Showing posts with label Britney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britney. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Britney Spears" Dad Wants Kevin Federline"s Tax Returns to See if He"s a Freeloader

Britney Spears’ dad is calling Kevin Federline’s bluff that he needs more child support to care for the 2 kids he had with the singer … we’ve learned Jamie Spears will demand to see Kevin’s 2017 tax return to see if he’s working for a living or…


Monday, March 19, 2018

TMZ Live: Britney Spears: Money War with K-Fed!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Selena Gomez Shows Off Her Scars The Kardashians Save the Day Aaron Hernandez’s Alleged Gay Secret Samuel L. Jackson’s Dinner Date with Judge Judy


Britney Spears, Kevin Federline is Making Child Support Money Grab

Britney Spears’ dad, Jamie, is super upset at Kevin Federline, who called him pleading for more child support when, in fact, all he wants is to jump on her gravy train. Sources connected to Britney tell TMZ, last Friday K-Fed called Jamie and…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Britney Spears: PISSED at Kevin Federline For Demanding More Child Support!

Our younger readers may not be familiar with the velour track suit come to life that is Kevin Federline, so let us fill you in the saga of the ultimate baby daddy:

Federline married Britney Spears back in 2004, and she’s been paying for that mistake ever since.

While the marriage lasted only a couple years, Federline fathered two children with Spears, which means he’s pretty much hitched his wagon to her star for life.

(Or at least until little Sean and Jayden turn eighteen.)

And these days, K-Fed – as he was known in the dark days of the early ’00s – seems hell-bent on getting the most out of this arrangement.

It seems Federline wants more child support money from Spears, and sources say he’s willing to take her to court if he has to.

And according to US Weekly, Brit is downright fuming over her ex’s audacity:

“She’s angry Kevin is asking for more money because she pays for everything,” says an insider, who describes Britney and Kevin’s relationship as “strained.” 

“Those boys are her world. She is an amazing mother.”

Child support beefs amongst rich people are always a little hilarious since it’s not like anyone is struggling to pay for groceries here.

It’s more like Kevin takes the kids to Disneyland he just pays for admission, while Brit rents out the entire park and has it closed to the public so there are no lines for the rides.

There are numerous reasons why it’s tempting to side with Brit, not the least of which is that if it weren’t for her financial support, Kevin would probably be popping and locking on a street corner somewhere.

But it’s important to remember that their situation is more complex than that of most celebrity exes.

As you may recall, Brit has had her share of problems over the years.

The consequences of Spears’ 2007 meltdown are still a daily reality for the singer, who is still, in some ways, under the thumb of her father and financial advisor, Jamie Spears.

There were several times in the past decade when it would have been easy to fight for sole custody of the kids, but K-Fed mostly did right by his ex:

“Kevin has always allowed for very liberal visitation,” says the insider. “He has been supportive of her recovery.”

It may have been quite some time ago, but it’s something Brit should probably keep in mind if she plans to square off with Kevin in court.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kevin Federline: Britney Spears Should Gimme More Child Support

Britney Spears has brought countless gifts in the world. While most of those are in the form of her music, she also gave birth to her sons, Sean Preston Federline and Jayden James Federline.

And while their mother is one of the most famous and talented people on the planet, at the moment, it’s their father who’s making waves.

According to this report, Kevin Federline is attempting to get more child support money out of Britney.

Britney Spears is an absolute legend who walks among us.

While we can all take a moment each day to be thankful that, of all of the years of human history, we were lucky enough to live in the same time period as Britney Spears, the vast majority were not actually married to her.

But Kevin Federline was, from 2004 until 2007.

Though their union was clearly not meant to last, they’ll forever be linked by their precious sons — Sean Preston and Jayden James.

And, of course, by the accompanying child support payments.

As one can imagine, it’s Britney who pays Kevin and not the other way around.

Apparently, she currently sends baby daddy Kevin $ 20,000 per month for child-support.

For normal people, that’s a huge amount of money. Even if Sean Preston and Jayden spent every single day with their father, and they do not, it’s unlikely that the two of them would be costing $ 666 dollars every single day.

(Of course, for celebrities, there are concerns like security and often private schools and transportation, so we can see how the added expenses add up … even to nearly a quarter of a million dollars per year)

However, that payout was determined a decade ago, when the couple split. At the time, Britney was dealing with personal mental health issues and wasn’t really performing full-time.

Compare that and how her finances must have looked to now, when she just finished her Vegas residency and is about to go on tour.

And now a report from The Blast claims that Kevin Federline is requesting more money in the form of child support.

