Showing posts with label Bryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bryan. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2017

Mariah Carey and Bryan Tanaka Break Up Over Extreme Jealousy, Expensive Stuff

Mariah Carey is done with Bryan Tanaka and vice versa, and we’re told it’s over 2 things … his insane jealousy and her shutting the cash register drawer on his fingers. Our sources say Bryan had unbridled fury over Mariah’s…


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Mariah Carey Celebrates Birthday with Bryan Tanaka: See The Pics!

Mariah Carey has made it abundantly clear in the past that she’s not one to follow traditions. 

The singing sensation celebrated her birthday in style with her boyfriend, Bryan Tanaka. As has been the case with the couple throughout their relationship, the whole thing was well-documented via social media.

Mariah, who turned 47-years-old, has made a habit of treating her birthday more like an anniversary. She does have a point, but something tells us this is her trying act like she’s better than everyone. 

Bryan was the one who shared the pictures, and it sure looks like the pair indulged in a relaxing getaway to ring in the momentous occasion. 

“Starting the anniversary festivities in a relaxing, chic environment #HappyAnniversary,” Tanaka captioned to his 136,000 followers. 

In another picture, he looked out to the ocean, with Mariah (presumably) taking the picture of him. 

“Everyone can use a little zen time. Soaking in the moment and recaliberating my spirit #MuchLove #BlessingsOnBlessings,” he captioned. 

Does it seem like the couple is trying to make everyone jealous of their trip?

We kid, mostly.

 On a more serious note, viewers did get to see another side to Mariah during her stint on Mariah’s World.

That reality series showed a more vulnerable version of the star who has been known for her diva behavior.

That reality series also showed fans the burgeoning relationship between Mariah and Tanaka as they grew closer.  

It’s just a shame her being portrayed in such a good light was tarnished by her botched New Year’s Eve performance that found the star refusing to continue with a performance. 

The reason? Technical issues. It was, however, blown out of proportion when Mariah’s team made claims that she had been sabotaged. 

Maybe this break will do Mariah more good than Bryan. Either way, we hope she had a wonderful birthday anniversary. 


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mariah Carey and Bryan Tanaka KISS in PDA-Filled Picture

Mariah Carey and Bryan Tanaka are still going strong… at least according to the singer’s latest Instagram post. 

The 46-year-old singer uploaded a photo of herself and her cute boy to the social media site on Tuesday. 

It’s clear the pair are not concerned with PDA. 

Have a look at the picture below.

There’s no denying that they make a great couple, but the picture is not the issue here. 

“No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative … it gets the people going!”

Mariah seems to think people will be so excited over the “provocative” picture, but it’s pretty much the norm these days that couples would take to social media to show off their love. 

It’s sickening to some, but that’s what happens. 

The very notion that Mariah thinks the picture will have her fans clamoring for more is pretty ludicrous. 

Hey, she’s got to find a way to put the New Year’s Eve fiasco behind her, but this is not the right way to go about it. 

If you watch Mariah’s World online, the chances are that you already got to lay eyes on the couple getting up close and personal, so this is nothing new. 

Mariah started dating Tanaka in late 2016 after her engagement to James Packer came to a grinding halt. 

Packer’s appearances in the E! reality series were heavily edited, so we never got to see much of their relationship play out. 

It was all about Mariah and Bryan. To be fair, they did make for great TV, and the show successfully showed the singing sensation in a new light. 

It’s just a shame that Mariah’s problematic New Year’s Eve performance is going to hang over her career like a dark cloud for some time. 

Mariah’s performance was marred by technical difficulties, which found the star claiming that she was set up. 

Celebrities got involved, with the likes of Jenny McCarthy pointing out that Mariah’s voice is not what it once was and that’s part of the reason why she never sang without the backing track. 

