielle Biermann Gun

The handgun with a rose gold top was a gift to Brielle.

(Apparently the potentially deadly present came from Kroy Biermann, specifically)

While a handgun wouldn’t really be characterized as an “assault rifle” and doesn’t realistically equip someone to destroy as many lives in such a short time as a preferred tool of terrorists such as the AR-15, it’s still a gun.

Brielle was very clearly taken aback by the gift.

She asked what it was for, and admitted to being frightened by the idea of owning it, saying: “I’m scared.”

Apparently, Kim and Kroy just felt that Brielle should have a gun since she’s an adult and no longer living at home.

The question of whether the gift was tasteful was obvious.

It hasn’t even been two weeks since the devastating school shooting in Florida in which a deranged former student, believed to now be a Trump-supporting white supremacist based upon his social media posts, opened fire at a school, claiming 17 lives and traumatizing hundreds.

The tragedy is one on a national scale.

So … was this gift in terrible taste?

Some, of course, believe that a gun is never an appropriate gift.

Others point out that a handgun seems more viable as a self-defense tool.

And others point out that Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann almost certainly got this gun long before the Florida shooting, and that their only real mistake was the tone-deaf decision to broadcast Brielle’s gift to the world.

Of course, others have tried to argue that Kim and Kroy live in Georgia and therefore don’t know any better. (Absurd)

The Zolciak-Biermann clan is not the only reality family to weigh in on guns.

Kim Kardashian called for gun control in the wake of the terrible Florida shooting that took 17 innocent lives.

Since then, courageous students who survived that awful day have become lightning rods for the push for gun control, and every voiced added to theirs is helpful.

In the meantime, just hours after the horrific shooting, Jenelle Evans was slammed for an insensitive gun tweet as she showed herself firing a weapon of war.

And of course her husband, David Eason’s series of pro-gun posts later devolved into a horrifying homophobic rant that got him promptly fired.

it’s not clear if Kim and Kroy were trying to make a political statement. They may have just been pumping out social media content in order to stay relevant. Like always.


TMZ Live Kim Zolciak Gifts Daughter With Birthday Gun

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tyler Perry: Insane New Atlanta Mansion  Florida Shooting Survivors Eyeing Book Deals Barbra Streisand: I Cloned My Dog! Blac Chyna: Bowling With Mystery Man


Kim Zolciak Gives Daughter Brielle Handgun for 21st Birthday

Kim Zolciak’s little girl is now a grown-ass pistol packing mama, and her mom wouldn’t have it any other way … TMZ has learned. Brielle Biermann turned 21 on Sunday, and when she got home on Monday … Kim was waiting with her gift — a brand new…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Throws Birthday Party with Guests Including Mariah Carey, Jamie Foxx

Floyd Mayweather turned 41 years this weekend and to celebrate he threw an insane party for himself.  The bash went down Saturday night at The Reserve in Downtown L.A.  Floyd joined Mariah and Jamie at the DJ booth and it looked like they…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Talks Private Jets and Jewelry During Birthday Weekend

Floyd Mayweather did not disappoint during the kickoff to his birthday weekend … telling us all about his new, shiny private jet.   We got Money Friday night in WeHo heading into Serafina restaurant, and he was all about the glitz of…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Leaves $5,500 Tip for Twins" Birthday Party

J Lo went all out for her twins’ 10th birthday party … and she took REALLY good care of the people who helped throw it. Jennifer put on a bash for more than 30 guests at the Sugar Factory in Las Vegas Thursday night to celebrate Max and…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rihanna Celebrates 30th Birthday with Intimate NYC Party

Rihanna celebrated hitting the BIG 3-0 Tuesday night in NYC, but it was less of a bad girl RiRi party and more of a super formal Miss Fenty affair. Hey, she’s maturing. The fete for her closest friends and family was held at The Pool and…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Frances Bean Cobain, Courtney Love Pay Tribute on Kurt Cobain"s Birthday

Believe it or not, it’s been 24 years since Kurt Cobain took his own life at the height of his fame.

The iconic Nirvana frontman would have turned 51 today.

Millions of fans and the wife and daughter he left behind took to social media today to pay tribute to one of the most influential musicians in recent decades.

Frances Bean Cobain marked the occasion by posting the above photo of herself and her father.

Sadly, it’s one of very few of them together, as Kurt died when Frances was just 18 months old.

Frances honored her father last year, on what would have been Kurt’s 50th birthday.

She kept the tradition going today with a caption that spoke to her father’s snarky sense of humor: 

“I hope they don’t have the internet wherever you are. I feel like that would be counterproductive. Regardless, Happy Birthday to an angel,” she wrote.

Last week, Frances revealed that she’s sober following a several-year battle substance abuse.

As the daughter of two parents who struggled with addiction, the odds were stacked against Frances in terms of falling prey to the disease herself.

So the fact that she was able to not only get clean but to share her story with fans is all the more impressive.

Kurt’s widow, Courtney Love, also paid tribute to the late rock star on social media.

