Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Clash With Daughter"s Adoptive Parents

Back in 2009, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra made the difficult decision to put their first child up for adoption.

In the years since, a lot has changed for the Teen Mom franchise’s most stable couple.

Catelynn gave birth to daughter Novalee in January of last year.

A few months later, Tyler and Catelynn got married.

Their lives have steadied out in a way that reminds viewers that not every member of the show’s original cast was driven to the brink by unexpected pregnancies and early fame.

But naturally, there are still difficulties in Tyler and Catelynn’s lives.

For several years, Catelynn and Tyler have enjoyed an “open adoption” arrangement with first-born daughter Carly and her parents.

In the past, this has created problems, as the couples have clashed over what’s best for Carly and the public nature of Catelynn and Tyler’s lives.

In fairness to Carly’s parents, when they adopted her, they couldn’t have predicted that her parents would go on to become full-blown reality stars.

The situation clearly comes to a head on next week’s installment of Teen Mom: OG, as Baltierra fumes about the request from Carly’s parents that he refrain from talking about her on television.

Check out this newly-released preview from the episode:

“It just doesn’t make any sense to me to be told what to say and what not to say,” Tyler says in the clip above.

“I don’t want to live my life like that! I can’t!”

He continues:

“If they say ‘We don’t want you talking about the adoption at all on TV,’ Ohohohoh, then we’re going to have lots of issues. That’s all I’m saying.”

At that point a producer asks for clarification, saying:

“Is what you’re saying that if they tell you that you can’t talk about the adoption on TV that you would still do it and risk the relationship with Carly?”

Tyler angrily replies in the affirmative, which prompts Catelynn to point out that his reasoning is pretty stupid.

“My reasoning is because I have sacrificed enough for you to have a family and that’s fine,” Baltierra replies.

“I’ve come to terms with that and all that’s great. But, I will not sacrifice my voice and what I think and what I can and cannot talk about on my daily life and my personal life — cameras or no cameras.”

Dude. it’s not “cameras or no cameras,” because without the cameras, there would be no problem.

No one’s saying you can’t talk about your Carly, her parents are just requesting that you not do it on TV.

So stop acting like you’re Nelson Mandela, and just shut up about your daughter if you want to have a relationship with her.

Don’t make us take back what we said about you being the show’s most stable couple.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for next week’s episode.