Showing posts with label Depp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Depp. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2017

Johnny Depp Facing Foreclosure, Ex-Managers Call in $5 Million Loan

Johnny Depp could see 5 homes vanish from his portfolio as his ex-business managers try to get him to pay back a massive loan. The Management Group filed docs Monday to force a sale of Depp’s properties — all of which are in L.A. — in order…


Johnny Depp: Drunk and Disorderly on the Red Carpet?!

Johnny Depp’s pubilc image has quite a beating over the past year. 

The man who used to be Hollywood’s most beloved weirdo is now viewed by many as an unstable, abusive alcoholic.

The rumors of Depp routinely crossing the line while hammered have been circulating for years, but many attributed the reports to fans confusing Jack Sparrow with the actor who portrayed him.

Unfortunately, these days, there’s plenty of reason to believe Depp always knows the location of the nearest barrel of rum.

The revelations began during Depp’s messy divorce from Amber Heard, who alleged that the 54-year-old often became abusive during drinking binges.

Shortly thereafter, Johnny was sued by his management team, and court documents included a number of wild accusations, including the claim that Depp spends $ 30,000 a month on wine.

Understadably, Depp’s been keeping a low profile lately, but over the past week, he’s been forced to emerge from his ’47 Bordeaux coma long enough to promote Murder on the Orient Express.

Not surprisingly, there have been reports that Depp hasn’t exactly been tee-total on during interviews and red carpet events.

Over the weekend, Johnny was in London for the film’s UK premiere and witnesses say he was barely able to stand upright while posing for photographers.

According to The Sun, Depp’s bender began the night before the premiere:

“Johnny was having big old night and was told off for smoking three times while inside,” one insider tells the tabloid.

“He was annoyed people were staring at him too. But on the night of the premiere, he was in a strange mood and everyone thought he’d been drinking.”

The source adds that Depp was heard lamenting his split from Heard, as well as the subsequent damage to his reputation.

“You can see why there are still some serious fears about his well-being,” the tipster claims.

Obviously, reports of this nature from UK tabloids are to be taken with several grains of salt, but photos from the event do show Depp looking a little unsteady on his feet.

Maybe he’s still sporting sea legs from his last outing as Captain Jack.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Johnny Depp Sues Lawyers for Malpractice

Johnny Depp claims the law firm that represented him for years betrayed him by conspiring with his financial manager who Depp claims fleeced him out of $ 40 million. Depp is suing the highly respected entertainment law firm, Bloom Hergott Diemer…


Johnny Depp Sues Lawyers for Malpractice

Johnny Depp claims the law firm that represented him for years betrayed him by conspiring with his financial manager who Depp claims fleeced him out of $ 40 million. Depp is suing the highly respected entertainment law firm, Bloom Hergott Diemer…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Johnny Depp: I Do NOT Have Psychological Issues!

Johnny Depp is in the the throes of a legal battle that sounds super boring at first, but has yielded some very interesting – and very credible – information about the actor’s personal life.

Depp is suing his former management team, TMG, alleging that the group mishandled his funds and allowed him to spend himself to the brink of financial ruin.

TMG is countersuing Depp, and as far as we can tell, their strategy is to flood the court with so many humiliating accusations that Depp will be embarrassed into dropping the suit.

In short, the group argues that Depp is the ultimate pampered movie star, and that he brought his financial woes on himself with his absurdly lavish lifestyle.

They even went so far as to argue that Depp has a compulsive spending disorder, and that he’s unable to stop himself from making extravagant purchases.

With proof of a $ 30,000 a month wine habit and other cartoonishly extreme spending, they haven’t had a hard time making that case.

But now, according to The Daily Mail, Depp is firing back and demanding that all claims of “psychological issues” and “compulsive disorders” be stricken from the record.

The court will probably side with him, as it doesn’t appear that he’s ever been diagnosed as a compulsive spender and expert witnesses only carry so much clout.

But the fact that Depp is so insistent on having certain claims stricken from the record could mean that TMG has the upper hand.

Depp started all this, and he has the power to end it.

If he drops his suit, they’ll drop their countersuit.

And if the whole thing is becoming such a headache that he’s going out of his way to keep certain aspects from going public, then there’s a good chance he’ll drop the whole thing.

Plus, he’s taking a gamble if he decides to press on.

After all, if TMG really wants to prove Depp is mentally unsound, they just need introduce this photo into evidence.

That’s Johnny with his Platoon co-stars, Charlie Sheen and Kevin Dillon.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when all three of those men were actors.

