Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans Caught Keeping MASSIVE Pill Stash Within Reach of Chidren

We"re sure you"re well aware that Jenelle Evans won"t be winning any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

In fact, the consensus among Teen Mom 2 fans these days seems to be that Evans is an unfit mother who shouldn"t be trusted to raise her own children

Jenelle has been appalling viewers with her negligence and her erratic behavior for years now, but even the most virulent critics of the Carolina Hurricane might be shocked by what they see in the newest Teen Mom 2 trailer.

It all starts with a knock at the door.

A TM2 producer informs Jenelle that the sheriff has come a-callin", but Evans seems remarkably unfazed.

We guess when you"ve had as many visits from the cops as she has, it"s about as distressing as getting a package from UPS.

At first, Jenelle seems content to just not answer the door and hope for the best.

Eventually, however, David Eason answers — shirtless, of course, in accordance with the Redneck Negligent Parents" Manual — and smarts off to the cop.

The sheriff informs Eason that he"s there for a wellness check on David"s kids and stepkids, but Eason tells him to "go to the daycare" if he wants to see kids, and you can tell he thought it was a wickedly clever gag.

So wellness checks are so routine in the Evans-Eason household that they barely warrant a discussion after the fact.

No surprise there, we suppose.

But what shocked many fans was the presence of a large number of prescription pill bottles just sitting out on Jenelle"s counter.

Like, that"s a lot of pills — and maybe Jenelle and David need them for totally legitimate health issues — we"re not here to judge on that score.

But like so many others who have seen this clip, we"d like to suggest that Jenell and David store those drugs someplace where they can"t be reached by the many children who reside in their home.

"All those pill bottles are making me nervous with three toddlers running around," wrote one Reddit user.

"I have no problem with prescription pills," another viewer added.

"I take one daily. But you put that sh-t on top of the fridge, not at a kid"s hand level."

Check out the clip for yourself, and decide if there"s real reason to be concerned about the safety of Jenelle"s kids:


Jenelle evans caught keeping massive pill stash within reach of

Couple Caught Very Clearly Having Sex on Board Airplane

We never thought we"d need to say this, but here we go:

There"s a big difference between getting married on board an airplane and having sexual intercourse on board an airplane.

The former arrangement can be pretty romantic, despite its unusual setting, as evidenced by the following video:

The latter, though? It"s just weird and gross and dirty, despite being sort of admirable.

We say this because a man and a woman were recently videotaped while very clearly getting it on while flying about 35,000 feet over the ground.

This isn"t the first time a couple has joined what society has deemed The Mile High Club, but it"s gotta be one of the first times they have dared to do so without going into the bathroom first.


These two just starting humping on their seats!

“My mom and dad were just trying to have a peaceful trip to Mexico and then they sent me this……..” Twitter user @kileytully wrote alongside the borderline NSFW footage, which was filmed by her mother.

The video has been viewed over 4.2 million times since it went live — and it"s easy to see why.

How often do you see a woman just straddle a man mid-flight and thrust all around?

Here"s the thing, though: these two nearly got away with it!

At one point in the video, the mother of the aforementioned Twitter user pans around to the rest of the cabin, showing happily unaware fellow travelers.

Granted, we assume, if someone had gotten up to use the restroom, he or she would have seen what was going on.

But we almost can"t blame the horny couple in question for trying to get away with their lewd act.

It"s not like any nudity is showing!

NOTE: Silver Airways has confirmed the video was taken on one of its flights, according to the Daily Mail, and also told the outlet it is working to confirm its authenticity … but did not condone the type of behavior.

We guess we understand what it has to say that.

But check out the footage above for yourself.

We"ve seen more naked action on the Instagram account of Kim Kardashian.

Couple caught very clearly having sex on board airplane

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Molly Hopkins: Caught on Video Abusing Luis Mendez?

Be warned: this video features some upsetting content.

90 Day Fiance couple Molly Hopkins and Luis Mendez are divorcing, and, at one point, it seemed that Luis was accusing Molly of domestic violence.

Now, this very tense video has surfaced. Is this evidence?

90 day fiance couple luis and molly

Molly is from Georgia. Luis is from the Dominican Republic.

The two met in Santo Domingo and fell in love. But they had a falliing out and, despite efforts to make it work, decided to divorce at the beginning of the year.

