Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Counting On: Have the Duggars Been Canceled by TLC?!

Of all of the reality star families on television, few — if any — are more controversial than the Duggars.

They’re so controversial, in fact, that 19 Kids and Counting was cancelled years ago. Most of the Duggar clan can still be seen on Counting On.

But since the last season ended, there’s been no official word of renewal. Has TLC finally canceled Counting On?

The Duggars were always going to be controversial. When you exist on the political and religious fringes of society and view normal American culture as some sort of contaminant, people are going to raise their eyebrows.

When you have 19 children, whom you endeavor to keep isolated from most of society as you groom them to share your worldview, people are going to talk.

When you believe that women are effectively the property of their fathers until they are traded off to their husbands, when you don’t allow the wearing of pants by girls in your household, people are going to be alarmed.

But all of that is what made 19 Kids and Counting such a talked about series. The supervised “courtships” and side-hugs, Michelle Duggar’s hair, and the very concept of having 19 children made the Duggars an entertaining family for some.

Others watched, with concern and fascination, realizing that there are other families in the US whose children are forced to grow up this way — barely even knowing that their experiences are so extreme.

None of that is what got 19 Kids and Counting canceled, however.

Back in 2015, 19 Kids and Counting was canceled by TLC.


Because Josh Duggar had molested five little girls, including his own sisters. One of those sisters was only five years old.

And Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle had covered it up.

So, suddenly, Counting On became the vehicle for the Duggars to espouse their worldview — without Josh, of course. And, initially, without Jim Bob and Michelle.

But Counting On hasn’t exactly been scandal-free, either. We don’t just mean the “scandals” for the Duggar family, like Duggar daughters wearing pants or Joy-Anna Duggar’s very probably shotgun wedding or Jill Duggar’s nose piercing.

We mean actual scandals.

Like the one that got Derick Dillard fired from Counting On. Derick and Jill had been slammed multiple times for shadily begging fans for money to help with their already controversial “mission trips.”

But what got Derick Dillard fired by TLC was his ongoing, one-sided feud with fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Jazz is a teenage star of her own series, I Am Jazz. What stuck in Derick Dillard’s craw was that Jazz is trans, and Derick believes that “transgender is a myth.”

Which is an odd thing to say about a teenage girl who literally exists. It’s also the kind of statement that leads to real-world violence against trans women.

Derick continued to attack Jazz over social media and to misgender her at every opportunity, until finally TLC had enough.

The question remains: will Derick Dillard’s firing lead to the cancellation of the entire series?

The Josh Duggar scandal hasn’t actually gone away, except (apparently) in the minds of the Duggars.

Counting On has had six seasons. But we don’t know if there will be a seventh.

Inquisitr reports that TLC posted that Counting On had been renewed … only to immediately delete the post.

That’s a clue … but of renewal for season seven, or of cancellation?

It may be that TLC intended to release the renewal announcement, and accidentally posted it early. That happens sometimes when you’re scheduling a post for a future date.

It may also be the case that TLC had scheduled a renewal post a while back … and then forgotten to cancel it when they changed their minds.

The Duggars have posted on their own family blog that they don’t yet know if they’re getting renewed.

Which means that no one outside of TLC knows.

The fact that TLC hasn’t openly declared whether the Duggars are getting the axe or a renewal is probably a sign that TLC may still be weighing their options.

They’ve already looked at ratings, so there must be other factors that they’re considering. Perhaps things of which the public isn’t even aware.

Our guess is that higher-ups are either still mulling it over … or they’ve decided to cancel Counting On and are waiting for the right time to drop the news.

Perhaps back-to-back with another announcement? Or perhaps over the holidays?

We’ll let you know as soon as we find out, but things are looking grim for fans of the Duggars.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Jana Duggar: Are the Duggars Preparing for Her to Get Married?

Jana Duggar isn’t quite the black sheep of the Duggar family, but she’s 27 years old and still not married. That makes her unique among the Duggars’ adult daughters.

But some wonder if that’s about to change, and not just because she appears to be in a courtship with Caleb Williams.

The Duggars keep posting photos of her and referring to her as “precious.” Are Jim Bob and Michelle preparing for their eldest daughter to finally leave the nest?

