Showing posts with label City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 4 Recap: The Etiquette of Friendship

Now that the drama has started, who is gunning for who?

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 4, Dorinda decided it was time to say how she really felt about how she was being treated and it was pretty awesome. 

We picked up with Tinsley and Sonja arriving at Ramona’s house. When the ladies went to get some food, Ramona quickly claimed that she was the one who cooked all the food. 

Um, okay then. Even Dorinda knew she was talking crap, but Ramona was not her target, so she got away with it. 

After some snarky comments, Sonja sat next to both Dorinda and LuAnn and talked to them. 

“Shut your mouth,” said a bewildered Dorinda, who was not impressed with Sonja talking as though she had not been running her mouth. 

Sonja then opened up about the reason she was talking to the press, claiming it was all because of her off-Broadway show. Dorinda basically called it a mess, while Tinsley defended her. 

Dorinda was not about to let the feud come to an end, screaming, “Fix the toilet in your townhouse!”

These ladies sure know how to keep it classy. 

Bethenny then rocked up in her car to pick up Carole, but Carole had to tell Ramona she was steering clear of her election-themed party. Carole felt like she was not well educated in politics and did not think it was a good idea. 

The next morning, however, Ramona revealed that she was not impressed with the way Carole left her in the lurch over her party. Tinsley and Sonja could hear the ladies running their mouths about them. 

Dorinda must have felt horrible about the way she acted because she welcomed the ladies with open arms when they walked in. Is this feud over, or is Dorinda playing nice for a reason?

After that, Tinsley met up with Dorinda and LuAnn for lunch and never told Sonja about the meeting. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will know that Sonja was the one who introduced Tinsley to the ladies. 

Tinsley opened up about Sonja’s younger man named Edgar. Maybe she will not be all that happy about her supposed friend talking about her love life. 

Back at home, Sonja confided in her intern about how upset she is with Tinsley for dissing her. Turns out, Sonja knew the owner of Tao, and he opened up to Sonja about her friends trashing her.

Sonja confronted Tinsley, but Tinsley wanted her to be cool because she’s just back in New York and does not have any friends.  Sonja then opened up about Tinsley not getting her a birthday card and their feud ignited from there. 

It is definitely odd that Tinsley would just ditch her, but somehow, we’re not really surprised. She’s a bit like Eden Sassoon and the way she behaved on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to get more screen time. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: A New Low

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 3, Sonja continued to drag Dorinda, escalating the drama and then some.

There was also a trip to the Hamptons involved, which you know means rest, relaxation and absolutely no issues between the cast.


If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you know that these women have a way of blowing things out of proportion.

In this case, though, Carole Radziwill was too stressed about the upcoming presidential election to care much else. Easy to understand.

The 2016 election results weren’t known yet, but when Bethenny asked Ramona if she was going to attend Carole’s election party?

Polls accurately predicted awkwardness, bigly.

Ramona said that Carole had been too aggressive about politics, but Bethenny said no one who wasn’t “very informed” got an invite.

The ladies enjoyed a good chuckle over how intense Carole is about politics before Ramona asked Bethenny about another controversy:

Ramona posed the not-scripted-whatsoever question:

Had anyone had approached Frankel’s daughter, Bryn, about Bethenny’s alleged nude movie role that recently surfaced in the tabloids?

Yes, there is an alleged Bethenny Frankel sex tape.

Well … it’s more like a nude scene in a video, but you get the idea. It’s salacious, and Singer could not resist putting her on the spot.

Frankel wasn’t having it for a second though.

“Ramona attempting to embarrass me through my daughter who is in first grade is even low for Ramona, which is a new low,” she said.

“Because ‘Ramona low’ is low already.”

“I don’t regret it at all!” Bethenny replied when Luann told her not to worry about it. “I needed the money, and I wanted to be an actress.”

Ramona added that “in life, things happen for a reason,” but Bethenny retorted, “Good friends should be able to ask each other questions.”

Luann later suggested to Ramona that Bethenny might be embarrassed by her question (ya think) but Bethenny overheard and snapped.

“I think your attitude is unacceptable!” Ramona retaliated, at which point Carole delivered the ultimate insult, comparing Ramona to Trump.

Told you she had politics on the brain.