Either way, we’re sure Mariah can take solace knowing she has Bryan Tanaka to kiss all over Instagram to show off how AMAZING her life is. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, February 27, 2017

Bryan Cranston & Kevin Hart Team Up in Philly for Soft Porn?! (VIDEO)

Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart got their freak on in Philly … we think. The duo was rolling in a Ferrari this weekend through the City of Brotherly Love — Kev’s home turf. Someone asked what they were doing in town, and ended up…


Bryan Cranston & Kevin Hart Team Up in Philly for Soft Porn?! (VIDEO)

Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart got their freak on in Philly … we think. The duo was rolling in a Ferrari this weekend through the City of Brotherly Love — Kev’s home turf. Someone asked what they were doing in town, and ended up…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Luke Bryan Mourns Death of Infant Niece

Luke Bryan has spoken out in the wake of his latest family tragedy.

On Tuesday, the country artist sadly lost his niece Sadie Brett Boyer, who born last summer with a number of cardiac problems.

The young girl was the daughter of Luke’s wife’s brother, Bo Boyer, and his wife, Ellen, the latter of whom often provided updates on the child’s health via her Facebook page.

And, on Monday, Ellen shared that her daughter “declined overnight.”

Sadie was reportedly being treated at the time for an infection that affected her liver.

“Please flood the heavens with prayers,” Ellen wrote to friends and family members. “We will not give up on our tough, brave Brett.”

Unfortunately, however, the baby lost her battle and passed away yesterday.

“We thank all of you for your prayers,” the country crooner wrote to his 8.34 million followers in response to their support in the wake of this development.

“Love y’all,” he added.

According to mom Ellen’s Facebook account, Sadie had been seeking treatments in a Nashville hospital for her condition.

On Thursday, February 16, Ellen informed followers that Sadie had her “best week this yet,” adding:

“I am so so grateful and so proud of our girl. She’s fighting so hard!”

Three days later, though, Ellen revealed that her daughter’s health had taken a sharp decline.

“Brett seems to have an infection of some sort. The team is leaning toward blood infection/sepsis. Her blood pressures and her temp have been really low today and got pretty scary low around 3,” she wrote. “

“She is on several antibiotics so our prayer is that they will be the correct ones to treat this infection. … Please pray for the team as they work hard to help our girl.”

This isn’t the first time the 40-year-old country artist has dealt with a family tragedy.

Bryan’s brother, Chris, was died in a car accident in 1995 at the age of 26.

Moreover, his sister, Kelly, passed away in 2007 at her home of undetermined causes. She was only 39 years old at the time.

“My only siblings gone from the world in a flash, in two different, crazy, tragic manners,” Bryan told ABC News in 2013.

A year later, he said in another interview, when these unbearable losses were brought up:

“Losing my brother changed me tremendously and losing Kelly, even more. I literally do not take one second for granted.”

We truly cannot imagine suffering through one of these tragedies, let alone three.

We send our thoughts to Luke Bryan and his family during this very difficult time.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Luke Bryan National Anthem: How Did He Do?

Luke Bryan helped honor America prior to Super Bowl LI.

The country music artist was chosen to sing the Star-Spangled Banner, mere minutes before the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons took to the field.

Wearing blue jeans and a black jacket over a purple shirt, Bryan took his time with the country"s national anthem, although he clocked in at just over two minutes and four seconds, under the Las Vegas line of two minutes and eight seconds.

He didn"t try to do anything particularly special with the song… other than sing it really, really well, that is.

And as Bryan held on to the long final note while belting out the word "brave," the crowd erupted in applause just as U.S. Thunderbirds from the Air Force flew over head.

How did Bryan do? VOTE below and weigh in:

Bryan, it"s worth noting, sang the beloved song a capella.

Did he compare to past stalwarts such as Beyonce or Whitney Houston?

Watch him do so below:

Luke bryan national anthem performace how did he do

Friday, February 3, 2017

NFL"s Bryan Braman In AB-OFF with Jason Momoa (VIDEO)

How do you like your Jason Momoa … blonde or brunette??  Now you have choices, thanks to NFL stud defensive end Bryan Braman — who says he gets mistaken for the jacked up actor EVERY DAY! Braman — who’s about to be a free agent — says he…


NFL"s Bryan Braman In AB-OFF with Jason Momoa (VIDEO)

How do you like your Jason Momoa … blonde or brunette??  Now you have choices, thanks to NFL stud defensive end Bryan Braman — who says he gets mistaken for the jacked up actor EVERY DAY! Braman — who’s about to be a free agent — says he…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Mariah"s World Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Did Mariah Get Too Close To Bryan Tanaka?