Thanks to some eagle-eyed cyber-sleuth fans of the Duggars who can look past a photo of oranges and recognize furnishing at a glance, it’s all but confirmed that Jana Duggar and Caleb Williams are in a courtship.

Now, Caleb is one of four different men with whom Jana has been linked in 2017.

(And by “linked,” we mean that people have considered the possibility that Jana and these men have had platonic conversations while being supervised)

Caleb Williams has been spending one-on-one time with Jim Bob Duggar, leading many to believe that he’s trying to earn Jana’s father’s approval.

At least, many people struggle to think of why anyone with a choice in the matter would be spending time around the Duggar family patriarch unless they are courting one of his daughters with the possible intention of marrying her.

But there’s more to these questions about Jana’s possible impending matrimony than just that she seems to be cozying up to Caleb.

The Duggars recently posted this throwback photo of Jana with Josie.

The picture of the family’s eldest and youngest daughter in a restaurant is from a few years ago (Josie is now 7 years old!).

The caption, on the Duggars’ official Facebook page, reads:

“A couple years ago with sweet sisters! These girls are precious to me!”

Followed, of course, by a bubblegum pink heart emoji.

On its own, it’s just a throwback pic of two bookends of the Duggar daughters.

But since the Duggars have been posting other photos of Jana in particular (among their ever-growing brood of children and grandchildren), we have to ask if there’s more to this.

When we think of Jim Bob and Michelle, we think of a lot, and none of it involves being sentimental or caring.

But, in their own very disturbed way, they are very attached to their children.

Maybe this is their way of showing that they’re feeling sentimental about Jana quite possibly preparing to, finally, get married.

(In real life, nobody has to get married and 27 is a perfectly reasonable time to be single. In the topsy-turvy world of the Duggarverse, Jana’s practically an old maid)

After all, Jana has been a staple of the household for nearly three decades. Having a family member “suddenly” depart after what’s bound to be a short engagement can be quite an adjustment.

Of course, if Jana and Caleb are courting and considering marriage, then she’s singing a different tune than she was earlier this year.

Previously, Jana Duggar told TLC’s cameras:

“There have been different guys come along and ask, but they haven’t been the right one.”

That’s a normal experience for most people.

“It’s just one of those things. I’m not just out to get married to the first one who comes along.”

That’s a good way to operate. We’d point out, as many fans have, that her adult sisters haven’t seemed to be nearly so picky.

To many fans, it appears that Jana’s siblings did indeed get married to the first ones who came along.

There’s nothing wrong with making your choices carefully, but we wonder what — if anything — makes Caleb Williams stand out above all of the rest.

We’d ask Jana but, of course, since she isn’t married, she’s not allowed to be on social media.

She was born in 1990, folks.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnant With Joseph Duggar"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, which means fans of Joe’s family are expecting a pregnancy announcement any day now.

After all, Duggars typically work fast in the procreation department.

It’s sort of what they’re known for.

So it should come as no surprise that the latest photos of Joe and Kendra seem to indicate that Kendra is expecting.

Of course, the Duggars are extremely careful about how information regarding their family is released.

As such, Joe and Kendra appear to be playing the big pregnancy news close to the vest.

The photo that has fans talking shows the newlyweds spending time with Kendra’s family.

As you can see, Kendra basically pulls a disappearing act in the pic, hiding behind her mom in a fashion that many fans find suspicious.

The image made the rounds of Reddit recently, and many of the site’s users found reason to be suspicious.

“The fact that Kendra has her entire body blocked by her mother is making me suspicious already,” wrote one fan.

“Is it a coincidence that Kendra’s whole body is behind her mother’s? If they want (to) hide a pregnancy, they’ve done it well since you can’t see Kendra at all,” commented another.

Obviously, the image isn’t exactly conclusive evidence that Kendra is expecting.

And it’s worth noting that Duggar fans have been dead wrong about pregnancy suspicions many times in the past.

You need to look no further than the Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors that are still in circulation for evidence of that.

Still, Kendra’s positioning in the pic is … interesting, to say the least.

And why would the Duggars go to such great pains to keep a pregnancy under wraps?

Well, at this point, big announcements such as baby news are basically what’s keeping their reality series afloat.

If the news gets out some other way, say, through social media, then the Duggars are out a much-needed one-time ratings boost.