Later, Luis hinted to followers that there was more going on than a simple parting of the ways.

"If you want to see all about domestic violence soon," Luis teased on his Instagram. "Follow this page. It"s gonna post there."

Now, it appears that cell phone video that Luis may have recorded during his relationship with Molly has surfaced.

The one-minute video appeared on multiple social media outlets, though it is not currently on Luis" actual Instagram page.

Luis mendez and molly hopkins

The unsung superheroes over at Starcasm did their best to piece together a transcript of the audible parts of this video.

They note that there is some disagreement over whether Luis is saying the word "hate" or "hit" in this video.

That is a … very important difference. We"ll have more discussion of that at the end.

Molly: "Good luck! Oh, you think you’re going to get something from me? Cause you ain’t takin’ s–t from me!"

Luis: "Why you have to …?"

Molly: "You’re not gonna do anything. Where you talk about …"

Not everything that they say is easy to understand. There are portions of the video where the audio is just garbled.

Molly hopkins pouts

Luis: "Why?"

Molly: "You think you’re gonna get s–t? You ain’t gettin’ s–t!"

Luis: "Why you — Why you hate me? Why you hate me? Why you hate me? Why?"

There"s some more audio that is just unintelligible.

Molly: "Good luck with that! Oh, I got money, and I got a lawyer. You’re out. You’re f–king outta here!"

Molly and luis couples collage

Luis: "Why? Why you hate me? Why you hate me?"

Molly: "Because you know exactly!"

Luis: "That is a bulls–t. That is a bulls–t."

Molly: "You manipulate!"

Luis: "After I left everything for you? Because I …"

He is referring to leaving his home in the Dominican Republic to come to George to be with a significantly older woman.

Luis mendez works out

Molly: "You didn’t leave everything! …it has nothing to do with filming. It has to do with you…how you think you’re gonna stay here"

Molly: "Don’t f–kin’ threaten me. Don’t threaten me…"

Luis: "You know, I did everything because I love you."

Molly: "…piece of s–t. You’re f–king trash"


Molly and luis

Now, quite frankly, with the exchange of those heated words, we feel very confident in saying that these two should not be married.

If someone talks to you that way, they are a toxic influence on your life.

But … while this sounds like verbal and perhaps emotional abuse, was there any domestic violence in this video?

Several times, it seems that Molly is raising her hand. But whether she was trying to strike Luis or simply poiting for emphasis (as many people do while speaking) is not entirely clear.

(In contrast, 90 Day Fiance"s own cameras were there to film it when Anfisa Arkhipchenko struck Jorge Nava, which left little doubt)

Perhaps a courtroom video analyst who has trained for years in these things would have better luck determining if the video is evidence of violence.

Similarly, perhaps some fancy audio tech could help determine whether Luis is saying "hit" or "hate." Hate is toxic, but hitting is domestic violence.

No matter what, the video sure is intense and a little scary.

Anfisa arkhipchenko and jorge nava picture

Molly hopkins caught on video abusing luis mendez

Friday, June 8, 2018

David Eason Caught Harassing Nathan Griffith, Hurling Homophobic Slurs

Yesterday, we reported on the encouraging news that Nathan Griffith wants to fight David Eason.

Nathan would most likely make short work of Jenelle Evans’ husband in the ring, and since Eason was recently accused of punching a toddler, we would very much like to see that happen.

Nathan Griffith, David Eason Split

Nathan has every reason to want to clean David’s clock (the aforementioned toddler is Griffith’s son, Kaiser), so we weren’t all that curious about the motives when he issued his challenge.

But as it turns out, he has even more cause to hate Eason than we initially thought.

As you may recall, Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling homophobic slurs at fans of the show in a bizarre social media meltdown.

Far from having learned his lesson about hate speech, it seems David is still targeting epithets at those who have incurred his ire.

These days, that means he’s saying horrendous things to Nathan.

We know this because Griffith’s girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, recently took to Twitter in an effort to put a stop to the harassment.

“Jenelle, I would text you but you have me blocked,” she tweeted to Evans.

“Please check your husband and tell him to stop harassing my man calling him a ‘f-g boy’ over text. We are enjoying our night with family on the water and his random harassing texts are unnecessary. Thank you.” 