Mariah Carey has it all. 

She has fame, children and a lifestyle that we can only dream of. At least that’s what she wanted viewers to think on Mariah’s World Season 1 Episode 2

The singing sensation also proved that she has a heart of gold. How so? Well, Mariah allowed her backup singer, Mary Ann Tatum to bring her 6-year-old son on tour. 

“We’re all single moms, and it’s great. The kids make it so much more fun.” With all of the reports of the diva behavior, this series is definitely showing Mariah in a different light. 

We also got to see some of the finer interactions between Mariah and Bryan Tanaka. Yeah, he’s the dude she’s currently seeing. In the scene, he visited Mariah backstage and it was pretty clear she was trying to get him drunk when she offered him a beer. 

Did she have feelings for him all this time, or are these scenes set up by producers? We’ll probably never know, but they’re great. 

Another key plot focused on Mariah’s “Good Side.” We’ve all heard about it before. It’s the side she will only ever allow herself to be photographed on. 

Speaking to her makeup artist, Mariah revealed that she found out about it when she was just 19-years-old on a photo shoot, but she did not reveal who told her about it. 

After being three hours late to the Glasgow opening night, Mariah became embroiled in a bitter feud between Anthony and Mary Ann. Mary Ann took aim at Anthony because he refused to get on the bus with her and the other backup singers. 

Mariah tried to be the keeper of the peace because she didn’t like friction on her tour. However, Anthony felt the need to answer Mariah back and she laid down the law in spectacular fashion. 

“Don’t be saucy on camy,” she barked. 

I’m going to assume that meant camera. LOL. 

Anthony had some words of his own for the camera, but he didn’t seem to address the fact that he was being an ass about the whole situation. 

“For some reason, Mariah and I are off tonight.… I felt like I didn’t connect with her, like I always connect with her.”

Yeah, okay then. 

After Anthony finally got his own way and got his own bus, he tried to hug Mary Ann, but she was not ready to make friends with him yet. 

“Get off me — I will hit you,” she scowled. 

Who would have thought Mariah’s World would have arguments like that? We’re genuinely intrigued and can’t wait to see how all of this plays out for the cast members. 

Funnily enough, Mariah is not the one causing all the drama.

What did you think of the latest drama?

Hit the comments below and be sure to tune in for the next episode for more arguing!


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bryan Tanaka: ALL Over Mariah Carey in Hawaii!

Bryan Tanaka may be a backup dancer, but it’s pretty evident at this point:

He’s been feeling up the front of Mariah Carey for awhile now.

If you know what we mean!

Very shortly after news of Carey’s split from James Packer went viral, numerous outlets reported that the singer had already moved on with Tanaka, who has toured alongside Carey for years.

There was even a rumor that Carey was pregnant with Tanaka’s love child

But we’re going to go ahead and assume that report is untrue.

It does seem, however, as if Mariah has shifted gears considerably when it comes to her love life.

She went from being engaged to an Australian billionaire to knocking boots with a 33-year old choreographer.

And let no one now be mistaken: boots are absolutely being knocked between Carey and Tanaka!

A witness tells Us Weekly that the two went on vacation to Maui last week and got to at least first base with while enjoying the climate and weather.

“They were all over each other, making out and not wanting to be more than a few feet apart,” according to this onlooker, who went on to detail:

“They swam in the ocean and he picked her up to kiss her. She was jumping into his arms, and he bent her back over his knee like they were dancing. Then they walked on the beach holding hands, and he gave her a piggyback ride.

“They had a lot of fun together, and were very playful. She was kicking up the water to splash him, and he was laughing.”

This sounds serious.

Seriously HAWT, that is!

Look to hear a lot more about Tanaka going forward, too.

Why? Because Mariah’s World premieres on E! this Sunday, December 4. It is a reality series that will take fans behind the scenes of Carey’s crazy world.

In at least one scene, the topic of Tanaka comes up, as other employees of Carey are caught on camera wondering:

What are we going to do with him?

Remember, most episodes of this reality show were filmed back when Carey was still engaged to Packer.

“She seemed very happy and comfortable with Bryan,” the aforementioned witness concluded to Us Weekly.