Is it a bit on the cynical side? Of course!

But as scandalous Duggar behavior goes, hiding a pregnancy is extremely mild.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jinger Duggar"s Friend Speaks Out: Is She "Breaking Away" From Her Family?

Yesterday, we reported that Jinger Duggar had used secular music lyrics in an Instagram post celebrating her upcoming one-year wedding anniversary.

Like all of Jinger’s small acts of defiance, it may not seem like much to those who are unfamiliar with her family’s strict code of conduct.

But for those who are familiar with the many rules the Duggar children are forced to follow, Jinger is a regular freedom fighter.

Jinger wears pants, listens to music that isn’t about Jesus, and she even left her hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas to relocate to Laredo, Texas with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

Next thing you know, she’ll be holding down a job!

The situation is enough to make fans wonder if Jinger’s relationship with her parents has become strained over the course of the last year.

While she engaged in minor acts of disobedience as a child, it was only after she married Vuolo that Jinger really started to cut ties with her Jim Bob and Michelle’s belief system.

Some fans have expressed hopes (or fears) that Jinger will eventually “break away” from the Duggars’ restrictive lifestyle, but a longtime family friend says that’s unlikely to happen.

In a recent Reddit AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) session, an unidentified friend of the Duggars’ answered fan questions about the family’s secret life.

And fans had a lot of inquiries about Jinger and her apparently complicated relationship with her parents:

“I think Jim Bob has feelings about Jinger’s marriage. I think he feels that Jeremy wasn’t 100% upfront about his values that may differ from Jim Bob’s,” the family friend said at one point.

“But they also feel adamantly that once the girl’s are married they are under the guidance of their husband’s, so they wouldn’t intervene.”

The insider says that while Jinger’s independent streak is not always well-received around the Duggar compound, there’s no real concern that her abandon her family’s core beliefs:

“Obviously everyone knows about Jinger wearing pants and such. There are little things they do once leaving the home that they are restricted from when they are younger (tv, movies, music) but no one has ‘broken away’ completely,” said the source.

However, one major beef that Jim Bob might have with his daughter’s marriage is the lack of children it’s produced thus far:

“Jim Bob is OBSESSED with how many grandchildren they will end up with. He used to be all about how many children he and Michelle would have and seemed very fixated and making it to 20,” said the insider.

“Now that they are past that point, he has turned that fixation to grandchildren. It’s like his life’s mission to have 100.

One commenter noted that JB “must hate Jinger and Jeremy right now,” but the insider didn’t reply.

Of course, the source admitted that she doesn’t know everything.

Asked point-blank about the rumors that Jinger is using birth control, she replied simply, “I have no idea, sorry!”

Some things even rebellious Jinger keeps to herself.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Counting On: Are The Duggars Facing Cancelation Due to Plummeting Ratings?

At this point, the Duggars oversee a multi-faceted business empire with controlling interests in fields as wide-ranging as social media influence peddling and used car sales.

In other words, despite Jim Bob’s alleged hoarding and an ever-growing number of mouths to feed, the Duggars will be just fine financially for the foreseeable future.

But despite their considerable wealth, it doesn’t appear to have made the Duggars reckless with their spending.

Quite the opposite, in fact, as the Duggars seem to be forever in search of the next profitable venture, whether legitimate (Tontitown locals say Jim Bob is always buying up new property to “flip”) or otherwise (Jill and Derick Dillard’s donation requests have drawn the ire of fans and gotten the couple kicked off of fundraising sites).

But while their sights are always set on the next investment, the Duggars are said to be ever mindful of where it all began and all too aware that they’d likely be in dire financial straits, were it not for their involvement in the world of reality television.

Things started off modestly, of course, with a one-off TLC special entitled 17 Kids and Counting.

As public interest in the Duggars grew, so did the family, with 19 Kids and Counting eventually becoming one of the most talked about reality series on TV.

But the Duggars time at the top was short-lived, and the revelation that eldest son Josh Duggar had molested five young girls and been aided by his parents in hiding his crimes from authorities.

The show began to hemorrhage viewers and advertisers until TLC was finally forced to cancel its highest-rated series.