Most people are focusing on the Sheeniness of this photo, but we think what’s really troubling is the presence of Dillon.

Depp’s career and personal life are both in a tailspin, and he alloes himself to be photogtraphed in the presence of Johnny Drama?

That’s not the act of a sane man.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Johnny Depp: Spending Thousands on Kardashian Collectibles?!

As you may have heard, Johnny Depp has some money problems.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim that Johnny Depp is broke.

It’s important to clarify that we’re talking “Hollywood broke” here, and not “regular person broke.”

Depp still owns a chain of private islands, and – fun fact for your next dinner party – the average American welfare recipient doesn’t own even one private island. 

So even though he’s squandered all that sweet Pirates treasure, there are no mayonnaise sandwiches in Johnny’s future.

Still, the question of how in the hell he managaed to blow all that cash continues to captivate fans, and the answer is satisfyingly bonkers.

Court documents filed by Depp’s former management team, TMG, reveal that Johnny’s spending habits are as eccentric as … well, everything else about him.

Depp is suing TMG for allegedly mishandling his funds and allowing him to blow all his cash.

The group is countersuing, claiming Depp did it to himself and is now on a quest to permanently damage their reputation.

TMG says Depp spends an average of $ 2 million a month, including a jaw-dropping $ 30,000 a month on wine.

Depp tried to claim that the ultra-top shelf vino is an investment, but TMG lawyers hilariously pointed out that you can’t call it an investment if you drink it right away.

Of course, Depp’s ridiculous spending isn’t limited to high-end housewife juice.

The actor also blows a ton of cash on properties he rarely visits, antique cars he rarely drives, and bizarre collectibles … including a couch that’s housed some of the world’s most famous asses.

Yes, according to the latest round of filings from TMG, Depp once spent $ 7,000 on a couch that eas prominently featured on several episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

We would love to report that Depp is a closet Kard clan fan, but it doesn’t seem that that’s the case.

The couch was a gift for his daughter, who apparently is obsessed with the first family of reality TV.

We’re sure the Kardashians were glad to hear it, especially since Kim says she was “obsessed” with Depp when she was in her teens.

The Depp-Kardashian connection brings to mind those moments when you see, like, Jerry Seinfeld chatting up 2 Chainz and Snooki courstide at a Lakers game.

If you’re rich and famous, you really don’t need to have anything else in common.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Apologizes for Donald Trump Death Threat

Johnny Depp owes many people an apology:

Amber Heard. His accountant. Anyone who has purchased a ticket to any of his movies in the last five years.

But there’s one person to whom Depp has finally been forced to issue a mea culpa, following quite a you-know-what storm created by the actor on Thursday night after he did THIS:

Yes, that’s a video of Johnny Depp threatening the life of Donald Trump.

Appearing at the Glastonbury Film Festival yesterday, Depp told the crowd that the “press” would likely get a hold of what he was about to say, but… screw it!

He was gonna go ahead and say it anyway.

When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? Depp stupidly asked.

The distasteful, borderline illegal remark prompted Depp to be roasted over the Twitter coals (below), while it also elicited a reaction from the White House.

“President Trump has condemned violence in all forms and it’s sad that others like Johnny Depp have not followed his lead,” the Trump administration said in a statement this afternoon, adding:

“I hope that some of Mr. Depp’s colleagues will speak out against this type of rhetoric as strongly as they would if his comments were directed to a democrat elected official.”

It’s hard to disagree with any point made here.

Johnny Depp tweets

With the backlash mounting, Depp came out on Friday and said he was sorry. 

“I apologize for the bad joke I attempted last night in poor taste about President Trump,” the actor told People. “It did not come out as intended, and I intended no malice.

“I was only trying to amuse, not to harm anyone.”

It was pretty clear that Depp regretted the remark as soon as he uttered it.

“I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living,” Depp said in an attempt to backtrack, just moments after making his quasi threat last night.

But new information has surfaced that makes it clear Depp can’t really be all that sorry.

It also makes it clear that Depp may have disdain for Trump, but he’s also had disdain for the office of the President for a very long time now.

TMZ has unearthed photos that depict Depp standing in front of the White House and raising his middle finger.

There’s also a photo of him picking his nose in the press room, along with tales of how disrespectful he acted in general during a trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January of 1988.

On hand for a ceremony for the fight against AIDS hosted by President and Nancy Reagan, the then-21 Jump Street star flipped off cameras and made rude gestures during a private White House tour.