Singer went on to call Frankel out: “You may be good with business, but you know what? You’re really not good at interacting with people.”

Luann agreed with her there, telling Frankel that she’s a very selfish person: “You don’t care about any of us! You only care about yourself!”

Ramona then called Bethenny a “B-I” (short for a word that begins with those two letters and ends with three more), as well as a “witch.”

Bethenny got fed up and walked out.

The next day, at the inevitable rehashing, Luann, Ramona and Dorinda met up and Ramona insisted she did nothing wrong in the least.

“I don’t think that Bethenny likes when people point out the cracks, and Ramona pointed out a crack,” Dorinda said, with a major caveat.

Singer’s timing, delivery and attitude? Not the best. Trump-like at times, which can rub people the wrong way if you’re supposedly friends.

Dorinda was more focused on Sonja, though.

She claimed that her co-star was “on a slanderous rampage” against her … while Sonja acted like nothing was wrong between them.

Vintage Real Housewives, in other words.

At Singer’s dinner party, Dorinda told Carole that she had a “mole” who had researched Sonja’s activities and given her a file on her.

Yes, basically an opposition research file “several inches thick” containing pretty much everything Morgan had ever said and/or done.

Medley could barely contain her excitement for when Sonja arrived and she could start lobbing some of these fun facts at her frenemy.

Stay tuned for next week.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: Who Hates Tinsley Mortimer?!?

Tinsley Mortimer is in the building!

The socialite moved in with Sonja Morgan on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 2, but not everyone wanted to make nice with the new addition to the cast. 

Tinsley’s plan was to crash with Sonja until she got settled back into the city and found her own place. In other words: She was trying to get as much screen time as possible. 

Elsewhere, Ramona Singer, Carole Radziwill, and Bethenny Frankel met up for some girl talk, but tensions between Bethenny and Ramona were beginning to boil over. 

“Now that she has a boyfriend, her attitude has changed toward me,” Ramona confirmed to the camera. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will already know that Ramona and Bethenny were super close last season. 

There was a time the two women bonded over trashing LuAnn and Tom’s pointless relationship. Bethenny seems to be above that now, but Ramona is not giving it up. 

The ladies then chatted about Tinsley, who Bethenny felt ruined her own career. 

“She had the whole world at her fingertips, and then she kind of crashed and burned,” the Bravolebrity quipped. 

Meanwhile, LuAnn was still pissed that Ramona was making comments about her relationship, and talked to her daughter about it. 

“She says things like, ‘You know, I’ll be here if the marriage doesn’t work out,"” LuAnn said to a shocked Victoria, who agreed that Ramona was just jealous. 

“If there was a love story [between them], he would be with Sonja, not me!” LuAnn revealed to the camera.

Okay then.

Tinsley then caught up with Sonja and opened up about her failed marriage. Her ex-husband was working a lot, and they just grew apart. 

“I had to part ways,” she sighed.

“I know what it feels like to have everything golden, and crash and burn,” Sonja replied. 

The conversation then switched to dating, and Tinsley was not impressed with the last man she dated because he had her arrested. 

“The last one I made was just the worst ever,” she sighed, before revealing that she was only returning to his home to retrieve a purse, but the man had a restraining order against her. 

We believe you, Tinsley … NOT. 

“I literally walked away from my life for four years, and I just want it back,” Tinsley said.

“I just want my life back.”

Ramona continued her hating on LuAnn to Dorinda Medley, who was having some bizarre treatment that involved her freezing herself. 

“Different strokes for different folks,” Ramona said of LuAnn’s relationship. “It’s pretty obvious Luann doesn’t want to know anything about Tom, so I’ll shut the Pandora box.”

Dorinda revealed that Sonja had been trashing her. 

“Now I’ve had it, and now I have to figure out how I’m going to handle, it and I am going to handle it,” she confirmed in a confessional. 

At Sonja’s Mad Hatter party, Bethenny did not give Tinsley the time of day, while LuAnn did not rule her as much of a friend. 

Ramona went straight in for the kill, grilling Tinsley on her failed marriage. Tinsley then revealed she wanted to have a child. 

LuAnn then turned her attentions to Sonja, but Ramona was not holding back. 

“He goes out with very young, tall girls,” Sonja said.