But in a move that surprised no one who’s familiar with either the cutthroat nature of the television industry or Jim Bob’s relentless  quest for a buck, the Duggars were granted a second shot at reality fame on the condition that they agree to never again feature Josh on camera.

It was an inevitable compromise, and perhaps so was its failure.

TLC and the Duggars both overplayed their hands and underestimated the extent to which the public was appalled at the charges against Josh.

Counting On was launched too soon, its cynical ambitions too apparent to even the most naïve viewers.

As a result, despite the fact that the Duggars were already a proven property, the show started with a smaller audience than 19 Kids, and that viewership has been in steady decline almost from day one.

Now, as another season of Counting On draws to a close, the powers that be at TLC have yet to announce a renewal–and many fans are beginning to fret that the Duggars time on television has finally come to a close.

Of course, the Duggars have filmed in secret in the past, but that’s when the show was in its infancy and producers didn’t want to attract negative attention to the set.

This time, the likeliest explanation is that TLC execs are weighing their options and considering if a show with a minute share of the key demographic is worth such constant PR nightmares.

It remains possible that the Duggars will be renewed for another (likely final) season.

But even if that turns out to be the case, we now know that it won’t be a decision their network arrived at easily.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Jessa Duggar"s House Is a Mess and Fans Love It

All of the Duggars work hard to project a wholesome public image, but the burden of “keeping up appearances” falls especially hard on the women of the family.

The expectation is not only that they’ll marry young and reproduce endlessly, but also that they’ll slide effortlessly into the role of docile and uncomplaining houswife.

For the most part, they’ve fallen in line with expectations, but even the Duggars aren’t immune to the times and the ways in which they’re a-changin’.

The consensus amongst fans seems to be that the most outward form of rebellion is obviously Jinger Duggar’s decision to wear pants in direct defiance of her family’s strict dress code.

Of course, there are some who believe that Jana Duggar’s refusal to marry just any old dude her parents set her up with is the ultimate middle finger to her upbringing.

But while Jinger and Jana may receive the most attention for asserting their independence, their sisters appear to be defying parental expectations in more subtle ways.

Take Jessa Duggar’s housekeeping for example:

Now mind you, we’re not engaging in any mess-shaming here. 

Jessa shared the above photo on her own Instagram page in order to prove a point about the demands of parenting and the importance of prioritizing.

“This is real life, y’all. 1.) 6+ loads of laundry piled on the guest bed… can we just take a moment to celebrate the fact that it’s CLEAN laundry,” Jessa captioned the pic.

Yes, it’s the little victories that count most in life.

In fact, we’re firm believers that if any of your laundry is clean, you’ve earned a lengthy nap.

Jessa went on to reveal several of the more uncleanly corners of her home via photos and descriptions.

(“Side table that probably hasn’t been dusted in at least 6 months. Henry’s dried spit up on my side of the bed, that I’ve slept on for who knows how many nights.”)

So what’s the purpose of revealing her sloppier side to fans?

Well, Jessa says she’s hoping to convey this simple message:

“Some of y’all may be thinking, ‘C’mon now, it only takes a few min to dust or wipe down a mirror…’ I know, it is so. My reminder today has been that the same is true of the needs of the little people in our lives,” she wrote.

“I might think ‘I don’t have time right now.’ But it only takes a few min… here and there.”

She added:

“Not trying to pit a clean house against interaction with kids– sometimes both are possible, tho often they do seem in opposition to one another.

“Just remember, whatever projects are pulling at your time and attention today, don’t forget to make time for the people around you. These are the memories that will last forever. “

If you’re like us, it may leave you feeling like you’re not alone.

Check out the gallery below for a full rundown of Jessa’s mess.

Oh, and as always, don’t forget to watch Counting On online to seek out more relatable imperfections from the Duggars.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Derick Dillard Net Worth: Where Does Jill Duggar"s Husband Get His Money?

In recent months, Derick Dillard has distinguished himself from the growing horde of Duggar in-laws by expressing his controversial views on social media.

It’s a habit his famous in-laws probably wish he would break, but unfortunately for Jill Duggar and his parents, Derick seems to be enjoying all the attention.

Derick’s career as a Twitter firebrand began back in April when he launched a bizarre attack on Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen, who like Derick, is the star of a TLC reality series.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” Dillard tweeted.

