Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus at the 2018 Met Gala

Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus at the 2018 Met Gala


Monday, April 30, 2018

Miley Cyrus Retracts Nude Photo Apology, Curses Off Critics

At this stage of her life and career, Miley Cyrus can simulate oral sex on a carrot and spank the Easter Bunny and pretty much no one cares.

That’s just how the singer rolls sometimes.

But let’s take a trip back to 2008, shall we?

A full decade ago, photographer Annie Leibovitz shot a then-15-year-old Miley for Vanity Fair.

And forget Kim Kardashian sticking her butt out in order to rest a glass of champagne on it, THIS picture nearly broke the Internet, considering it featured a very young Cyrus naked.

She was covered by a sheet, but she was fully naked underneath said sheet.

For someone not yet old enough to drive, and someone mostly known at that point for starring on The Disney Channel, this was a jarring image.

See it for yourself below:

And we know what you must be thinking right now:

What? Huh? That picture caused controversy?!?

Cyrus has gotten nude quite a few times since!

It’s true, we know.

But this was 2008. The world was not ready to see Cyrus in such brazen fashion, especially not a 15-year old Cyrus.

“I had a big blanket on. And I thought, ‘This looks pretty, and really natural,"” she told the magazine at the time. “I think it’s really artsy.”

Later on, however, once the backlash really grew intense, Miley issued a different kind of statement.

She said the following as a Mea Culpa:

My goal in my music and my acting is always to make people happy.

For Vanity Fair, I was so honored and thrilled to work with Annie. I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be ‘artistic’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed.

I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about.

In a separate statement, Leibovitz said:

“I’m sorry that my portrait of Miley has been misinterpreted. Miley and I looked at fashion photographs together and we discussed the picture in that context before we shot it… I think it is very beautiful.”

So of all that provides context to Miley’s latest Tweet, which she wrote 10 years after this scandal exploded and which explains how she now feels about the topic:

Miley Cyrus eff you

Including the front page of The New York Post from April 2008, under the headline “MILEY’S SHAME,” Cyrus has retracted the above apology.

“IM NOT SORRY. F–k YOU. #10yearsago,” she wrote.

Cyrus Miley had last addressed the scandalous shoot in 2015.

“Our world revolves around sex. Like, when I did this photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz when I was 14 or 15, everyone jumped to make it this sexual thing,” she told Time Magazine, adding:

“But I never thought of it as sexual. Annie never thought of taking a sexual photo of a teenager. But everyone made it something it wasn’t.”

All these years later, we do understand a lot of the criticism this snapshot produced.

Miley was just so young and the world was not ready to see her as anything but Hannah Montana, let alone as someone willing to pose in such a manner.

But now that we’ve seen what Miley does with a foam finger?

It’s safe to say we’ve been seeing Cyrus in a brand new light for awhile now and we’re very used to it and very cool with it.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Miley Cyrus Gets Spanked by Easter Bunny, Earns Internet Ire

When people say that “He is Risen” in regard to Easter, they are talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But when Miley Cyrus implies that something is rising, she’s referring to the penis of her male social media followers in reaction to a series of raunchy images.

So we assume, at least.

We say this because the singer has shared a number of tantalizing pictures in celebration of this holy holiday, using the occasion of Easter to dress in very little clothing and to act all naughty with a certain famous bunny.

Miley didn’t include any captions with any of these seductive pieces of footage…

… but what is there to really say about them?

The snapshots hearken back to Miley’s X-rated, foam-finger waving days of 2013, which is fine and dandy.

Heck, it’s likely even encouraged by many fans out there, many of whom can’t get enough of Cyrus showing a lot of skin.

The thing is, Easter is, like, a really big deal for Christians.

It’s all about Jesus’ rebirth and it means a lot and it may not be exactly proper for Cyrus to recognize it by acting like a Playboy bunny while frolicking with the Easter bunny.

“I hope we get another Bangerz album out of this,” wrote one social media user in response to this pictorial, while another joked:

“And the Easter Bunny is officially ruined for kids who follow her account.”

Others, however, took a bit more offense to Cyrus going all NC-17 on Easter of all days.

“Glad to see what a “supposedly religious” holiday looks like lol, smh I cant,” complained one commenter.

Cyrus, meanwhile, isn’t the only celebrity to come under fire for her Easter message.

Kim Kardashian actually kept her clothes on this past Sunday, but she still earned a great deal of backlash for sharing a photo of a cross with diamonds all around it.