LuAnn said all of the drama from last season was fake and that people were taking it too far. 


Friday, April 7, 2017

Taco Squirrel Takes New York City, Internet By Storm

Move over, Pizza Rat.

You are SO 2015.

Two years after this cheese-loving rodent made headlines in New York City, the Internet has fallen in love with Taco Squirrel.

He"s a squirrel. Who was spotted eating a taco.

That"s about it. But check out the adorable animal below and then see what Twitter has to say about him:

1. This is Taco Squirrel

Taco squirrel

He made headlines by scarfing down on this Mexican delicacy during a nice spring day in New York.

2. Or When It’s Warm and Dry Outside

Or when its warm and dry outside

When isn’t a good time for taco squirrel?!?

3. Just Trying to Get By

Just trying to get by

The squirrel trouble is real.

4. We’d Totally Read This

Wed totally read this

Come on, children’s authors of the world!

5. #RelationshipGoals

Number relationshipgoals

Just something to consider, ladies.

6. What is This Nonsense?!?

What is this nonsense

We’re not ready for Eggo Squirrel. One at a time, please.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City: Taglines Revealed!

It"s a tradition unlike any other.

The Masters?

No, of course not.

We"re referring to the annual unveiling of taglines for each The Real Housewives of New York City cast member prior to the premiere of a new season.

As previously confirmed, long-time socialite Tinsley Mortimer will come on board the beloved Bravo series this fall, joining stars Sonja Morgan, Bethenny Frankel, Ramona Singer, Dorinda Medley, Luann D"Agostino and Carole Radziwill for a lot of fighting and wine drinking.

We hear things aren"t going too well so far.

What about the taglines, though?

What about the way each woman would describe hereslf, heading into the April 5 premiere?

Let"s play a game, okay?

We"ll give you the tagline. You try to guess who it belongs to. And then check out the following promo to see if you got it right.

Ready? Let"s do this…

I tell it like it is, but I always make it nice.

I’m an acquired taste. You don’t like me? Acquire some taste!

There’s nothing Grey about my Gardens.

In the politics of friendship, I win the popular vote.

The only title I’d trade Countess for … is Wife.

A good set of lashes can fix anything … even a mugshot.

If you’re going to take a shot at this B, you better not miss.

What do you think?

Who says which of the above sentences in the video below? Find out now!

The real housewives of new york city season 9 taglines revealed

Monday, March 27, 2017

Paul Walker Gets Statue Pitch from Surfer Bros at City Council Meeting (VIDEO)

Paul Walker could be standing tall in San Clemente thanks to some surfer bros who begged the City Council for a statue of their hero “in the midst of gnarly times.” Self-proclaimed freelance journalist Chad Kroeger made the pitch at last…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Nicole Curtis: Sued by Entire City of Minneapolis!

Nicole Curtis has come under fire.

And not just for the dumb name of her HGTV series this time.

Instead, the city of Minneapolis has sued Curtis’ company (Detroit Renovations), claiming the Rehab Addict host failed to renovate a dilapidated home her firm bought from the city in 2013 …

… for just $ 2.

According to legal documented obtained by Consumerist, the HGTV star and her company failed to adhere to the terms of a contract they entered into with Minneapolis.

This contract called for Curtis to fix-up a property in North Minneapolis, while also completing a list of basic improvements within 365 days.

The lawsuit was filed in January, but only just made public this week.

It states that Detroit Renovations “failed to substantially complete the Minimum Improvements on the Property.”

It also claims the company hasn’t paid property taxes or maintained insurance on the residence.

The city claims a breach of contract has been made and asks the court to take the property away from Curtis.

On Rehab Addict, Curtis and her team renovate historic houses around Michigan and Minnesota.

It debuted on HGTV in October of 2010.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Curtis’ attorneys responded in court filings that the small screen personality admits the residence in question has not been renovated.

However, that the company “was prevented and/or delayed from completing performance (of the contract’s terms) due to the acts of Plaintiff and the acts of third parties.”

As for how city officials even learned about the state of the property?

The Tribute states they received numerous complaints from neighbors about unsafe conditions.

Curtis isn’t keeping quiet about this controversy.

She responded to the lawsuit on social media, saying on Instagram that she’s told her employees to “to ignore the negativity.”

