Showing posts with label Britney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britney. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Britney Spears is Drafting a New Will to Protect Her Kids

Britney Spears is going back to the drawing board and redrafting her will … all for the benefit of her 2 boys. Britney’s longtime conservators have filed legal docs asking for permission to change her will, which was drafted before she gave birth…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Britney Spears Bum-Rushed Onstage at Vegas Concert, Fears Gun

Britney Spears got bum-rushed by a guy who is probably hurting this morning, because her dancers and bodyguards annihilated him. It went down Wednesday night in Vegas at Britney’s Piece of Me show at Planet Hollywood. As Britney sang “Till the…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari Cuddle Up in Intimate Video!

Britney shares more with Instagram than workout videos and stunning selfies — she also gives fans and followers little peeks into her life.

And you know who"s part of her life now? Her needlessly handsome boyfriend, Sam Asghari.

This new video has the two of them sharing a very cuddly moment while some very telling music plays, as you can see below:

Britney spears and sam ashgari new years eve pic

We are grateful every day for Britney, and it looks like Sam Asghari agrees.

This unreasonably good-looking couple formed when Britney Spears and Sam Asghari started dating last year, though the world had to wait a little while before we got confirmation of the relationship.

Since they started dating, we"ve seen snapshots of their sushi dates and some adorable PDA.

We"ve also seen Britney dive off of his shoulders into a pool.

(If you"ve ever had someone dive off of your shoulders, you know that it"s not comfortable — it"s good that he does it anyway)

This new video is the couple"s cuddliest yet.

Britney spears looking hot in japan

In this new video, we see Britney cuddling up to Sam Asghari through a very colorful and somewhat trippy filter.

The song playing is "Mi Gente" by J Balvin and Willy William.

Unless we"ve really forgotten everything since Spanish class, that song title just means "My Man," which is pretty on-the-nose, right?

During the video, Britney points affectionately to Sam and appears to be overwhelmed with something — perhaps embarrassment, which she should never feel for any reason.

Britney captioned the video:

"Me and my boyfriend."


She tagged Sam Asghari at the same time. You know, just in case there was some question.

Sam Asghari shared the video at the same time, which is super cute.

His caption was a little more personal:

"Her smile makes me crazy."

(That"s universal, right?)

He followed that with a heart emoji and then he tagged Britney.

That"s all kinds of cute.

Sam ashgari shirtless photo

They aren"t just a cute couple — they"re also a hot couple.

Britney may be a 35-year-old mother, but she still has an incredible body, thanks to a dedicated fitness habits during her off season and her absolutely legendary performances on stage.

In case the world has somehow forgotten, she uploads workout photos from time to time to make sure that we remember.

Speaking of workouts, Sam Asghari is a model but also a fitness model and personal trainer.

He appeared in Fifth Harmony"s "Work From Home" music video and, of course, in Britney"s "Slumber Party" video, because he"s a beautiful man and music videos by gorgeous women need a little gender balance.

Britney spears in japan

Sam Asghari is exactly the sort of hunk that Britney deserves after all of the ups and downs of her life, you know?

While we all want to congratulate her, it does seem like she has genuine feelings for her younger boyfriend.

We can"t even tease her for catching feelings with a guy who could easily have just been a boy toy, because it"s so sweet and also because she absolutely deserves to be happy and to live her best life.

You can"t help but root for this couple.

Look at their endearing video and try to tell us otherwise:

Britney spears and sam asghari cuddle up in intimate video

Friday, July 28, 2017

Britney Spears: Latest Pics Spark Boob Job Rumors

At this point in her career, Britney Spears has demonstrated the sort of resilience and longevity that most pop stars only dream of.

The singer has been dismissed and counted out on a number of occasions, and each time she’s stunned the music world by bouncing back.

Naturally, Brit’s also been the subject of countless rumors over the years, many of them having to do with her youthful good looks.

Yesterday, Spears posted a workout video for the enjoyment of her 17 million Instagram followers, and some fans remarked that the 35-year-old appeared to have had some work done/

Not content to engage in wild speculation Life & Style did one of those pieces where they bring in a plastic surgeon and have him examine photos of Britney so that they can engage in educated speculation.

“First of all, loss of baby fat goes a long way to making the face look different,” Dr. Andrew Miller explained to the tabloid.