Many wondered what would possess Derick to so viciously harangue a 16-year-old while simultaneously biting the hand that feeds him by angering TLC execs.

They got the answer a few days later when Derick launched a fundraiser in order to pay for his enrollment at in a Duggar-sponsored ministry program.

It wasn’t the first time Derick had openly begged for money from fans, and he was harshly criticized for launching his fundraiser the day after Hurricane Harvey hit Houston.

Just like the last time (when the Dillards requested funds for their unlicensed missionary work in El Salvador), Derick’s shameless cash-grab was quickly shut down by the fundraising site through which he chose to host it.

Derick’s apparent desperation for money has led fans to wonder how the 28-year-old earns a living.

The simple answer seems to be that he doesn’t, and Jill supports the family through her television earnings.

Aside from a brief stint as a substitute teached following the Dillards return to the States several months ago, Derick has not held down any sort of employment since he and Jill got married back in 2014.

He’s still asking for donations from fans, but now he’s doing it through he and Jill’s personal website, presumably in order to avoid another humiliating terms of service violation.

Visitors to the site are asked to sign up to donate a monthly sum of $ 15 to Jill and Derick, but nowhere does the couple specify how the money will be used.

Fans have expressed their confusion over the continued donation requests, as Jill and Derick don’t appear to be hard-up for cash.

Just this week, in fact, the couple traveled to Washington, D.C. for the Values Voter Summit, a gathering of evangelical conservatives  at which Donald Trump made an appearance earlier this week.

“Visited the US Supreme Court today! We almost made it inside to observe oral argument for a case, but we didn’t get there quite early enough,” Dillard captioned the above photo.

Speaking of Trump, Derick officially became the first member of the extended Duggar clan to openly support the president, with the photo below:

“Some pretty incredible merchandise at the White House gift shop everybody should checkout!” Derick captioned the image.

Many followers were quick to point out the irony of a father of two without a cent to his name (not counting, of course, his wife’s money) embracing a politician who made a name for himself by boasting about his wealth and whose tax and healthcare reform plans would transfer large sums of cash to the nation’s wealthiest individuals and corporations.

“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Christians are called hypocrites,” wrote one fan.

“Everything he says and does is not Christian like and we as Christians should be praying for his salvation. God says to clothe ourselves in compassion, kindness and love… Do you really think Trump has clothed himself like this?” commented another.

Despite his new found love for incendiary political debate, we’re guessing Derick will stay silent on this one.

He literally can’t afford to alienate any potential supporters.

Watch Counting On online for more from realitt TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Breaking the Duggars" Rules, Partying Behind Jill"s Back (Report)

Over the past few weeks, Derick Dillard has set himself apart as something of an unexpected rebel within the Duggar family.

Now, we should note that we mean Derick’s behavior is rebellious only by Duggar standards, which means he adheres to Jim Bob’s strict fundamentalist views, he just occasionally expresses them in unorthodox ways.

Most of the controversies surrounding Derick have had to do with the 28-year-old’s social media presence.

Back in August Derick attacked Jazz Jennings on social media, tweeting that his fellow TLC star, who’s also a transgender teen, is starring in a deceptive “reality show that’s based on a non-reality.”

Dillard added that “gender is ordained by God.”

Earlier this month, Dillard stirred further controversy when he tweeted about racism in America, informing his followers that it’s virtually non-existent.

It seems Derick has enjoyed stirring the pot on social media lately, but one of his latest posts attracted negative attention from fans for reasons that Dillard probably didn’t anticipate:

Derick posted the above video earlier this week along with a caption reading:

“Had a blast getting to hang out with international friends at the international bonfire last night! #intlbonfire17 #internationalstudents #danceparty #southasianstyle”

It may seem innocent enough–and it is–but according to the Duggars’ mindset the most innocuous activities can hide the greatest temptations.

The Duggars are strictly opposed to all forms of dancing, believing, as Michelle Duggar once explained, that it promotes promiscuity by stirring up “sensual” feelings.

“I thought they didn’t approve of dancing? Looks pretty wild,” commented one fan.

“I didn’t know you danced. I know Jim Bob has strict opinions about dancing and defrauding. Where is Jill?” remarked another.