In Kim’s case, critics were aghast that she chose to flaunt her wealth on this holiest of days.

For Cyrus, folks are peeved that she is flaunting a few other things.

And we bet occasional friend Justin Bieber is among those peeved.

“Jesus has changed my life,” Bieber wrote for his Easter message, which was a tad different from that of Miley.

He added this week:

“Easter is not about a bunny, it’s a reminder that my Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the dead defeating death!”

Or, you know, it’s a reminder that Miley Cyrus has a nice body.

One of those two things.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Miley Cyrus" Easter Photo Shoot Gets a Little Naughty

Miley Cyrus appears to be having a good Friday … even if she’s getting spanked by the Easter Bunny. Miley just released a sultry set of pastel-colored Easter pics to celebrate the religious holiday in her own way … featuring the singer wearing…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Miley Cyrus Sued by Jamaican Artist for Stealing "We Can"t Stop"

Miley Cyrus needs to stop making money off “We Can’t Stop” … according to an Jamaican dancehall artist who claims her hit would be nothing without his 1988 classic. The singer from Jamrock goes by Flourgon, and in his lawsuit he says Miley’s 2013…


Miley Cyrus Sued by Jamaican Artist for Stealing "We Can"t Stop"

Miley Cyrus needs to stop making money off “We Can’t Stop” … according to an Jamaican dancehall artist who claims her hit would be nothing without his 1988 classic. The singer from Jamrock goes by Flourgon, and in his lawsuit he says Miley’s 2013…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Miley Cyrus Proudly Wears Shaun White"s Gold Medal

Miley Cyrus elevated Shaun White to Almighty status (holy hell … check out that candle!!!). Just some of the perks of winning a gold medal. Miley hung out with the Flying Tomato a week after he brought home gold for crushing the…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Miley Cyrus Strips Down, Sends Liam Hemsworth Steamy Valentine"s Day Video

Miley Cyrus really loves Liam Hemsworth.

The pair called their engagement and relationship off back in 2013, but they got back together a few years later. 

The parting of ways came around the time Miley rounded up everything related to Hannah Montana, hurled petrol over it, and set it on fire before leaving the ashes in her rear-view mirror. 

That’s not entirely how it went down, but you may recall her chopping her hair and swinging on a wrecking ball totally naked. 

Hey, if it helps sell records and make you one of the most talked about celebrities on the planet, why not? 

There was also that time with the foam finger on stage, but we’ll not get into that today. 

We’re here to talk about love!

With February 14 marking Valentine’s Day, Miley wanted to let her man know that she loves him dearly. 

To do this, the 25-year-old stripped down to red lingerie, a glittery robe, and pink tennis shoes. 

As if that was not enough, she clutched a heart that had the word “Lili.” 

Have a look below. 

“Happy Vday to my Val @LiamHemsworth,” Cyrus shared alongside the steamy clip. 

A behind the scenes video of the shoot was also shared by the “Malibu” singer. In the clip, she pulls various poses as people on the set laugh along. 

You can feast your eyes on that video below. 

There was radio silence from Liam on social in the aftermath, but we’re sure he thanked her in person. Well, we can hope he did. 

Radar Online reported last month that the couple got married in an intimate New Year’s Eve ceremony in the Byron Bay area of Australia. 

The report went on to say that it was a spur of the moment decision. 

There has been no confirmation that the report is true, but with Miley and Liam, we may wait a while to get the truth. 

The pair has been relatively quiet about their relationship since they got back together. 

Maybe they’ve realized that leaving everyone to speculate is the best foot forward. 

What do you think of the videos?

Hit the comment below with your thoughts. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Miley Cyrus Obsessed Fan Nabbed by Cops After Menacing Posts, Trip to L.A.

Miley Cyrus has an obsessed fan who traveled cross-country — without invitation — to see her in person, and left some bizarre Facebook posts that forced cops to take him into custody … TMZ has learned. The guy is from the Milwaukee area,…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus


Monday, January 29, 2018

Miley Cyrus SLAMMED for Wanting to Be "White Again"

Miley Cyrus performed a memorable duet with Elton John at the 2018 Grammy Awards.

The singers took to the stage as a tandem and belted out a rendition of John’s beloved ballad, “Tiny Dancer.”

But while many fans took note of the duet for positive reasons, at least one viewer Tweeted that it was just another example of a white artist exploiting African-American culture.

How did journalist Ernest Owens arrived at this conclusion?

Based on a performance between Cyrus and another white singer?