She added:

“The only way I’ve gotten this far is by staying on my path and remembering that those that have the time to disband such hate on others …well, let’s just say happy, successful people don’t do that.”

Curtis went on to slam her critics as “energy suckers,” while referring to herself as an “energy giver.”

Among other reactions she’s shared on social media…

Curtis Tweets

Curtis is a mother of two.

She embroiled in a child custody battle with the father of her 20-month-old son, Harper.

And she’s only the latest HGTV personality to get caught up in a headline-making scandal.

We all know about Christina and Tarek El Moussa at this point, right?

The hosts of Flip or Flop are getting a divorce, following a violent confrontation last spring, and are in the news these days more often for updates on their relationship status than for anything having to do with buying and fixing up homes.

Chip and Joanna Gaines, meanwhile, comprise the beloved couple at the center of Fixer Upper.

They reside in Texas and were dragged into a story late last year that centered around the pastor at a church they frequent, with a Buzzfeed reporter wondering about Chip and Joanna’s views on gay people in light of some of that pastor’s comments.

Chip called for general “respect” during this scandal, which appears to have at least blown over for the stars.

Unlike the El Moussas and Curtis (allegedly!), they didn’t actually take any kind of inappropriate actions to earn the scorn of long-time fans and viewers.

Will this lawsuit threaten the future of Rehab Addict on HGTV? Only time, folks, will tell.

Only time.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Trump Tower, Cops Have Security Concerns Over New York City St. Patrick"s Day Parade

The biggest St. Patrick’s Day parade in the country will not be derailed by Donald Trump protests … at least that’s the goal of the New York PD. Law enforcement sources tell us police brass has instructed the rank and file to make sure the floats…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hillary Clinton: Running For Mayor of New York City?!

As you may have heard, 2016 wasn’t particularly kind to former secretary of state and private server enthusiast Hillary Clinton.

Clinton lost the White House to Donald Trump, which is a bit like losing a game of darts to Stevie Wonder.

But is Hillary just sitting around licking her wounds and cursing the day she learned the word “deplorable”?

Well, there’s probably a little of that going on, but HRC is also planning her political future, dammit!

According to TMZ, Hillary is considering a run for mayor of New York City.

Nothing is definite yet, and Clinton’s team is reportedly only in the early stages of gauging voter and party interest, but it’s a move that would make sense considering Hillary’s ambition and ties to the Empire State.

Following her tenure as first lady, Clinton served as junior US senator from New York from 2001 to 2009.

At the time, some derided Hillary as an opportunistic carpetbagger, but these days, residents of the five boroughs might rush to embrace Clinton, if only to send a massive middle finger to Manhattan’s least-favorite son, the Donald.

Clinton would be going toe-to-toe with fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio, who won the 2013 election in a landslide, and whose first term in office comes to a close at the end of this year.

News of Clinton’s candidacy was first leaked by Gristedes Foods CEO John Catsimatidis, who was reportedly considering his own run for office, before Hillary contemplated throwing her hat in the ring:

“I spoke to her about it, but she didn’t indicate or signal to me [whether she would run],” Catsimatidis told The New York Post.

“She didn’t say never, she didn’t say no. In my personal opinion, it’s 50-50.”

Interestingly, Anthony Weiner, husband of Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin, was 2013’s most high-profile candidate, but his campaign was disrupted by a second Weiner sex scandal.

Three years later, allegations that Weiner sexted a teenage girl threw Clinton’s presidential campaign into disarray at a crucial juncture.

So in a way, there would be a certain degree of poetic justice in Clinton winning a spot in Gracie Manor.

Sure, it’s a far cry from the White House, but as consolation prizes go, Hillary could do a lot worse than the Big Apple.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Real Housewives of New York City Promo: Look Who"s Back!

Bravo has released the first trailer for The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9.

And you better brace yourselves, viewers, because it looks as if A LOT of drama is on tap.

And we"re not just saying this because two women appear to make out at one point during the preview, as you can see here:

We say it for a multitude of reasons. To wit:

FIRST, Jill Zarin is set to make her return to the series that made her famous.

SECOND, Bethenny Frankel, Carole Radziwill, Ramona Singer, Dorinda Medley, Sonja Morgan and Luann de Lesseps will have something to say about the inclusion of Zarin in their television lives once again.