“As to procedures she may have done, Britney always had a slight asymmetry between her eyes that appears improved in her later photos. Also, the lips look a bit fuller and the nose is a little thinner.”

Curiously, Miller failed to remark on whether or not Spears has had breast implants, which seemed to be the number one topic of interest for fans commenting on her video.

He did say that if Brit’s working with a plastic surgeon, she clearly shelled out for onw of the best:

“Everything does look natural so whatever she has done, it appears to have been done well.” 

High praise coming from a guy who certainly knows his stuff.

Somewhat disappointingly, the question of whether or not Spears has had plastic surgery will likely remain unanswered until her inevitable late career memoir is uploaded directly to your brain, or however people read books by then.

The important thing is that whether she’s gone under the knife or not, Brit’s taken great pains to ensure both peak physical fitness and continued pop cultural relevance.

Spears’ Vegas residency remains wildly popular, and she continues to turn in remarkably physical performances for packed houses.

The whole thing is damn impressive no matter what sort of work she’s had done.

Here’s hoping this pop queen will continue to slay for many years to come.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Britney Spears: Wanna Watch Me Work Out? Of Course You Do!

Have you ever wondered how Britney keeps her absolutely legendary figure? Because there"s more to it than genetics and her incomparable performances.

Britney"s had a couple of weeks off, and she shared a video of exactly how she keeps hot and healthy when she"s not on tour. We"ve seen workout pics before, but they don"t measure up to this video.

Her exercise video, complete with music, contains of her workouts at multiple venues during her time off. And it"s really, really worth watching.

Britney spears works out

First of all, before you watch the video, just a little warning:

In a few frames, Britney"s workout clothes look like they"re having a little trouble containing her boobs.

She doesn"t pop out of her top or have a nip-slip or anything.

(Thankfully, or Instagram would have pulled the video immediately)

But she looks stunning in every shot.

Mostly, she"s not pushing herself with a rapid run or taking her body to its limits with weight training.

Sensibly, Britney is just keeping active and fit and flexible.

Instead of acting like she has something to prove, she"s just showing how she maintains her flawless figure.

Because apparently being one of the greatest singers in the world just isn"t enough.

Britney workout 02

We also see Britney doing yoga.

From a distance, we see her holding Cobra pose.

We then see her transition into Pose of a Child.

Yoga can be an incredible contributor to wellness.

(Some people irritatingly think that it can be a substitute for prescription medication and try to push it on, like, people who are depressed. Please don"t do that. Let your depressed or bipolar or whatever family members take their medicine.)

Yoga isn"t just relaxing, though.

Some say that yoga helps you to resist aging — we don"t know how true that is, but Britney seems ageless enough.

It can help with flexibility — and, as you"ll see in the video and in one of our photos below, it"s really paying off for Britney.

It can also really help with strength, particularly with core strength.

That"s how you get to be able to do something like this:

Britney workout 03

Britney"s hotness clearly transcends time.

And her music continues to amaze.

If you"re ever feeling down or miserable or angry at your existence, think of things this way:

Humanity"s been around for thousands of generations.

But you were born at such a time that you could exist on this Earth at the same time as Britney Spears.

That"s a blessed existence.

Thinking that way can really change your perspective on things.

Britney workout 04

So, as you"ll see in the video, Britney just … repeatedly kicks her foot over her head.

Like it"s a normal thing that people can just do.

For the record, it isn"t.

(I just checked — I can kick my foot about as high as my shoulder at the very highest. I"m 6-foot-4, so that"s pretty high relative to other people, but for me to get my foot above my head, you"d have to just cut my hamstrings entirely. Please do not cut my hamstrings)

Britney is intensely flexible, of course.

Between her extravagant dancing while on stage and her personal fitness routines that she"s showing to us now, it"s pretty clear why.

Britney workout 05

If you"re looking for a late start on working on your summer bod, you might want to follow this video"s example.

Like, don"t get us wrong — there"s no wrong way to have a summer body.

We"re major fans of that birdsrightsactivist tweet: "I been working on my summer bod: it the same as my regular body, but this time more popsackles in it."

That"s the right attitude to have.

But if you want to tone your flesh prison while it"s still summer and you still have the opportunity to bare some of your skin-meat to show off, Britney may be showing you the way.

Through Britney, all things are possible.