Apparently, an attorney acting on Kevin’s behalf filed papers to that effect.

Though there’s no actual mention of how much money he’s looking for, he wants, well, more.

In part, people may assume that this is a money-grab.

At the same time, child support is determined in part, not just by how much time the children spend with each parent, but also based upon a percentage of the parent’s income.

Considering that Britney reportedly made something in the neighborhood of $ 15 million per year during her Vegas residency (and nearly twice what she pays Kevin Federline annually at each individual show), some would say that Kevin Federline is due for an upgrade.

Apparently, he’s not looking for a nasty public battle or even a drawn out one.

And it’s possible that, if his requests are reasonable, he’ll get what he’s asking for.

Britney Spears famously adores her sons.

Years ago, she knew that she didn’t want to repeat the mistakes that her own parents made, and resolved to be the best possible mother to her boys.

(She took match classes herself so that she could help her sons with their homework — most parents would have just hired a tutor for the boys)

Britney is a woman with one of the most powerful social media platforms on the planet.

Do you know what she uses it for? Often, to praise her sons. Recently, she’s been showcasing their Dragon Ball Z art and praising their technique.

(They’re genuinely skilled young artists who are really getting the hang of things like perspective)

It wouldn’t be surprising if Kevin Federline gets what he’s asking for, largely because it could mean that her sons can live in more opulence when they’re spending time with their father.

But we’ll see how all of this pans out. There could be a lot going on that isn’t public knowledge.



Thursday, January 4, 2018

Britney Spears Trades Vegas Residency for Hawaiian Vacation in Bikini

Britney Spears is taking a load off in Hawaii after ending her residency in Las Vegas — and we are so thankful for the break … and the view. Brit was spotted rockin’ a yellow bikini on a Hawaiian beach Wednesday — just a few days after she…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Britney Spears Lip Syncs New Year"s Eve Concert, Gets Roasted On Twitter

It’s 2018, and Britney Spears still has a career.

If you’d made that prediction eleven years ago at peak of Bald Britney-mania, you would’ve been shunned from society and forced to spend your remaining days in the mountains, shearing alpacas, or something.

Yes, the simple fact that Britney is alive, healthy, and continuing to make millions is downright remarkable.

Still, there are those who expect more from her.

They’re not satisfied by the fact that Brit has full custody of her kids, is no longer under the sway of either a psychiatric hold or the master manipulator the neighborhood children called the Federline.

These people see fit to criticize the divine Ms. Spears for such minor offenses as “not actually singing at her concerts.”

The nerve of these ingrates!

Yes, Britney rang in 2018 on the confusingly-titled Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest, and sure she didn’t actually sing, but at least she didn’t just stand around asking for hot tea.

But apparently, some folks on Twitter haven’t gotten the memo tht Britney has officially reached Mariah-level icon status, which means she can spend the rest of her days just showing up places and being paid to do literally nothing.

The same haters and losers who want Donald John Trump to stop tweeting and govern also want Britney to stop being fabulous, and … sing.

“Performing” at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Britney moved around on stage to the tune of “Work B-tch” and “Toxic.”

And sadly, she began the year by being savagely corn-cobbed on Twitter.

“Oh great, Britney is going to mime AND lip sync another song for us,” tweeted one blasphemer.

“I think they should just put a cardboard cut out with a musical recording of Britney Spears singing. All she does now is seemingly lip sync. #RockinEve britney,” remarked another.

Who does @britneyspears think she’s fooling? If your dance moves aren’t the same as 2006, clearly your vocals wouldn’t be either…. good try though. #RockinEve,” echoed a third betrayer of the queen.

Yes, folks, it seems you can go take your hopes for a better and more just world in 2018 and toss them right in the trash.

Here’s hoping the world will be more appreciative of Britney’s terrible lip-syncing in 2019.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Britney Spears Stage Crasher Facing 2 Charges, Trial Date Set

The guy who bum-rushed Britney Spears on her Las Vegas stage now has 2 charges hanging over his head, and he’s one step closer to a trial … TMZ has learned. According to court docs, Jesse Webb’s trial is scheduled to begin January 18. He’s…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Fake Britney Spears Manager Swindles RCA Records

Some crook pretended to be Britney Spears’ manager and got her record label to send a bunch of yet-to-be-released music … TMZ has learned.. According to docs obtained by TMZ … the suspect impersonated Larry Rudolph, Brit’s longtime manager,…