“Happy birthday baby god I miss you,” she captioned the photo below.

The years since her husband’s death have often been tumultuous for Love, and she endured their own well-publicized battles with addiction.

Love has admitted to using heroin while pregnant and has been harshly criticized for some of her public behavior over the years, but against all odds, she seems to have turned things around recently.

She remains a popular cultural figure and has happily assisted in keeping Kurt’s legacy alive for a generation of new music fans.

As another birthday passes for a legend who would likely still have many years of touring and recording ahead of him if he’d only survived his youth, it’s hard not to dwell on what might have been.

But as teens who weren’t yet born when Cobain died continue to sport Nirvana t-shirts, and artists like Post Malone cover songs like “All Apologies” one can only be grateful for the tremendous body of work this troubled soul left behind.


Chris Brown Posts Birthday Shout-Out to Rihanna, Gets Roasted By Fans

Thankfully, Chris Brown hasn’t been in the news much lately.

Generally when you see Breezy’s name in a headline, it’s a sure sign that you’re face will soon be firmly planted in your palm.

And we’re sad to say this latest case is no exception.

Today, Rihanna celebrates her 30th birthday, an occasion that she’ll probably mark by smoking 31 blunts.

(The last one is because she lost count.)

Milestone birthdays can be times of poignant reflection, and obviously RiRi has a whole hell of a lot to be proud o.

But like most of us, there are some aspect of her past that she likely wishes would remain in the past.

And today, one of the ghosts of her early twenties swooped in to remind the Barbadian queen of a time she’d probably prefer to forget.

The photo above was posted on Instagram by Brown with a caption reading simply, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY @badgalriri.”

Rihanna Baby Pic

Needless to say, some fans weren’t thrilled to see the man who brutally assaulted Rihanna attempting to steal her birthday shine.

“This isn’t cute,” wrote one follower. “He put his hands on her. Grow up. Move on. Respect.”

“DELETE THIS!” another commented.

“I wouldn’t like to have my abuser show affection to me after getting my head bashed in to the floor,” a third remarked.

The consensus seemed to be that Chris remains a dumbass and should probably be considered as a first ballot inductee into the Dumbass Hall of Fame.

But believe it or not, for reasons that defy explanation and make us seriosly consider taking up residence in the deep woods, several miles from the nearest router, there are still folks out there who want Chris and Rihanna to get back together.

“Can y’all get married now like damn it’s long overdue!” wrote one eager fan.

“Aww him and Rihanna would have a cute baby,” observed one clueless user.

Yes, in just 9 short years, many seem to have forgotten just how brutal Chris’ attack truly was.

If you still had any hope left for humanity, it might be time to abandon it.

On the bright side, Chris doesn’t appear to have dated anyone seriously since he broke up with Karrueche Tran for the last time in 2016, so maybe he’s finally realized that he should be removed from the gene pool.


Isabel Rock: Showered With Roloff Family Love on Her Birthday!

Happily, former Little People, Big World star Jacob Roloff is engaged to Isabel Rock — his longtime girlfriend and even longer-time friend.

Though Jacob was estranged from his family until quite recently, they’ve mended fences and embraced each other with open arms. They’ve embraced his girlfriend, too.

In fact, the Roloff ladies took Izzy out to celebrate her birthday — and shared sweet photos to commemmorate the occasion.

Proud mother and mother-in-law Amy Roloff shared this photo of Audrey, Tori, Izzy, and of course her beautiful self.

In the caption, she wrote:

“So wonderful I got to hang out at Bushwackers, getting our country on, w/ my beautiful DIL’s and soon to be celebrating Isabel’s birthday!”

That was followed by a series of ice cream cone and balloon emojis.

“I’m so blessed by my son’s wives. We had a blast!”

It must be nice for Matt and Amy — though Molly doesn’t live nearby, the children who do just keep collecting new family members. And, sometimes, giving birth to them.

Amy Roloff shared this photo of just her with the birthday girl, and included the caption:

“Happy Happy Birthday to you Isabel. So excited we can celebrate YOU today.”

Awww, that’s sweet! She continued:

“I hope your day is as wonderful as you! Lots of love.”

To be clear, this is Isabel Rock’s 22nd birthday.

That’s no surprise to anyone familiar with the details of Jacob Roloff’s proposal, because Izzy had mentioned that she was a year older than Jacob back when they met.

And, of course, Jacob Roloff turned 21 just last month.

Speaking of Jacob, just because his fiancee was out partying with his mom and sisters-in-law didn’t mean that he ignored his lady love’s birthday.

He shared this sweet photo of the two of them together with their sweet, precious dogs, writing the caption:

“Happy birthday to this gem of a lady, my fiancee.”

He follows that with a heart eyes emoji.

Jacob hasn’t been shy about sharing his opinions in the past, but he’s also been reserved about putting his personal life in the spotlight.

But the 18-year-old boy who stormed off of Roloff Farms decrying his family’s reality series (honestly, the contentions ran a little deeper than the show) has grown into a 21-year-old man who’s not afraid to show the world how much he loves his fiancee.

