Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

"Beauty and the Beast" Banned From Alabama Theatre Over Gay Character

An Alabama theatre owner is banning “Beauty and the Beast” because he doesn’t want to expose his customers to the new gay character in the film. The owner of Henagar Drive-In Theatre says Disney’s decision to add its first homosexual character was…


"Beauty and the Beast" Banned From Alabama Theatre Over Gay Character

An Alabama theatre owner is banning “Beauty and the Beast” because he doesn’t want to expose his customers to the new gay character in the film. The owner of Henagar Drive-In Theatre says Disney’s decision to add its first homosexual character was…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Stephen Colbert Brings Back Colbert Report Character for Obama!

Stephen Colbert is an absolute treasure. He always has been, he always will be, and we are so lucky to have him.

He"s great on the Late Show, of course, but most of us remember him most fondly as the ignorant but lovable conservative jackass from The Colbert Report.

It"s been a little over two years now the last episode of The Colbert Report aired, and the show has definitely been missed — can you imagine how incredible it would have been to have during Trump"s campaign?

But don"t worry, friends: Stephen"s still got us.

Last night, on the very last day of Barack Obama"s presidency, the very last peaceful day before the four-year reign of terror began, we got to see a little bit of the old Colbert.

In a delightful little segment of "The Word," Stephen broke down some key moments of Obama"s presidency as only he could.

He touched on Obama"s work to repeal "Don"t Ask, Don"t Tell," he brought up marriage equality and the death of Osama Bin Laden and the Affordable Care Act.

The skit was titled "Thanks, Obama," that classic, ridiculous slogan of Obama critics everywhere — and boy, did Stephen thank him.

Check out the much-needed hilarity below:

Stephen colbert brings back colbert report character for obama

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

English Bulldog Watches Horror Movie, Tries to Save Character

Horror films force us into a variety of situations we wish we had control over. 

Whenever the killer is about to strike one of the characters, we wish we could notify the victim. 

Wouldn"t that be great? 

Interactive movies may be a thing of the future, but one English bulldog took it upon herself in order to try and save a little girl. 

The dog was watching "Crimson Peak" and thought it would be a good idea to try and save the character from a certain death. 

Some dogs do like to watch TV, but I"ve never known a dog to pay this much attention. 

It does show that the dog is pretty caring, but could the dog"s name have anything to do with it?

The beautiful little dog is called Khaleesi. 

For those who don"t know, it"s a popular name on Game of Thrones. 

One of the main characters, Daenerys Targaryen was a Khaleesi for a time. 

Does this dog version of Daenerys have her own dragons?

That would be hilarious. 

The video itself is pretty darn great. 

If you love animals, then this one is for you!

It would get a little annoying after a while if a dog was barking during a horror film, but at least her heart"s in the right place!

Has your dog ever done anything like this?

What did you think of the video?

Hit the comments below!

Share the video with your friends and family!

English bulldog watches horror movie tries to save character

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Details Revealed: Which Character Will Die in Battle?

Well, it’s hard to believe, but another season of Game of Thrones is almost at an end.

Thus far, the show’s epic sixth outing has left us with little to complain about.

(Maybe it got too deep in the weeds with Faceless Men, Three-Eyed Ravens and other mystical mumbo-jumbo at times, but that’s a gripe for another time.)

Things started out at such a breakneck pace that we were actually glad when showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff eased up on the reins a bit.

The first half of this season gave us the predicted resurrection of one character, the shocking death of another, and some fan favorites returning to badass form.

(The sight of Daenerys’ nude triumph over her Dothkraki captors will surely remain etched in the memories of fans … for a number of reasons.) 

The most recent episodes have had their share of jaw-dropping moments (We’re really staring to hate that damn Waif that’s got it out for Arya.), but they often felt like place-setting installments that were less about advancing the plot and more about arranging the pieces for an unforgettable endgame.

Today, HBO released the titles of the final two episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6 (We already knew that next week’s installment is titled “No One,” a favorite phrase among Jaqen H’ghar and the rest of the Faceless), and naturally, the Internet is going ape with speculation.

For as long as it’s been in post-book territory, the show has delighted in throwing us curveballs, but for the penultimate episode (historically the season’s most eventful), Weiss and Benioff seem to be laying all their cards on the table.

Entitled “The Battle of the Bastards” – and directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who helmed last season’s Night’s King coming-out party “Hardhome” – the episode is all but guaranteed to revolve around the war over Winterfell.

The titular “bastards” are undoubtedly Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton, the latter of whom [POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!] you can be certain will be killed in some spectacularly satisfying way, possibly by Sansa.