Britney spears wanna watch me work out of course you do

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Britney Spears" Infamous Attack Umbrella Hitting Auction Block

The green umbrella Britney Spears unleashed on a paparazzo after shaving her head in 2007 is hitting the auction block … and at a decent price, if you’ve got thousands of dollars laying around.  Daniel Ramos, the pap whose car Britney…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Britney Spears Totally Rejected DeMario Jackson in 2008: Watch!

Did you guys know that DeMario Jackson once met Britney Spears? He even got a hug.

If you"re wondering why he doesn"t lead with that fact in literally every conversation and television appearance … the video will make that clear.

There"s a little secondhand embarrassment here, but it"s worth watching the video. To see how gracious Britney Spears is and always has been, but also to see just how far DeMario would go to chase a little fame. Watch the video below!

Demario jackson and britney spears 2008

Awww, remember Myspace?

(No, Myspace isn"t relevant again — but it"s mentioned in this video. Though, let"s be real, it was barely clinging to relevance even in 2008)

See, in a video — believed to have been taken by a fan of Britney — DeMario Jackson tries to get a date with Britney by sharing some information about himself.

He starts by getting her attention — and a laugh:

"You need a black dude!"

Mind you, this is 2008 Britney.

This is after Britney"s epic breakdown that fit perfectly with the archetypal hero"s journey to the underworld (before rising like a phoenix, stronger than ever).

So this was when Britney"s life was still in flux.

These days, of course, she"s happily dating the unnecessarily handsome Sam Ashgari and focusing on being a mom while still having epic global performances because she rules the world of music.

But before she was living the life that she deserves, Britney was unlucky in love … to say the least.

We think, though, that she"s perfectly happy with how her life"s worked out at this point, so we don"t think that she"s looking back and wondering if she should have dated DeMario Jackson.

Britney spears looking hot in japan

Seeing his opening after Britney laughs, DeMario follows up by saying more.

"My mom loves you!"

Smart mom, right?

"Call me right now! I’m dead serious. My name is DeMario Jackson. I’m an up-and-coming actor."

We wonder if he had any idea where his career would go at that time.

We can"t imagine that he imagined himself as being known for his role in the Bachelor Nation, you know?

"I want to be like you."

So does literally everyone, DeMario.

"I want everybody to see me on TV."

On that account, he"s gotten his wish.

He also yelled out his Myspace URL, which gives us such a chuckle.

Britney didn"t seem totally taken in by the verbal barrage, but being the sweetest woman on the planet, she did pose with him for a hug.


Really, though, we don"t think that DeMario was really after a date.

Which is good, because he is not displaying healthy boundaries here in terms of seeking romance.

(Please, please do not go up to random strangers and try to chat them up — don"t try to date coworkers, either. Just naturally meet women in your life and let other people go about their lives)

He was putting his name out there, less for Britney"s benefit and more because she"s mega-famous and he knew that, through that interaction with her, he could get exposure and get noticed.

(Through Britney, all things are possible)

Of course, when DeMario Jackson talks about wanting to be famous, he can"t have meant the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal.

(Be careful what you wish for, folks)

Britney spears performs at the billboard music awards

Britney was more gracious than anyone has a right to expect of her.

Like, a lot of celebrities get tired after a while and can"t put up with constant fan attention when they"re just going shopping or living their lives.

And then, when celebs finally decline to meet someone by putting up a firm boundary, the world looks at them and calls them out for being rude to their fans.

Fame can be vicious like that.

So, brace yourselves for a speck of secondhand embarrassment as DeMario really puts himself out there for Britney, but it"s a cute video.

It"s amazing to see things that the internet just digs up like this:


Awww, remember Myspace?










Britney spears totally rejected demario jackson in 2008 watch

Monday, July 17, 2017

Britney Spears: Writing a Tell-All Book that SLAMS Other Stars?!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears, whose art brings joy to us all and whose mere existence makes the world a better place, has had her ups and downs. But it’s clear that the biggest low points in her life are in the past.

These days, she’s a first-rate mom who still has a thriving music career and also sometimes quotes Nietzsche on Instagram. She also has a super hot boyfriend.

And now we’re hearing that she could be writing a tell-all book … one that spill exactly what she thinks of some other celebrities she’s known.

Obviously, the news that Britney Spears is writing a tell-all book is really exciting if it’s true.

But hearing that she might be throwing a surprising amount of shade at other celebrities sounds like a godsend.

“She’s always kept journals, and Britney’s decided to write a tell-all book.”