THIRD, Heather Thomson also make an appearance.

FOURTH, Tinsley Mortimer does, too, as this new Real Housewives addition will quickly be on the receiving end of some classic Frankel wrath, with Bethenny saying at one point:

"She had the whole world at her fingertips and kind of crashed and burned."

Elsewhere in the trailer and, therefore, on the season to come:

  • Bethenny meeting Tom D"Agostino and apologizing if she caused him any drama.

  • Plenty of talk about the 2016 Presidential election.

  • Lots of drinking.

  • Even more arguing.

  • Someone uttering this line: "Why don"t you put an E-ZPass on that vagina with your Holland Tunnel?"

  • Someone looking like this:

The Real Housewives of New York City returns Wednesday, April 5 at 9/8c on Bravo.

A special titled "The Real Housewives of New York City: How They Got Here" airs March 15 at 9/8c.

Check out the trailer now:

The real housewives of new york city season 9 trailer look whos

Friday, February 24, 2017

Barack Obama Makes a Splash in New York City (VIDEO)

Former President Barack Obama just made a splash in New York City, drawing big crowds after apparently meeting with a foundation that has a connection to the planned Obama Presidential Library in Chicago. Obama was at a building where the Simons…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Detroit Lions Player LONGSNAPPIN" In Ancient City ... With a Camel (VIDEO)

Hump, hump … HIKE!  Check out Detroit Lions longsnapper Jimmy Landes firing around the football — underneath a camel — in front of one of the most ancient buildings in the world!  It all went down in front of the Treasury building in…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

DeMarcus Cousins" Emotional Goodbye Speech ... "Love For City Will Never Change" (VIDEO)

DeMarcus Cousins fought back tears as he delivered an emotional goodbye message to Sacramento last night … just 1 day after he was traded to New Orleans.  “My love for this city will never change,” Cousins said at a going-away dinner in…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Tinsley Mortimer: Accused of Inhuman Behavior on The Real Housewives of New York City

Tinsley Mortimer is yet to appear on camera as a cast member on The Real Housewives of New York City.

But that doesn’t mean the spoiled Big Apple resident is yet to make an impression on her fellow spoiled Big Apple residents, with whom she’ll be starring on Season 9 of the Bravo hit.

And the impression is anything but positive, according to The New York Post.

Rumors of Mortimer joining the show heated up late last year, with sources now telling Page Six that producers are already regretting the selection.

The main problem at hand appears to be Mortimer’s lack of etiquette, most notably when it comes to how she’s responded to Sonja Morgan.

See, Mortimer actually hails from Palm Beach, Florida.

In order to actually interact with the women who reside in New York full-time, she’s been living with Morgan… free of rent.

And free from gratitude as well.

The lack of appreciation Mortimer has shown toward Morgan, by not having given her any sort of thank-you present, has drawn the ire of everyone associated with the program.

“If you’re a socialite – never mind a ‘socialite,’ if you’re a human – if you’re a guest at someone’s home, you buy them a bottle of wine, or at least a card,” an insider told The New York Post of Mortimer’s poor manners.

Ramona Singer is especially offended by Mortimer’s non-gesture and has reportedly confronted the new cast member over her behavior.

(Hmmm… we wonder if Bravo cameras were on hand for this totally spontaneous argument.)

Mortimer, meanwhile, is no stranger to controversy.

She was once married to Topper Mortimer and was arrested for trespassing in Palm Beach last year during a dispute with her ex-boyfriend Nico Fanjul.

As the police report read at the time, Mortimer was found on the steps of Fanjul’s home, screaming at the top of her lungs and banging incessantly on his door.

She was placed under arrest when she refused to stop trespassing on the property.

Another source tells Page Six that Mortimer hasn’t brought much excitement to the series so far.

She continues to linger on-camera over her ill-fated romance with Fanjul, while failing to look for love in any kind of interesting manner outside of her ex-boyfriend.

However, it’s worth noting that Mortimer’s rep has shot down these allegations.

“There’s no truth to these rumors.”

Guess we’ll need to go watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or on television when new episodes air in order to find out.

Which is exactly what they want!

You win again, Bravo.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Yordano Ventura Dead: Kansas City Royals Pitcher Was 25

Sad news today: Yordano Ventura is dead.

