Showing posts with label Clash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clash. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Clash With Daughter"s Adoptive Parents

Back in 2009, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra made the difficult decision to put their first child up for adoption.

In the years since, a lot has changed for the Teen Mom franchise’s most stable couple.

Catelynn gave birth to daughter Novalee in January of last year.

A few months later, Tyler and Catelynn got married.

Their lives have steadied out in a way that reminds viewers that not every member of the show’s original cast was driven to the brink by unexpected pregnancies and early fame.

But naturally, there are still difficulties in Tyler and Catelynn’s lives.

For several years, Catelynn and Tyler have enjoyed an “open adoption” arrangement with first-born daughter Carly and her parents.

In the past, this has created problems, as the couples have clashed over what’s best for Carly and the public nature of Catelynn and Tyler’s lives.

In fairness to Carly’s parents, when they adopted her, they couldn’t have predicted that her parents would go on to become full-blown reality stars.

The situation clearly comes to a head on next week’s installment of Teen Mom: OG, as Baltierra fumes about the request from Carly’s parents that he refrain from talking about her on television.

Check out this newly-released preview from the episode:

“It just doesn’t make any sense to me to be told what to say and what not to say,” Tyler says in the clip above.

“I don’t want to live my life like that! I can’t!”

He continues:

“If they say ‘We don’t want you talking about the adoption at all on TV,’ Ohohohoh, then we’re going to have lots of issues. That’s all I’m saying.”

At that point a producer asks for clarification, saying:

“Is what you’re saying that if they tell you that you can’t talk about the adoption on TV that you would still do it and risk the relationship with Carly?”

Tyler angrily replies in the affirmative, which prompts Catelynn to point out that his reasoning is pretty stupid.

“My reasoning is because I have sacrificed enough for you to have a family and that’s fine,” Baltierra replies.

“I’ve come to terms with that and all that’s great. But, I will not sacrifice my voice and what I think and what I can and cannot talk about on my daily life and my personal life — cameras or no cameras.”

Dude. it’s not “cameras or no cameras,” because without the cameras, there would be no problem.

No one’s saying you can’t talk about your Carly, her parents are just requesting that you not do it on TV.

So stop acting like you’re Nelson Mandela, and just shut up about your daughter if you want to have a relationship with her.

Don’t make us take back what we said about you being the show’s most stable couple.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for next week’s episode.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Demi Lovato Chooses Side in Taylor Swift-Kim Kardashian Clash

Demi Lovato has chosen a side in the ongoing, epic, red hot feud between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.

And the team she has chosen to align herself with may surprise you.

First, a quick refresher:

Several weeks ago, Kanye West released a track titled “Famous.”

Among the lyrics in this song were lines taking aim at Swift, as Kanye referred to Taylor as a “bitch,” said he made her famous and added that the singers “might still have sex.”

Soon after the song went public, Swift came out and slammed Kanye, saying she never approved of such sexist lyrics.

A couple months later, however, in an interview with GQ, Kardashian calls BS on Swift’s claim, telling the magazine that Swift was made very much aware of what the song was going to say.

Moreover, Swift gave the controversial lyrics her blessing.

Then, on Sunday night, in case any doubt remained, Kim actually released a phone call she recorded back in the day of West running the lyrics by Swift.

As you can see below, Taylor gave the references to her full approval.

Kim’s release of this video has escalated her feud with Swift to Defcon 5-like levels.

Swift has threatened to sue Kardashian and West because it’s illegal to record a phone conversation in California with the permission of all involved.

She has also issued a statement in which she calls out Kimye for trying to destroy her character.

It reads as follows:

taylor reply

In response to Hollywood’s biggest rivalry, Selena Gomez has come out and taken the side of her Best Friend Forever.

She wishes people out there would focus on issues slightly more important than who said what between a pop singer and a sex tape star.

“There are more important things to talk about…” Gomez tweeted. “Why can’t people use their voice for something that f-cking matters?”

Now, back to Demi Lovato:

She has not directly weighed in on the Kim and Taylor drama, but she has referenced someone else’s thoughts on the matter.