Who wouldn’t love to read those if Britney decides to share just the journals themselves, you know?

“She’s tired of hearing all these half-truths about her and wants to set the record straight about who she really is.”

We’re here for that, sure.

And, according to this report, Britney Spears will be speaking about specific stars and sharing her exact thoughts about them.

Apparently, among those named will be Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift.

“By the end of the book, everyone will know exactly how Britney feels about them.”

That sounds ominous, right?

Not for Britney or for the readers, but … for someone.

“This book is going to surprise a lot of people.”

That’s the thing, though — this would be surprising.

Not just because this news isn’t coming from Britney or her team themselves.

(Though you’d think that they’d want to float that directly, right?)

But also because Britney’s life is going so well.

Drama follows her because she’s famous, but Britney’s never really been one to seek it out.

Even in her wildest partying days — remember those? — Britney didn’t have anything like the kinds of feuding that we see with other celebrities.

And now that everything’s so perfect in her life, it’s hard to imagine that she’s stirring the pot, you know?

On the one hand, sure, she’s untouchable because she’s Britney Freaking Spears.

So she can do what she wants without taking issue with whatever, like, Katy Perry tweets about her or whatever.

But … why would she want to?

What would she have to gain?

Lately, Taylor Swift — who finds balance by being virtually synonymous with squads and with feuds — has been pretty quiet and reserved.

We’re sure that she has new music coming and that she’ll have a lot to say with it.

But at the moment, she’s backing off from fights and appearances because things got too heated and she knows how damaging overexposure can be.

Just last week, Taylor broke two months of silence on Instagram to congratulate Selena Gomez on her new song.

(That song is “Fetish” and it’s great, you guys)

Britney might not be a hardcore Slytherin like Taylor Swift (that’s not an insult), but she’s been at this game a long time.

(Even though Britney Spears is ageless so it’s difficult to forget)

If Taylor, who’s still young and relatively new to the world of pop stardom, is wise enough to know when to hold her tongue …

… It’s that much harder to picture Britney opening a big ol’ can of worms.

If she really is writing a book, we eagerly look forward to reading its every detail.

And, of course, sharing those details with you.

But we guess that we’ll hold out until she announces it herself.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

"Leave Britney Alone!" Guy Chris Crocker "Memba Him?!

Chris Crocker gained fame after his fanatic youtube video went viral of himself defending Britney Spears after her MTV Music Video Awards performance flopped backed in 2007. Guess what he looked like now!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Britney Spears: Furious Over Lipsyncing Rumors!

Britney Spears can do anything.

No, really — she puts on the greatest performances in the world, but that doesn"t stop her from also putting on a great musical performance.

As you"ll hear in the video below, when people suggest that all of her singing is prerecorded and that she"s just lipsyncing for her life, she gets mightily peeved. …

Over the years, Britney has given us some of the most iconic musical performances of all time.

That includes music videos, of course, with unforgettable scenes like "Baby One More Time" and often-joked about dated references in "Oops I Did It Again."

Even Britney"s raw vocals are truly extraordinary.

But in addition to Britney"s skills as a mother and as a singer who simply produces great music, she goes up on stage and puts on unparalleled performances.

The dancing, the costumes, the choreography, the effects — they all make an unforgettable, almost spiritually transformative experience for her fans.

That even goes for fellow celebrities — remember when Colton Haynes got to dance with Britney?

She loved his butt and he loved all of it.

Britney will tragically be too busy performing in Tel Aviv to accept Lindsay Lohan"s birthday invitation.

But that does mean that she"s given an interview in anticipation of her show, and she got asked about how much of her performance is live.

"I’m glad you’re addressing this question because it’s really funny — a lot of people think that I don’t sing live."

One day, we"re sure that there will be Britney performances that are just holographic projections of old performances, with old recordings of music.

But that day is far away.

"Because I’m dancing so much, I do have a little bit of playback, but there’s a mixture of my voice and the playback."

Honestly, dancing is super fun, but some people have trouble even just speaking afterwards.

Imagine having to sing.

Imagine having to sing well.

But Britney manages it because she"s unstoppable and transcendent. 

"It really pisses me off because I am busting my ass out there and singing at the same time and nobody ever really gives me credit for it."

Yeah, that sounds super irksome.

Those of us who"ve ever suggested otherwise clearly need to scourge ourselves a little extra today in penance.

Britney has famously parodied these rumors in the past.