The video above is still live, but Derick deleted a second clip that shows students dancing to the Luis Fonsi hit “Despacito,” after his followers pointed out that the song contains sexually explicit lyrics.

Interestingly, the uproar comes on the heels of reports that Derick is cheating on Jill Duggar, a rumor that Dillard has yet to address directly.

Thus far, the father of two has responded to the speculation only by tweeting several Bible verses about the evils of adultery, a move that’s only added fuel to the fire, as many fans believe the tweets to be Derick’s way of confessing.

If there was any extramarital activity on Derick’s part, the Duggars are no doubt doing their best to sweep it under the carpet.

But if the Josh Duggar sex scandals taught us anything, it’s that there are some stories that even the Duggar PR machine can’t bury.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Caleb Williams: Is Jana Duggar"s New Boyfriend a "Rebel"?!

Earlier this month, multiple new Jana Duggar courtship rumors began to make the rounds on social media.

First, fans claimed that Jana was courting Jacob Wilson, but the longtime Duggar family friend quickly took to debunk those reports.

Shortly thereafter, rumors of Jana courting Caleb Williams surfaced online, and they’ve proven a little bit harder to shake.

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, fans really want to believe that Caleb and Jana are an item.

So naturally, Duggar fanatics have taken a tremendous amount of interest in Caleb’s past, as well as his personal life.

Like Jacob, Caleb is been an associate of the Duggars for quite some time, but little is known about him aside from that.

Fortunately, OK! magazine tracked down a longtime friend of Caleb’s who preferred to remain anonymous, but offered several interesting insights into the character of Jana’s mystery man.

Right off the bat, Caleb’s unidentified pal says the

“As a parent, he may not choose to do the things they chose to do,” the insider says.

That said, the friend believes Jim Bob and Michelle would be cool with Caleb’s differing views on child-rearing, noting that “parenting isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.”

(Caleb’s buddy should probably read up on Jim Bob’s cconflicts with his current sons-in-law. He’s not as chill as he seems, which is really saying something, as he doesn’t seem chill at all.)

As for Caleb’s past, the tipster says he’s a well-traveled, having been to several countries, and is currently planning to return to college after taking a hiatus for financial reasons.

“Right now, he’s getting some stuff paid off and will hopefully get back to a degree when all that’s finished,” says the source.

According to his Instagram page, Caleb’s current occupation is “business owner,” though he doesn’t go into any detail about the nature of his business.

As for the “rebel” label that seems to be following Caleb around these days, we’re guessing fans mean that he’s a rebel by Duggar standards, because he seems to keep things on the straigh-and-narrow.

“They have similar belief systems, but he’s a bit different in his thinking,” says the insider when asked about ideological differences between Caleb and the Duggars.

“He’s maybe somewhat more liberal.”

Yes, Caleb’s friend went and busted out the L-word.

If you thought Jim Bob gave Jeremy Vuolo a hard time, just wait until Jana brings Caleb around!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Fans Express Concern For Joseph Duggar"s Wife

Just months after announcing their courtship, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married in front of over 1,500 guests in a lavish ceremony in Arkansas earlier this month.

It’s customary for members of the Duggar clan to tie the knot soon after beginning a relationship (Young folks tend to hurry the process along when they’re denied any sort of premarital sexual contact. Go figure.), but in many other ways Joe and Kendra have broken with tradition.

For starters, Kendra courted Jedidiah Duggar before she became romantically involved with his brother Joseph.

Additionally, the young couple skipped their honeymoon, which may lend credibility to the rumors that Kendra is already pregnant.

Whatever the case, something unusual is taking place with these two, and the situation has many fans concerned for Kendra.

Whether they’re members of the family by birth or marriage, all Duggar women are expected to be subservient to the men in their lives.

First, they follow the rules set by their father, then by their husbands.

Due to both her age (Kendra is just 18) and the unusual nature of her circumstances, Kendra has piqued the interest of Counting On viewers — and not necessarily in a good way.

Though she seems eager to pursue marriage and motherhood, the consensus amongst Duggar detractors is that Kendra has been forced to rush into both without time to decide if she’s ready.

“She doesn’t get to pursue an education or explore other avenues. She has been raised to be subservient to a man and to be nothing more than a breeder,” wrote one fan on the Duggars’ official Facebook page.