Britney Spears" Courtside PDA Dominates Lakers vs. Warriors

Britney Spears – lookin’ smokin’ hot — was the real MVP of Lakers vs. Warriors on Wednesday … smooching the night away with 23-year-old BF Sam Asghari courtside at Staples Center. The Dubs and Lakeshow had an epic OT battle … but…


Britney Spears" Courtside PDA Dominates Lakers vs. Warriors

Britney Spears – lookin’ smokin’ hot — was the real MVP of Lakers vs. Warriors on Wednesday … smooching the night away with 23-year-old BF Sam Asghari courtside at Staples Center. The Dubs and Lakeshow had an epic OT battle … but…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan 11-Year Anniversary

Paris Hilton paid homage to a photo that blew up the Internet 11 years ago today. Back in the day it was all about Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan … Kim Kardashian was just a supporting player. Paris posted the…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Britney Spears: Look at My Awesome Painting!

Britney Spears is one of the most popular artists on the planet. With countless infectious hits under her belt, the superstar has turned her attention to something new of late. 

That brand new hobby is painting, and we have to admit, she looks like a flawless painter, and no, we"re not just saying that because she"s painting along to the soothing sound of Mozart. 

The 35-year-old looks as relaxed as ever as she stands on the balcony of her beautiful house. Wearing a bra, it"s like she does not have a care in the world. 

Britney shared the video on Friday, along with the following caption: "Sometimes you just gotta play!"

The empowering line was accompanied by a lot of emoticons. We get it, Britney, you like to spend your downtime on your balcony with some classical music, and you"re not ashamed to tell the world about it. 

Britney has staged a rare comeback after years in a downward spiral. Just when it looked like her career was over, she got the help she needed and had a recent hit album that proved the hitmaker was back and better than ever. 

On top of that, she has that lucrative Vegas residency, so all is right in the world of Britney.

She"s also been dating Sam Asghari, so she has a solid career, love and a beautiful family. 

Recent reports have suggested she is ready to pop the question to Sam and ask him to marry her. It sounds like she knows this relationship is one with legs. 

Who would have thought Spears would be oozing positivity after it seemed like a genuine possibility she was going to disappear from the public eye forever?

Have a look at the full video below and join us in the comments with your thoughts on her technique. 




Britney spears paints while listening to mozart

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Britney Spears: Canceling Her Las Vegas Show After Terrorist Shooting?

We know that Britney Spears isn’t afraid of crowds or public appearances. She just took her sons to Disneyland for their birthdays, right there among countless other visitors.

Massive tragedies have a way of frightening us to our core, however. The Las Vegas terrorist shooting, which claimed 59 lives and wounded 527, had to be especially rattling to a singer and performer who performs there.

But … is Britney going to end her residency in Vegas?

When that monster Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd at a Jason Aldean concert, he ended dozens of lives, changed hundreds of lives forever, and destroyed his own family.

But following any terrorist shooting, there’s a culture of fear that endures. That’s part of the point of terrorism.

Do you all remember your first trip to a movie theater after the Aurora shooting?

I’ll be honest — I still quickly scan the room for anyone who seems like they might be concealing something. I’ve yet to see someone carrying a large package into the theater, and I don’t know what I’d do if I did, but … it changes you.

The point is to still go, despite the fear — to fly (yeah, I remember what it was like to fly after 9/11, too) and see movies and go to school and take public transportation and do all of the things that you normally do.

Otherwise, the terrorists literally win. To a degree, anyway.

Stephen Paddock was a jerk who demeaned his girlfriend in public, gambled for a living (he may have had an alternative revenue stream — some speculate that he was either a card-counter or did some sort of smuggling on top of his better known fondness for poker), and stockpiled deadly weapons.

But we don’t know what motivated to commit this evil act or what beliefs he holds that were behind it.

Maybe we’ll find out and maybe we won’t, but the impact that this massacre has had upon people is very real.

And it also impacts celebrities.

According to RadarOnline, their source close to Britney Spears says that she is terrified that another shooting might take place.

“Britney is heartbroken, but she is also legitimately scared to go to Las Vegas to finish her show.”

That’s her Piece Of Me residency, which has been running for ages and is actually nearing its end.

“As of right now, she wishes she could get out of the remainder of her contract because she does not feel safe at all going back there and doing a show in front of a large crowd.”

Britney’s not one for stage fright, so it sounds like she’s terrified that her audience members — her fans — could become an appealing target for the next monster.

“In fact, she has been really freaking out about it. She is already a slightly paranoid person, but this whole thing has gotten her and her family extremely concerned for her safety.”