When hosting Saturday Night Live very early into her fame, she parodied the lipsyncing rumors by silently mouthing words while her voice continued to play over the loudspeakers during her opening monologue.

(She also parodied boob job rumors by having her breasts move robotically under her shirt while she lamented people calling them fake)

When you"re a celebrity, having a good sense of humor about your critics can work wonders.

But even celebrities like Britney — flawless beyond comprehension — can have some rumors get under their skin.

You can really hear the frustration in her voice in the video below.

And you know what?

If we"d been dogged by the same rumors for two decades, we probably wouldn"t be handling them nearly as gracefully.

Also, it"s a rare few who can have careers last as long as Britney"s without aging, but Britney"s still as hot as ever.

Anyway, listen to her speak her mind about exactly what she thinks of all of those lipsyncing rumors.

Let"s all make a pact to never question her talents again, okay?

Britney spears furious over lipsyncing rumors

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears & Paris Hilton: Epic Reunion in the Works?!

Back in 2007 — which we’re told wasn’t 3 years ago but in fact 10, somehow — Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan had some outrageous misadventures that were impossible to ignore.

Well now it sounds like the dream team is coming back together!

Lindsay Lohan’s birthday party is coming up, and yesterday, she tweeted out this invite with some very recognizable Twitter handles:

“#nicegirls @britneyspears @parishilton come to #mykonos for my birthday this weekend @Beyonce you too”

Beyonce being thrown in there is adorable, but you know what? We’d invite Beyonce to our parties, too.

Keep in mind that this is the same wonderful, terrible trio that brought us Britney’s infamous crotch shot photo and so many more.

This was all, of course, before Britney shaved her head and went through the “descent to the underworld” portion of the archetypal hero’s journey, suffering for the world’s transgressions and then being reborn, more powerful than ever.

It was also before Lindsay Lohan started getting help for her issues. Since then she’s taken a lot of strides herself.

And we’re honestly so proud of her for that.

Paris is and always has been herself, though we’re not sure that she’s ever been truly out-of-control, you know?

The more that you read about Paris Hilton, the more carefully crafted her public image and persona begins to seem.

Plenty of us regular folks invite friends to events over Twitter.

Realistically, though, most celebrities — especially on the level of Britney, Beyonce, Lindsay, and Paris — aren’t going to be making serious plans over a very public social media platform.

Sincere invites are over text messaging or even through assistants, depending on a bunch of factors.

Maybe Lindsay decided to make some sincere invited public, we don’t know.

(Though the grim reality is that Beyonce is too busy with baby twins to go out partying)

(And we somehow don’t picture her calling Becky With The Good Hair to babysit)

So … it’s entirely possible that none of these ladies will show up.


It’s entirely possible that Lindsay doesn’t expect any of them to.

Beyonce is busy being a mom.

Britney’s also a mom, and hey, isn’t she still touring in Asia?

(That’s rhetorical; Britney is absolutely still touring in Asia)

Though Paris Hilton might always attend. You know, for some reason.

That’s kind of her brand.

No, but for realsies, Paris HIlton has always had a great sense of humor and is way smarter than you might think.

Remember in the 2008 election (remember when that seemed contentious?) when the McCain campaign ran an ad comparing Obama’s popularity with Britney and Paris?

Paris responded with a sarcastic video and then a full music video titled “Paris for President.”

It was kind of the best.

She also played herself — well, a shapeshifted deity that had assumed her form — on Supernatural, back when that show was watchable.

And as far as we know, she’s never raised any objections to the bag merchant NPC in World of Warcraft named Haris Pilton.

Accepting parodies and participating in self-parodies is a clear sign that someone has a great sense of humor and probably isn’t that uptight about people insulting their public persona.

So we super, super hope that she takes Lindsay up on her offer.

Come on, Paris. Do it.

For old times’ sake.

We’re sure that it’ll be a blast, even if we don’t know if Lindsay will have any alcohol on the premises for obvious reasons.

Oh, do you think that Paris will bring her dreamy boyfriend Chris Zylka?

The world’s been kind of obsessed ever since back when he was wearing V-necks on The Secret Circle (making them both CW stars in their own ways), but we wonder if he knows Paris’ old crew at all.

Honestly, you have to love these three ladies.

Through all of their ups and downs, they’ve never stopped being entertainers.

They’ve given us so much.

And they really have suffered for that.