As previously reported, broke up with Packer after they got into a fight on a vacation.

No one is totally clear on what happened, but the split appears to be ugly and contentious.

“Mariah and James had a fight in Greece and have not seen each other since,” Carey’s rep told Entertainment Tonight in October. “The fight was not because of any cheating allegations or excessive spending by Mariah.”

Well, of course a rep for Carey would say that.

Whatever, though, right? James Packer is so in the past.

Bryan Tanaka is so the future.

And what a handsome future it appears to be!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Mariah Carey: Bryan Tanaka and I Are ...

Mariah Carey … well, the poor woman has had a hell of a time lately.

She broke up with her fiance, James Packer, in October, and the split reportedly "traumatized" her.

We"ve never really gotten a clear reason for the breakup, but some sources claim that a source of tension between the two was Mariah"s relationship with James" family.

Or, to be more accurate, the lack of a relationship.

The "final straw" for James was allegedly when Mariah refused to come to his sister"s birthday party, but "his mom hates to even hear her name mentioned, and James" tight circle of friends never really thought they would marry."


But another report states that "something really bad" happened with Mariah"s assistant when they were all vacationing on a yacht in Greece, so who knows what happened?

Whatever it was, it"s undeniable that Mariah has been pretty closely linked with her backup dancer, Bryan Tanaka, in the days and weeks following the breakup.

Like, so closely linked that there are already pregnancy rumors.

So did Mariah cheat on James with Bryan, is that why they broke up? Or has Mariah found comfort in the dancer after all that heartbreak?

Girl, just watch this video:

Mariah carey bryan tanaka and i are

Friday, November 4, 2016

Mariah Carey: Pregnant by Bryan Tanaka?!

Is Mariah Carey stress eating, or is Maria Carey eating for two? 

Carey was spotted out on a date with her rumored beau, Bryan Tanaka, and in one of the photos obtained by OK! Magazine, she’s got quite a bump happening. 

The magazine is passing it off as generalized weight gain, but since Mariah wasn’t having sex with James Packer, there’s a possibility that she might’ve been sexing backup dancer, Tanaka. 

After Carey and Packer broke up, much to everyone’s surprise, Mariah was immediately linked to Tanaka, which spells bad news for everybody. 

Didn’t Madonna teach the ultimate lesson not to hook up with your backup dancers? 

Or, you know, Britney Spears? 

Jennifer Lopez? 

Leave it to Mariah, though, to go ahead and continue perpetuating a really, really dumb thing for women with money to do. 

Reports emerged that Mariah had forged “a close relationship” with Tanaka, and the constant appearances featuring the two of them have been nearly incessant since Packer dumped Carey. 

The two were caught at Nobu, an L.A. hotspot last week, and just last night, the budding couple was photographed in West Hollywood’s Berris. 

However, it doesn’t seem like everybody in Mariah’s circle is on board with her rumored boytoy. 

Go figure. 

“Bryan is a struggling singer and dancer and everyone around Mariah is seeing red flags,” a source revealed. 

“But Mariah doesn’t care.”

“She will help anyone who will help her and he is giving her exactly what she needs right now,” the insider said.

“Mariah loves her men to worship her, and he definitely does that.” 

Well, no doubt, when you’re a 33-year-old failed singer and dancer who’s trying to capitalize on a relationship that’s headed nowhere. 

Mariah’s even said to be taking things so seriously, that Tanaka has been around her children. 

Carey allowed Tanaka to usher her and her daughter, Monroe, around the Carey neighborhood to trick or treat over the holiday weekend. 

Tanaka was even pictured with his arm around Monroe, looking every bit the cozy family.  

The bottom line is, whatever Mariah’s doing – rebounding, simply being desperate – she needs to stop.  

She’s not been taken the most seriously over the last decade, and this dalliance could very well put her into Madonna territory. 

And after all, who even takes Madonna seriously anymore? 

C’mon, man. 


Monday, August 8, 2016

Bryan Clauson Dies; Race Car Driver Killed in Horrific Crash (VIDEO)

Race car driver Bryan Clauson died Sunday from injuries sustained in a horrible crash the previous night at the Belleville Midget Nationals.

He was just 27 years old.