It’s times like this that we like to remind you that David Eason is a 29-year-old grownup who is responsible for the care and upbringing of five (5) children.

We’ll pause while you weep for the future.

Anyway, by blocking all communication from Nathan and Ashley (because why would you ever need to hear from the person you share a child with?), Jenelle and David have put all of their asinine feuds and dirty laundry on public display.

Earlier this week, Nathan took to Twitter to chastise Jenelle for claiming that he wishes to contact her only because he hopes to win her back:

“JENELLE! Get over yourself!” he wrote. 

“I talk the same way to my ex-wife. It does not mean I want you back. Once again, I have a child with you.

“I ask all the time about Kaiser. It’s you that stalks and harasses then texts me the next day about something totally irrelevant to Kaiser.”

Hopefully, David is looking at Nathan’s impossible situation and taking notes, because this is the future he created when he made a baby with Jenelle Evans

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the extent to which David and Jenelle deserve each other.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lil Scrappy Car Accident Caught on Video, 911 Call Released

Lil Scrappy’s car crash this past weekend was caught on camera … and, judging by the footage, the rapper is lucky to be alive. TMZ obtained surveillance footage of Scrappy’s white Mercedes veering off the road in Aventura, FL, near Miami, and…


Infamous Poo Jogger Caught, Photographed in the Act

We all know that there are sick people in this world … but why are so many of them so-called pillars of the community?

Well, one anonymous “Poo Jogger” was horrifying an Australian neighborhood with his excrement.

But he has now been exposed. Has his reign of terror has come to an end.

Excrement Emoji

Last Septamber, a female “Mad Pooper” was terrorizing Colorado Springs. But she’s not one of a kind.

Brisbane’s Poo Jogger has been leaving his (fortunately delible) mark on a Greenslopes apartment block.

This has been going on for months. It is believed that he has struck at least 30 times.

But this villain’s campaign of olfactory and psychological torment came to an end. It seems that he never expected that one of his victims would be proactive enough to lie in wait with a camera at the ready.

After Steve Smith followed the sightings of human feces enough to get a good grasp of the Poo Jogger’s route and schedule, he hid, waiting to expose the miscreant responsible.

Was it some disaffected youth? Some impoverished man with few options? An oversized dog who also leaves toilet paper at the scene?

The Poo Jogger has been identified as Brisbane resident Andrew Douglas Macintosh.

He is 64 years old.

Macintosh is the national quality manager at a major Australian retirement community company.

He also happens to be a member of the Brisbane City Council board.

So, just like on virtually every episode of Scooby Doo, the unidentified culprit striking fear into the hearts of the innocent was just some rich guy.

Excrement Emoji Cupcakes

While Macintosh has resigned from the company at which he works — for obvious reasons — it seems unlikely that he will face real consequences.

Queensland police only charged him with a single count of “public nuisance.”

A bit of a surprise, considering that he is accused of having “nuisanced” in this neighborhood at least 30 times.

Additionally, his attorneys are reportedly negotiating this down to a fine rather than a criminal charge.

So, like we said, no real consequences for someone doing the unthinkable.

Though perhaps he’ll face some social reprisals, at least.

Hard to be a pillar of the community when you’re infamous for leaving pillars around a community.

Obviously, Twitter had a field day.

Poo Jogger Tweets

Queensland police made a frankly incredible statement, saying:

“Just before 5pm on 11th May, the man attended a unit complex on Logan road and did a poo.”

Police note that there were signs of premeditation.

“He did have toilet paper on him though. At least he made sure his bum was clean, if not the surrounding area.”

You know, there are plenty of people in this world who can’t bring themselves to even use a friend’s bathroom — let alone a stall in some public restroom.

So we question how a person could physically make themselves defecated in open areas in a neighborhood near people’s homes.

Not to mention the more pressing quesiton of why.

This world is full of worse things than any of us would care to imagine.

But they do make for some entertaining headlines sometimes.


Kendall Jenner: Caught Cheating on Ben Simmons With Anwar Hadid?!

Call it a reverse-Tristan Thompson, because Kendall Jenner is proving to the world that the NBA needs the Kardashians more than the Kardashians need the NBA.