Here’s hoping that, no matter the guest list, Lindsay’s party is a blast.

(But not in a way that threatens, um, anyone’s sobriety)


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Britney Spears Throwback Pic Shows Surprising Friendships, Eternal Youth

Britney Spears is famous for her songs, her performances, her life’s ups and downs, for being a mom, and for reigning over pop with benevolence and grace.

But Britney also starred in a movie, Crossroads. This throwback photo from the set really takes you back.

Actress Taryn Manning shared a major throwback photo of herself with Britney Spears from the set of the 2002 film, Crossroads.

Sharing the pic on Instagram, Manning captioned: “Thank you for this picture again. Someone took it off a disposable camera I had lol. Always makes me smile:) #crossroads.”

Most of us know Taryn Manning from Orange is the New Black.

Like, even if you don’t watch OITNB, you’ve probably seen a gif of her saying “that’s lesbian activity.”

That’s the power of memes.

And the third woman in the photograph shouldn’t need an introduction.

Even if you don’t think that the Star Trek reboot films properly embody the spirit of the franchise, Zoe Saldana’s naked body is hard to forget.

If you don’t remember Crossroads … let’s refresh your memory.

In the 2002 film, Britney plays a girl named Lucy who reunites with her former best friends, played by Saldana and Manning, and goes on a post-high school road trip that they’d planned when they were younger — before they drifted apart.

Britney’s character is academically driven and a bit of a nerd and also a virgin at that point … so it was something a little different for her image.

The most memorable moments in the film, for me, were:

-karaoke night

-Britney and Justin Long’s characters had made plans to bang but they didn’t, which was devastating to 2002-era me (it was something about having sex for the wrong reasons or something)

-Britney’s character ended up banging Anson Mount, the guy who’s going to play Black Bolt on Marvel’s Inhumans. (but he looked different at the time and is kind of a silver fox these days)

-her character’s dad was a Ghostbuster (well, played by one)

It’s worth noting that Britney and Anson were nominated for a Razzie for “Worst Screen Combo” but also for a Teen Choice Award for “Best Chemistry.”

So … the coming-of-age flick wasn’t exactly controversial, but opinions were clearly divided.

What we love about the throwback pic is that, even though Britney’s looking so young in it, she really doesn’t look that much older now.

And that photo was taken on the set of a movie that came out 15 years ago.

Sure, she’s a little less baby-faced these days, but not all 35-year-olds look so unmoved by the ravages of time.

But then, not all 35-year-olds are Britney.

Also … even though she doesn’t look it, Britney’s old enough to run for President.

Just putting that out there.

We’re glad that neither of Britney’s female costars have faded into obscurity.

Zoe Saldana has the Star Trek movies and Guardians of the Galaxy and is, you know, super well-known.

It was even Britney who told the world when Zoe Saldana was expecting twins.

Taryn Manning’s less, you know, headline-making famous, but she’s starring on one of the most popular shows on the world’s most popular streaming TV platform, so she’s doing pretty well for herself.

Neither of their careers hold a candle to Britney’s, but that’s not a fair comparison for literally anyone.

This wasn’t the only Britney throwback that we’ve come across lately… or did you forget the raw audio of Britney singing “Toxic” that recently leaked?

We sure as hell didn’t.

With everything going for her these days, right down to Britney’s unnecessarily hot boyfriend Sam Asghari, she’s probably happiest in the present.

But it’s always nice to be reminded of fun things from your past, you know?


Friday, June 9, 2017

Britney Spears: Raw Vocals for "Toxic" LEAKED!

Have you needed a reminder that Britney Spears is and always will be supreme.

We kid — no one could forget.

But here"s one any way, in the form of a recently leaked recording of "Toxic" … of her raw, pre-autotuned voice.

Britney spears is toxic

Britney has produces so many phenomenal songs that they are intensely difficult to rank.

"Toxic" is absolutely legendary.

We don"t know how to rank it, musically, because comparing Britney"s greatest hits is a little like choosing a favorite child.

Except actually difficult instead of just being something that you"re not supposed to do.

Do you go with the thinly veiled autobiographical ballad of "Lucky," or the unstoppable powerhouse of "… One More Time."

"Crazy" spawned a whole movie of the same name. "If You Seek Amy" was a hit and also had Megyn Kelly up in arms.

"Womanizer" was a tremendous comeback hit after Britney bravely suffered for the world"s transgressions had a breakdown.