“It isn’t something to celebrate. It’s incredibly sad,” commented another follower.

A third took things a step further, describing Kendra as a “poor, young, brainwashed girl.”

But one person who doesn’t seem worried about taking on such tremendous responsibilities at such a young age is Kendra.

In footage from Joseph and Kendra’s first date, the woman seems giddy with excitement.

In interviews for the Duggars’ reality show, she speaks of Joseph in glowing terms and pines for their future together.

It’s true that she likely has no idea what she’s getting herself into, but that’s true of virtually all 18-year-olds in all situations.

Of course, in most cases, teenagers have the ability to change their minds if they realize they’ve made a terrible mistake — a luxury that will not be afforded to Kendra. 

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

16 Things Actually, Disturbingly BANNED By the Duggars

The Duggar family"s unusual dating rules have been well documented, and have been well before the family was embroiled in scandals.

It was an abrupt and stunning fall from grace when Josh Duggar"s child molestation history – and rampant adultery – was first exposed.

Yet, despite his hypocrisy, and the fact that everything about them has been under more scrutiny, the Duggars weathered the storm.

TLC axed 19 Kids & Counting, only to come back with Counting On, and you can count on them never backing down from their beliefs.

When it comes to their core convictions, they stand firm.

Their belief system certainly takes a certain kind of conviction in order to practice, too, since their list of rules for love and life is not short.

Despite talk of Joy-Anna Duggar breaking courtship rules, and signs of hope like Jinger wearing shorts, these guidelines ain"t no joke.

Here are 16 things the Duggars specifically do not allow …

1. Dates Without Chaperones

Duggar daughters

The Duggar parents often accompany their kids on dates in order to maintain “accountability” and “keep things from going in the wrong direction,” per Jim Bob. The girls are fine with this, as being alone with men puts them in grave “moral danger.” When the parents aren’t available, their older siblings will often tag along, making every date a group date and a family affair.

2. Non-Group Texts

Jessa duggar and ben seewald engagement

Even in the kids’ late teens and early 20s, mom and dad are creeping on their text messages. When Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancee Jessa, “Give me a ring,” Jim Bob actually jumped in on the group text, writing “No ring yet.” With a smiley face emoticon. Seriously, he did that. Whatever you think of him, Jim Bob needs his own Instagram so he can start posting screen shots of this stuff.

3. Hugs on the Chest

Derick and jill dillard pregnant

This moment you see here between Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would not have been permitted until the couple was married. Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation or “hanky panky,” as has been well documented on 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggars love their side hugs so hard … though not too too hard, lest they lead to full-frontal hugging. And any touching beyond that? Save it for your wedding night.

4. Alcohol

Jill duggar and derick dillard together

This is probably an obvious one if you know anything about the Duggars. The family does not smoke or drink. They do, however, enjoy the occasional sugary dessert or getting high on life and love.

5. Romance Novels

Christian grey anastasia steele kissing

Safe to say the Duggars are in the minority, having not read Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie adaptation of which they won’t be seeing either, we’re guessing). The Bible warns not to “think about gratifying the pleasure of the flesh,” so instead the family studies Christian text and not E.L. James’ erotic fiction. The Duggars’ option is probably 1,000 times better-written, we will give them that much.

6. Modern Music and/or Dancing

Taylor swift twerking

Avert your eyes, Michelle Duggar! The family matriarch feels that dancing encourages “sensual” feelings, while Jessa Duggar has said that she feels modern music promotes “sex, drugs, all that type of stuff.” Instead, the family chooses to play gospel music together.

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Anna Duggar: Is She Refusing to Follow Josh Duggar"s Rules?

Back in April, a photo of Jinger Duggar wearing pants surfaced on social media, and many fans posited that the pic signaled the start of a rebellion for Jinger and her long-oppressed sisters.

Months later, however, the revolution seems to have stalled, as the women of the Duggar clan have chosen to stick to the draconian dress code devised by their parents.

But that doesn’t mean that Jinger’s gesture of independence hasn’t planted the seeds of insurrection elsewhere in her family.

The above photo was posted to Jinger’s Instagram page earlier this week.

It’s one of many pics that Jinger posted from her recent visit to Little Rock.