Okay, so Kendall isn’t technically a Kardashian but she is dating Philadelphia 76ers standout Ben Simmons — and showing him that she’s not nearly as subservient in relationships as her beleaguered sister Khloe.

Kendall Jenner-Ben Simmons

Even though Ben and Kendall have been spending a lot of time together and were reportedly getting serious, she was recently photographed making out with Anwar Hadid, brother of Gigi and Bella Hadid.

A source tells Radar Online that Simmons is aware of the pics and understandably not too happy about them.

“Ben’s used to being a player on the court but feels Kendall stepped over him. He thinks she’s the true player!”” claims the insider, who clearly harbors an abiding love for dad jokes.

The source claims Ben was astonished when he first laid eyes on the images, as he was under the impression that he and Kendall were at the start of a serious relationship.

“He was in awe seeing those pictures and was like, ‘Wow. Just wow,"” says the informant

The insider claims that Kendall has been giving Ben the cold shoulder in the days since the pics were first published.

Simmons has reportedly been texting Kendall non-stop asking for an explanation, and she simply hasn’t replied.

“He’s feeling extra salty over how Kendall did him,” says the source.

We guess we can’t blame him on that score.

If the situation really played out as it’s currently being reported, then Kendall certainly did Ben dirty.

But as many have pointed out, this might be a classic case of instant karma.

Ben Simmons

When he first started hooking up with Kendall, Ben was reportedly still dating singer Tinashe.

It’s believed that he never really broke things off with her, and Tinashe learned her relationship was over by hearing reports that Ben was hooking up with Kendall.

Add that to the rage she must be feeling over the news that Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian, and it’s not hard to see how Kendall might not be feeling much sympathy for Ben.

Sure, Tristan and Ben aren’t the same person, and it doesn’t even seem that they’re friends.

But lashing out is lashin out — and Kendall seems like a woman with a score to settle.


Beyonce & Jay Z Renew Vows: Did He Get Caught Cheating Again?!

By now, you’ve certainly heard the news that Jay Z cheated on Beyonce.

After all, you’d have go back to the infidelities of Zeus or William Jefferson Clinton to find an affair that’s been so thoroughly documented, rhapsodized, scrutinized, and bemoaned.

First, Bey told us the tale of “Becky With the Good Hair” on her Lemonade album, one of the most stirring chronicles of a scorned spouse’s emotional roller coaster ride in recent memory.

Shortly thereafter, Jay admitted to cheating and thoroughly abased himself on his 4:44 album.

He later claimed that his infidelity made him a better person, but since Queen Bey has chosen to ignore that foolishness, we will as well.

In the months since the Carter kingdom nearly came crumbling down, Jay and Bey have worked hard to restore trust and rebuild their relationship.

And now it seems they want their loyal subjects to know that the royal couple of hip-hop is still reigning supreme together.

Last night, Jay and Bey kicked off their On the Run II in Cardiff in the U.K.

The concert featured a short film that seemed to be created for the sole purpose of demonstrating to fans that all is well in Carter Land.

The montage showed Jay and Beyonce renewing their vows and holding babies while a series of Hallmark-y affirmations flashed on the screen:


We get it, you guys!

Damn, y’all are like one of those couples on Facebook that gets a joint account and posts constant love memes after one of them gets caught sleeping around.

This is the A-list celebrity equivalent of your broke friend constantly posting quotes from Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

So yes, the montage featured lots of showy confirmations that Jay and Bey are very much still in love.

It also featured something much more hilarious — stunt babies!

“At the end of the show the Carter babies were included in a family collage [however] the babies in the film clip at the beginning were not their children,” a source close to the couple tells People magazine.

It’s an interesting detail that’s left some fans with a big question:

Is Jay and Bey’s reconciliation as fake as their onscreen offspring?!


Friday, June 1, 2018

Garrett Yrigoyen Apologizes: I"m SUPER Sorry I Got Caught!

Not every suitor on The Bachelorette is a prince. Sometimes, as you know if you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, creeps make their way onto the show.

Recently uncovered screencaps of Garrett Yrigoyen’s horrifying social media activity has a lot of the Bachelor Nation decrying him as a bigot.

Now, Garrett is issuing an apology. Is it good enough?

Garrett Yrigoyen had “liked” a series of images on Instagram. Among them were images mocking immigrants, mocking trans women, fat-shaming women, and promoting conspiracy theories about survivors of the Parkland shooting.