We’d feel terrible if we got your hopes up for nothing, but a bastard’s gonna die, and you can be damn sure it won’t be Jon again.

As for the finale, little is known about the plot, but it’s also directed by Sapochnik, it’s the show’s longest episode to date at 69 minutes, and with a title like “The Winds of Winter” (also the name of the forthcoming sixth installment of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series), you can be fairly certain that it won’t disappoint.

We’ve known that winter is coming since the the series debuted back in 2011 – and it sounds like with the finale of Season 6, it’ll finally arrive.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for what sounds like a thrilling string of episodes.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5 Photos: Check Out the HOT New Character!

Well, we knew this day would come.

We"ve officially reached the point in Game of Thrones where characters who haven"t even been introduced in George R.R. Martin"s novels are beginning to impact the course of events in the Seven Kingdoms.

The showrunners have taken liberties with the plot before, but this may be the first time that we"ll meet major character who will eventually appear in A Song of Ice and Fire, but has not yet been introduced by Martin.

Her name is Kinvara, and all we really know about her so far is that she"s played by smokin" hot Israeli actress Ania Bukstein, and like Melisandre, she"s a Red Priestess of R"hllor.

Many fans have suggested that her choker indicates she"s keeping a secret similar to Melisandre"s.

Some are speculating that she"ll be backing Daenerys" play for the Iron Throne, which may lead to a dueling "chosen ones" situation. (Melisandre believes Jon Snow is the man who will be king.)

We have no idea if those theories are accurate, but we"re sure we"ll enjoy Kinvara"s time on screen.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for this week"s episode and check out some production stills in the gallery below:

1. Ania Bukstein as Kinvara

Ania bukstein as kinvara

Meet Kinvara! We can’t help but wonder if all the R’hllor priestesses are this hot, and if they are, how do we get on board with this religion?

2. Sansa and Littlefinger

Sansa and littlefinger

This looks like a considerably less happy reunion. We can’t blame Sansa for being pissed. Littlefinger did marry her off to freakin’ Ramsay.

3. Daenerys and Daario

Daenerys and daario

Reunited and it feels so good. Hopefully these two can resist gettin’ it on within earshot of Jorah.

4. Bran and the Night’s King

Bran and the nights king

Bran is obviously just “warging” here, but it still looks a pretty damn scary encounter. That’s not a face you want to see when you turn around.

5. The Greyscale Struggle is Real

The greyscale struggle is real

Jorah’s dealing with a pretty nasty disease. It’s probably even worse than anything Daario has picked up in his travels.

6. Arya and Jaqen H’Ghar

Arya and jaqen hghar

We keep forgetting that she dropped her name. Make that “Girl Formerly Known as Arya.”

View Slideshow

Monday, December 7, 2015

Once Upon a Time Fans Mourn Main Character Death

Death became a pretty major character on Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 11.

To close out its 2015 run, the ABC drama appropriately titled this installment “Swan Song,” using it to bid adieu to Colin O’Donoghue’s beloved Captain Hook.


Only one thing will tell, and that’s time.

If this truly is farewell to Hook, he at least went out by sacrificing himself as the man he always wanted to be. He died a hero’s death.

And here’s how:

The sexy swashbuckler took the darkness into Excalibur, as Jennifer Morrison’s Emma Swan proceeded to drive the sword into her lover, ending his life.

So it certainly appears as if this is curtains for the Captain, but the new Underworld was introduced this week and we know that Hercules and Megara will soon be joining the fairy tale characters in Storybrooke.

“Can we have both #PapaHook and Captain Hook back from the Underworld or is that asking too much, #OUAT needs more Hooks @OnceABC,” wrote on Twitter user in response.

Another ‘shipper, meanwhile, also remains hopeful, writing on Twitter:

“Thank u @OnceABC for this incredible & beautiful love story! We can’t wait to see Emma save Hook! #CaptainSwan #OnceUponATime.”

Viewers have a very long time to wait and see if this dream becomes a reality.

In the meantime, they can always visit TV Fanatic and watch Once Upon a Time online. Enjoy!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Vicki Gunvalson: Real Housewives" Character Assassination F--ked My Business!

Vicki Gunvalson is still fuming after The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion and the non-stop attacks on herself and Brooks Ayers.

Last night marked part three of three for the show’s reunion special, and Vicki and Brooks were the subject of just about every passing second.

Ayers’ controversial claims that he had cancer were slammed by her co-stars and fans alike, but Vicki stood by him and wouldn’t back down.

“I believed Brooks,” she told Radar.

Her own daughter, Briana Culberson, had no such reservations. In fact, she slammed her mother’s former partner repeatedly in recent weeks.

“He would do something terrible when my mom was across the room,” she said. “He hit on me when I was pregnant at a family birthday party.”