The woman who accompanied her to the Arkansas State Capitol Building remains unidentified, but some fans have a theory about Jinger’s pants-clad traveling companion.

“Girl on left – Anna???” commented one fan.

“Anna could be a fit for the woman on the left. But I doubt, she would ever wear pants!” wrote another.

Yes, many believe they’ve solved the mystery of “the girl on the left” (probably also the title of a bestselling thriller hitting bookstores this fall).

We know that Jinger spent some time with Anna during her trip to Little Rock, and the photo above is being cited as further evidence that Josh’s wife has joined the Pants Party.

That’s Josh and Anna’s daughter Meredith seen rocking a pair of tiny jeans in 2015.

It’s hard to believe, but typically, the Duggars’ no-pants rule extends to very young children.

So Anna allowing her daughter to wear jeans may be an indication that she agrees with the rest of the world that Jim Bob and Michelle’s dress code is completely idiotic.

And if anyone would have reason to reject some of the rules and values with which the Duggar children were raised, it would be Anna.

Despite the frequent Josh and Anna divorce rumors, the couple is still together and expecting their fifth child.

But now that her husband’s been caught engaging in multiple acts of sexual impropriety (some of them criminal), it stands to reason that Anna would start making some changes in their relationship and, quite literally, wearing the pants.

So is that really Anna rocking a pair of Levi’s next to Jinger in that photo?

We may never know for sure, but we’re cheering her on if it is.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Derick Dillard Accused of Exploiting Duggars, Lying About Missionary Certification (Exclusive)

In the three years since Derick Dillard married Jill Duggar, the couple has seemed to build a life and start a family together with remarkable ease.

But now it seems that the road traveled by the Dillard family hasn’t been as smooth as we were led to believe.

If you’re a fan of all things Duggar, then you’re likely aware that Jill and Derick have spent much of their life as a married couple performing missionary work in Central America.

But while their intentions may have been honorable, the couple’s time in El Salvador has generated a fair amount of controversy, much of it having to do with the fact that Jill and Derick are not licensed missionaries.

As a result, they’re not sponsored by any church or recognized by any regulatory body, and they’ve been forced to rely on dubious means such as solicited donations from fans in order to fund their trips.

Worse, the Dillards dishonesty on the matter may be putting the health and welfare of others at stake.

Despite previous claims to the contrary, Jill is not a certified midwife, and Derick never completed the necessary certification work required by the Southern Baptist Convention or the International Missions Board.

Now, an insider who was formerly close to several members of the Duggar family exclusively tells The Hollywood Gossip that the Dillards’ deceptions are no secret within their inner circle, and many who know them best are highly suspicious of their motives.

“They go on a mission, they’re not sponsored by any church whatsoever, and they go, and they solicit money from people, they ask for donations,” our source says.

“Of course, they have money coming from Counting On, but Derick, to my knowledge, has never had a job.”

The insider goes on to say that he harbors doubts about the Dillards’ intentions, as well as with regard to who’s really funding their time in Central America:

“[Derick] is not an ordained missionary. They more or less just go over there on their own, and I’m wondering if TLC isn’t footing the bill just for coverage. Just so they have something to sell,” he adds.

“I just wonder what the reasoning for it is. Are they doing it for capital gain? Ever since I’ve learned so much about Jim Bob and how he truly is, I second guess everything.”

Our source adds that his questions about Derick’s motives in performing unlicensed missionary work have led him to wonder if the father of two is an opportunist who’s seeking to take advantage of the Duggars’ wealth and fame.

Describing Dillard as a “mooch” who seems to have no interest in full-time employment, the insider says that Derick seems to have no trouble with the perception that he’s freeloading on his in-laws 

“Derick is just hanging on to someone’s shirttails,” the tipster says.

“Disgusts me. They used to be pretty well thought of.”

Coming on the heels of yesterday’s report about Jim Bob Duggar clashing with his other sons-in-law, the news about Derick seems to indicate that internal strife within the Duggar family is more widespread than initially thought.

Currently, the Dillards are at home in Arkansas, as Jill welcomed her second child just last month.

They say they have no immediate plans to return to Central America, but have every intention of continuing to perform missionary work abroad.

The couple has yet to publicly address the controversy over their lack of proper training.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