Now that he’s been caught, Garrett took to social media to post an apology.

“To those who I have hurt and offended: This is all new to me.”

That’s not an apology, but it could be the start of one.

“I went on the Bachelorette for the adventure and possibility of falling in love, not fame.”

That sounds an awful lot like he’s sorry that his activity was exposed, right?

“I did not know what to expect once the show aired.”

He does apologize, after a fashion.

“I am sorry to those who I offended and I also take full responsibly for my ‘likes’ on Instagram that were hurtful and offensive.”

While some would have appreciated phrasing that doesn’t appear to cast blame on those who were offended, he did say that he is sorry.

“garrett_yrigs12 was my former Instagram handle and I decided to take it down and start fresh.”

His new handle is gy_yrigoyen.

He says that he remade his Instagram, giving himself a social media blank slate, because:

“I have learned an extremely valuable lesson and am taking steps to grow, become more educated, and be a better version of myself.”

He then says that this has been a wake-up call.

“I am not perfect, and I will never be anywhere close, but now I will always be more informed and aware of what I am liking and supporting, not just on Instagram, but in life.”

Well, it’s good that he’s thinking about it, at least.

“I never realized the power behind a mindless tap on Instagram and how it bears so much weight on people’s lives.”

He again seems to be blaming the people impacted by his activity rather than himself, but perhaps this is simply how he writes. (We all have peculiarities in our writing styles)

“I did not mean any harm by any of it.”

He says that simply because he enjoys memes about unabashed cruelty towards entire demographics of people does not mean that he’s a bad person.

“My Instagram ‘likes’ were not a true reflection of me and my morals.”

Furthermore, it sounds like Garrett did not enjoy people referring to him as a bigot.

“I am not the negative labels people are associating me with.”

He claims that people who know him in person don’t see him that way.

“For those who do know me, I am a sincere, genuine, loving, light-hearted, open-minded, and non-judgemental individual.”

He prefers to describe himself as affable.

“I like to make new friends with anyone I meet and want everyone to find their happiness …”

He thinks that others should take his experience to heart when they are on social media.

“Let my mistakes be a lesson for those who mindlessly double tap images, memes, and videos on any social media content that could be many things including hurtful, degrading, and dehumanizing.”

Though she is noted for her left-leaning views, Becca Kufrin defended Garrett in the wake of his scandal.

“I want viewers to be open to everyone, and I want them to go through this season with me and watch my love story unfold with all of these men.”

Last season had a racist suitor. We suppose that it’s no surprise that this season seems to have an everything-ist.

“I did things in the past that I’m sure wasn’t the best thing, but I just want people to stay open-minded to everyone.”

Either Becca is just very nice (she is), or she’s going out of her way to back up Garrett.

“I can’t fault on anyone for what they believe and who’s to say that anyone is truly what they believe in if they just double tap.”

Doesn’t that depend upon what they believe? There’s a difference between having a stance on immigration and laughing at the idea of a brown-skinned child being tossed over a wall.

“I can’t speak to that because that’s just not me. I am a strong woman and I do believe in certain things, but again, that’s what’s so great about our country — everyone is entitled to their own opinions.”

Garrett’s story of his social media scandal being a wake-up call that led him to rethink things and become a better person is nothing short of incredible.

But some fans took the comments to suggest that it is literally incredible. As in in-credible, not credible.

The posts that he seemed to enjoy so much transcend political opinions and, as bloggers such as Reality Steve noted, cross the lines of what is considered basic human decency.

One of the worst posts that he “liked” labeled the survivors of the February 14 Parkland shooting as “crisis actors.” It has not even been four months. 

He would have had to have made a total personality turnaround in a very short time.

Has becoming famous and being held responsible for his abhorrent opinions made Garrett into a better human being overnight?

Or has he simply become embarrassed that he was exposed?


Friday, May 18, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Caught Using Heroin AGAIN?!

Over the past year, Ryan Edwards" struggles with heroin addiction have been well-documented, both on Teen Mom OG and in the tabloid headlines.

There have been brief periods of hope, such as when Edwards checked into rehab shortly after marrying Mackenzie Standifer.

Unfortunately, there"s been more cause for concern than optimism, and the latest news about Ryan certainly doesn"t offer much encouragement. 