Vicki conceded after relentless criticism that “her gut says” Brooks does not have cancer, but that doesn’t change how she felt she was attacked.

Even though they broke up, Gunvalson wasn’t swayed by her co-stars’ claims, and says that the show exploited the cancer saga as a story line.

But ultimately, the attacks hit Vicki close to home, both personally and as a business person, and from that, it may take a long time to recover.

A successful insurance business entrepreneur, Gunvalson said the character assassination she faced dinged her reputation outside of the show.

“I am mad that people are attacking my character because it has a negative effect on my business,” she insisted, digging in her heels a bit.

It’s not clear how this, of all things we’ve seen her do, say and go through over the course of 10 seasons, would bedevil her, but so be it.

What do you think about the attacks against Vicki? Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online and sound off …

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sesame Street Introduces First-Ever Autistic Character

A unique new resident has set up shop on Sesame Street.

Are you ready to meet Julia?

Introduced via a digital storybook, Julia is the first-ever Autistic character to be featured on the long-running children’s program.

She’s part of an initiative to bring awareness to the topic of Autism.

In the aforementioned book, whose cover is featured above, Elmo explains to his pal on the playground why their new friend Julia is a little different.

“Elmo’s daddy told Elmo that Julia has autism,” the beloved red critter says.

“So she does things a little differently. Sometimes Elmo talks to Julia using fewer words and says the same thing a few times.”

Sesame Street has partnered with organizations such as Autism Speaks and the Autism Self-Advocacy Network to ensure that the materials presented by the brand are educational, respectful and positive about Autism.

“More than 20 years ago, my beautiful son received the diagnosis of Autism, and my world changed instantly and profoundly,” says author Leslie Kimmelman in a letter.

“I knew nothing about Autism, and it seemed that those around me – even the professionals – didn’t know much either. Today, happily, that has changed.

“There’s greater awareness, and there has been much progress understanding autism. But it’s still a puzzle, and every child is affected differently.

“You’ve probably heard the saying ‘if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.’ So what’s the most important thing for people to know?

“We’re all different in some way or another – that’s what makes the world an interesting place. And equally, all of us in our own way are amazing!”

According to the latest statistics, one out of every 68 children in the United States has a type of of Autism.

Kudos to Sesame Street for bringing attention to this important issue.

Monday, September 28, 2015

This Simpsons Character Will FINALLY Come Out Of The Closet This Season!

Well this is pretty big!

The Simpsons just started their 27th season on Sunday and they’ve already started to make some changes to their show!

There were several stories over the summer about the hit cartoon show ranging from Homer and Marge splitting, to Sideshow Bob getting to kill Bart!

Related: This Beer From The Simpsons Is Actually Going To Be Sold IRL!

We’re even getting a couple great guest stars this season!

But a new report confirms that Smithers, Mr. Burns trusty right-hand-man will FINALLY be coming out of the closet! WOO-HOO!

Executive producer Al Jean said in a statement:

“In Springfield now, most people know he’s gay, but obviously Burns doesn’t. We deal with that in two episodes… We actually do a lot with Smithers this year; he gets fed up with Burns not appreciating him and considers his options.”

This is fantastic news!

We’ve always loved The Simpsons and applaud any show that widens their diversity!

What do you think, are you happy with their decision or should they just keep things they way they are?

[Image via FOX.]

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Still Shocked Over Kit Harington"s Truth Bomb About His Game Of Thrones Character?! Shake It Off With The Top 10 Vines Of The Week!

What a rollercoaster of a week!

ICYMI: A few days ago, Game of Thrones star Kit Harington sent fans into a hysteria after dropping a MAJOR truth bomb about his character Jon Snow. To not spoil anything for fans who haven’t caught up on the recent season, we’ve provided the whole story for you to peruse HERE!

Regardless, we’re still trying to get over the jaw-dropping news — so we decided to collect the best six-second videos the internet has to offer!

Since it’s the weekend (and there’s nothing better to do) you should join in on the fun and enjoy these HIGHlarious Vines too.

Ch-ch-check out the top 10 Vines of this week (below)!

10. We actually think he killed this audition. Thoughts?!

9. We’ve all done this. Don’t lie.

8. Aww! This guy just speaks the truth.

7. This is what Taylor Swift‘s Wildest Dreams video is ACTUALLY about. LOLz!

6. Sometimes parents just don’t understand. Like, but really though!

5. Not all heroes wear capes!

4. The struggle is real. Get it together Starbucks!

3. Please don’t be THAT couple! HA!

2. If you see this guy… maybe run in the other direction?? WE KID.

1. It Follows would’ve been a very different movie if it followed this format.