Britney spears in crop top

But then there"s "Toxic." You can"t talk about Britney without talking about that track.

Admittedly, a huge part of its cultural impact comes from its music video — arguably Britney"s best and perhaps even most iconic.

"Toxic" has inspired a dance in World of Warcraft and countless affectionate parodies.

Honestly, it would make a great inspiration for a film.

Britney spears is supreme

Autotune can be controversial, with some listeners decrying it and the stars who use it as "fake."

Others describe it as just another tool to tweak the music before a song is released.

We generally tend to side with the latter, because technology has made music even better in recent decades than it has ever been.

But there"s something to be said for powerful raw vocals.

Like, you can appreciate a finished product but also be floored by someone"s unfiltered, unedited singing voice.

Britney"s been accused of being "fake" for lipsyncing her performances — which is all kinds of dumb.

She"s one of the world"s greatest performers, pulling off grueling and iconic dance routines.

Whatever she needs to do to put on the greatest shows on the planet is worth it, and doesn"t make her any less of an artist.

And autotune is an expected part of the business. No singer should be begrudged for using it.

Britney spears vmas 2016 red carpet

It"s no secret that Britney"s had some rough times in the past, but now she"s living her best life.

And we don"t just mean her dreamy boyfriend, though obviously he"s part of that.

She"s also being a fantastic mother to her two sons.

Britney also seems to be genuinely happy and content in her life, a welcome change from her years as a troubled younger star.

And it"s worth mentioning that she"s still, just, all kinds of hot.

Britney spears performs her greatest hits 2016 billboard music a

Are you ready to listen to Britney"s unfiltered voice singing "Toxic?"

You probably aren"t.

We sure weren"t prepared.

Raw us, Britney.

Britney spears leaked raw vocals for toxic better than autotune

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Britney Spears: Trying to Have Sam Asghari"s Baby!

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari: Secretly Married?!

It’s only been six months since we first learned that Britney Spears and Sam Asghari are dating, but it seems the couple has been moving at breakneck speed since day one.

Rumors that Spears and Asghari are engaged have been circulating pretty much from the time they first got together, so perhaps it was only a matter of time before “insiders” started spreading the word that the couple has surreptitiously taken the next step.

Yes, according to OK! magazine, Britney and Sam secretly tied the knot at some point in the past few weeks.

“It might seem crazy after such a sort time, but everyone in her life says they’ve never seen her this happy,” a source tells the tabloid.

“Getting married secretly is just the sort of stunt she’d pull. Only now, she’s in a stable place emotionally.”

We think the source might be a bit confused about the meaning of the word “stunt.”

If the rumors are true (huge “if”), then it’s likely that Brit simply wants to make it official with the man she loves without the flurry of media scrutiny that surrounded her first two marriages.

Many fans forget that Brit has had not one but two weddings in the past, though in fairness, her marriage to Jason Alexander was an extremely short-lived affair that was quickly annulled.

Legally speaking, Brit is no longer under her father’s thumb, so she’s not required to seek his permission before getting hitched.

But insiders claim she still sought approval from the other most important men in her life:

“She would never marry Sam without asking her boys’ permission first,” says one tipster.

In fact, Sam’s connection with her sons is reportedly the main thing that convinced Britney he’s the one.

“He’s great with her boys, which is always her number one priority before she can get serious about someone,” one source says.

Sadly, it wasn’t long after OK!’s report was published that Spears’ PR team came forward to set the record straight.

One rep described the rumors as “completely not true” in a statement issued to Hollywood Life moments ago.

But don’t lose heart Brit and Sam ‘shippers.

It seems Ms. Spears has little doubt about where her relationship with Asghari is headed:

“Brit feels certain about her future with Sam,” one anonymous friend says.

“She’s telling friends that she’s never loved a man like she loves him.”


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jason Aldean and Britney Kerr: We"re Pregnant!

Jason Aldean and Britney Kerr have dealt with quite a few bumps throughout the course of their relationship.

But now the controversial couple has something to say about a very different kind of bump, one that signifies a baby is in the way.

Yup: the singers are expecting their first child!

The 40-year old country artist and his former American Idol contestant of a wife made the announcement on Instagram last night.

“SURPRISE!!! WE ARE PREGNANT!!! This was the hardest secret we’ve ever had to keep,” Kerr penned a caption to the photo below.