It must be so nice for Izzy to receive this outpouring of love and support from her soon-to-be new family.

But she’s been bonding with them for months, folks.

This photo (above), from back in November, was of Amy Roloff — and Jacob, of course, but that almost goes without saying — visiting an art gallery showing of Isabel Rock’s paintings.

What’s more, some fans believe that Isabel may have ended Jacob and Audrey’s feud — if there ever really was a feud to begin with.

At the very least, Izzy and Audrey seem to get along pretty well. Izzy even helped promote Audrey’s brand on Instagram. What else is family for?

Isabel Rock isn’t the only person who doesn’t have the last name of Roloff around whom Amy Roloff’s been spending time.

Just earlier this month, fans couldn’t help but wonder if Amy Roloff and Chris Marek had just broken up. when he appeared to be conspicuously absent from Amy’s photos, right before Valentine’s Day.

Good news, however — those assuming that they’d split were mistaken. The two had a lovely Valentine’s Day, at least part of which was spent on the beach.

So romantic!


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Rapper YFN Lucci"s Birthday Party Featured Flaming Vaginas!

Got that burning sensation in your genitals?  Well, you must’ve been the featured performer at YFN Lucci’s super flamin’ 27th birthday bash!!! The rapper had everything you could possibly imagine at his “Trap Du Soleil” shindig in Atlanta –…


Rapper YFN Lucci"s Birthday Party Featured Flaming Vaginas!

Got that burning sensation in your genitals?  Well, you must’ve been the featured performer at YFN Lucci’s super flamin’ 27th birthday bash!!! The rapper had everything you could possibly imagine at his “Trap Du Soleil” shindig in Atlanta –…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Danai Gurira Celebrates 40th Birthday with "Black Panther" Cast Before Opening Weekend

A good chunk of the cast of “Black Panther” got together to ring in one of their co-stars’ 40th birthday … but they probably had more reason to celebrate than just that. Danai Gurira — who plays Okoye in the upcoming film — turns the big 4-0…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Pay Birthday Tribute to Son Tyler: We Didn"t Forget This Time!

There are many challenges that come with raising 20 children.

You have to feed and clothe a small army, you have to yell out the right name when you’re angry, which is often a challenge even for parents with regular-sized families…

… and of course, you have to remember 20 different birthdays.

Lately, that last task has proven a considerable challenge for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

Yes, despite their claims of being the planet’s foremost super parents, the Duggars have been forgetting birthdays lately.

But don’t worry, they’ve been doing their damnedest to cover their tracks.

First, they spaced on Jordyn Duggars’ birthday, and hastily threw together a last-minute celebration.

Shortly thereafter, Joseph Duggar turned 23, and his parents obviously forgot about his big day entirely.

They compensated by posting a video with a Jay Leno impersonator they’d just happened to run into, which sounds like something only the drunkest of stepdads would attempt to get away with.

Needless to say, the Duggars took quite a bit of flak, for their recent lapses in memory.

So it should come as no surprise that they’ve taken steps to ensure that no such errors occur again.

After all, forgetting your kids’ birthdays is one thing – being called out as anything other than models of perfect parenting is quite another.

Many fans of the family aren’t even aware of this, but back in 2016, the Duggars adopted a 20th child.

His name is Tyler Duggar and he celebrated his 10th birthday over the weekend.

Newly self-conscious about assuring the world that they remember the dates all their kids were born, the Duggars took to social media to pay tribute to Tyler.

The Duggars posted the above photo on Facebook, along with a caption praising the newest addition to their massive brood:

“Happy 10th birthday Tyler, a whole decade now!” Michelle and Jim Bob wrote.

“You are such a joy and a delight! We are so thankful for you! We wish you a happy birthday and look forward to another great year!!” 

Comments on the post served as a reminder that many fans were not aware of Tyler’s existence:

“Happy Birthday young man…Tyler. But, who is Tyler? All Duggar names start with a J,” one fan wrote.

“Who is Tyler? I thought all there [sic] kids’ names started with a J? Did they adopt?” another remarked.

So it looks like the Duggars haven’t been very good about celebrating all things Tyler on social media.

But hey, at least they remembered his birthday!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Chloe Grace Moretz Rings in 21st Birthday at The Abbey Sans Brooklyn Beckham

Chloe Grace Moretz turned the big 2-1 this weekend, and promptly turned up by rubbing on a dude that wasn’t her boyfriend, Brooklyn Beckham … but she probably gets a pass. Chloe hit the town Saturday night for he 21st birthday by making a brief…


Chloe Grace Moretz Rings in 21st Birthday at The Abbey Sans Brooklyn Beckham

Chloe Grace Moretz turned the big 2-1 this weekend, and promptly turned up by rubbing on a dude that wasn’t her boyfriend, Brooklyn Beckham … but she probably gets a pass. Chloe hit the town Saturday night for he 21st birthday by making a brief…