He reportedly angered the Secret Service when he lit up a cigarette in the Rose Garden at one point and then dared to do so again in the Blue Room.

When the time for him to stand in receiving line and meet the President came, agents told Depp he could not participate because he had shown disrespect.

We somehow doubt he cared at the time, however.

It’s therefore official we guess:

Pirates of the Caribbean Season 5 was only the second worst thing Johnny Depp has ever done.

What a schmuck.


Johnny Depp Apologizes For Joke About Assassinating President Trump

Johnny Depp is apologizing for his joke about assassinating President Trump, saying he didn’t mean any harm by it. Johnny released a statement admitting the “bad joke” he told Thursday to the Glastonbury Festival crowd was in poor taste. “It…


Johnny Depp Once Booted from White House Reception for Showing "Disrespect"

Johnny Depp’s disdain for the White House runs deep … so deep he was once corralled by Secret Service agents who refused to let him shake the President’s hand. Depp, who’s taking heat for his Trump assassination crack, was at 1600 Pennsylvania…


TMZ Live: Johnny Depp: Prez Assassination Controversy!

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Donald Trump: Obama Might’ve Tapped Oval Office Kim Kardashian Buys Piece Of Jackie O American Idol: Seacrest Deal Hits A Snag Amber Rose & 21 Savage: Summer Fling?


Johnny Depp Condemned by White House for Donald Trump Assassination Remark

Johnny Depp’s assassination remark about President Trump will cost him dearly … in Hollywood … if the White House gets its way. Trump’s been silent about Depp saying, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” — however, a…


Judge Judy Says Bad Form, Johnny Depp for Cracking Trump Assassination Joke

Judge Judy thinks Johnny Depp is in the clear for his Trump assassination wisecrack, but that doesn’t mean she thinks it’s ok. Judy and hubby Jerry Sheindlin were in WeHo Thursday night leaving Craig’s restaurant when our photog asked if Depp’s…


Johnny Depp Jokes About Killing Donald Trump

Say this about Johnny Depp:

He knows how to distract the public from a critically-lambasted movie.

Speaking at the Glastonbury Festival in England on Thursday, Depp was introducing his film The Libertine when he asked “Can you bring Trump here?”

When the crowd started to boo, Depp quickly went ahead and explained himself… digging a hole so big that the Secret Service may come by soon to check on what’s inside of it.

“No, no, no, you misunderstood completely. I think he needs… help,” Depp said next, adding:

When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?

The audience reversed course and cheered over this question, but Depp may have sense that he went too far once the words left his mouth.

“I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living,” the multiple-time Oscar nominee said.

Depp was, of course, referencing John Wilkes Booth, the actor who murdered President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

You can watch him make these dumb, borderline illegal remarks below:

It is against the law to threaten the life of a sitting President of the United States.

Kathy Griffin learned this lesson the hard and moronic way a few weeks ago when she found herself under investigation for posing with the severed head of Donald Trump.

(Note to Celebrities: If you wish to make a political impact, do not do this. Do not do anything like this.

Maybe draw attention to the dangerous health care bill the Senate has been hiding from the public and may very well pass in the near future instead.)

Depp has been open for awhile about his disapproval of Trump.

Last year, he portrayed Trump in a satirical biopic for Funny or Die, referring to The Donald as “a brat” and predicting he would be “the actual last President of the United States” if elected.

And then he was elected.

About a month ago, Depp then appeared to be very drunk when he went on Ellen and rambled about a number of topics… including his disdain for Trump.

This hasn’t been the best past few months for Johnny Depp.

He was accused last year of domestic violence against Amber Heard.

It’s become increasingly clear that the star has a spending problem and may be on the verge of going broke.

He also keep insisting on wearing that stupid hat.

Will Depp actually be arrested for these Trump comments? No, of course not.

But he has likely given conservatives another talking point, another cause to rally around, another reason to point to liberals as out of touch elites who are going to historic lengths to obstruct Trump.

In other words: he’s hurting his own cause here. And he’s coming across like an idiot.

The goal isn’t to see Donald Trump dead, people. It’s to ensure his horrible policies do not get passed and to hold him accountable for his words and his actions.

Let’s focus.


Johnny Depp Makes Controversial Joke About an Actor Assassinating the President

Johnny Depp apparently didn’t learn a damn thing from Kathy Griffin … he just went and made a joke about killing President Trump. Depp was speaking to a crowd at the Glastonbury Festival Thursday when he starting talking Trump, saying … “I…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Johnny Depp: Caught Lying to Police About Amber Heard Abuse?