Remember that Britney is also a mother. Jayden and Sean Preston don’t want to lose their mom.

“Several of Britney’s dancers are just ready to quit now. No one on her show really feels that secure about resuming the residency after what happened.”

That kind of thinking is normal after a tragedy.

“She is in talks right now with the casino to see if there is a solution. If she doesn’t postpone the show then she is going to require quadruple the security, at least.”

More security never hurts. You can’t plan for everything, but you can do your best.

That is so sad to hear.

If true, Britney isn’t the only one who feels that way.

Jason Aldean has canceled shows following the massacre.

And so has Jennifer Lopez.

While Jason Aldean’s audience was the target, Jennifer Lopez is clearly concerned about what many people are concerned about right now:


They say that the safest time to fly is right after a well-publicized plane crash.

This is when pilots and everyone responsible for plane safety are at their most alert.

In some ways, people are at their most alert for a shooting after a mass shooting.

But that additional caution also comes with the risk of a copycat trying to enact something similar, having been “inspired” by an existing massacre.

We understand Britney’s fears.

Her shows are legendary and incredible, but it’s always smart to put safety first.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Britney Spears Treats Sons to Disneyland Birthay Trip!

Just in case you needed a reminder, Britney Spears isn’t just good at singing, dancing, and performing.

She’s also just a really great mom.

In her latest display of maternal excellence, Britney treated her sons to a trip to Disneyland for their birthdays. And Sam Asghari was there, too!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears’ career as a celebrity and a musical icon has had its ups and downs.

From the rumors of lipsyncing and plastic surgery that dogged her in the early days of her musical stardom, when she was just a teenager …

To her big breakdown a decade ago that allowed her to return, stronger than ever.

But, these days, Britney is living a much better life.

Her best life.

She has her hunky and unnecessarily attractive boyfriend, Sam Asghari.

Her career is still going strong while giving her plenty of time to be with her family.

And she can be a truly wonderful mom to her boys, celebrating their interests and treating them for their birthdays.

(There she is with Sam Asghari!)

Britney took her sons and several of their friends (it looks like three friends each) to Disneyland over the weekend.

Her boys aren’t twins, but Sean’s birthday is in just two days, when he will turn 12.

Jayden’s birthday is actually today.

He’s 11!

Usually, it kind of sucks having your birthday close to a close relative’s birthday — or, worse, close to a major and expensive holiday like Christmas.

Obviously, expense isn’t an issue when you’re Britney’s kid, but the timing can still be a sore point.

Like, how are you going to celebrate your birthday week if someone else is always hogging the glory?

Well, being amazing and perfect in every way, Britney found a way to make their combined birthday celebration into an even bigger event.

Like a day trip to Disneyland with three friends each.

Awww, look at them!

Britney Spears captioned this photo:

“So much fun celebrating the boys’ birthdays at @disneyland yesterday!!!”

Britney isn’t shy about posting on Instagram, but you’re more likely to see her or her boyfriend appear on her social media accounts than you are her children.

You’ll see photos of Britney and Sam cuddling, videos of Britney’s workouts, or even Britney showing off minimal makeup.

This isn’t out of a lack of interest, but because her boys deserve their privacy.

Up to a point, Sean and Jayden are and always will be public figures.

Sharing a few snapshots of them at birthday parties and similar events is precious, along with the occasional video of them scaring her around the house or a photo of them kissing her cheeks.

Sharing pics of them every day? At this age?

It could open them to ridicule from classmates (if anyone would dare make fun of Britney’s kids … we hope not) and would generally just be an invasion of their privacy.

Leave it to Britney to find the perfect balance.

Privacy, of course, is a big issue for Britney.

Anecdotal reports from people who were at Disneyland that day shared that Britney couldn’t go anywhere without people screaming her name.

Like … we get it. Britney is a blessing and she’s amazing.

But you don’t need to give her a hard time over it.

Let her go about her life when she’s out and about.

Especially when she’s with her kids.


Britney Spears Drops a Ton of Money on Massages and Groceries

Britney Spears spent millions in 2016, but dropped most of it in the same stores where you probably shop — of course, you probably didn’t make over $ 15 million last year. TMZ obtained new docs filed in Britney’s conservatorship, which show she…


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Britney Spears Takes Sons to Disneyland to Celebrate Birthdays with Boyfriend Sam Asghari

Britney Spears was having all of it Saturday at Disneyland with her Bf and his kids. Britney took Sean and Jayden to the Anaheim theme park to celebrate their birthdays, both of which hit next week. Sean turns 12 and Jayden turns 11. Brit’s…


Britney Spears Takes Sons to Disneyland to Celebrate Birthdays with Boyfriend Sam Asghari

Britney Spears was having all of it Saturday at Disneyland with her Bf and his kids. Britney took Sean and Jayden to the Anaheim theme park to celebrate their birthdays, both of which hit next week. Sean turns 12 and Jayden turns 11. Brit’s…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Britney Spears: Did She Undergo a SECOND Boob Job?!