Despite the fact that any violation of his probation could result in a lengthy prison sentence, it seems Edwards is definitely using again.

Here"s what we know so far …

1. Another Rock Bottom

Ryan edwards not sober

Ryan has been trapped in a seemingly never-ending downward spiral in recent months. Last month, he was arrested for a probation violation stemming from a 2017 arrest for heroin possession.

2. A Rough Year

Ryan edwards is mad

News of the arrest came on the heels of a string of legal headaches for Edwards. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and her husband, Taylor McKinney, were both recently granted restraining orders against Edwards after it was revealed that Ryan threatened to shoot Taylor in the head.

3. A Crushing Blow

Ryan bentley

This means, of course, that Ryan will not be permitted to see his son, 9-year-old Bentley, unless Maci requests that the restraining order be lifted or allows it to expire.

4. The Hits Keep Coming

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

All of this occurred within a few weeks of Ryan getting caught cheating on his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, for the second time.

5. Triggered

Ryan edwards a photo

It’s not hard to see how all of this might have triggered a relapse. For weeks, Ryan has been laying low, and fans have been expressing concerns about his health. Now, it seems their worst fears have been confirmed.

6. Sad News

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

According to Radar Online, new evidence that Ryan is back on heroin has emerged and the reality star’s loved ones now fear for his life.

View Slideshow

Friday, May 4, 2018

Kailyn Lowry-Briana DeJesus FIGHT Caught on Camera!

At this point, the feud between Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus is certainly nothing new.

But give credit to both the combatants for engaging in one consistently entertaining beef.

Recently, the whole dysfunctional Teen Mom 2 family descended on New York City for the show"s annual reunion special.

And as usual, the drama was not in short supply.

Today, MTV gave fans a first glimpse at the showdown between Kail, Bri, and Javi Marroquin.

And as you may have guessed, it"s a doozy …

1. Kailyn vs. Javi

Kailyn vs javi

Things got real in a major way at the taping of this year’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show. A preview clip shows Kailyn receiving an unexpected dressing room visit from Javi and Briana.

2. Briana Drama

Briana drama

Bri is probably the last person Kail wants knocking on her door, but the newest TM2 castmember is not one to back down from a conflict. As a wise man once said, “Don’t mess with DeJesus!”

3. Kailyn’s Not Having It

Kailyns not having it

Understandably, Kail wanted nothing to do with Bri and Javi’s intrusion. And she CERTAINLY doesn’t want the situation to play out on camera.

4. So WTF Happened?

Kailyn lowry death stare

And what exactly caused Bri and Kail to lock horns behind-the-scenes? Well, there were several factors, of course, but from what we can glean from the newly-released preview clip, an old conflict came to a head in a big way.

5. Short Relationship, Longterm Fallout

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Briana and Javi are no longer dating, but clearly, their relationship is still something of a sore subject. And understandably so …

6. The Beginning

Javi marroquin watching briana dejesus

Kail and Bri were never exactly friends, but Lowry was one of DeJesus’ earliest defenders when it was first announced that she would be joining the cast of TM2.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Caught Cheating on Mackenzie Standifer AGAIN?!

It"s been a tough few weeks for Ryan Edwards. 

But to be fair, the Teen Mom OG star"s problems are almost entirely of his own making.

First, the world learned that Edwards had been arrested for an alleged probation violation stemming from a 2017 arrest for heroin possession.

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that Edwards had been using Tinder to try and cheat on his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Now, just when it looked as though Edwards had finally hit rock bottom, another allegation of infidelity has emerged, and this time, it might be more than Mackenzie can handle…

1. Trouble From the Start

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Ryan and Mackenzie’s marriage has been fraught with tension from the very beginning. It all started with a scene Teen Mom OG fans likely remember all too well.

2. Wedding Day Disaster

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan was so high on opiates the day of his wedding that he lost consciousness while driving to the church. He checked into rehab shortly thereafter.

3. The Decline

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Ryan left rehab ahead of schedule, but he claimed that he was sober for several months after his treatment ended. Fans later learned this was a lie, thanks to footage that showed him guzzling booze just moments before he and Mackenzie’s “makeup wedding.”