Johnny Depp isn’t having the greatest 2017.

Now, everything is relative, and Depp still owns a private island, so it could be a lot worse, but it seems as though the actor’s personal life and financial future are unraveling at the same that his box office popularity has hit the skids.

These days, Depp is broke by Hollywood standards, having squandered the truly astonishing amount of cash he raked in from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and a number of other successful films.

The revelations about Depp’s wild spending have mostly come from an increasingly contentious lawsuit against his former management group, TMG, who’s defending itself against claims of mishandling Johnny’s funds.

The stories of Depp’s lavish spending (Dude doesn’t even deny spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.) are mostly good for a laugh, but there’s darker stuff coming out of the court documents filed by TMG, as well.

As you’ve likely heard, Depp was accused of physically assaulting Amber Heard during the former couple’s messy, high-profile divorce.

(Yes, Johnny has spent a LOT of time in court recently.)

The folks at TMG claim they were kept abreast of just about everything that went on in Depp’s personal life, and not only are they claiming that Heard’s allegations are legit, they’re also dropping some new bombshells their clients handling of the situation.

Court documents filed this week, Depp’s management team  “was informed well after the fact through communications with various house staff and security that Depp had been extremely volatile and sometimes ‘gotten physical’ with Heard.

“Mandel was also later informed that Depp had violently kicked Heard during an incident that took place in or around 2014.”

The documents also seem to confirm the authenticity of text messages Heard sent to a friend in which she describes the abuse she endured from Depp:

“Depp and his long-time assistant publicly denied the messages and outrageously accused Heard of manufacturing them,” reads one filing.

“TMG is informed and believes that Depp knew full well that the text messages were genuine, but pressured and berated his assistant to falsely challenge the texts publicly.”

In some of the most damning papers so far, TMG claims that Depp lied to unspecified “authorities” regarding an investigation involving his family:

The docements claim that while he was being “interviewed by public authorities relating to a serious and troubling issue involving his family … [Depp] knowingly lied to public authorties in several respects in connection with these matters” and his actions “marked lack of concern for certain serious family issues.”

When a TMG employee approached Depp about “certain cash expenditures that were related to a serious family matter,” the manager was told by Depp to “mind his own f–king business.”

We’re beginning to think Depp’s current public image woes go a lot deeper than his choice of film projects.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Johnny Depp: I May Be Broke, But I Will NOT Sell My Jet!

In case you haven’t heard, Johnny Depp is broke.

Mind you, we don’t mean he’s munching on mayonnaise sandwiches and cliping coupons.

Hell, he probably hasn’t sold a single scarf or turquoise ring.

But Depp is Hollywood broke, which means he’s somehow managed to squander the fortune he made doing Keith Richards impressions in a succession of increasingly unpopular Disney movies.

The revelations about Depp’s dire financial straits come to us courtesy of court documents from a pair of very contentious lawsuits.

The legal wrangling began when Depp sued his former management team, TMG, alleging that the group mishandled his funds and failed to warn him that he was spending himself into relative poverty.

TMG counter-sued, insisting that Depp spent decades enjoying a ludicrously and unsustanably lavish lifestyle.

The group offered up a number of examples of Depp’s spendthrift ways, pointing to his massive collection of antique cars, and habit of spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.

Now, a series of emails between Depp and TMG head Joel Mandel have been entered into evidence, and they don’t do much to support Depp’s portrayal of himself as a humble thespian blindsided by his own financial woes:

In the emails, Mandel warned Depp to “take it easy on holiday spending” and told him they need to meet to “look realistically at income and expenses and work together on how to make sure that these are back in balance,”

Depp wrote back, basically being like, “nah”:

“Doing my very best on holiday spending but there is only so much i can do, as i need to give my kiddies and famille [sic] as good a Christmas as possible, obviously within reason,” the actor replied.

Depp went on to (probably sarcastically) offer to sell some belongings:

“What else can i do??? you want me to sell some art??? i will. you want me to sell something else??? sure… what???” Depp wrote.

“i got bikes, cars, property, books, paintings and some semblance of a soul left. where would you like me to start???”

Psssht … it’s so non-goth to admit you have a soul.

Tim Burton is probably pissed.

Mandel responded that the best thing Depp could do would be to sell his private jet.

Johnny wasn’t having that:

“A commercial flight with paparazzis in tow would be a f—ing nightmare of monumental proportions,” he wrote.