Ventura, a 25-year-old pitcher for the World Series-winning Kansas City Royals, died today in a car crash in the Dominican Republic.

It’s unclear exactly what happened to cause the crash, but according to Sports Illustrated, it’s believed that he was under the influence at the time of the crash.

A Dominican police chief first broke the news of the crash, tweeting in Spanish “Regrettable!! It is the player YORDANO VENTURA the person who died in an accident in Juan Adrian at dawn today.”

Later, the Vice President of Communications and Broadcasting for the Royals confirmed the news.

“It is with a heavy and broken heart that we confirm the passing of Yordano Ventura,” he tweeted.

“The club will release a statement soon. #RIPAce” — Ace, of course, being Ventura’s nickname.

The Royals released an official press release just a few hours ago to “regretfully announce the passing of Yordano Ventura, who perished in a car accident last night in the Dominican Republic.”

In the statement, Dayton Moore, general manager of the Royals, said “Our prayers right now are with Yordano’s family as we mourn this young man’s passing.”

“He was so young and so talented, full of youthful exuberance and always brought a smile to everyone he interacted with.”

“We will get through this as an organization,” Moore concluded, “but right now is a time to mourn and celebrate the life of Yordano.”

The statement also included some information about Ventura’s short career, which he spent entirely with the Royals “after signing as a non-drafted free agent in 2008” before “debuting for the club” in 2013.

He played two World Series with the team, helping bring them their second ever victory in 2015.

During the last game Ventura played, he wore a special hat that paid tribute to two other baseball players who died too soon: Jose Fernandez who died last fall in a boating accident, and Oscar Taveras who died in a car crash a few years ago.

Ventura’s teammates are already sending messages of mourning and love on Twitter.

“I love you Ace,” third baseman Mike Moustakas wrote. “I don’t know what to say other than I’m going to miss you a lot. RIP ACE.”

First baseman Eric Hosmer tweeted “ACE I love you my brother. I’m in disbelief and don’t know what to say. I love you ACE.”

Drew Butera, a catcher for the Royals, wrote “Gone way too soon. You will forever be my brother. My prayers are with you and your family. May you rest with the Lord now.”

Fellow pitcher Kyle Zimmer wrote “We lost a great one today. Hard to believe he’s actually gone. You will be greatly missed, Ace.”

Hunter Dozier said “I’m at a loss of words today.. Very sad day in the baseball community. You’ll be missed Ace.”

“When you scroll down and your whole newsfeed is talking about your brother,” left fielder Terrance Gore mused. “The impact the energy you brought to our team #GoneTooSoon”

“I am still in disbelief,” pitcher Matt Strahm wrote. “I am going to miss you Ace! The clubhouse won’t be the same without you.”

General manager Dayton Moore added “We love Yordano. We love his heart & who he was as a teammate & friend. He challenged us & made us better. We’re going to miss him.”

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by this tragic death.


Kansas City Royals Pitcher Yordano Ventura Killed in Crash

Kansas City Royals pitcher Yordano Ventura was killed Sunday in a car crash in his native country, the Dominican Republic.  Ventura was known for his electric fastball, but also for his short temper. He was suspended for 9 games last season for…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Sued By City National Bank

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott took out a big loan from a big bank, and now Rich Uncle Pennybags has come to collect … according to a new lawsuit.  City National just sued the couple, claiming they took out a $ 400k loan in 2012, only to…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Kanye West Interviewing Shrinks During New York City Trip

Kanye West went to NYC Monday to create a coast-to-coast medical team to stabilize him from a condition that resulted in an 8 day psych ward stay … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the rapper tell us … Kanye made the trek to Manhattan to…


Kanye West Interviewing Shrinks During New York City Trip

Kanye West went to NYC Monday to create a coast-to-coast medical team to stabilize him from a condition that resulted in an 8 day psych ward stay … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the rapper tell us … Kanye made the trek to Manhattan to…


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Oakland Rave -- Deadly Party Was Unpermitted By City (VIDEO)

The party that’s claimed the lives of 9 people and counting after an enormous fire did not obtain property city permits … so says one official. Oakland’s Mayor Libby Schaaf just held a press conference discussing the deadly blaze and was joined…