As someone with a tumultuous history with Swift, the artist expressed her opinion by liking a tweet that proclaimed, “I love Kim Kardashian.”

Back in February, Lovato called out Swift as a “fake feminist” because she said the singer spent too much time talking about issues and not taking any actual action.

On the flip side, Lovato has credited Kardashian in the past for serving as a role model to curvy women.

So this quasi endorsement should not come as a surprise.

Other celebrities who have jumped in to the debate on social media include Justin Bieber, who seemingly brought it up on Instagram when he wrote “less hate, more love” and, of course, Khloe Kardashian.

Following last night’s episode of her family’s reality series, she defended her big sister in a series of tweets, writing:

“Kim is a savage! Don’t f–k with her man hunni #KUWTK.”

It is SO on, people. And we have no idea when it will be off between these two superstars.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Tara Reid & Jenny McCarthy Clash Over Boobs, Sharknado

Well, okay then.

That sure escalated quickly.

One day after Teresa Giudice peaced out of an interview with Access Hollywood Live, Tara Reid arrived to the set of Jenny McCarthy"s SiriusXM radio show…

… and then left very early herself after getting into it with the host. 

Reid was apparently under the impression that the Q&A would focus solely on her upcoming role in Sharknado 4.

But the chat kicked off with McCarthy complimenting the 40-year-old actress for her appearances on the WE tv reality series, Marriage Boot Camp.

"I f–king love you on that show, but are you glad you did it?" she asked.

The question seemed to have struck a nerve with Reid.

"It"s not worth the time to talk about," she replied, following that up after McCarthy posed another question about Marriage Boot Camp with:

"Please let"s not talk about this show. We"re all here about Sharknado."

Okay, McCarthy agreed… did Reid after get into shape for her ongoing role in the franchise?

"It"s not like you really need to get into shape. It"s Sharknado. They"re fake sharks," she said.

McCarthy then attempted to clarify her question, explaining how Reid might have felt inclined to hit the gym to get into "muscle shape."

Aside from weekly yoga, Reid said she did "nothing crazy, nothing strenuous."

"People talked about your surgeries before. Are you still going through surgeries or are you past them?" McCarthy proceeded to ask, referring to Reid"s penchant for plastic surgery.

"No, I haven"t had any surgery for awhile, Jenny," Reid answered.

So, nothing else is planned on that front, Tara?

"I think I"ve made that clear about 100 times," Tara shot back. "Maybe you only read the bad things, but I"ve made that really clear for so many years."

It got worse from there, as Reid sarcastically wished McCarthy luck upon getting up and leaving.

"Good luck to you, too, and I"m so excited about Sharknado and I hope you stay married," McCarthy responded. "I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are."

"I hope your tits get even nicer, because they"re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right?" Reid quipped in response. "I"ll always use your advice. You"re the best. Bye."

Listen to snippets of the awkward segment below and then choose a side: Team Jenny or Team Tara?

(UPDATE: A rep for Tara Reid tells E! News:

"Tara is a positive person who is against women tearing each other down. She was bullied on Jenny"s and felt ambushed when she came into the show with a positive spirit and in a happy mood. It was very unfortunate how Jenny shifted the conversation for her personal gain when the whole focus should be on Sharknado 4.")

Tara reid clashes on air with jenny mccarthy storms out of inter

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 Photos: A Clash at King"s Landing!

Well, it"s hard to believe, but another season of Game of Thrones is drawing to an end.

Despite – or perhaps because of – how wildly eventful this season was it seemed to fly by us faster than Rickon Stark racing across a battlefield. (Too soon?)

As usual, the body count was through the roof this season.

We"re still grieving for some good guys (The phrase "hold the door" might bring us to tears from now on.) and rejoicing over the demise over some very, very bad guys. (Here"s hoping Ramsay"s dogs took time to really enjoy their meal.)

On Sunday night, the show will conclude its epic (if somewhat uneven) sixth outing with the longest GoT episode to date at nearly 70 minutes.

Can "The Winds of Winter" up the ante on last week"s "Battle of the Bastards"?