Just after taking the lead at the event Saturday night, Clauson climbed a guard rail between Turns 3 and 4 and flipped in extreme fashion.

He was then hit by a car driven by Ryan Greth, reports indicate; the race continued after a red flag period and was won by Chad Boat.

Clauson would not recover from injuries sustained in the crash, which can be seen in the video below (and may be upsetting for viewers).

"This is truly one of the darkest days in the 60-year history of the United States Auto Club," USAC CEO Kevin Miller said of the tragedy.

"Not only have we lost one of our greatest USAC champions," Miller added, "but we"ve lost a true ambassador for all of motor sports."

Clauson ran in three Indianapolis 500 races, including a 23rd place finish in May in which he led three laps, and on the NASCAR circuit.

He became best known in the dirt racing world, however, and as a beloved, versatile driver who racked up wins at an impressive pace.

"Bryan"s passion for our sport was unparalleled," Miller said. "He was a leader not only on the track, but in the pits with his fellow competitors."

"There"s a tremendous hole in the hearts of our community today as we grieve his loss along with his family and friends," Miller added. 

He earned two USAC national sprint car championships, two USAC national midget car championships and 170 feature wins in his career.

Specifically, Clauson was a three-time winner of the Belleville Nationals, where he fatefully raced as the defending champion this weekend.

Bryan even endured a major crash on the same track Friday.

“Took a tough hit last night, but the guys have me another hot rod ready for tonight"s Belleville Midget Nationals!” he tweeted on Saturday.

Hours later, he crashed again, and this one proved fatal.

Clauson was planning to marry fiancée Lauren in February.

One of his close friends, NASCAR star Tony Stewart, expressed overwhelming sadness following Sunday"s race at Watkins Glen International.

"It’s a tragedy," Stewart said. "That kid drove for us for a long time and did a great job and never went anywhere, I don’t care what happened."

"No matter how bad his day was, he always found a way to smile with it. Him and Lauren being engaged, kid had such a bright future."

"It’s just … it was hard to start the day today in the car."

"It sucks when it’s anybody in racing. It’s hard when you lose them, but it’s even worse when they’re somebody as close to you as Bryan was."

Stewart continued, shaken up at the loss of his friend:

"I feel for Lauren and Bryan’s parents and his sister, and I hope to see them soon, but just thinking about them more than anything right now."

A statement from Bryan"s family said that Clauson "fought to the end with the same desire that he demonstrated behind the wheel."

More than that, they said, they revere the person he was.

Bryan, they said, always "took a moment to make a fan"s day or demonstrated kindness and appreciation toward his friends, family and fans."


Bryan clauson dies race car driver killed in horrific crash

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bryan Wilson: Texas Lawyer Airs World"s Most Bonkers Commercial

If you"re a fan of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, then you know that Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman knows is the master of using ludicrous gimmicks to advertise his legal services.

In the real world, Saul"s only had competition in the race for Most Spectacularly WTF? Law Firm Ad came from a lawyer named Jamie Casino, who"s Super Bowl spots basically look like Dick Cheney got Alice Cooper pregnant and the baby came out as a commercial.

Now, however, there"s a new name in the batsh-t lawyer game, and "Texas Law Hawk" Bryan Wilson is making a case for himself as the king of the bald-eagle-on-acid patriotic mindf-ck commercial.

We can"t come close to doing justice to Brian"s commercial with a mere description, so check out the clip and experience Wilson"s "talons of justice" for yourself.

Bryan wilson texas lawyer airs worlds most bonkers commercial

Friday, October 2, 2015

Sandra Bullock Adopts Baby Girl, Moves in With Bryan Randall

Well, that was fast.

Just six weeks ago, the world learned that Sandra Bullock is dating Bryan Randall, and now insiders are claiming that the couple is living together  – and raising a daughter!

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

Radar Online is reporting that Bullock adopted a baby girl some time in the past month. The actress adopted son Louis five years ago, and has reportedly been promising him a sibling.

As for Randall, he was reportedly informed at the start of the relationship that Bullock was not just looking for a boyfriend, but a man to serve as a father figure in her children’s lives.

The couple is now reportedly living and co-parenting together.