We’ll let Owens explain before we attempt to interpret and/or offer our own take on this scandal.

Here is his Tweet:

Oh I forgot Miley Cyrus wants to be white again. No more Mike-Will-Made-It “and them” anymore.

Reminded everyday how interchangeable white artists can exploit the culture and then run back to safe spaces of privilege. #GRAMMYs

It certainly can’t be argued that Cyrus has undergone quite the brand makeover these past few years.

It wasn’t all that long ago she used a foam finger as a pretend penis and gyrated all over the MTV Video Music Awards alongside Robin Thicke.

Remember this duet in 2013?

Click on the link above. We’ll wait a few minutes…

It’s a little different than the link below, wouldn’t you say?

Back during her release of the album “Bangerz” and her subsequent run of concerts and live shows, Cyrus worked with producer Michael Len Williams II, known professionally as Mike Will Made It.

She wore her hair differently.

She sang songs with different kinds of rhythm and lyrics.

She went out of her way to carve out an image for herself as risque, sexy, far more R&B than pop.

Owens is basically saying here that Miley made herself, for all intents and purposes, black for a short while, just to play around and see how the brand sat with her fans.

Now, however, she’s changed course and essentially gone as white as one can go, considering she just sang a duet with Elton John of all people.

Sir Elton is a legend.

But you won’t enter any clubs in Atlanta and hear his tunes coming from the loud speakers.

Did Cyrus really exploit one culture and then run back to the comfort of her own?

A handful of Twitter users agreed with the point Owens is trying to make here; but others took the side of the following defense, made by an Internet user in response to this critique

“Oh please, leave her alone she just switches genres like all artists do. Don’t bring race into it. There are plenty of black artists that do the same.”

It actually is sort of an interesting issue and debate.

But it’s not one Cyrus cares about getting into.

She has not yet written anything back to Owens, instead focusing on the positives when thinking of her duet with John.

“Sir Elton John, I can’t thank you enough for giving me the honor of performing with you tonight at The Grammys!” the 25-year-old wrote on Instagram last night, adding:

“I’ve loved every moment I’ve spent with you over the years & will cherish each second of your kindness.”

She then concluded by addressing a shared passion between the artists:

“Let’s kick ass and keep fighting for an end to the AIDS epidemic!

“Everything you do inspires me to keep workin hard and never giving up on all my dreams ! Love you dearly!”


Elton John and Miley Cyrus Stun With "Tiny Dancer" Duet!

Grammys viewers are still outraged that Lorde wasn"t invited to perform solo and basking in the afterglow of Kesha"s powerful "Praying" performance.

But the Grammys are a celebration of music, and singers don"t have to be winners or even especially relevant to have their time in the spotlight.

Which is why we were all treated to absolute legend Elton John singing "Tiny Dancer" … in a stunning duet with none other than Miley Cyrus. Take a look in the video below!

Elton john and miley cyrus

Before the performance even began, they were introduced by Anna Kendrick.

Anna even acknowledges that she"s introducing them because she is famously tiny.

If you"re tall, pretty much everyone under 6 feet looks the same height — a height called "short." But Anna Kendrick is 5-foot-2. She"s conspicuously small. And therefore the perfect celeb to introduce this duet.

You might think that you don"t know one Elton John song from another, but we have a feeling that most people will recognize "Tiny Dancer" from somewhere or another.

As we said, Elton John is an absolute legend, and he"s been in this game for a long time.

Elton john 2018 grammy awards

Elton John begins to play the piano and sing, as he is want to do.

It"s good to remember that the world was nearly robbed of his talent, as it was less than a year ago that Elton John was still recovering from a potentially deadly infection. Money can buy you first-rate health care, but it doesn"t make you immune to illness.

Even so, Sir Elton is going to retire from music and spend more time with his family. But first, he"ll do a farewell tour.

You"ll notice the white rose sitting on Elton John"s piano. That"s not just artistic whimsy — it"s his nod to the #TimesUp movement.

Other artists wore white flowers on the red carpet.

It isn"t long into Elton John"s performance when Miley steps in.

Miley cyrus and elton john 2

Miley is wearing a gorgeous dress.

Her voice is as lovely as ever, and while we"d never want to overshadow an artist"s talent by talking about their outfit, this is one of those situations when we need to talk about how Miley is choosing to portray herself.

Just as Sir Elton"s colorful, glittery suit is part of his brand, the way that Miley presents herself is relevant to her performance.