Having survived child stardom, one of the most famous celebrity meltdowns in recent memory, and even Kevin Federline, Britney Spears has officially attained the status of immortal pop goddess.

But while she exists on a different plane than her fellow "90s songstresses (Sorry, Christina and Jessica. Hey, you"re still doing alright for yourselves!), Britney is still subjected to the same tabloid rumors and social media speculation that"s plagued her from day one.

Lately the scrutiny has been focused mainly on perceived changes in Brit"s famous physique.

Yes, just as they were in the early days of her career, Britney Spears boob job rumors are everywhere these days.

The latest source of this breast obsession is the workout videos that Ms. Spears has been posting to her Instagram page in recent months.

In a video uploaded yesterday, Brit hoists kettlebells while listening to her own music (a display of hubris that onle she and Mariah could get away with) and the clip has fans convinced that she recently went under the knife.

“Britneyyy girl you look so hot! Did you get a boob job?” commented one follower.

“OMG LITERALLY SHOOK. Britney is working out to her own music AND got another boob job???” wrote another.

A third officially made it weird, asking, “But who is your surgeon? I need to know because I wanna look just like u.”

Insiders claim Spear"s first plastic surgery experience was a boob job with her mother"s consent when she was 17.

Now, fans believe she"s gone under the knife for a little maintenance.

Hey, we all have to take extra steps as we get older, right?

And whatever she"s doing, Brit obviously looks fantastic.

Check out her buzzed-about workout video below.

Britney spears did she undergo a second boob job

Monday, August 21, 2017

Britney Spears Stuns with Raw Vocals, Covers "Something to Talk About" Live!

Over the weekend, did you notice some folks on Twitter talking about how 2017 had been saved? Or at least just tweeting excitedly about Britney Spears?

No, Britney didn"t drop a new album — but she did wow crowds and blow minds with her raw vocals on stage, covering Bonnie Raitt"s "(Let"s Give Them) Something to Talk About." Because she"s Britney and she"s amazing.

And we of course have the video for you below. We"re not monsters.

We"ve heard Britney"s raw vocals for "Toxic" before, but we"re always here for Britney"s amazing voice.

Before Britney sings the cover, however, she addresses her adoring audience.

Microphone in hand instead of wearing a headset, she speaks:

"The press and the media my whole life, because one minute they tear you down, they"re really horrible, and the next minute, you"re on top of the world."

Unfortunately, highs and lows like that that sometime describes life.

But it sucks to be described that way, as a celebrity.

Especially as a celebrity who became famous as a teen minor.

Rumors have long accused her of lipsyncing everything.

Britney quashed the lipsyncing rumors, pretty aggressively, this summer.

Britney has also long battled boob job rumors, though expert surgeons have agreed that she looks very natural.

(Sometimes, outfits are just really flattering to your boobs, folks)

"But, I"ve never really spoke about, you know?"

She"s absolutely communicated about it.

(Like, the song "Piece of Me" was very blatantly about her and her relationship with critics and the tabloid press, folks)

If you"re expecting Britney to go on a rant about unfair coverage … that"s not really her style.

She"s totally just segueing into her song.

Which she"s about to make abundantly clear.

"I"m a Southern girl, I"m from Louisiana. I"m from the South, and I like to keep it real."

A lot of people forget Britney"s roots. But this is just more segue.

"And I just want to make sure I keep having you mother f–kers something to talk about, OK?"

To be clear, she"s not insulting her audience, who cheers basically every moment when she isn"t talking or singing.

She"s not even really insulting people who write about her.

This is just an introduction to her cover of Blues musician Bonnie Raitt"s "Something to Talk About."

Essentially, this was just a longer version of saying "This is a story about a girl named Lucky."

To be clear, though, Britney has absolutely given us all something to talk about.

Her raw vocals are totally on point.

Personally, we prefer Britney"s original music — from "Crazy" to "Womanizer" to "Make Me," Britney"s been wowing us for longer than some of her younger fans have been alive.

(Feel old, yet?)

Anyway, here"s the video, so please enjoy:

Britney spears stuns with raw vocals covers something to talk ab