She added:

“This journey for us has been full of many happy times & also many tears… The biggest rollercoaster we have ever been on, without a doubt! All of the moments of heartache were followed by the biggest blessing in the entire world!!

“We will never take one moment for granted & can’t wait to meet you, sweet baby!!!”

Based on the mixture of pink and blue balloons here, it appears as if the couple has not yet found out their impending baby’s gender.

Said Added Aldean of the exciting personal news:

“Been hard to keep this secret but we couldn’t be happier to add to our family. This year just gets better and better. #bunintheoven.”

Aldean has two daughters, a nine-year old and a 14-year old, from his previous relationship with Jessica Ussery.

He split with her in 2013 after 12 years of marriage after photos emerged of him cheating with Kerr in October of 2013.

With the evidence so glaring, Aldean didn’t try to hide his infidelity. He addressed it head-on in a Facebook message to fans at the time.

“Hey Guys – I wanted to talk to you directly, so you’re hearing the truth from me and not just reading allegations made about my personal life on gossip web sites,” he wrote.

“The truth is that I screwed up. I had too much to drink, let the party get out of hand and I acted inappropriately at a bar.

“I left alone, caught the bus to our next show and that’s the end of the story. I ultimately ended up embarrassing my family and myself.

“I’m not perfect, and I’m sorry for disappointing you guys. I really appreciate being able to work through this privately with my family and for all your continued support.”

Aldean and Ussery tried to work on their marriage after this scandal broke, but they filed for divorce a few months later.

In April of 2014, Aldean said he didn’t regret any decisions and he urged critics to lay off of him and Kerr.

So sick of people judging me and @brittanylkerr over things they know nothing about. I have made mistakes but i am a better person because of it,” the singer Tweeted at the time.

“I wouldnt change a thing. Im happier than i have ever been, so thank u to all the people who support us. We are happy and life goes on. Its time to move on people.”

And now it’s time for the couple to move on to parenthood. That’s a mighty huge step!

Kerr and Aldean got engaged in September of 2014, with the former writing upon accepting the latter’s proposal:

“My heart has never been more full of happiness and love. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with this man. So many blessings and memories are in our future and SO thankful I get to share them with him.”

Aldean later told People Magazine that he was “down” for having at least one child with Kerr, saying:

“I love kids and being a dad is one of the best things in the world for me.”


Friday, May 5, 2017

Britney Spears" VMAs "Slave 4 U" Costume Hits eBay, Plus 6 Others (PHOTO GALLERY)

Britney Spears’ old costumes are about to net one of her superfans $ 1 million … or at least that’s the hope of the collector who’s unloading 7 vintage Brit looks. The crown jewel of Dana Proctor’s collection is the iconic outfit Brit wore…


Friday, April 28, 2017

Britney Spears Leaps Off Sam Ashgari"s Shoulders: See The Video!

Britney Spears and Sam Ashgari have been Instagram official for, like, four months now, and things appear to be going great for them. 

Britney has even resorted to sharing a video of herself leaping off of Sam’s shoulders in a swimming pool. Hey, it’s not every day someone can do that with their partner. 


Britney took to Instagram to share the video, and it was pretty impressive. Have a look at it below.

Ready?” Asghari can be heard asking his superstar girlfriend, who was wearing a yellow bikini.

“Yeah,” she responds before standing straight as a nail on his shoulders. 

Unfortunately, Spears loses her stance after a few moments and dives off of the 23-year-old fitness model who she met while filming the video for “Slumber Party.”

Yes, that’s the video she crawls across a table half naked to get closer to Ashgari. 

“Isn’t spring great,” Spears captioned the video which has been viewed over 1.4 million times. 

Spears confirmed earlier this year to CBS Radio’s AMP 103.7 that she went months after meeting Ashgari before contacting him. The poor guy was probably watching cell phone for months awaiting a response. 

“It was so weird — it was like five months later, and I found his number in my bag,” she said.

“I was like, ‘He is really cute. This guy is really cute.’ So then I called him, and ever since then, he is just a really fun, funny person.”

Spears was heavily rumored to be dating Ashgari long before sources confirmed their burgeoning romance to PEOPLE. 

They are definitely a contender for one of the hottest couples in the celebrity world at this time. 

Britney has hardly had the best track record when it comes to guys, but hopefully, her current relationship works out for her. 

Let’s hope this Sam does not turn out to be another Sam Lutfi. 