For years, Miley talked nonstop about how much she loves marijuana. "Coincidentally," that was also the period in her life when Miley decided to appropriate black culture.

Labeling herself a "hippie," Miley was almost a mascot for white privilege, using black people as props in her wild and outlandish performances and singing constantly about how much she loves a controlled substance that has been used as an excuse to ruin the lives of countless black people.

Recently, however, Miley decided to reinvent herself into the New Old Miley. Just look at her.

Miley cyrus sings tiny dancer

That"s right. Miley quit weed because she dreamed that she would die, even though it might be literally impossible for her to actually overdose on marijuana.

(We"re pretty sure that more people die each year from drinking water than from smoking pot)

Miley also doesn"t show her breasts anymore. While this is all her choice to make, it seems to some people that she sampled what she perceived to be black culture, tried to use it for her brand for a few years, and then got bored and decided to just be a "southern gal" for a while.

We know that Miley didn"t do any of this maliciously, but a lot of people don"t love the way that she spent years being obnoxious in multiple ways, only to seemingly revert to how she was almost immediately post-Disney.

(There"s a middle ground!)

Miley cyrus and elton john 1

That said, though, this performance is absolutely lovely and powerful.

You might not think that Sir Elton"s voice would work so well with Miley"s. They have, well, some very different accents.

But their duet is beautiful and tasteful and really does justice to the song.

And since Elton John is retiring from music, he absolutely deserved this spot at the Grammy awards.

Elton john and miley cyrus stun with tiny dancer duet

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Miley Cyrus" 2018 Beach Bod Already on Point

January’s not even over, and Miley Cyrus is showing off her best summer beach bod already. Miley was spotted on the beach in Byron Bay, Australia earlier this month … showcasing her fit physique in a tiny — and incredibly cheeky — red bikini.…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Actually MARRIED?!

It can be tough to tell exactly what’s going in the relationship between Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

It’s been almost two years since Miley and Liam got back together after putting their relationship on hold for several months, and the couple’s been making up for lost time ever since.

From the time they first went public with their reconciliation, rumors of Miley and Liam getting engaged were everywhere on social media.

Of course, unlike most celebrity couples, Miley and Liam didn’t shy away from reports that they were planning to tie the knot.

In fact, at one point, Miley seemed to confirm the engagement … before dialing her statement back and stating that she doesn’t “envision” marriage in her future.

Well, if a new report from Radar Online is to be believed, it seems Miley’s vision of the future has changed considerably.

The outlet is reporting today that Miley and Liam got married on New Year’s Eve in his native Australia.

Sources claim the couple flew to the Byron Bay area, where they were joined by members of his family, who witnessed the exchange of vows.

One insider says Miley and Liam weren’t planning to get hitched when they flew to New South Wales, but made a spontaneous decision to tie the knot after being blown away by the beauty of the region.

“It felt right they are husband and wife after tying the knot in secret in Byron Bay,” say the source.

In the weeks since the ceremony, both Liam and Miley have kept relatively low profiles, but witnesses say they’re both sporting wedding bands.

We suppose there’s no reason not to believe this report.

After all, Miley and Liam have been together on and off since 2009, and they’ve openly discussed the possibility of marriage on several occasions.

Still, we can’t help but wonder why they would choose to keep this development under wraps.

Miley isn’t exactly the shy, retiring type, after all.

One would think she’d be eager to share big news like this with her legion of fans.

Then again, this isn’t the tongue-wagging, weed smoking Miley of yore that we’re dealing with.

Sources say Liam has made it clear that he prefers to keep his private life private, and Miley has reportedly agreed to respect those wishes.

Of course, if dude doesn’t like the spotlight, he shouldn’t have married Miley Cyrus … which he probably didn’t … unless he did …

Sigh … we’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, November 24, 2017

Miley Cyrus Photo Sparks Pregnancy Talk: Could It Be?!?

Miley Cyrus really wanted to have a happy birthday on Thursday.

But a bunch of curious and misguided Instagram followers wouldn’t allow the singer to celebrate turning 25 on the same day she also celebrated Thanksgiving.

The singer shared a seemingly sweet and innocent photo late Monday in anticipation of the dual occasions, posing in front of some giant balloon letters and writing as a caption:

“So close to b-day time! Stoked for a day full of Tofurkey & loved ones! Ain’t it ironic? #VeganTurkeyBaby.”

You can actually see in the mirror, if you look very closely, that boyfriend Liam Hemsworth is snapping the picture.