4. A New Low

Ryan edwards mug shot

In March, Ryan was arrested for an alleged probation violation. Fans were not even aware that Ryan had previously been arrested or that he was on probation. Shockingly, it seems he kept the initial arrest a secret from his baby mama, Maci Bookout, as well.

5. One Awful Week

Ryan edwards a photo

Wthin days of news of the arrest going public, several media outlets reported that Ryan had been using the dating app Tinder in an effort to cheat on Mackenzie. At least three different women came forward claiming that Edwards had made advances on them using the app.

6. Enter the Ex

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

Those who know her best say Mackenzie has been in denial about Ryan’s infidelity. However, it may have just gotten a lot harder for her to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tristan Thompson: CAUGHT Cheating on Khloe Kardashian!

Poor Khloe Kardashian.

Poor, poor, poor, POOR Khloe Kardashian.

Just days before the reality star is set to give birth, multiple outlets are reporting that long-term boyfriend (and baby daddy) Tristan Thompson has cheated on her multiple times.

And the latest example seemingly took place just a few days ago.

First, however, TMZ has posted footage that depicts Thompson very clearly hooking up with two women back in October.

The footage stems from surveillance video recorded at a hookah lounge outside Washington D.C. — and you can clearly see Tristan making out with one woman just as the other grabs his head and pushes it down to her chest.

This second woman then grabs Tristan’s crotch.

The video was filmed the evening before the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Washington Wizards.

Kardashian was three months along in her pregnancy at the time.

As far as we know, this was the first time Thompson cheated on Khloe.

But TMZ, People Magazine and The Daily Mail are all among the fairly reliable websites reporting that there’s at least one other occasion.

The latter publication claims to have posted a video filmed by a club goer at PH-D Lounge (a rooftop bar in Manhattan) last Saturday night that depicts Thompson getting up close and very personal with an an unnamed woman.

This woman has long, straight, brown hair and bright red nails… and her arms around the NBA player’s shoulders.

At one point, she leans in and appears to kiss Tristan.

The timeline does match up again in this case, as Thompson and the Cavaliers played in Philadelphia on Friday night.

They had the weekend off prior to taking on the Knicks in New York on Monday.

“I was there and he was on the table right next to us with a group of friends and some girl who he was obviously making out with all night,” said the person who filmed this scandalous video, adding:

“They were holding each other and it was so obvious.”

It gets even worse than this alleged spit-swapping, too.

TMZ claims there’s footage of Thompson and this woman walking into the Four Seasons hotel around 5 a.m. on Sunday.

Hours later, she leaves with an overnight bag.

Beyond that, TMZ has even identified the woman as an Instagram user with the handle “@ms.stephaniee_.”

She actually posted snippets from a sex tape last night, seemingly of her and Thompson, prior to quickly taking them down.

Moreover, Stephanie included explicit texts from that read:

If I was there I would grab u while u try to walk away from me than I would pull ya hair and kiss you than rip ya clothes off and lay u down while I suck ya p**** and say sorry.

Than I’ll stick this long d*** in you slow but deep

This texts have also been deleted and we cannot confirm they were written by Thompson.

But Stephanie shared them soon after this explosive story went viral across the Internet.

Just incredible and awful for Khloe, right?

The 33-year old recently wrote that she’s just sitting at home these days, bored AF while she waits to give birth.

And making Thompson’s actions even more despicable, if these allegations are true?

Khloe is waiting at HIS home!

She has been in Cleveland now for weeks because she plans on welcoming her daughter in Thompson’s hometown and then sticking around for an undetermined length of time so the couple can raise their child together.

Heck, the most recent Instagram photo shared by Khloe is the one immediately above.

It features her kissing Thompson on the lips and it includes the caption:

“We are ready whenever you are little mama.”

Khloe and Tristan have been together for well over a year now.

The baller did reportedly leave a woman named Jordan Craig for Khloe back when the celebrities started dating, and get this:

Craig was also pregnant with his baby at the time.

So there may be a pattern to Thompson’s actions.

Neither Khloe nor anyone in her famous family has spoken out yet on any of these reports.

But they are EVERYwhere, this is not a case where just one website is writing a few vague details and/or making a handful of wild accusations.

We’d say Khloe almost has to say something soon, but she may have something else on her mind instead:

She is due to give birth any day now.  