“Sandra’s made it quite clear to Bryan from the start that she’s looking for a husband to raise kids with,” says one insider. 

“She had the paperwork ready to adopt another child but really wanted to do it with the right man, and Bryan’s been checking every box so far.”

“Everyone knows how terrified she is of giving her heart away again, but Bryan’s incredibly supportive, loving and a brilliant father figure. Sandra says he’s perfect.”

This is a far cry from earlier reports that focused on Randall’s history of arrests and disturbing pattern of violence.

Hopefully, Sandra has become a better judge of character since her divorce from Jesse James, and Randall really has cleaned up his act.

After all, if the rumors are true – he has a daughter to raise now. 

Zayn Malik: Dating Carlyn Bryan? Cheating on Perrie Edwards with Her?!

Zayn Malik has shocked his fans with this photo of himself with a hot blonde, who has been revealed to be LA public relations rep Carlyn Bryan.

Are they together?! And if so, how long have they been?!

In the wake of his departure from One Direction, Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards broke up two months ago, ending a lengthy romance and engagement.

Mailk reportedly called things off via text, which has to be a tough pill to swallow … and now Zayn seems to have found love again awfully fast.

So what’s the deal with Carlyn Bryan? Says an insider:

“That girl is just one of many girls that he’s hooking up with … he has a list of them. It’s hasn’t been going on a long time as far as I know.”

However, the Malik insider depends him by adding:

“There definitely wasn’t any overlap with Perrie.”

Carlyn has known him for over a year, but things didn’t become romantic until Zayn became single, and she had nothing to do with that decision.

Don’t expect to see Perrie break down crying over him, because “this just confirms everything she already thinks about Zayn,” another source adds.

“‘Heartless’ is the first word that came to Perrie’s mind … she thinks Zayn has stooped to an all new low by making such a public to do about this girl.”

“But she’s not losing any sleep over it.”

Zayn’s been on a tear since putting himself back on the market; Malik reportedly hit on Rita Ora and sent nude texts Lily Allen, who is married.

He was then linked to model Neelam Gill as well as Carlyn; Bryan might want to grow eyes in the back of her head ASAP. We’re just saying.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sandra Bullock: Buying $10 MILLION Bar For Boyfriend Bryan Randall?!

Ever since the world first learned that Sandra Bullock is dating Bryan Randall, troubling stories about the 49-year-old photographer have seemed to emerge on a weekly basis.

First, it was reported that just last year, Randall vandalized his neighbor’s home in a fit of blind rage.

Shortly thereafter, we learned that Randall has a history arrests, including at least one DUI conviction.

Given Bullock’s tendency to exhibit truly horrendous taste in men (Remember Jesse James?) many fans are concerned that the beloved actress is once again falling victim for an opportunistic douche bag.

A new report from People magazine is unlikely to put those fears to rest…

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

It seems Bullock is in talks to purchase a bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for $ 10 million  – with the intention of having Randall serve as general manager.

Bullock already owns a house in Jackson Hole, which is home to her 91-year-old father, John. 

Insiders say Sandra is moving to Jackson Hole semi-permanently to be closer to her father, and she’s currently in the process of buying the bar – appropriately named The Million Dollar Cowboy – and having Randall run the day-to-day operations.

“Sandy’s really excited about sharing this dream of opening a business with Bryan,” says one source. “Now it’s becoming a reality, and the bonus of being able to take care of her dad is priceless to her.”

Yes, we hate to say it, Sandy fans, but it definitely sounds like there’s reason to be concerned.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bryan Cranston -- I Just Sold My Condo ... A Little Bigger Than Walter White"s Trailer



0918-bryan-cranston-building-crisnetThe man who played meth mastermind Walter White has moved to greener and bigger pastures, so he just unloaded his modest digs for a return that would humiliate the diabolical chemistry teacher.

Bryan Cranston just sold his North Hollywood condo he bought in 2008 … pre-“Breaking Bad” but post- “Malcolm in the Middle.” The digs are relatively small — 1,270 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 3 baths.

He bought the place for $ 451,500 and just sold it for $ 497,000. Walter made 1,000 times that in one transaction.

But don’t cry for Bryan. He has other properties in L.A. and is doing just fine.