That"s no easy feat but we"re sure to enjoy the effort.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for the season finale, and check out some production stills in the gallery below:

1. Cersei at King’s Landing

Cersei at kings landing

It’s going down at King’s Landing in the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale. Will Cersei triumph over the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant?

2. The Trial of Loras Tyrell

The trial of loras tyrell

Loras has has a rough couple of seasons. Though she seems to have fallen under the High Sparrow’s spell, we expect Queen Margaery will spring to her brother’s defense.

3. Tyrion & Daenerys

Tyrion and daenerys

It seemed to take forever for these fan favorites’ storylines to intersect, and then they spent most of this season in separate parts of the world. Okay, now we’re nit-picking. We’re just glad their bond remains unbroken.

4. Bran Stark: Chillin’

Bran stark chillin

The phrase has never been more literal. Bran looks relaxed here – but he also looks damn cold.

5. Flying the Lannister Flag

Flying the lannister flag

Bronn and Jaime Lannister are on the march. Here’s hoping we’ll see some badassery from the sellsword before this season is out.

6. Dour Davos

Dour davos

Davos Seaworth looks angry here. The trailer for the season finale seems to indicate that he has some beef with Melisandre.

View Slideshow

Monday, February 29, 2016

Kesha and Dr. Luke Clash Over Lady Gaga Oscars Tribute

It was the most emotional night of the 2016 Academy Awards.

At one point during the long ceremony, Lady Gaga sat behind a piano and belted out the meaningful lyrics from “Til It Happens to You,” a song about sexual assault.


As you can see in the video below, the artist was joined toward the end of her rendition by numerous victims of this horrible crime.

Gaga received a well-deserved standing ovation from those in attendance, most of whom cried openly throughout the performance.

Soon after it aired, Kesha referenced both Lady Gaga and Vice Presidet Joe Biden, who introduced the singer, by writing the following on Twitter:

“thank you @ladygaga and VP @JoeBiden for bringing attention to sexual assault at the oscars.  it hit very close to my heart for obvious reasons.”

Kesha, of course, is referring to the fact that she has filed a lawsuit to free her from her recording contract, claiming in court that producer Dr. Luke sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions over a 10-year span.

Earlier this month, a judge ruled against Kesha.

Numerous celebrities have since showed the artist support on social media (below), with Gaga being among the most prominent.

Dr. Luke, however, refused to let Kesha get away with the implication in her aforementioned Tweet, releasing his own statement to TMZ in which he once again denies ever raping the star.

Said an attorney of the producer to the celebrity gossip site:

“Ms. Sebert, who in sworn videotaped testimony from 2011 stated that she had never been sexually abused or drugged by Dr. Luke is neither a victim nor the appropriate person to be held up as an example for this important issue.”

Kesha argues that Dr. Luke threatened her into denying allegations of rape during the deposition in question.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Justin Bieber: Naked for Clash Magazine! Sort Of!

Clash Magazine has celebrated its milestone 100th issue in the perfect, sexiest and most seductive of ways:


Indeed, the singer covers this random publican by standing in his birthday suit on the beach, a hat over his head, but nothing at all over his sleek, hairless body.

Unfortunately, the editors cut the photo off around Justin’s waist, right before we get to the good, private stuff.

An excerpt from the feature story has found its way online, however, and it once again features Bieber referencing the many image-altering hiccups he’s faced along the way.

Nearly all of which (drunk driving, restaurant bucket peeing, egg throwing, etc.) were his own doing, of course.

“I made mistakes. Part of being a man is owning up to that,” he tells Clash.

And part of being Justin Bieber is often posing with your shirt off.

He does so in every photo above and he also does so in the latest issue of GQ.

Bieber stars in a new video from that publication, talking in detail about his tattoos and then touching on God in his chat with the magazine itself.

“I feel like that’s why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it,” Bieber tells GQ of The man Upstairs, adding:

“I suck by myself. Like, when I’m by myself and I feel like I have nothing to lean on? Terrible. Terrible person… 

“It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto, and a feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted, and a feeling of being desired, and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human.”

Wow. That’s the most open and honest we’ve ever heard Justin Bieber. We’re impressed. We’re sort of moved.

And we still want to see him go full frontal.