“I don’t like being in this situation, but there wasn’t a whole lot of choice, as THE RUM DIARY was a sacrifice we knew would be happening and the last proper paycheck was PUBLIC ENEMIES. i will do my best, joel.”

To be fair, Johnny is absolutely right.

Flying commercial is a nightmare, and we say that having never set foot on a private jet.

Can you imagine going from a Gulfstream to United?

If the compulsory beating from the cabin crew didn’t make you weep, then the shrink-wrapped organ transplants those people call meals would definitely do the trick.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Johnny Depp: Did His Sister Spend All His Money?!

Over the recent holiday weekend, you may have seen the occasional headline about Pirates of the Caribbean 5 making a “boatload of cash” or finding “box office gold.”

Truth be told, the movie did better than expected overseas, but actually underperformed in America.

Granted, that distinction doesn’t matter much in our modern media landscape, especially as Russia moves more plastic soldiers into Washington as part of the batsh-t game of Risk that is life in 2017.

Anyway, the upshot is that the latest entry made enough money to ensure that Pirates 6: Yes, Seriously will hit theaters sometime around 2016.

It’s great news for the franchise’s anchor, Johnny Depp, who’s been struggling with some financial issues lately.

And by that we mean you may soon find him standing near a burning trash can, passing a pint of MD 20/20 back and forth with his fellow bedraggled scarf enthusiasts.

Obviously, we kid, and Johnny is actually doing fine in the money department by regular folk standards.

The recent reports of Depp being on the verge of bankruptcy are not exaggerated (in fact, they’ve been confirmed by various court documents), but he’s only in danger of going Hollywood broke, not actual broke.

Sell a couple islands, churn out some Nic Cage-quality direct-to-DVD garbage, and Depp will be fine,

Still the question remains of what the hell happened to all his money, and on that score, there are two conflicting stories.

Currently, Depp is suing his management team, claiming that TMG mishandled his funds and failed to warn him that he was living beyond his means.

The firm is countersuing with a claim that Depp ignored repeated warnings that his extravagant lifestyle (which included a $ 30,000 a month wine budget) would drive him to the brink of financial ruin.

Now, new revelations made by a former TMG employee and published by The Hollywood Reporter could shed new light on how Captain Jack’s treasure chest wound up so bare.

The employee claims that Depp’s Christi Dembrowski was permitted to spend her brother’s money at will, and TMG was afraid to stop her due to her infamous temper.

The employee has even provided an internal memo in which Dembrowski is described as a “nasty bitch.”

The revelation could benefit either side, as it confirms both that TMG didn’t do everything it could to protect Depp’s assets, but also that Depp and his family spent recklessly and frivolously.

For much of this court battle, it’s seemed as though the scales were tipping ever so slightly in TMG’s corner.

But earlier today, Team Depp fired back with some incendiary accusations that could tilt the case in the actor’s favor.

For starters, Depp’s lawyers claim the firm used his assets to secure $ 40 million in loans without his knowledge.

Additionally, the actor claims TMG execs were negligent with his funds, citing as an example a case in which they forgot to cancel the lease on a hospice house for his late mother, costing Depp $ 350,000.

So what’s the takeaway from all of this?

Mainly that Depp swaggering around with a parrot on his shoulder will be the last sight you see before the sun expands and engulfs the Earth, bringing an end to human existence as we know it.


Johnny Depp Blindsided by $40 Million in Loans Taken Out by Ex-Managers in His Name

Johnny Depp had no idea his former management team used his assets to secure $ 40 million worth of loans to cover up years of mishandling his money … according to new legal docs. As we reported, Johnny is suing TMG, his ex-business managers, for…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Johnny Depp to Amber Heard: I Forbid You to Do Sex Scenes!

Johnny Depp isn’t exactly killing it these days.

Sure, he’s still got the private island in the Bahamas and he probably woke up this afternoon with two spindly models in his bed, but as he stumbles into his mid-50s, the Tim Burton Frankenstein lab creation is definitely learning to take the good with the bad.

These days, most of the cringeworthy Depp gossip comes not from anonymous sources on social media, but from far more reliable court documents.

You see, when Depp’s not out drumming up press for Pirates of the Caribbean 5, which critics are describing as an experience akin to an emergency colonoscopy with talking parrots and sh-t, he’s in court.

Most of the recent tabloid headlines have had to do with Depp’s legal wrangling with his management group, TMG.