How romantic, right?

Take a look for yourself:

Followers very much took various looks for themselves, analyzing Miley’s lean and stomach in such a way that many believed her to be pregnant.

“Uhm… that a baby bump?” asked one commenter, while another chimed in with a similar sentiment:

“Come on! That belly can’t be from the thought of eating turkey for thanksgiving!!! That’s pregnant belly!”

It’s sort of a weird pose, we’ll grant these individuals as much.

Still, come on now.

Do they not understand that it’s pretty obnoxious to publicly presume a woman is pregnant just because you’re taking a peek at her figure?

This person thinks so:

“We’re allowed to wear baggy tops on a daily basis and we’re more so allowed to have a tummy.

“Why does everyone have to assume you’re ‘pregnant’ if you were a baggy top where it looks like you’ve got a tummy. It could just be a food baby.”

And Miley also thinks so, considering what she wrote as a follow-up on Tuesday:

rude miles

“RUDE!!! Not pregnant just eating a s— ton of tufurkey,” wrote Cyrus in response to the chatter.

Thankfully, Miley didn’t let these quasi trolls ruin her birthday.

The artist went ahead and shared an image of herself as a child, sporting a wide, happy grin and writing: “Birthday Mood!”

Can you believe she’s 25?!? It seems like just yesterday that we met the star as Hannah Montana.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, there’s another rumor that continues to circulate around the singer/actress.

A recent Australian tabloid report claimed Miley and Hemsworth recently got married in secret.

If that’s true, we send the couple our heartfelt congratulations!

And if it’s not true, don’t get mad at us, Miley: we didn’t start the rumor!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Miley Cyrus Says She"s Not Pregnant, It"s Just a Food Baby

Miley Cyrus posted an interesting 25th birthday pic … with the hashtag, VeganTurkeyBaby. She loves screwing with the media, so don’t read too much into this, but she knew what she was doing for sure when she wrote the caption. And check out the…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Voice Recap: Who Did Miley Cyrus Take to the Live Shows?!

Miley Cyrus is the final coach to take whittle her team of six down to three in preparation for the live shows, and it it’s a complicated process for the singer and coach because her group of six were very strong. 

But Miley also had to take into consideration the fact that voting was opening when the live shows kicked off and that she needed people who would strike a chord with the public. 

As much as The Voice is a show about people with the best singing technique advancing to the next stage, it is also a popularity contest, and if your contestant is not popular, it makes things dicey. 

Brooke Simpson – “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”

Brooke wanted to choose her song for herself, and it became clear that she should get to do that for the whole season because her performance was extraordinary. From the quiet opening, right up to the epic conclusion, she owned that stage. 

Thankfully, she advanced to the next stage, and we are pleased about it. 

Karli Webster – “Coat of Many Colors”

Unlike most of the other artists who have appeared on the show via a comeback, Karli had an excellent song that paired up well with her voice. While her performance was excellent, it was difficult to set it apart from Brooke’s and that Miley decided it was best to cut her losses with the performer. 

This stage is not the best because some of the better singers slip through the cracks, but that’s just the name of the game. 

Adam Pearce – “Love Hurts”

Miley wanted Adam to succeed, and that’s why she gave him this song. She thought it was time to let audiences see the real him, but he still seemed like a bit of a nervous wreck. 

His singing was great, but without that charisma to get audiences on side, it was not worth the risk to take him any further. 

Ashland Craft – “When I Think About Cheatin’”

Ashland worried about going for the high notes, but Miley was not one to let that slide and pushed her act to perform to the best of her ability. She secured the high note, and that was enough for Miley to keep her in the process. 

Moriah Formica – “World Without You”

Moriah wanted to make it to the live shows, so she cranked up the volume, but her voice sounded shaky throughout the whole performance, and it proved that she was not the right one to advance. Miley let her go. 

Janice Freeman – “Fall for You”

Janice had her work cut out for her with that song choice, but it was a thrilling rendition that made everyone happy. Yes, she got through!

So, that means we have 12 people hitting up the stage next week for the first live show of the season. 

Let’s recap who is advancing…

  • Team Adam: Addison Agen, Jon Mero, Adam Cunningham

  • Team Miley: Brooke Simpson, Janice Freeman, Ashland Craft

  • Team Jennifer: Davon Fleming, Shi’Ann Jones, Noah Mac

  • Team Blake: Keisha Renee, Red Marlow, Chloe Kohanski

What do you think of the decisions?

Sound off below!