Both parties are suing one another in an increasingly ridiculous court battle that’s brought to light a number of spending habits that shed a lot of light on Johnny’s recent years.

(The $ 30,000 a month on wine, wasn’t exactly shocking, but it’s still pretty amusing.)

Of course, before this latest round of courtroom drama, Johnny’s divorce from Amber Heard served as a constant source of bizarre and sometimes troubling revelations.

Heard’s attorneys painted a picture of Depp as something a besotted monster – abusive, controlling, almost pathologically possessive.

Divorce lawyers aren’t the most upstanding lot, and we may never know for sure how many of those claims were accurate, but it’s interesting that the latest Depp-disparaging legal docs come not from Heard, her attorneys, or even someone who’s on Amber’s side.

They come from a man named Chris Hanley, a producer on the film London Fields, in which Heard has a leading role.

The movie has yet to see the light of day, and Hanley claims that’s due in large part to Heard – and her tumultuous marriage to Depp which caused near-constant production problems.

The main issue, Hanley claims, is that Depp jealously demanded that Heard pulled support for provocative scenes depicing her likeness, even when said scenes were shot with a body-double.

In documents obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, Hanley blasts both Heard and Depp, claiming that Johnny was a nuisance and Heard brought her personal drama to the set on a regular basis. 

“Amber Heard should be ashamed,” reads a preliminary statement from Hanley’s lawyers.

The statement does on to reveal that Depp was so upset about Heard’s role in the film, that it may have been a contributing factor to their divorce:

“Heard has made numerous fantastical accusations against Depp, and reports of her alleged affair with co-star Billy Bob Thornton became so pervasive that Thornton issued a public denial,” Hanley’s lawyers claim.

“Indeed, while generally concealed from Plaintiff at the time, Plaintiff is now informed and believes that the provocative nature of Heard’s femme fatale role in the film was a factor leading to her divorce from Depp.”

Hanley’s lawyers go on to claim that Depp forced Heard to reverse course on risque scenes to which she had already agreed:

“He told the Hanleys that her ex-husband Johnny Depp (who had no cutting rights) would not approve of certain scenes or of her overall provocative performance, Heard herself approved of those scenes on several occasions,” states the document.

“Heard later reversed course, apparently under perceived or actual pressure from Depp (who, according to Heard, was extremely jealous).”

Like we said, not a great PR year for Johnny.

He may be beyond Disney salvation at this point.

The man needs a wacky stop-motion adventure with a goth sensibility and a Danny Elfman score STAT!


Friday, May 19, 2017

Johnny Depp: Drunk and Talking Trump on Ellen

Both personally and professionally, Johnny Depp seems to be in a bit of a slump.

And by “a bit of a slump,” we mean we’ve seen episodes of Intervention that are less depressing than this guy’s current press tour.

Depp may be promoting a Disney movie these days (Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Yes, Another One), but he’s sticking with the thick-tongued persona of the guy from your local dive bar who’s sipping a PBR when you stop in at 11 am because you left your bank card there the night before.

The recent tabloid headlines about Depp have been … not great.

A pair of lawsuits has revealed that Depp is broke (by Hollywood standards. He still has like 12 houses.) following decades of extravagant spending.

Execs at the management group that recently filed a counter-suit after Depp accused them of mishandling his funds claim that the actor spends $ 30,000 a month on wine and shells out millions to staff properties he never visits.

All of this comes on the heels of Depp’s ugly divorce from Amber Heard, during which the once-beloved screen icon was accused of being verbally and physically abusive to his ex.

Clearly, this is a man whose public image is in need of some serious rehab.

Unfortunately, like an alcoholic version of the stoner Towelie from South Park, Depp apparently decided to get just a little bit drunk before embarking on a mission to save his career:

That’s Depp appearing on Ellen yesterday, and his appearance has been described a number of different ways.

Some have kindly and euphemistically described the actor as seeming a bit “tired” or “out of it.”

We assume they’ve either forgotten that this is the dude who spends a middle-class annual salary on wine each month, or they’re just being polite.

Either way, we’re gonna go ahead and speculate that Johnny’s had a few.

Look, we’re not doctors. Nor are we the bartender who served Depp him before the show.

So we can’t assess his exact level of intoxication, but that is a man with a bellyful of a ’47 Bordeaux that costs more than your first car if we’ve ever seen one.

But hey, we’re not judging.

If Depp can get loaded and still dish out Trump zingers like he does in the clip above, we say go for it.

Of course, we’re not the dude’s accountant.

He probably feels differently.
